

"We'll go out with a bang, he says. I don't quite understand what kind of bang you are talking about? Us giving 15% of the Banking business to a human boy? Or the one where we get blown to smithereens by the other families? Heh, at that point, we'd be ones ripped into pieces, not the Banking profits," the old Cosmic said disdainfully.

Abvelgail sat in silence, waiting for his father to continue. Thanks to the experience he amassed over his long life, he knew for a fact that since the old Cosmics was joking about the matter, he was in reality, contemplating it inside. 

"Now that I think about it, it would be amusing to see their shocked faces as I reveal how I've sold the 15% for a dubious idea from some random kid. A Child of the Empress, for sure, but a nameless kid nonetheless," Lashvain chucked.

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