

Set in a dystopian wasteland. Lennox and Nicki manage to escape the wraith of the evil warlord Tain Trisch. however the escape was not in Vein. the two must fight and survive the evil enemies to come. Season One includes Part 1-5

Sgt_mf_doom · Fantasy
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Enter the Doom

Our story begins where our two heroes Nicki and Lennox left off. our story of two deranged superheroes...however Heroes and Super are a complete...oxymoron.

Suddenly the car stopped. the two men went forward the driver smacked his lip on the steering wheel and the other on the dashboard. they both leaned back in pain.

"Aye Nicki why did you slam on the brakes?" said The passenger holding his forehead.

"I slammed on the brakes so we didn't hit the person"

"Aye Nicki I think you're nuts. ain't no person or persons outta here"

"what you mean, they standing right Infront of us"

the two looked around and saw nothing. the driver Nicki shrugged it off and took his foot off the brakes and slowly drove. the car slowly took off and a man from behind a tree watched.

The two arrived at a local coffee shop. they parked the car and got out. Nicki and Lennox. two of Australia's Bad boys.

one of them tough and the other Lennox.

Nicki opened the coffee shop door and was greeted by a hammering right hand from the owner. Nicki stood there and covered this nose.

"Ouch! what the hell psycho" yelled Nicki in shock.

"Aye Nicki...remember you owe...oh?" said Lennox as he walked in.

"Lennox. don't go anywhere you are next. alright?"

"yes sir?" Lennox gulped with fear.

The owner known as Barbarus. tough mean and the worst...over priced.

"next time you take my money and do the dash I come find you and give you concrete boots mate" yelled Barbarus as he talked with his hands.

"Looks Barbarus Baby, I have your money"

"where is it?"

"not with me?" akwardly smirked Nicki.

"why you little dirtbag. I outta sock you and your boyfriend capiche?"

"oh no don't suck me" smirked Lennox.

"shut up!" yelled Barbarus to Lennox.

"Look... Barbarus, I will get your money...I just need more time"

"more time...look at it..." Barbarus grabbed Nicki by the ear and dragged him to the cake display and shoved Nick face into the glass

"Look at it alright. beautiful cake. only to have you eat the entire confection and no pay"

"Look I'll pay..."

"you owe me five dollars!"

"...." Nicki looked at Lennox

"I'll pay!" yelled a random Bystander. Nicki and Barbarus slowly looked towards the man.

Lennox watched as he ate a burger.

"Five dollars" yelled Barbarus in the background.

The mysterious Bystander walked over to Barbarus. The mysterious Bystander is wearing a Gray trenchcoat, Large brimmed hat and is at least close to seven feet tall and really strong looking.

the mysterious Bystander approached to Barbarus closely. the mysterious Bystander reached into his pocket and pulled out five dollars. and held it out towards Barbarus.

Barbarus released Nicki and walked away.

"Hey Mr...thanks" said Nicki but the mysterious Bystander punched Nicki in the face. Nicki fell backwards on the glass and slid down smiling.

Lennox watched the whole thing. the mysterious Bystander walked over to Lennox and got right into Lennox's face. Lennox stared back. the mysterious Bystander punched Lennox in the face. the mysterious Bystanders hand broke.

Lennox shook his head in disappointment.

Lennox grabbed the man by the collar and head butted him and pushed him. the man's face began crumbling. Lennox watched the man as his face slowly broke into thousands of pieces like sand in an hourglass.

Nicki stood up and was holding his nose. Nicki walked over to Lennox. Lennox was drinking a soda.

"What the hell was that?" yelled Nicki.

"I don't know...more importantly what did it want"

"Aye you too can't you read!" yelled Barbarus as he pointed to a sign on the wall reading.

"Please No disintegrating patrons"

"oh sorry" smiled Lennox. the two smiled and walked out back to the car. the two saw a sign in the window. Nicki grabbed it and it read.

"Dear Nicki,

you are gonna die bitch



Nicki looked at Lennox.

"who the hell is Deeth"

"No, You idiot it spells Death, Like Death, Death"


"BECAUSE!" yelled a deep voice. a large face appeared in the sky.

"I am he who knocks...I am Tain Trisch"

"Tain Trisch?" said Nicki.

"Yes!" yelled the voice.

The face has two horns and looks sinsiter. the face took up most of the sky.

"Listen here Nicki. I should drag your ass to Sheol"

"Well, I mean what's stopping you."

"it's only cos we are full capacity"


"Eight Billion people...Nicki that's more then Fallen Angels"

"Fair enough"

"Do you know why I'm here?" snarled Tain Trisch as he leans into Nicki's face.

"No..I don't know why you are here my 8 Ball stopped working..."

"Well...I need a favour."

"Why should I help you?"

"Simply because...your days are numbered!"

"and yet here I am waking up"

Lennox watched the two yell backwards and forwards while eating a full pizza.

"Well...I guess I have one choice."

"Yeah what!"

Tain Trisch reached down to Nicki and touched his forehead.

"There...now you are mine?"

"Aye what the..."

Nicki fell to the floor shaking. Lennox watched and looked at Tain Trisch.

"See what happens when you annoy a God"

"I've seen worse"

"Yes....Nicki...you are to live the rest of your days!"

"As a Girl?"

Lennox spat out his pizza.

"Wowsers!" yelled Lennox.

"haha...ha..welcome to Femininity bitch"

Tain Trisch disappeared into the sky.

Nicki got up. with black curly hair. big lips soft face. white tank shirt, Big thighs, white socks and wearing black leggings.

"Bastard!" Yelled Nicki.


"Lennox...please...you gotta help me!"

"Nicki...I mean...for a lady you're pretty hot"

"Fuck off" Yelled Nicki as she walked away.