
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 4 - Clever Innocent Girl

The riot at the Collins Company factory was still going on, where there was intense fighting between police officers and workers. It was also seen that Marsud and the board of directors of the factory were trying to mediate this so that it would not become more chaotic.

Then in the air, you could see jet helicopters slowly descending to the runway not far from the location of the chaos. Inside the iron bird is Issac accompanied by Herbert, and Corsa his lawyer. The lord finally came down to the field because Ethan was not known where he was, so Samuel kept trying to find the doctor.

Meanwhile, Laura was lying at VVIP Cakra Hospital Jakarta accompanied by Santana. It was seen that the woman continued to have tears in her eyes while calling out Ethan.

"Herbert." The billionaire's voice sounded, "Try to persuade Theo to temporarily agree to manage Cakra Hospital because Ethan's whereabouts are unknown." He gave the task to the assistant.

"Sir, I'm sorry, the first young master has contacted Mr. Theo, asking for help managing Cakra Hospital where to explain the current situation. It's a pity that Mr.Theo didn't grant it, only sent the SARS team to help find the second young master as soon as possible."

Issac sighed, he understood why Theodore persisted in not wanting to help him at Cakra Hospital, even though his younger cousin, apart from being a reliable businessman like himself, was an accomplished cancer specialist at the World Health Organization. The cousin is also the managing director who is reliable in managing Cakra Hospital.


"Maria died twenty years ago, but Theo's anger at me remains the same as in the past. Even though I was the one who should be angry because Maria was my concubine, then she fell in love with Theo."

Herbert couldn't say anything because this lord's romance with Maria had been so complicated ever since Laura found out.

"Grand Master." Corsa's voice was heard rebuking Issac, "Jet heli has a perfect landing." Was told that the jet helicopter had perfectly landed on the runway.

"Okay, thanks, Corsa." Issac understood, then took off his seat belt, and did not get down from the iron bird escorted by two of his confidants and his aides. The beautiful bead then saw the commotion was still going on. "Laura, Laura." He also mentioned his wife's name, "Acting only based on feelings, not thinking with common sense. I also have to deal with all of this." He said blaming his wife while pointing at the commotion.

Herbert and Corsa could only remain silent because the lord's wife was given too much freedom to interfere in the management of the Collins Company. Laura is not a businesswoman, just the only daughter of Jackson Blade, a top businessman like Issac and Theodore.

Issac married Laura nothing more to strengthen the Collins Company, in which Jackson completely handed over his company to the man so that it was managed in Laura's husband's company.

Bearing this in mind, Issac was forced to give Laura freedom to interfere in managing the Collins Company, but what happened to the world gave the man the title of cold-hearted and cruel-handed because his wife likes to take the law into her own hands to overcome the insects that plague the company and its good image in the world of international business.

"Herbert!" Issac's voice called out to his assistant, "Where's the speaker? Let me stop this chaos."

"Yes, sir." Herbert understood, "Apart from that, do you still ask some of the soldiers to open fire in the air after you echo the voices to the rioters?"

"Yes, ask them to see that I have come to solve the existing problem."

Meanwhile, at the hut, Ethan gaped when Keily brought him a bowl of plain porridge and a glass of plain milk.

"What is it?" Keily reprimanded the doctor who was gawking, "I brought your food. You must be hungry right?"

"Yes, hungry, but why brought porridge?" the doctor pointed at the bowl of porridge in the hands of this beautiful lady.

"Because you're sick."

"I'm not sick."

Keily put everything in her hands on the table next to the bed, then sat in front of the doctor, then casually pressed alternately the surface of the bandage that covered the man's wound.

"Ah!" the second young master screamed, "Why are you pressing on my wound?" looked at Keily with annoyance, "Sick, Kei!"

"That means you are sick right?" asked the girl in a relaxed voice.

"What I mean is not sick not in my wound."

"The wound can be said you are sick."

Ethan flinched at this, then sighed feeling the girl was right. He was a gunshot wound, of course, it's said to be a sick human.

"Come on, let's eat your porridge." Keily took the bowl from the table "Let me feed you." she added looking at the doctor.

"No need." The man replied, "I'm not a child." He was about to take the bowl but because his movements were accompanied by annoyance and arrogance, his wound jerked, "Ah!" he screamed, holding his wound.

"Ha eh!" the girl sighed while shaking her head for a moment, "You are not a child after all." she said looking at the doctor whose expression looked like he was in pain, "You are currently injured by a gunshot, then you also float in the river water for a long time, then you are sick." she added, "So let me feed you until you recover. Understand?" glared at the man who also brought her face closer to the face of this young master.

Ethan gasped, his eyes watched the lady with a sense of confusion because this was the first time a woman had dared to be fierce to him.

"That's enough!" the lady's voice sounded, and her face smiled in amusement because it made the doctor gasp in surprise, "Come on, open your mouth." she took a spoonful of porridge, then sincerely shoved it into the doctor's mouth.

"Uu-um!" there was a whining voice of the young master where he pushed away the spoon, refusing the porridge.

"What is it?" Keily was amazed to see this man's behavior.

"Too hot." The young master complained that the porridge was hot.

"Ooh!" Keily understood, then took another spoonful while blowing on the surface of the porridge, then fed it into Ethan's mouth.

"Uu-um!" the doctor's whimpering voice was heard again and he pushed the spoon away again.

