

A Billion Dollar Night, One night Megan feeling depressed after a fight breaks up in the bar, leaving chattered glassed and few blood pools. Megan after cleaning all the mess, is drained in her subconscious thinking if this is how her life may end. Unfulfilled and somewhat she felt useless. Only for Max , a popular Billionaire in town to park his 2024 Bently outside as he walks freely into the bar. To everyone Surprise straight to the counter, where Megan and Max share thoughts on their messed up day. Cloud got thicker,as the day darkened, The two got closer as, their thoughts whispered, "can we share the night". GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Find out as you dive into the pages of SEX WITH A BILLIONAIRE

VivienneDelacroix · Teen
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38 Chs

The Secret of Megan's Kidnap

As Alex and Max embarked on their journey to uncover the truth behind Megan's kidnapping, the weight of their mission hung heavy in the air between them. They rode in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts, before Max finally broke the silence.




"I've been doing some digging," Max said, his voice low and serious. "And I think I might have a lead on who's behind Megan's kidnapping."




Alex's heart skipped a beat at Max's words, a surge of hope flooding through him. "Who do you suspect?" he asked, his voice eager.




Max hesitated for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. "I can't say for certain," he said at last. "But there's someone close to you who's been acting suspiciously ever since Megan disappeared."




Alex's mind raced as he tried to think of who Max could be referring to. He racked his brain, going over the people in his life one by one, until suddenly it clicked.




"Stella," he said, the realization dawning on him like a bolt of lightning. "You think my wife had something to do with Megan's kidnapping?"




Max nodded grimly. "It's possible," he said. "She's been behaving strangely ever since Megan went missing. And there have been rumors circulating about her involvement in some shady dealings."




Alex felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach at Max's words. He had never imagined that Stella could be capable of such a thing, but the evidence was hard to ignore. Still, he couldn't bring himself to believe that his wife would betray him in such a way.




"We can't jump to conclusions," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "We need proof before we can accuse her of anything."




Max nodded in agreement. "That's why I've been keeping an eye on her," he said. "I figured it was better to watch than to speak until we had solid evidence."




Alex felt a surge of gratitude towards Max for his loyalty and support. Despite their differences, Max had always been there for him when he needed him most, and he knew that he could trust him to have his back no matter what.




"Thank you, Max," he said, his voice sincere. "I don't know what I would do without you."




Max shrugged off the praise, his expression stoic. "We're friends, Alex," he said simply. "That's what friends do."




As they rode on in silence, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of determination rising within him. He was determined to uncover the truth behind Megan's kidnapping, no matter what it took. And with Max by his side, he knew that they stood a fighting chance of bringing her home safely.




The next day, Alex and Max put their plan into motion, inviting the detective who had been working on Megan's case to Max's house for a meeting. They knew that they needed to tread carefully, to gather as much information as they could without tipping their hand too soon.




As they waited for the detective to arrive, Alex's nerves were on edge, his mind racing with a million thoughts and possibilities. He couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension that gnawed at him, the fear that they might be too late to save Megan.




But as the detective finally arrived and they settled into a tense conversation, Alex felt a sense of hope begin to stir within him. They were finally taking action, finally moving forward in their quest to uncover the truth. And with Max by his side, he knew that anything was possible.


As the detective arrived at Max's house the next day, Alex and Max greeted him warmly, offering champagne on the porch as they settled in for their meeting. The atmosphere was tense with anticipation, each of them eager to uncover the truth behind Megan's kidnapping.


After exchanging handshakes and pleasantries, the conversation finally turned to the matter at hand. The detective, a seasoned professional with years of experience under his belt, wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter.


"We've been investigating Megan's disappearance for some time now," the detective began, his voice grave. "And while we've made some progress, there are still a lot of unanswered questions."


Max nodded solemnly, his expression serious. "We're here to help in any way we can," he said, his voice steady.


The detective leaned forward, his eyes scanning the faces of Alex and Max as if searching for any sign of deception. "I appreciate that," he said. "But I need to be honest with you both. This case is more complicated than it seems."


Alex felt a chill run down his spine at the detective's words. He knew that Megan's kidnapping was no ordinary crime, but he hadn't realized just how deep the rabbit hole went.


"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


The detective sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "There are people involved in this case who have a lot to lose if the truth comes out," he said cryptically. "And they're not afraid to do whatever it takes to protect themselves."


Max and Alex exchanged a worried glance, their minds racing with the possibilities. Who could be behind Megan's kidnapping, and what did they stand to gain from it?


"I think it's time you heard from the horse's mouth yourself," the detective said, his voice grim. "I've arranged for us to meet with the kidnapper."


Max and Alex exchanged a surprised glance, unsure of what to expect. But they knew that they had to follow the detective's lead if they wanted to uncover the truth.


The drive to the prison was tense, the silence thick with anticipation as they made their way through the streets of the city. Alex's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to prepare himself for what lay ahead.


As they arrived at the prison and were ushered inside, Alex felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach. He knew that facing the kidnapper would be difficult, but he was determined to do whatever it took to bring Megan home safely.


The kidnapper sat alone in a small, dimly lit room, his hands shackled to the table in front of him. His eyes were cold and calculating as he regarded Alex and the detective with a mixture of defiance and contempt.


Alex took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He knew that he couldn't let his emotions get the best of him, that he needed to stay focused if he was going to get the answers he so desperately sought.


"You wanted to see me?" the kidnapper said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.


Alex nodded, his jaw clenched with determination. "I need to know what happened to Megan," he said, his voice firm.


The kidnapper smirked, leaning back in his chair as if he had all the power in the world. "I know you have a good heart," he said, his tone mocking. "But your family is really something else."


"What are you talking about?" Alex retorted, his patience wearing thin.


The kidnapper leaned forward, his eyes locking onto Alex's with an intensity that sent a chill down his spine. "Your mum sent me," he said, his voice low and menacing. "And she said that if I ever got caught, I should stick it on your wife."


Alex felt like he had been punched in the gut, the words ringing in his ears like a death knell. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His own mother, involved in Megan's kidnapping? It was too much to process.


"But I can't do that," the kidnapper continued, his voice softening slightly. "You're a very good man, Alex. And I can see that you're just trying to do what's right."


Alex's mind was reeling as he tried to make sense of the kidnapper's words. Could it be true? Could his own mother have betrayed him in such a cruel and heartless way?


But before he could dwell on the thought any longer, the kidnapper leaned back in his chair, a smug smile playing at the corners of his lips.


"Looks like you've got some family drama to sort out," he said, his tone dripping with malice. "Good luck with that."


And with that, the kidnapper fell silent, leaving Alex and the detective to grapple with the shocking revelation that had just been dropped in their laps. As they made their way out of the prison and back into the harsh light of day, Alex knew that he had a difficult road ahead of him. But he was determined to uncover the truth, no matter where it led him.