
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 18 - Who's The Father?

Maria stepped slowly on the front porch of the garden of Issac's magnificent villa in Bandung. The billionaire brought her here for a honeymoon to celebrate the success of Keily's mother in obtaining the degree 2 internist specialist because besides being a gynecologist, this woman is also an internist.

Unlike Keily, who likes to play, her mother is diligent in increasing her knowledge because she has loved studying since she was little, even though Winata never forced her. But the man wants Keily's mother to become a businesswoman like him so she can inherit all of her fortune and the Kens Company, not continuing in her footsteps of being a master of medicine and kung fu.

Now that Maria has achieved her dream of becoming a gynecologist and internist, apart from running her own business, her father doesn't need to ask her to return to Los Angeles to become president of the Kens Company.

The woman saw a very beautiful view in front of her, a garden with Tangkuban Perahu mountain as a background, not caring that the wind was currently blowing a little hard. She was only wearing a soft pink spaghetti-strap dress.

Keily's mother's thoughts then turned to Theodore who helped her a month ago, when she lost a duel with Laura who knew about her relationship with Issac. At that time the doctor was desperate to intimidate and express love. The man even asked her to leave Issac, so it wouldn't end tragically like Sarah, Samuel's mother. But how can leave the billionaire who continues to hug her with love?

Without realizing it, Issac came, then slung his coat over her shoulders from behind.

She gasped in realization, then rolled her eyes back, and smiled at the billionaire who was wearing pajamas over a silk kimono.

"Are you awake yet?" heard a woman's voice soft.

"It must be because my beloved wife is no longer in my arms." Issac replied looking at his woman with love while wrapping the front of Keily's mother with a coat, "Nowadays the wind is blowing hard, why only wear a dress like this?" he scolded his concubine a little, "What if you catch a cold?"

"Hehehe." Maria chuckled, caressing the billionaire's face affectionately, "If I get sick, you'll take care of me until I recover."

Issac smiled amused at this, nudged the concubine's nose affectionately,

"Ish, naughty you, huh." He chuckled, "Haven't satisfied all this time I hug you?" he asked tenderly.

Maria put her arms around the billionaire's neck and looked at him tenderly.

"Issac, I won't ask you to make me your main wife, just want you to hug me forever with love."

The billionaire was touched to hear this, because as long as they were having love like husband and wife, Maria never demanded this or that, she didn't even want to be the main wife. This is what makes him really in love with this beautiful woman. Hugged by her waist, then spoke softly,

"I want us to immediately tie the knot with marriage," he said, "Then I make you the main wife. Laura must obey my decision."

Maria sighed, how could Laura obey her when that woman had always controlled Issac.

"Darling." The billionaire's voice sounded, "Sorry, a month ago, why did you disappear from me?" he suddenly asked a question about the topic of their current conversation.

Maria gasped in surprise hearing this, why did her lover ask that? She knew her lover was bewildered by her loss for a month because her cell phone was full of calls and text messages from him. Even to send Herbert to find her.

"Darling." Issac's hand lifted Keily's mother's chin slightly, he looked at her, "Don't hide anything from me. You can't just disappear, then when you come back say prepare yourself for graduation."

Maria sighed, should she say about Laura asking her to duel because she knew Issac was still having an affair with her. Actually, during the duel, her kung fu skills are above Laura, but she remembers that this woman is not only Issac's legal wife but the mother of Ethan and Samuel. So she gave up a lot. Unfortunately, Laura was unsympathetic to her, nearly taking her life. Luckily Theodore came with Ilyana.

It was Ilyana who informed the man because she saw Maria being taken by force by Sungkar from Cakra Hospital.

"Did Laura force you to leave me?" I hear Isaac's voice again. "Honey, please be honest with me, because I would do anything to protect you from Laura."

Maria sighed again, this man had always protected her from Laura, but unfortunately, his wife found out because she was told by Sarah before she died. Sarah was very hurt because Issac loved Maria so much.

Keily's mother slowly laid her head on Issac's chest, speaking softly,

"Issac, right now it's more important that we enjoy what we have. I don't want the current atmosphere to be ruined by anything else."

Issac slowly got closer to the sleeping Keily, watched by this innocent girl who had just brought his memories back to his last time together with Maria.

'My Lord,' whispered this man's heart, 'Is this girl my daughter from Maria? Because when I brought Maria to Dago, she said she had removed her contraception and wanted to give me children as a sign of her love for me.'

Theodore went to the other side of Keily, took the girl's hand, and checked her pulse while remembering his last good times with Maria. He saved Keily's mother from Laura, then shared a dorm in bed with her more than once.

'My Lord,' his heart whispered, 'Did after that sweet incident, Maria bear my child? Because that day when Sungkar took her forcibly, she had just been asked by Chandra, our partner, to remove her contraception, and I was the first person to touch her without any protection at all.'

Ethan saw the two men were surprised to meet Keily, then each approached his girl to be observed more closely, feeling strange. Do they both know the lady?

"Ethan." Issac's voice rebuked his son, "Where did this girl save you?" asked the child when he looked at him, "Answer honestly, papa guarantees you won't open this to your mother. Papa must have protected your savior goddess from your mother and Santana."

