

While Grace was teaching Lukas how to dress down an animal, the men weren't just standing around.

"So, what should we do about Owen? The beast really got to him, huh?" A man says in a somber tone. They're currently standing around the carcass of their friend, who died valiently fighting against the beast with them.

"Am not sure… He didn't have any family left…" Another man gets angry at hearing that.

"Just because he didn't have any family doesn't mean that we're just going to leave him here!" Another tries to calm the situation "Hey hey, now, he didn't say that"

"He implied it!" Just as a fight was about to break out Steve, who had just been to check on Lukas, trots over and puts a hand each on the shoulders of the two people.

"Let's take him with us when we leave, we'll give him a proper burial. He was brave, he fought for a cause. It would be rude to do anything less" He solemnly told them. His tone didn't accept any talk back. "For now, let's leave him alone. Come help me with getting this fire started."

Ambrose sat beside a few men, trying to get the skin of the legs from the beast, it proved to be more difficult than imagined. As they tried to cut the skin, the pelt got stuck under the knife and buried into the meat, trapping some fur in it. Though, it didn't matter much, as they mostly tore the skin off the meat. These brutes didn't care if they ate some pelt as well. Ambrose looked around at the men beside himself.

"What do you guys think is taking them so long? Why haven't they come out of the cave yet?" He asked them. Frowning, another man replied. "Am not sure, they should have been back by now" Ambrose got closer and whispered "Know what I think? I think they found something magical, more magical than the cave we found. And they're hogging it all to themselves" He conspiratorially whispered. A few of them looked curious at that. "But they'll still have to come out at some point, what would be the point?" One of them was skeptical.

"That's the question, isn't it? Maybe they're trying to hide it before coming out" He told them nonchalantly. The men got a little triggered by that, what if they were in fact missing out on a goldmine right now? "Nah, Ragnar wouldn't do that to us. He's too upright"

Ambrose snorted at that "If you said Steve was upright I wouldn't have an issue, but Ragnar? He might not be greedy, but he's cynical as hell" He told them. Earning a few nods from the more observant people.

"But, why, Ambrose? There were enough crystals for everyone there, why would they try to hog them all to themselves? It doesn't make any sense." One of them was still dismissive of the claim.

"Why, indeed" Ambrose said in a low tone as he finished with the leg he'd been cleaning up. Now holding meat on a stick of bone. He looked towards where Steve and a couple others had been working on getting a fire started.

Much appreciate any feedback <3


4ndrewEastcreators' thoughts