
Sex With Mr Dangerous

LEILANI. I'm an orphan who was picked up by the roadside and left on the gate of a convent when I was a baby. I was raised by Reverend sisters and I spent all twenty three years of my life in the convent. I went to school there and did everything in the big convent, I've never been on my own until six months ago. When I told the sisters that I want to go out on my own, Sister Bernadette was scared because I've never been on my own before. Six months later, I'm doing fine. In a small quiet town, everything is great. The people are good. All was going really well.....until the day he showed up. The scariest man I've ever seen. And the way he looks at me? It's a look I don't understand but it never fails to send shivers down my spine. Who is he? What does he want from me? ZERO HE IS DARKNESS.... I am the bad guy of this story. Every story has a villain, and I am that villain. You can call me, Number Zero. Or Zero, for short. Frankly, I don't care. I am a born killer and I'm called The Killer Machine in the dark world, the part of the world do-gooders don't see. Think of every name you would call a professional killer, and give me that name, because you wouldn't be wrong. I would like to tell you that I try to do good, to do the right thing but that would be a lie. I don't see any need why I have to lie here. I am a very bad man, don't go searching for good because it's not there. I have so much darkness in me that if you stay in my mind for a long time, you go dark too. Don't mistake this for a confession because it is not. I'm not seeking for forgiveness and if you give it, I won't accept it. I'm not seeking for redemption here. My sins are my own. The first day I saw her, I just knew something. My new fascination. My first fascination in all my thirty three years of life. I must have her. I must make her mine.

Kiss Leilani · Urban
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76 Chs



While Zero slept, I was in the kitchen cooking. My heart weighted heavily.

After from the guilt and shame that comes from the carnal pleasures I'm indulging in, there's still the part about Zero's worries about my safety.

The demons he's fighting.... The darkness that resides in him....

I took a deep breath as I made toast. It didn't get past me that I'm falling so deeply in love with him. So deep that I can't find the bottom of that pit of love.

It scares me immensely. We are complete opposites in so many ways. So many.

I don't know how I'm loosing my heart to such a lethal man....a man so dangerous. And yet, my heart doesn't seem like it minds.

I feel so safe with him. My feelings for him scares me even as I revel in it. I don't know what I'm doing at all.

In all my twenty-four years of life, this is the most challenging part of my life. I lived a normal boring life up until a month ago.
