
Sexy Luna mate, rejects me

Alpha Axel kills the Luna of his pack which happens to be his mate because of his mistress, the moon goddess then place a curse on him that he will never find his mate until a thousand years. One thousand years has passed and they have both been reborn, only that the Luna is the only one who remembered what happened one thousand years ago. Alpha Axel suddenly gets rejected by his Luna, no one has ever rejected him, no one!

JJewel_01 · Urban
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13 Chs

The truth

Chapter 6

Moments later, Collins handed him a big thick book that contains werewolf history and other sources. He looked into the index for a thousand years ago and finally found it. Flipping through the pages, hoping the story that Eleanor spat out was just fiction.

 Coming across Chapter Twenty-seven, there was a history that sat there, "The cursed Alpha".

 What had him hooked was that, the cursed Alpha was having the same name as him, "Axel!". This is a coincidence right? His name was the only name mentioned and the story only stated that the Alpha was cursed after he killed his mate.

"Collins" he called out to his beta, who have just been standing there, staring at him, his Alpha's face was having different expressions. 

 He didn't know what he was busy searching for but he was still angry with him for raping his mate.

"There's a book with a more broaden understanding right? The one I ordered specifically from Europe, find it" he said

 After a while, Collins returned with an even bigger book, Axel's patience was running out as he wished he could flipped the page magically fast, he started turning the pages, glancing at the titles nervously, Collins saw him like this for the first time and couldn't help but wondered what was going on.

 Page 96, Titled: The cursed Alpha who Assassinated his Luna.

 Axel finally found it, it happened in ancient Greece but that wasn't what he wanted to look out for, was it really his name? 

 His eyes scanned the passage, as he saw his name, his breathe hitched, he continued reading and saw Revenant, Collins and the details of how he stabbed his mate. Collins was still his Beta and Revenant was his mistress, he killed his own mate to keep his mistress but his mistress also betrayed him.

"No no no" he muttered continuously dropping to the floor

"Nooooooo" he screamed

"Alpha?" Collins called as he dropped down and opened the book to see what was wrong, he was shocked to see his name, Revenant, Axel, the Story and that when everything was done, that point where he could be finally be an Alpha after betraying Axel, Revenant also killed him!

"This…" Collins tried speaking but couldn't get any words out.

"I killed my mate, Collins!" Axel said, almost In a trance.


 Axel walked like he had been drained of life, the pack stared at him wondering what was happening, even Collins had a tired expression. 

 Hart wanted to asked them, what's was wrong but decided against it, the Alpha would tell them if there was a problem.

 As Axel got to the penthouse with Collins following suit, he went up to the room he had kept Eleanor, she was sitting on the floor near his bed, balled up with her head bowed.

 Axel looked at her with heartfelt remorse, what came over him? Why did he hurt his mate that way? 

"Eleanor" he called and hated himself even more, he doesn't even deserve to call her name.

 Eleanor lifted her head to look at him, he looked like he was going to cry any moment, she scoffed and stood up.

"You locked me up and ran to God knows where" she said, passing him by the door and eyeing collins.

"Eleanor wait, don't go" Axel called, holding her back.

"Let go of me!" She screamed, pulling her hands away

"I didn't know" Axel stated

"I didn't remember what happened years ago, please believe me" he pleaded

 Eleanor looked like she had just seen a joke of the century, Axel isn't one to beg, what has come over him? No, what's he up to? He must be trying to lie his way, so she can really stay, why is he 00going through all that trouble?

"Of course, you are going to deny it, denying it saves you all the troubles" she said, scoffed and intending to continue walking away

"He's telling the truth, Luna. We didn't remember anything, we had to read this book" Collins said to her, gesturing to the book

 Eleanor turned swiftly and smiled mockily

"Oh you lost your memory? So what?" She asked, folding her hands

"Let's say that's true, does that erase what you did?" 

"I know no amount of apo…" Axel tried saying 

"You know nothing!" Eleanor said, sternly.

"If the moon goddess really wiped off your memory and left mine don't you think it's for me to take revenge?" She added

"Eleanor please, have mercy, I promise to treat you nice from now on, just give me a chance" Axel said pleading.

"I can't, all I can give you right now is to end your life" she said, with darkening eyes

"I promise this time it isn't going to end like you think, I will do treat you better" Axel said with pleading eyes

"If you want me to kneel, I will" he said and kneeled

 Collins on seeing this had to kneel too.

 This was the first ever time, Axel had kneeled for a person and it had to be his mate but he knows he deserves this and more. Right now, his ego doesn't matter, he will crawl the whole London for her to believe him

"I still don't believe you" Eleanor chuckled, totally enjoying the humiliation she was seeing.

"Don't punish the pack because of me, they would love to meet you, my father will like to meet you too"


 Eleanor scoffed again at the mentioned of his pack

"They are going to betray you, selfish jerk" she cursed

"I know" he said tiredly

"I caused it for not caring for them, enough"

"Wait" Eleanor said, remembering his last sentence

"Is your father still alive?" She asked

"Yes" Axel and Collins said, simultaneously

She became teary at once.

"Take me to him" she ordered

 Getting back to the pack house, the pack was wondering what was going on, as they saw their Alpha and beta with a beautiful lady.

 Axel and Collins with a confused expression took her to Mr Smith, who was still lying down on his bed.

"Father" Axel called, as he went to help him stand up

"Someone is here to see you" he added

 Eleanor pushed him away slightly and squatted beside his father's bed, immediately holding his hands

"I finally get to see you again" Eleanor said, with all smiles.

 He was the only light in her darkness, the only man that took her side and showed her love.

Mr Smith looked at his son confused about who the young lady was.

"I found my mate, father" Axel said, and his father was surprised

"You are welcome my child, how have you been?" He asked a smile 

"Fine father, I have been very fine" Eleanor said with a huge smile, giving him an unexpected hug, he was surprised but returned it. She couldn't contain her happiness, seeing him again in this life ,was a dream come through.

"I don't know but I like you already" his father said while hugging her.

"I know why" Eleanor thought

 In the past, even in this life, we will always click together.