
Chapter 13

"They're where?" Lucy asked, like for the fourth time since I sat at the lake talking to her.

I ran here as if they were chasing me. I didn't know that I could run so fast. Then again, I used to run when dad was chasing me. He said that I needed to do some sport. He was the active one in the family, for sure.

"And you're on the phone talking to me. Your Nan will eat them up alive."

"You mean Judy."

She laughed. "Oh my, they say age makes some people grow up."

We both laughed in unison at the idea that my Nan just wasn't one of them.

"Seriously, why are you talking to me? You need to get your ass back home and find out what they want. No, forget that. They want to be quarantined with you."

I choked. "I need to keep running in the opposite direction!"