
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs


"How was it? Looking at how erect your dick has turned already, seems like you still aren't satisfied."

Taking a moment to feel envious of how nice it was to be a teenager who looked like they had an unlimited libido, Haruka who just swallowed the semen got up and said, "I'll take the lead this time as well, okay?"

Not waiting for an answer, Haruka moved her body around and sat on top of his waist.

Pausing for a while so that she could catch her breath, the woman who had her legs on either side of Ryu's body began moving upwards until it looked like she was squatting on top of his dick.

This was when she began slowly moving downwards and stopped when she felt the tip of his dick touch the entrance of her pussy.

Trembling a little due to how exciting this felt, Haruka breathed out loudly and said, "Ready or not, here I come!"

Saying those words and lowering herself even more, Haruka didn't take his entire dick inside her in a single motion and rather moved at a speed which neither too slow nor too fast.

"Haaaaa.… "

Taking in a deep breath to calm himself, Ryu who never expected for a woman's pussy to feel so good thought that it was good he already cummed one time.

If not, who knows how soon he would've cummed.

In comparison to her mouth which already made Ryu feel that nothing could be better, her pussy felt so many times better.

Be it how tight her walls were wrapped around his dick, how warm her inside were, the way it felt as his dick slid deeper inside the wet tunnel, ahhhhh....

Everything about a woman's pussy was both fascinating and very pleasing.

Due to this, Ryu had already decided that after a woman's boobs it was their pussy which he considered as his second most favourite part.

"Awwwww... You look so cute right now."

Pushing her waist completely down along with those words, Haruka who took Ryu's entire dick which hadn't yet entered her inside at once couldn't help but moan out loud at how nice and refreshing it felt to have something so hard and big inside her pussy which had been craving for such a thing for so long.

"Ahhhhh... I love you Ryuuuuu!"

Starting to move her waist with the sudden deceleration, Haruka managed to surprise Ryu and distract him a little from how good the sex felt.


Using that word would probably be going too far.

Not showing how he was feeling on the inside on his face, Ryu while showing the same expression said, "I love you too Haruka!"

So what if he didn't actually love her and only wanted to have sex? Why would someone like him be afraid or bothered by telling a lie?

Therefore, saying the lie as if he truly meant it, Ryu raised his upper body and started playing with her breasts and sucked on her pink nipples while he started moving his lower body as well to see how much better it would feel.

Realizing that playing an active role and a passive role both had their different advantages and made him feel differently, Ryu who found both of them very good decided to play an active role this time.

Doing his best to not spoil the lustful atmosphere, Ryu turned Haruka around while making sure that their waists didn't separate and got on the top.

"I'll take the lead this time."

Continuing to play with her breasts, Ryu started moving his waist and controlled the pace at which his dick went in and out of Haruka's pussy.

"Uhhhh... "

Grunting a little because Haruka's pussy had suddenly turned even tighter, Ryu took hold of her waist and increased the speed of his movement to enjoy the now tighter pussy.

"Aaahhh yessssss... "

Moaning with pleasure at how good it felt to be one the receiving side of a good fucking, Haruka started to desire for even more pleasure.

Due to this while moaning from the pleasure she started begging Ryu to fuck her harder chasing his thrusts to turn more intense.

"Sooo tight.... "

Grinning proudly from how those exercises she did to maintain her pussy as tightly as possible, Haruka felt that maybe she should once again resume working out so that she wouldn't look out of shape and continue to be good in the sack.

After all, even though she hadn't spent the past month having a feast and only ate Ready To Eat emergency meals, they all contained a lot of the necessary proteins and carbohydrates needed by the human body.

Adding on how none of those on the shore had moved around too much due to the fear of animals inside the forest, Haruka who did the same had ended up with a slightly flabby waist.

Even though it wasn't as if it looked ugly, now that she had someone she loved and someone who loved her back, Haruka wanted to look as good as possible.

As she was thinking about this, Haruka unexpectedly moaned very loudly because she found that due to not having orgasmed too long back she was very close to orgasming once again.

"Aaaahh Ryuuuuu..... Yesssssssss!"

Orgasming for the second time, Haruka made sure to tell Ryu who was also close to cumming due to sensing his dick which was twitching inside her, that he could cum inside her without any fear because today was a safe day.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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