"What else?" Keily looked at the man in astonishment, "Is it still hot?"

"The porridge is too bland." replied the doctor.

"Ooo!" the girl understood, put the bowl on the table, then went to the kitchen, not long after came with a bottle of salt, then added a little salt to the porridge, stirred the porridge for a while, then fed it back to the doctor's mouth.

"Uu-um!" came back the whining young master.

"Now why again?" Keily became exasperated.

"Too bitter." The doctor replied carelessly because he gasped at the lady's exasperated expression looking at him.

"Hah?! Bitter you say?" Keily was flabbergasted to hear this, "Sir, I put salt instead of Kluwek, how can the porridge be bitter?" she said looking more exasperated at this man.

"But it's too bitter." The doctor replied with a protest, "Has your salt expired, so it makes this porridge bitter?" he added, saying that the salt that Keily had added had expired.

Keily watched this man closely, then sighed, she began to realize that the doctor didn't want to eat porridge. Even though it is obligatory to eat porridge because the doctor has been floating in the river for a long time causing river water to enter his digestion, besides neutralizing it with medicine, while eating plain porridge until the digestion is clean and stable.

The lady put the bowl on the table, then left the doctor.

"Finally, she came to his senses too." There was the man's voice that was relieved the lady knew he didn't want to eat porridge. "She thinks I'm poisoned, so my stomach is temporarily filled with plain porridge?"

It wasn't long before the lady came carrying a special NGT tube to help the patient eat. The tube was inserted through one nostril and lowered down to the stomach.

Ethan was surprised to see the tool that this lady was carrying and stared at the girl who smiled grinning. He swallowed his saliva,

'This is bad,' he complained, 'Is she going to thread an NGT tube into my stomach to put her homemade porridge in because I've refused to eat with my mouth?'

"My patient." The lady's voice was heard who sat closer in front of the man, "I feel there is a problem with your mouth so you can't eat porridge." she said, "So I'll put this NGT tube into your stomach, then put the porridge that I mashed into the tube, so you can eat comfortably." The NGT tube was also exhibited which was still wrapped in sealed plastic.

Ethan swallowed his saliva, not expecting the lady to beat his arrogance. So far, if he whined like that, Laura would have told the nurse to serve food that wasn't porridge, for example. No one dared to refute him. But this time, an innocent girl named Keily dared to argue in a smart way.

Keily shook the tube in front of the man while rolling her eyes up and down where her face smiled triumphantly.

"Miss," came Ethan's voice, "I'm sorry I don't like to eat porridge from the past, except for complete chicken porridge with shredded chicken, egg satay, and chili sauce." He finally admitted that he didn't like porridge, besides he didn't want to eat porridge because he felt that he had no digestive problems.

"Whether you like it or not, you have to eat, because your digestion is currently not good due to river water entering through your nose and mouth while you are floating there."

Ethan was astonished to hear this, "Who exactly are you? I saw earlier that you were proficient in medicine, but you said you weren't a doctor."

"I'm not a doctor, just a woman who grew up in a golden cage and was fed medical lessons every day with my three aunts and Doctor Alex."

Ethan gaped at the girl's answer, she stared at him wanting to know if those words were serious or playful.

"Sir," came Keily's voice, "I told the truth. From when I was born until now, I live in this cottage area which is in the area of the prospective nurse's dormitory owned by the late mistress Maria. I never venture out of the hut territory."

Ethan gasped in surprise at this, staring at the lady in disbelief. Maybe there are still women in pasung in modern times?

"Ah never mind!" heard the lady's voice, "Now," pointed the tube back in front of the doctor, "Do you want to eat the porridge I made with your mouth, or with this tube?" returned the topic of conversation.

"Really," Ethan stuttered at the lady's words, "Really, can you attach that to a patient?" his two beads looked worried looking at the tube in the girl's hand.

"Very can. You want proof?" Keily then casually pushed Ethan down, then was about to tear the plastic packaging of the NGT tube,

The doctor swallowed his saliva, if it is true that the lady can insert it, it means that she has unknowingly agreed to eat porridge with that tube.

"Miss!" he quickly reprimanded Keily, trying to distract the girl from wanting to prove that she could put the tube into his stomach, "What's your name? I haven't known your name before?"

"I'm Keily." Said the lady, "You?"

"Ethan." The man replied, still turning his smart brain to make Keily forget about the desire to put a ngt tube into her body, "You said you were here from birth to adulthood?"


"What with your parents?"

"I don't know who my parents are."

Ethan gasped in surprise at this, "You mean?"

"From the time I was born, I don't know who my parents are. I only know my three aunts and Baba who raised me to adulthood."

"Who are your three aunts?" Ethan straightened his body and looked at the girl who looked sad.

"Aunt Sinta was Mrs. Maria's assistant, then Aunt Rika and Aunt Dena were her maids, and Baba was her aide. Mrs. Maria owns this cottage and the dormitory for prospective nurses is here too."

"Are you Mrs. Maria's daughter? Because his workers took care of you?"

"No." Keily shook her head, "Ethan, I don't know who my parents were from birth to adulthood."

Ethan hearing this felt a little strange because Keily said he was raised by Maria's workers, but not Maria's child, was it the abandoned child that Maria adopted? If Keily is an adopted child, why is she so guarded by keeping her locked away?

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