
Sex System in Solo Leveling

"Hmm? What is this blue floating screen?" I was always a bottom feeder, always acting kind, always pleasing people.... why? Because I had no influential background. I didn't expect to get everything handed to me on a silver platter suddenly. {Monarch of Lust System} {Congratulations on activating the 'Monarch of Lust System'!} {Note- "The system will not assist in obtaining girls for the user. Instead, it will empower the user with enough strength to stand on top of the food chain. How the user chooses to pursue their sexual desires is entirely up to them.".} {The System wishes the host a joyful journey!} "....... It's like, I'm the MC of some degenerate's FanFic" ______ Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the Author is horny. Tags-OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, An@l, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incest, Netori, System, Harem, Large Harem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. **NO YURI, NO NTR. Me myself being a Reader, will never provide content that will destroy reader's mood. Support me on: patreon.com/MilkLoverFanfics The idea of writing this shit came to me while reading my favorite FanFic [Multiversal] Sex System in The Class Room of The Elite by AlmightySkyDxddy. The story will be different coz it is set in SoloLeveling but the system is kinda same Also, there are No traps. *** Remember do not compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake then kindly leave. Thank you for reading. To read ahead—> pa treon.com/MilkLoverFanfics

MilkLover · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 66: I am Saved!

It was 12:15 AM midnight in Seoul as Azaroth glanced at the clock, noting it had only been 45 minutes since he sent out the request and the nurse, Yoora, had been abducted within just 45 minutes. An amused smirk formed - they worked swiftly indeed.


In another part of the world,

California, USA, 8 AM

"Haa, since Lucas' boy has gained the public favor, these bunch of mobs has started trolling my Guild on all social media..."

A muscular black man grumbled, bathing in a luxurious bathroom. . This man is Anthony Evans Blake, the Guild Master of the Berserkers Guild US. 

Bzz Zszz

"Tsk.. the morning has just started.." As he hears his phone ring, he displays annoyance, sees the called is the Guild Accountant, and quickly picks up the call.

beep—"I told you not to disturb me before I reach the office.."

"*sigh* Just tell me is it the investors, I checked the market yesterday and the stocks were stable?"

he gruffly asks, clearly irritated by the interruption.

"G-Guild Master.. that's not the problem here.."

The voice on the other end sounds urgent and panicked.

Antony Blake's eyes narrowed, " Just out with it."

The person on the other side gulped loudly, "Guild Master, we are missing a-around 350... million dollars worth of funds f-from our offshore accounts,"

"What the Fuck!"

Antony Blake stood up abruptly from the tub, his shlong dangling in the air, wrapping a towel around himself as he processed the shocking news.

"Are you really sure? How could... from the.. is it the other guilds.. or is it the Association...? Who else knows about it?"

"I-I just placed an order for the Tempt artifacts of Russia but when I tried to transfer funds from those untraceable accounts, I saw that all our 1 million chain accounts were 350 dollars short," he replies, and adds" After finding out I naturally called you first... w-what is happening sir..?"

Temp Artifacts- The artifacts of the deceased hunters who died inside the Gate or the S-rank gate break on other countries.

Naturally, if the hunter was affiliated with a Guild then those artifacts go to that Guild but if the hunter was an individual hunter or if the whole guild was annihilated then the artifacts and the mana stones belong to the Hunter Association of that respective country.

But it seemed that they were buying the artifacts secretly of the Dawn Guild after their demise at the hands of the Federation Guild.

Antony nodded, 'I'm the first to know then' his mind racing through the potential implications of such a breach. "Good. Make sure the news doesn't leak," he instructed firmly. "I'm heading to HQ right now. Call the IT team and have Oliver's team there immediately."

Oliver- The best researcher and hacker of the US Hunter Association who can help Antony track down this hacker without informing the Association as long as he gets a small cut.

With that, Antony Blake swiftly ended the call and started dressing up.

The money wasn't a problem.. it's the Association and other Guilds who should not know about the Berserkers' illegal transactions with the Russian Federation.


It seemed from the offshore illegal Accounts Azaroth had targeted for the Billion dollars, that he had gotten 350 million from the Berserkers.

But is it really Azaroth's fault? Who told the Berserkers to have so many offshore accounts?





The room was cold and dark, and Yoora slowly opened her eyes.

As her vision adjusted to the dim light, she realized she was bound tightly by ropes, with tape covering her mouth."Hmmm.. Ummm"

"Hummlp(help).. Umm.."

Panic and fear gripped her as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

The space around her was unfamiliar—a dark corner of a room, illuminated only by a faint glimmer of blue lights coming from the corners of the door.

'W-Where Am I!?'

She moved her hands and body frantically, trying to lose the ropes on her hand and legs, still trying to remember how she had gotten in this place.

'Ah! It wasn't a dream!!' She winced as she recalled the events that led to this terrifying situation.

Just moments ago, she had been walking home after finishing her late shift at the hospital. A call from her mother had turned into a frantic conversation, abruptly cut short by the sudden arrival of a black SUV and masked people...

Memories of being forcefully taken, her phone smashed, and.. and.. I can't remember what happened after that...

Yoora's thoughts raced with questions—Who were these people? Why had they abducted her? Where were they keeping her? Did a family who felt disrespected by her rejection of a marriage proposal or today's family to which she didn't even bother to meet and chose to work late have a hand in this?

'C-Calm down Yoora.. I'm not that good-looking or wealthy and I don't think those upper-middle-class families would try something like this.. Maybe the kidnappers have mistaken me for someone else..? I was in the White Tiger Guild's territory.. the security of that area is also good.. maybe someone noticed the screeching of that SUV? Maybe Mom has already reported and someone is coming to rescue me..'

