
Shades of Imperfection(Edited)

-----A SlowBurn Teen Romance. Fayth Desirae Martins, a seventeen year old who's always finding herself at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Trouble always seems to follow her where she goes and she's yet to figure out why. Fayth leaves her old life and old school in hopes of starting all over in her new one. But when Fayth stumbles upon an horrendous act in one of the laboratories, it feels like she's back to square one again. Her blossoming feelings for Izaak D'angelis isn't helping her case either. Izaak Da'vion D'angelis, an eighteen year old often misunderstood. He puts on a hard front and keeps his personal life... personal. Izaak has secrets that haunt him every night. To his mates, he's the perfect jerk. Devilish looks, and a bad attitude. He never once tried to convince them otherwise, until her. But, you see, Izaak has his own demons, and most times they play with his sanity. Izaak isn't the only one with issues to deal with. As time progresses, it seems almost every one of his mates also have demons they're battling with.

NikksWrites · Urban
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25 Chs

10- I wish I could unsee.

The first light of a crisp Wednesday morning, streaking golden threads through the grey curtain of dawn, found Izaak dutifully preparing for school. He was reflected in his bedroom mirror, wrestling with his school tie. The audible creak of the opening door didn't stir his gaze from the mirror.

"You ever hear of knocking, mother? It isn't exactly polite to storm in like a typhoon." The note of exasperation in Izaak's voice could hardly be concealed.

His mother, Yvette, without heeding his reprimand, took a step forward. She approached him silently, stretching out a maternal hand to straighten his disarrayed tie. His guard fell as he surrendered to her tender maneuver. But his mother's sudden invasion of his silent solace and her intent to launch a string of unnecessary inquiries shattered his patience.

"You sure you're ready for your test, honey? And did you check the date of that history project? I can help, you know," Yvette persisted, brushing away his lingering discomfort.

"I'm fine, mother. I do not need your help." He simply stated.

"Okay, honey. Take care of yourself."

"Can I just get one quiet morning?" He sighed, swerving out of her reach to evade her departing kiss. He swept past her, darting through the door without a second look, leaving a palpable air of tension behind. He left Yvette, with her unfulfilled intent and his door ajar, as a silent testament to their tenuous relationship.


"I'm throwing a party on Saturday. For my birthday, and you're all invited!"

We were nine on the table. Aliyah the birthday girl, myself, Dazzline, Ivory Ayden and Alyshia, Zephan and his girlfriend Naya, then a very quiet Izaak. There was a loud cheer and everyone looked thrilled except myself and unsurprisingly Izaak.

A party sounded like a call for trouble.

Loud music, alcohol... drugs?

Heaven knew how these rich kids did their parties but that was exactly how we did it back in my old school.

I did not need things like that in my life anymore. I did not need a repeat of last year.

"Ouuu, I can't wait." Ivy grinned, moving her body around her chair in excitement. Soon enough, everyone began talking about the anticipated party on Saturday. I quietly ate my food, only staring and sending a phony smile when they tried to indulge me. They talked about it throughout lunch and when the next bell was rung, they stood up, clearing their plates with unfinished, wasted food and gave it back to the lunch lady in front.

I exhaled, pushing my chair backwards and picking up my empty plate, while at the same time trying to take my water bottle and phone. My water bottle fell to the ground, making an irritating loud noise. I tried pocketing my phone, but then realized the school's Thursday sports wear didn't have a pocket. Damnit.

Izaak, whom I didn't realize was still sitting on the table, bent down to pick it up for me and I smiled, my suprise washing off immediately it came.

"Thank you! Can you please hold it? Lemme drop my plate first." I said to him. He stared at me for a while, then nodded. I beamed at him, dropping my phone on the table then picking up his plate as well. I turned around and left, walking towards the lunch lady and dropping both our plates with a polite smile. I returned to the table, picked up my phone and outstretched my hands, requesting for my water bottle.

"Here." His official first words said directly to me. I tried not to gush about how deep and god-damned sexy he sounded.

I turned around and basically speedwalked away from him, heading straight to class.

Dear lord,

Izaak is making me rethink one of my rules. I thought to myself, biting my lips.

It was best I stayed away from him.

I couldn't afford to get myself involved in boy drama again.

I just wanted to graduate highschool without the drama, shenanigans and trouble.

Was that too much to ask?


Papers were flying, pens, people chattering, some unnecessarily yelling, and boys laughing like hyenas, some hitting tables in the process. I was basically sitting in the middle of it all.

Even with ear pods in and DAX playing in the loudest volume, I could still hear the noise around me very coherently. Imagine DAX's aggressive rapping, plus girls squealing and boys cackling.

Gawd. I was literally surrounded with a Cacaphony of noise.

I pulled out the earpods from my ear in annoyance, picked up my biology notes and I walked out of the jungle.

The Library was the first place that came to mind, so I made my way over there. I turned left and made my way towards the staircase. The library was on the third floor with the school's hall, right after the floor where the labs and teachers' room were.

I heard giggling and soft whispers, and normally I would just ignore them and walk away because I knew just how horny students were at this school from the day I walked into a girl giving a boy a freaking blowjob. But I stopped.

Why did I stop?

I had no idea why, but I didn't question it further. I stood right outside the door which wasn't fully closed. I peered through the small hole curious to see what and who was inside.

A man was hovering over a shorter girl who sat on a desk. Her arms were wrapped around him, their heads tilted, and it looked like they were kissing. The man cupped the girl's butt cheeks as they pulled away, he buried his face in the girl's neck and the girl... moaned.

I froze, my eyes widening as the girl's face became visible.

What. The . Flipping-

I stared at them with wide eyes and watched in horror as the man's calloused hands cupped the girl's breast through her uniform and kissed her from her neck to her jaw. The disgusting part was that she was enjoying it. She bit her lip and moaned again and that's when I decided I had seen enough.

I turned around sharply and basically ran out of there, rushing to the third floor.