
Shades Of Love

"Why does the universe seem to be against their love?" she cried as she watched the nurses pull him into the ER. He was barely breathing when she was pulled away. Tears stream down her red eyes. her heart ached, the feeling of something sharp clawing against her chest non-stop. "He would live, Anna" her best friend Kate assured. She admired her faith. She was the one who should have been shot, not him. how could Allen do this to her? if he really loved her as he claimed, why did he have to go to all these lengths to take away the only person who gave her real joy? love comes in different shades. "Where is Ray, I heard what happened!" Eunice screamed down the hall as she ran up to where Anna stood. “Excuse me, I’d go get us some cup of coffee, it’s going to be a long night.” Kate walked away. Anna turned with disgust written all over her. She was surprise as to how much of an actor Eunice is. “I know that you had a hand in this and you come here crying?” Anna claps; “Bravo, you should have been an actress, Eunice.” She added. Eunice turns, she looked around and when she was sure the hall was clear she spoke. “Oh Anna, I didn’t do anything. It has been you. I warned you to go back to whatever slumps you crawled out of but you decided to play Cinderella.” “Why? You are old enough to be Raymond's mother?” Eunice chuckles; “Leave while you still have feet. That bullet was meant for you.” Eunice added before walking away. Did she make the wrong choice to fall in love? How did it all start and why did it get to this? What are the shades of love? Find out as you trail with us in this Amazing, thrilling, drama filled, romance novel.

lifeofadarkhuman · Urban
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54 Chs

Chapter Two: That fateful collision

Anna faced the mirror with a scowl on her face. Grumbling, as she tried to comb the hair into submission, but it just wouldn't budge. Why was she cursed with such hair, her subconsciousness screams?

As she tried to tame her unruly hair, Anna couldn't help but think of her dad and the way he always seemed to have an endless supply of patience as he sat beside her and gently combed her hair. She wished she could find even a fraction of that patience within herself.

She couldn't believe that she had let Kate talk her into doing this, and she even dressed up for it. Yeah, no doubt getting a job was a good idea and would help clear her head and bring her life, which has been going off track lately, back in its lane. Her mum is off the grid, and for all she knows her mum could have been arrested for doing drugs again, or she was hooking up with a new guy.

Kate is curled around her favorite pink pillow designed with teddy bears. Clad in her favorite pink pajamas.

"I hope you aren't leaving this house with that look on your face?" Kate sits up on the sofa.

"What look? Is the make-up bad?"

"I'm talking about the scowl you have on. Wipe it off, try to smile."

"You know what? I don't think I am up for all these. I don't think I can handle another rejection." Anna mumbled and sank in on the sofa.

"You won't trust me. I have known you for four years. So, trust me when I say you would ace this interview." She assured in her usual therapeutic manner,"

"Now smile and get going," Kate added with a wide smile.

Anna nodded and picked up the necessary files before leaving.

The morning was still young, the roads were clear, bright sky and the scent of the rain from the previous day still lingered. She was lucky enough not to come down with a cold. It was 2 two-hour drive into town where she would be sitting for the interview, Lucky enough Kate had lent her car to Anna so she would be just in time for the interview. Her destination, Blue Inc.

She slowed down, took a turn into the parking lot, and finally drove to a stop when she finally saw a place to bring Kate's old Beetles car to rest.

She picked up her files and stepped out.

The structure of the company was a big one. A 40-story building all glass and steel, the company's name written boldly on the door at the entrance. People kept trooping in and out. She took a deep breath and proceeded into the big intimidating structure.

Behind a dark sandstone desk, she sighted the receptionist. A woman, with ebony hand air, blue eyes that, were well groomed with a smile stretched on her lips as she saw Anna walk over.

"I'm here for the interview," Anna said.

"Name please?"

"Oh! Anna Briggs."

"Okay, have a seat while I check in with the human resource team." She smiled kindly as she pointed to the white leather seat in the lobby. Anna nodded and walked over.