Yoora calmed herself down, 'Yeah, I-I just need to wait..' 


Someone doing this kind of thing in that territory..

Must not have a simple background.

I am just a small nurse..

W-would they K.. kill me after finding out that they mistakenly kidnapped me? 

Yoora's heart sank as she realized the gravity of her situation.

Suddenly, she heard a buzz and the lights flicked on brighter, illuminating her grim surroundings. "E-Ek!"

Her heart stopped as heavy footsteps approached the door.

The door which looked like the doors on the lift opened slowly with a *fusss...* ominously.

'Ah! The kidnappers are here!'

Too scared to look, Yoora squeezed her eyes shut tighter, holding her breath and pretending to still be unconscious.

"Pfft! I know you're awake, little nurse. Your eyelids are twitching too much for someone who is unconscious, not to mention the sweat droplets on your forehead, the AC is on you see~" a young-sounding voice chuckled in amusement.

Yoora still not opening her eyes creased her brows, It was certainly not the type of cruel tone she was expecting from her kidnappers.

"Oh, I'm not here to hurt you miss.. I just couldn't help chuckling after seeing you. You looked too cute, you know?" The voice said and it was getting closer.

Yoora's heart was beating and her breathing was becoming heavier and heavier, she knew she couldn't pretend anymore. Taking a leap of faith, Yoora slowly opened her eyes.

Before her stood a tall, handsome young man with styled, shiny red hair and a curious gaze but what subconsciously eased her breathing was the kind and gentle smile this man showed.

Yup, this man was Azaroth. 

The man who had practically experimented on a small girl and her mother, seeing a gruesome show of guts going Ka-Boom.. and here he was smiling like an angel like all that didn't happen just 5 minutes ago.

"Relax, I'm here to save you," the man squatted down to Yoora's level and gave her a gentle, angelic smile. His red hair fell loosely around his kind face.

Yoora's eyes slightly widened looking at his face from up close.


In that moment, Yoora recalled where she had seen him before - on countless news broadcasts. This is Azaroth Morningstar, being hailed as Korea's new hope!

"Umm.. Humm.."

 Tears spilled down her cheeks as relief flooded through her. She had thought for the worst possibility and was so afraid after hearing the footsteps. But it was this kind youngster that came to help her!

"Ah! I was so mesmerized by your watery eyes that I didn't even pay attention to this.. "

Azaroth's smile turned apologetic as he saw Yoora's distress. With the utmost care, he peeled the tape away from her beautiful raw, plump, juicy, mesmerizing, saliva-bathed lips...

"By the way, I'm Azaroth and It's all right now, you're in 'safe' hands," he soothed her hair as he said in a calming tone.

Yoora hiccuped, overcome with emotion. "T-thank you for c-coming.. *Hic* Mr. A-Azaroth. I-I didn't k-know what would I have done.. *Sob* I never e-expected that you would come to save m-me... p-please, I- I want to go home.."

"Oh, you want to go home..? Yes, but you have to wait for some procedures before that, kay~?" 

Yoora simply nodded thinking he had to inform the authorities or something, she was filled with emotions. Any simple girl would if someday 4 men came at night and abducted her.

Caught up in the relief of being rescued, Yoora had temporarily forgotten to question how or why Azaroth Morningstar himself had undertaken her rescue personally.

As her panic and tears started to subside, logic slowly returned. An S-ranker of Azaroth's caliber - why would he care about saving a simple nurse like herself?

Angry that someone had done something like this on his territory? But it is the territory of the White Tigers..

Yoora looked at Azaroth questioningly. "Aza—I mean, Mr. Azaroth.. N-not that I'm n-not grateful, but...why did y-you come for me s-specifically? I'm n-nobody important— ugh"

She slightly groaned by the friction of the ropes on her hands.

Azaroth looked at her slightly loosened ropes and... tightened them!

"Ugh, M-Mr. Azaroth!?"

Azaroth merely smiled enigmatically. "Oh you are important silly~ " He tilted his head " So? should we discuss the procedures?"




"Heh, it will be done. I didn't expect someone to play with The Berserkers like this heh," A man with a toothpick in his mouth said. His name was Oliver.

"I didn't either! Haha, I don't think that noobie even knew those funds belonged to us! Heh, I'm thinking what kind of face he will make after seeing me kill him for this!" Antony Blake said while lighting a cigar.

Many men were seen working in a high-tech room with a lot of computers and a big screen placed on a wall.

"Yeah yeah, My team will find his IP address in no time. Based on the foolish act he did, I'm sure he is new in this business."

"Sir Oliver! Looks like he tried binding his address with a virus. Heh, fucker thought it would be enough."



*processing* 0->10->48->..





"Sir we have nearly solved the encrypted puzzle."

"Heh, guess that hacker didn't think anyone would be able to track him" Another one shouted.

"Haha, do it quickly, I can't hold myself anymore! I'll kill that fucker!"

"Yes sir. it's done, we have his IP Address—"


"What is it?" Oliver asked his man but shut his mouth after seeing the screen.

"Hey, what, tell me already!" Antony shouted.

"Ah... i-it's.."

He pushed Oliver and the man aside and looked at the screen.


Kͪͯḭ̟̿͆s͖̦s͉ͦ ̱͓͉̅̊ͪ̉̑M͈̒͆̏ͭ͌y͇̮̱ͬ͊̐͐ͅ ̲̖̤̤ͯ̔͂Aͩ̄̅̍̐s͓̖̓̑s̭ͫ͗͐͊


"K..kiss my ass..? KISS MY ASS! This fucker!! Find him or I'm going to kill you all!"


A/N: Snu Snu in the next chapter.


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