
porcoline doll

Blood red lips, unfailing grin,

deep blue eyes and flawless skin.

Her life is all a masquerade,

to hide the beauty God has made.

They stop and stare, they fantasize,

but who among would realise,

the beauty that's behind the mask.

would any even bother ask?

They touch her skin, take off her dress.

they play with her till she's a mess.

leave her laying on the floor,

pick her up when they want more.

is she there? I doubt she stays.

she would dream of better days.

days where she will be set free,

from prying eyes that do not see,

from hands that touch but can not feel,

and hearts that love but not for real.

She somehow knows she holds the key,

love yourself and be set free.

Sing your song and sing it loud,

be true to you and and feel proud.

she mustard courage, gathered strength,

looked deep inside her soul at length.

and as she did it came to light

she would sing the time was right.

as she belted out her tune,

she wondered what they all would do.

she began to feel strange,

inside herself she felt the change.

her hand did crack, her feet did shatter

the pieces of her face did scatter.

exposing all the life within,

the shiney pale porcoline skin.

standing naked nothing there,

trembelling she let's them stare.

her face resembles hope and fears,

her cheeks are rosey wet with tears.

she turns to you, you turn away.

she understands and is ok.

her smile says thank you dear friend,

for seeing me right to the end.