
Shackled Leaves Of Love

For 21+ It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 13 - Misunderstanding

In front of the terrace of Keily's hut, Sinta, who was sitting on one of the benches on the terrace, sighed and looked at Baba and Sari one by one. The woman did not have the heart to lock up the two people any longer, because all this time they had helped her raise the big lady. So she asked Dena to bring the two people to her.

Currently, Baba and Sari are kneeling in front of Sinta because the position of the woman is the main hand of the late Maria and Winata. On either side of Keily's nanny stood Rika and Dena.

Sinta sighed, then started talking to Baba.

"Baba, raise your head, look at me."

Baba hearing this slowly raised his head to look at the woman.

"Right now everything is over." Sinta's voice was heard again, "I ask you to tell me who that man is."

Baba sighed because he only knew the name Ethan, and had no idea who the young master was. But he had a feeling the doctor was Issac's second son, because there was a facial resemblance to the former lover of the late Maria, so that day he decided to take Keily and the young master out of the hut so that if the doctor father forced his way into the hut area he would not find the two humans.

Because if it is true that Ethan is Issac's son, then the billionaire meets Keily, he can assume that the lady is his daughter from Maria. If that were the case, there would be another clash between Issac and Sinta, because Keily's nanny would insist that the lady was not Ethan's father's daughter. After all, that was the truth. Then Issac would insist that Keily was his daughter, he would surely take the lady with him.

If that happened, then Keily met Laura, this big lady could finish because Issac's eldest wife was very cruel to kill the man's two concubines. But is it possible? Because Samuel was the son of Sarah Issac's concubine, but Laura raised him to adulthood. Maybe, because Laura super hates Maria, more than she hates Sarah.

"Baba!" Dena's voice sounded, "Just tell kak Sinta, so we can all calm down."

Baba took a deep breath, then spoke,

"Ma'am Sinta, that man's name is Ethan."

Sinta, Rika, Dena, gasped in surprise hearing this, then,

"Did he say his full name?" asked Sinta curiously, because in this world there are many men named Ethan.

Baba shook his head, "That's all he said."

"What does he look like?"

"Sorry Miss, I feel like Mr. Issac when he was young."

Sinta heard this as if devoured by a thunderstorm, because if it looked like Issac, it must be the man's son. Meaning that Keily was brought into the billionaire's residence.

"My God!" heard Sinta's panicked voice, "No way! Kei can't be there if that man is Mr. Issac's son."

"Kak," Dena's voice sounded, "Even though he looks like Mr. Issac, it's not certain that this man is his son."

"Then I will contact Mr. Ethan's assistant, and ask if he is safe, is he at Mr. Issac's house."

"Then," came Rika's voice, "Are you going to ask if Mr. Ethan brought Kei with him?"

"Of course, ask him to accompany Kei back here."

"If Mr. Issac knows, won't he feel that you lied to him at that time? Are you going to say that Kei kept it a secret from us? Then Kei got the bitter sap from Mr. Issac?"

Sinta was silent hearing all of Rika's words, then felt weak, why did all this have to happen? Blaming Keily was too late because she felt Maria's daughter was afraid of being scolded if she found out she was helping Ethan. Even though this is not the case, if Keily admits to saving Ethan, Sinta will ask Doctor Alan to take Ethan to a referral hospital in the city of Bogor. But Keily's mind didn't get there.

"Miss Sinta!" Baba's voice was heard, "Excuse me," he said when Sinta looked at him, "I have a cell phone in my bag, Miss, should I call her and ask her how she is?"

"Baba!" Dena exclaimed quickly, "Kei doesn't understand using a cell phone, because we never let her hold a cell phone to prevent knowing men from social media."

"Maybe Mr. Ethan could use a cell phone." Baba spoke again, "Because I see he is a learned man like Mr Issac."

Meanwhile, in one of the leading and luxurious shopping centers in Jakarta, Ethan was seen holding Keily's hand. This man kept his word after taking a shower to take the lady shopping. With them were Gandy, Sida, and four aides. So what about Samuel?

Ethan had been notified by Gandy about his older brother's arrival, then called the first young master, saying he would immediately meet his older brother and their parents to report survivors from the accident. He also asked his brother not to say that it was Keily who saved him, and now with him because Gandy said his brother heard his and the lady's laughter in the room.

Back to Keily and Ethan, the lady seemed amazed to see this shopping center. It was her first time in a shopping mall. But once again she didn't look tacky, only her two beads twinkled admiring this shopping center.

"Ethan." she reprimanded the doctor who kept clinging to her.

Hehehe, the doctor is already in love with this lady. So at this time, the lady looked pretty sweet in a dress suit with a soft blue rope knot belt. The lady's hair was partly twisted in a variety of braids rolled into a circle at the back of the head, then decorated with peonies made of expensive stones. Big Miss's two beautiful legs are on cream-colored flat shoes.

All of these belong to the private lady that Baba took from Sinta's cupboard. The nanny slowly prepares women's clothing, jewelry, and more for Keily, who will eventually run the Kens Company, because she can't keep it running forever.

