
Big changes

"Blue color, accompanied by a rumbling sound. There is no doubt about it, it is the lightning element." muttered Magnus magnar, his father.

"The lightning element !! Are you serious?" screamed his fifth wife, Sophia. "How is it that the son of a commoner, awakened such a rare element? !!"

many of Magnus's wives nodded in agreement with the above. but they weren't cheeky and brave enough to say it in front of everyone.

it was a fact that Maxwell was discriminated against by many of them. which is why he had never been able to see his brothers. but they could not afford to do it as publicly as Sophia, since she is counting on the support of another great ducal noble house.

Magnus looked coldly at Sofia. "Because he is my son too."

her words completely silenced Sofia, leaving her with an ugly expression on her face.

Magnus completely ignored Sofia and looked at Maxwell with a smile on his face. "You have done a good job, Maxwell. You have managed to awaken the lightning element, from this day forward you will be under the training of the knight Deam. You will regularly receive your respective education from your teachers, now you can go."

"Yes sir father." Maxwell bowed his head and left the great hall.

once outside he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He felt that he was on a roller coaster of emotions and did not know what to do in front of his father.

max looked at his still bleeding hand, ripped a piece of his shirt off and bandaged it.

"Damn old man, this is not going to stay like this."

Maxwell's eyes couldn't help but wide as he realized a realization.

he yesterday he had had sex.


He's supposed to get sexual points for simple things, so a penetration should give him a lot of points, right?

max opened his status immediately.

[Maxwell Magnar]

age: 5 years and 6 months

strength: 3

agility: 3

resistance: 2

vitality: 4

intelligence: 10

mana: 20

magic perception: 0

element: lightning

sex points: 1208

max whistled at the shocking amount of points.

Having not been on the lookout, he didn't know exactly which sex act gave him the most points, but he didn't care.

he invested 60 points in vitality and raised it to 10 which was the average of any human being. He didn't waste his points on strength and agility as these would improve as he gets older. the only reason he invested in vitality was to be able to ejaculate inside Maria.

the rest of the points he placed to his magic. increasing from 20 to 134, when his magic reached and his but number 100, small sparks of electricity began to flash through his body.

Maxwell walked happily into his room. he knew the days after today wouldn't be easy, but at least he wasn't discovered.

As time passed and the days turned into months, in a blink of an eye 5 years had passed.

Maxwell was in his room. but he was not the same as before, he was a much bigger one. His father even provided him with servants that he rejected himself.

the reason was simple. max lowered his head to watch a beautiful black-haired woman in her 25s sucking his penis.

She was Maria !!

after the events of 5 years ago, max was viewed in a much more favorable light by his father. what he took advantage of to pretend that he loved being with Maria. like a simple 5-year-old boy who didn't think things through.

Maria fully cooperated in his performance and whenever they were in front of someone else, she treated him like her own child. something that they all gradually got used to.

What they didn't know was that when they were left alone, they had crazy sex. maxwell was extremely happy. Maria was very cooperative and they had tried every position she could remember.

During these 5 years Maxwell's statistics had increased a lot thanks to her.

[Maxwell Magnar]

age: 11 years

strength: 6

agility: 7

resistance: 8

vitality: 10

intelligence: 10

mana: 1180

magic perception: 50

element: lightning

sex points: 36

max grabbed Maria by her hair and pushed hard, making her gag and look at him with tears streaming from her eyes.

Maxwell smiled in anticipation at her expression. Silly as he sounds, what Maxwell prided himself most on was not the increase in his stats ... it was the growth of his penis.

his penis right now was about 6 inches tall and very thick. Maxwell couldn't help but smile at the thought that he was only 11 years old, and he wanted to see how big he would be.

max pulled her cock out of Maria's throat, prostrated her on four sides in front of the bed, spread her buttocks and thrust her big throbbing penis into her anus.

"Ahhhhhhhh !!" screamed Ana ecstatically.

to which Max accelerated her piston movement, rattling Maria's buttocks in what seemed like a short applause. he grabbed her by her hair and pushed hard.

the room was filled with the happy cries of Maria.

Max stopped grabbing Maria's hair and grabbed both of her buttocks tightly and hit them every so often.

"Oh yeahiiiii !!!!" Maria yelled as she climaxed from hers and came. she falling without energy to the bed.

but maxwell kept thrusting her huge cock inside her, causing her to flinch every few seconds with her eyes rolling and her tongue hanging out droolingly.

max also felt that he was reaching the climax of her and began to accelerate even more and forcefully spank Maria's already red buttocks.

when max felt that he was about to ejaculate, he pulled Maria's penis out of her, grabbed her by her hair and brought her in front of her penis and ejaculated on Maria's ecstatic face.

Maria even stuck her tongue out of her and licked with pleasure.

This scene brought a smile to Maxwell's face. he pulled Maria onto the bed and spread her legs wide. He looked down at her with her penis still erect and said, "Ask me."

Maria was already mad with pleasure and long ago she had already surrendered to Maxwell and his demands.

"Please maxwell put your big and spectacular cock in me. Make me yours and use me as you please. Fill me with your thick milk and do whatever you want with me."

max smiled with delight and thrust his big cock hard, making Maria jump briefly. max put his cock in and out of Maria's vagina and with each repetition Maria's big tits rose and fell with rhythm.

Maria couldn't even think straight. she could only think of how her insides were completely filled and that she felt like she was going to break with such a monster inside her.

But as great as the monster was, so was the pleasure, and she couldn't help but surrender to it.

When Maria approached her climax she could feel a warm liquid fill her completely inside her and she let go.

"OH YESSSSS !!!!!!!!!"

large amounts of fluid began to gush from Maria's vagina. her body shuddered as a goofy smile invaded her face.

+100 sex points