Ethan sighed, then told where Keily saved him. The father and Theodore listened carefully.

"Hais!" heard the father's voice, "Sinta lied to me!" he said furiously, "My son is in the dormitory just like Theo thought!"

"Don't just accuse, Issac," interrupted Theodore quickly defending Sinta, "Ethan said earlier that Keily had hidden him in the hut in the backyard of the girl's hut, meaning that Sinta didn't know Ethan was there."

"Wait a minute," Ethan snapped quickly before Issac responded to Theodore's words, "What do you mean by Sinta lying to papa? Who is Sinta?" he did not understand what his father said.

"Sinta is Maria's assistant who owns the prospective nurse's dormitory and the entire area there." Said the father, "That day papa and Sam went there because Theo said it was very likely that you were stranded there." He said, "But Sinta said she didn't know you, no one was stranded there with gunshot wounds and also forbade papa to go in to look for you there, so papa had to duel her." He added to the story of the past.

"Good grief!" Ethan was taken aback, "So what happened next?"

"Sinta was seriously injured because of her kung fu skills under papa."

"Good grief!" back the doctor surprised, "Hais!" he cried panicked, "Hais, why is papa reckless?" reprimanded a little harshly by the father, "Sinta is Keily's aunt! She's the one who raised Keily from baby to adult!" he said explaining who Sinta was in Keily's life, "Hais, if she's seriously injured, Kei must be very sad! Kei loves her so much!"

"Set Keily's aunt?" asked Theodore looking at the panicked Ethan.

"Yes, uncle." Said the doctor, "Keily is the adopted daughter of Mrs. Maria." He added, "Unfortunately, Mrs. Maria died when she adopted her. Then she was raised by Aunt Sinta, Mrs. Maria's assistant, assisted by Aunt Rika and Aunt Dena, two of her maids, and Baba, her aide."

Dhuar, Issac, and Theodore heard this shocked, then seemed to think. Could it be that Maria adopted a child before she died? Even though Maria often took in abandoned children, it felt strange to adopt a baby before she died. Is Keily her biological child? After being born, only then did she die.

"Papa." Ethan's voice rebuked Issac, "Uncle Theo." Theodore was also reprimanded because the two men were shocked and then looked thoughtful. "Do you know Mrs. Maria, because you know Aunt Sinta is her assistant." Questions were asked of the two men.

"We know her," Issac said with a sigh, "Maria used to work at Cakra Hospital as a gynecologist specialist, and she sent many prospective nurses to do internships there, some of her father even made her a nurse there."

"I see." Ethan understood, "Pa, after injuring Aunt Sinta, did Papa help her?"

Issac shook his head, "Because Sam took papa home, he didn't continue to force Sinta to admit that you were in the area."

"Hais, papa is too much!" Ethan got emotional again and panicked, "Papa, Keily saved Ethan's life! Ish, why did papa let Aunt Sinta get hurt just like that?"

"How did I know that Keily, Sinta's foster child, saved you?" Issac became irritated because of Ethan's panic, "Haiyah, you calm down." He said with a sigh, suppressing his emotions, "That's a medical area over there, almost the same as a hospital. Surely Sinta will be treated by the doctors who work there, and she will not die!"

"Still too much papa!" Ethan expressed his annoyance, "You already know Aunt Sinta was telling the truth, she doesn't know Ethan, she didn't find any injured men there, why force her to duel with papa until she gets injured?"

"Come on," Issac gave in to his son, "Papa, hurry over there with Theo to make amends to them." He said he promised to meet Sinta to make amends.

"Issac, you don't go there," came Theodore's voice, "I'll go over there." He said volunteering to meet Sinta, "Sorry Issac, you just injured her, if you go there, she will be mad at you." He added, "Let me be your representative to apologize, and repay Keily's kindness to Ethan."

"Are you going to take Kei there?" asked Ethan suddenly.

"Why ask that?"

"Sorry uncle, Baba asked Ethan to bring Kei to live with Ethan in Jakarta."

"You touched her?" Issac interrupted in a surprised voice because Ethan was not allowed to touch Keily, who was suspected to be his biological daughter from Maria. The doctor's father's brother with the girl.

"Not yet, papa." The doctor replied, "Baba asked for this because from infancy to adulthood, Keily was not allowed by Mrs. Maria to leave her cottage area which is behind the prospective nurse's dormitory."

"Not allowed out? Are you serious?"

"Very serious." Ethan replied, "But so far, Aunt Sinta has brought in many teachers to teach Keily subjects in public schools, as well as educate her in medicine. Keily's medical ability is very good because Ethan can recover quickly."

Hearing this, Theodore looked back at Keily, his mind immediately felt that the girl was Maria's biological child because she had medical skills on par with those of Winata and Maria. It wouldn't be strange if the girl inherited this ability so she could save Ethan's life.

"Hais!" Issac's voice sounded furious, "Did she hate me so much, to lock up Keily for 20 years?" he blamed Maria for locking up Keily, who was suspected of being his daughter, just because she hated him, who could not prevent Laura from repeatedly injuring the lady's mother.

"What do you mean by asking that?" asked Ethan, surprised to hear his father's growl.