She could not help but become overly anxious about what she chose to wear for the interview. Everyone who strolled passed her was clad in a suit, even the receptionist Meanwhile she was not dressed badly herself, in a red knee-long gown that matched her lips. A blue jacket and her stubborn hair pulled back and held by a hair band. For her, this was smart, as a matter of fact professional. But the number of people dressed differently made her reconsider if she was right.

"Anna Briggs?" called as she approached; "I'm sorry but the interview has been canceled, all the slots have been filled." The receptionist stated.

"Oh, is that so," Anna muttered in disappointment as she rose to her feet.

It was just a waste of time then; she thought as she made her way out. Or was it because I wasn't dressed right? A random thought crossed her mind.

"No, it can't be." She muttered out loud.

"Anna!" She heard a voice call out to her. She turned her gaze back, wondering if it was the receptionist calling her, maybe it was a mistake she thought. But through the glass, she saw the receptionist's eyes focused on her computer screen.

She turned to continue on her trail when she saw him. The last person in this world that she thought she would be meeting.

"Allen!" she squealed in shock.

"What are you doing here?"

"Anna, please! I tried calling you, but you won't answer my calls. You already blocked me on WhatsApp." He kept speaking as he walked up the few steps and towards her.

Anna retraced her steps. How did he find me? Why was he even here? Different questions kept popping in and out of Anna's head. He can't do anything to me here. It's a public place. She assured herself.

"How did you find me? How did you know I would be here?" she asked.

He had gotten close. He reeked of alcohol. His eyes were red, and his dress was off. She knew he had been on drugs. And she also knew how rigid and physical he could get.

"I, I… I came to the house. but I saw you drive off, so I followed you and waited until you came out." He said, slightly rubbing his nose.

"Anna, look, I'm sorry, okay? Baby, it was just a misunderstanding. It won't happen again.' He said with a smile, his eyes soft and filled with what seems to be sincerity.

She scoffed and turned her gaze away from him. Did he expect her to welcome him back with open arms?

She would be a fool to fall for his tricks again. This wasn't the first time he had apologized and promised her that it wouldn't ever happen again. She was naïve then, but she had done good thinking about her life in just one night and wouldn't settle for less.

"It is over between us, Allen. Move on!" She finally spoke up and made to leave, but he grabbed her by her arm and yanked her close to him.

His grip was firm and tight. She could even feel the heat of his palm on her arm.

She tried so hard to shake him off but couldn't.

"Let me go!" she winced. Frightened that he might do something harmful to her. She shouldn't have thought that he wouldn't harm her because they were in public. You should have run when you had the chance! her subconscious mind screamed.

"If I can't have you, Anna, no one will." He whispered in her ear. His warm breath sent a tremor down her body.

"Think about it carefully Anna, I am not someone you should mess with." He threatens and lets her go. She staggered backward and finally gripped herself, breathing deeply.

"I will be back!"

Tears found their way down her cheeks. She felt weak and alone.

His dark figure ran down the stairs and onto his bike before zooming off. She was on the verge of a breakdown, but she wasn't going to cry just here. She would go into the car and cry her eyes out.

Keep it together, don't let him get to you, her subconsciousness kept saying to her.

She turned and ran, tears clouding her sight, and that was when she collided with something or someone. Head first and then she felt something wet drench her body. She was so lost in her heartbreak that she didn't realize how hot the coffee that had just spilled on her was.

His build was so solid that he didn't even budge an inch, but she fell from the impact.

His musky cologne that filled her nose was soon overpowered by the scent of the coffee that had just spilled on her, him, and some of the documents.

"I'm so, so sorry sir." She apologized, picking up the papers and trying so hard to hold back her tears. She was apologizing non-stop in her shaky voice as she picked up his papers. She had no courage to look up the man she had just bumped into. She wanted no one to pity her or ask her why she was crying, and most of all, her reason for not looking up is because she didn't want him to see her in her messed-up state. Her tears must have even ruined her make-up.

She stood, left the papers in his hands bowed again in apology, and ran off to her car to finish off her crying, alone. To let her dam of tears, break free and the grief and heartbreak consume her.

What does Allen mean when he says he is not someone to mess with? Will Anna be able to break free from such a Clingy Ex?

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