Sida found these items and moved the contents of the travel bag into the lady's wardrobe. Immediately put it on the big lady, then perfected it by styling her hair and polishing her face with emergency makeup. Be the pretty sweet lady, making Ethan stick to the lady.

"Yes Kei?" heard Ethan's reply while looking at this lady.

"This is a shopping center in Jakarta?"

"One of them. Would you like me to bring you here?"

"Erm, though I don't feel comfortable yet."

"Why uncomfortable? Is it because you dress up pretty? Hais, Kei, you are an adult woman, you have to dress beautifully like this." Ethan unconsciously praised the beauty of the lady who looked sweet like most women. "I like how you dress like this." He added that he also liked the beautiful lady. "But you are only for me." He added again while moving her hand under her armpit clamped by him.

"Why is that?" asked Keily in surprise "Me too for the others."

Tuing, Ethan was startled to stop their steps, and turned the lady's body to face him, her eyes looked probing.

"So you have a boyfriend, hmm?"

"Boyfriend?" Keily was astonished to hear this "What is a boyfriend?"

Tuing, Ethan gasped at this,

"You don't know what a boyfriend is?"

Keily shook her head, "I only know friends because I have Sari, Inge, and Baba. They're my friends."

"Boyfriend is the person we love. Love is a feeling that grows in the heart and mind towards the opposite sex.

"I don't understand that. What is clear is that I am also for the others."

Ethan heard this became skittish, then muttered to himself in a low voice.

"Hais, she said she doesn't know love, but she has a boyfriend. She is for the other means for her boyfriend, right? Hais, I was wrong to fall in love with her."

"Ethan." Keily's voice was heard rebuking the doctor, "Why are you?"

"Still asking why?" Ethan was surprised that Keily asked, "You don't know love, but you are for someone else. That means you have a boyfriend."

"I don't have a boyfriend, because I don't know what a girlfriend is." Said the girl in surprise at the tears on the young master's face and voice filled with irritation. "I said for others because I have God, Aunt Sinta, Aunt Rika, Aunt Dena, Baba, Sari, and Inge. That means I'm not just for you."

Tuing, Ethan gasped at this, trying to digest what the lady was saying, then,

"You're telling the truth?"

"Yes, because before I knew you, I was with all of them, never lived with anyone else. Only now living with you right?"

Ethan heard this and exhaled, feeling relieved, regret began to arise that he had misjudged the lady. Slowly he leaned her head against his chest,

"I'm sorry, Kei. I misinterpreted what you said." He boldly admitted his mistake, then lifted the lady's face so they could look at each other, "I'm sorry, honey. I misinterpreted what you said." Repeatedly admitting his mistake.

"Next time don't be like that, I don't like it." Keily spat out her annoyance "You know I don't know life outside my hut, don't rough me up." she felt the doctor's attitude was roughing her up. Her tears melted.

Even though Sinta likes to nag at her, the woman's voice is not harsh. The others too, never spoke harshly to her. Even giving her punishment only told her to study more diligently, not to beat her.

Ethan sighed feeling very guilty towards this lady. Gently wipe away the tears of the lady that melted down the pink cheeks of her beloved lady.

"I promise I won't touch you." He promised, "I was surprised you said that, because to be honest, since being with you, I only want you for me."

"I'm with you, still lacking what? Or do you want to lock me up as Mrs. Maria locked me in the hut, let me be just for you?"

"Never would I do that." Ethan replied firmly, "Let's not prolong this, hmm. I brought you here to make you happy."

Keily didn't respond, just wiped the tears from her eyes. This girl though a tomboy but her feelings are very smooth.

Ethan hugged the lady's head again, where one hand was behind the lady's head, and the other hand was in front of the girl's waist. The feelings of this very delicate lady were soothed sincerely with all his heart, and he admittedly loved this beautiful lady.

It didn't take long for Keily to raise her head, looking at Ethan,

"Ethan, let's go again."

"You've calmed down?"

Keily nodded her head while releasing the doctor's hand from her waist, but instead was led by the man.

"Ethan!" she became exasperated because the doctor was being affectionate to her.

"Sth!" the man hissed looking at the lady, "Let me take you this way so that your heart will be more calm." He said reason, even though he was the one who didn't want to let go of his embrace. "I know you're getting nervous I hug." he chuckled feeling happy because the lady was restless in his arms, which means that this young lady's feminine desire is starting to appear when she is with men. "Let me make you know what love is." He added again determined to make the lady know what love is.

"Is this you?" Keily felt exasperated, being pinched by the doctor's arm a little, "Baba said," she again called Baba the subject teacher of the habits of men for her so far, "Don't let men hold you often."


"Because they will be taken to a quiet place to be treated."

Tuing, Ethan gasped hearing this, then his heart cursed Baba, why did Baba teach Keily about the bad habits of men, especially those who are in love.

Keily then looked at Ethan with a probing look,

"Are you going to take me to a quiet place to be treated?"