
Shackles: Potential Unleashed

“May the human Zane Seisance be summoned to the stand to receive his card?” A god cheers. The human walks to the stage and picks up the card he was given. He looks blankly at what it reads. [Hero of Neutrality; Jack of All Trades, Master of None] [Potential: Unlimited] The Lesser Gods aren't surprised by this, many heroes have unlimited potential but still get a more interesting ability. As the one true god implants the human with a card, a message echoes in his head. "Go forth, human with unlimited potential."

Kofuku_Novels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 4

"The Hero of Neutrality?" a man says as he looks at a report.

The report is that of Zane Seisance, the newest member of humans who have reincarnated. A woman walks in, holding a red scythe in her hands. She has orange hair and red eyes. She wears a tight crop top and black sweatpants.

"So, new hero huh?" she asks, putting the scythe on her shoulder. "Will he be any good for us?" 

"Calm yourself, Hero of Wrath," another man says.

He has light blue hair, silver eyes, and glasses.

"Hasty actions will bring our progress to a halt."

The man looking at the report sits up. He ties his long brown hair into a ponytail, revealing an eyepatch.

"Well, if you want to investigate, you can proceed." The man stretches. "I have a meeting to attend to." 

"Well, the hero of Equilibrium is always a busy man," the blue-haired man says.

"And the Hero of Peace is the laziest out of the bunch," the Hero of Equilibrium replies.

"Well then, I'll head to this forest to see if this hotshot can match us," she says. "See ya, ya lazy bastard."

She waves the Hero of Peace goodbye. He sighs and leaves shortly afterward. 

In the forest, Zane trains in the way of the bow. Learning archery from Akali's intense training simulations. Arrows find the bullseye every time now. Showing significant progress toward his horrible aim just a week ago. Akali watches him from the bench, eating popcorn.

"No room for error Zane, remember; hit it now, NOW!"

Like a coach watching their star player run drills.

She claps her hands, signaling to Zane that he can take a break.

"Good work out there, you've improved a lot," she says. "Want to see your stat sheet now?"

Zane looks at the stat sheet and smiles. 

[Dexterity +10] 

[Agility +20]

[Strength +5]

[Accuracy +30]

Zane Seisance: "Hero of Neutrality" New Stats

Dexterity: 150

Agility: 350

Strength: 200

Magic: 750

Next Magical Ascension: 500 pts

New ability: Neutralizing Aura

New ability: Bullseye

New ability: Rain of Darkness

New ability: Deadshot

[Do you want descriptions for your new abilities?]

Zane clicks yes to understand all of the new training skills. 

Neutralizing Aura: Removes all magic from a surrounding area. Max radius of 10 meters. 

Bullseye (Single Target): An invisible arrow that has a 100% base chance to hit the target in the head. Very useful in stealth situations. 

Rain of Darkness (AOE): Uses the power of darkness to summon a shower of darkness arrows to all enemies in a 5-meter radius. Can be combined into one large single arrow to attack one enemy. 

Deadshot: Shoots an arrow tether, trapping nearby enemies. Rendering them their movement and their magic defense. 

Zane looks at his abilities in awe.

"Sweet!" "Finally my hard work pays off!" He shouts.

Lumina comes into the dimension and sees Zane. His body has gotten more toned, and she finds him more attractive. Zane looks to Lumina.

"What's up Lumina?" he asks, chugging down a canister of water. Lumina blushes, looking away from Zane.

"N-nothing Zane," she exhales to calm herself down. 

Akali smirks at her.

"Hmm? What's this about Lumina?" she asks teasingly. "Got the hots?"

Lumina's face turns red. "Shut up!" she exclaims.

She shakes Akali's collar in embarrassment.

"Anyways, let's get out of here," Akali says.

She opens a portal back to a path in the forest. 

"Hero of Neutrality," an orange-haired woman declares.

She firmly grabs her scythe and aims it at Zane.

"Wanna dance with me?"

Zane looks at her, puzzled. "Who are you?" he asks seriously.

This infuriated the woman, prompting her to attack Zane. Zane counters her blows with ease as if he knows exactly where she will end up each time she teleports.

"Hm, you're pretty good, but it's not enough."

She then summons several replicas of herself to assault Zane. Zane falls on one knee as a result of the attacks since he lacks the quickness to avoid them.

The Hero of Wrath kicks him in the stomach, making him barrel a few feet away from her.

"Weakling, and to think that you were seen as some big shot," she taunts Zane.

Stepping on his head, laughing. Lumina tries to interfere but Akali stops her. With a single shake of her head, she understood. 

Darkness evaporates from Zane's now boiling body. The mark on his arm slithers to his eye, reanimating him like a zombie. The smile widens on the Hero of Wrath's face as she looks at a stronger opponent.

"FINALLY, SOMEONE WORTH MY TIME!" She then powers up to charge at Zane. 

In a fluid motion, darkness engulfs her. Her legs sink into the dark pools around her. Chains latch to her arms and neck and laughing echoes in her head. Her energy slowly gets extracted from her, causing her to scream. Her screams get cut off by the chains locking tighter around her neck. 

"Now who dares hurt my precious Zane…"

Her voice sends shockwaves through the domain. All of the hero's confidence from earlier fades away as she faces the Goddess of Darkness.

"So, it was you," she scoffs. "My sister won't be happy about this one, but you messed with someone very precious to me."

Her large fingernail gently bleeds the hero's face. The Hero of Wrath couldn't say a word when faced against a Goddess.

"Maybe I'll send my sister this as a warning, but that's no fun," The Goddess of Darkness proclaims as she flicks the blood off of her finger. 

"Tell Wrath this," she hisses.

She towers over The Hero of Wrath, as a zombified version of Zane slowly walks to her. 

"Mess with my possession one more time, and you'll start a war," she shouts.

"Now, my beloved, execute her."

The zombified Zane strikes her in the heart, forcing her to wake up back in reality. She screams in terror as she's back in the office she was in earlier.

"What… happened," she asks in a weary tone.

The Hero of Peace looks at her and sighs.

"You got the information we were looking for," he responds. "If we get Zane Seisance on our side, the Hero's Faction will rule over the entire world."

"How can you be taken more seriously, old man?"

The old man laughs. "Who's bullying you son?"

The child puffs his cheeks and pouts.

"Well, you can't be taken seriously if you don't present yourself seriously."

The child sighs and sits on the tip of the hill. He was looking out into the scenery further crumbling. 

Chapter 4 is here! I'm starting to get an idea of what this can be. Thanks all for the feedback, even if it was behind the scenes!

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