

On Saturday afternoon, on the drive to Dave and Celeste's place, I had a mild sense of unease, mixed with excitement.

I had left the little bar off Castro Street with the strong sense that Celeste and Dave were interested in playing with us. The idea gave me a tingle of excitement at the base of my spine.

Corrina looked ravishing in a colorful patterned cotton sundress — I think it's called a handkerchief dress — that showed off her golden shoulders and the tops of her breasts. I was wearing my summer Saturday uniform: khaki shorts and a polo shirt.

Dave and Celeste lived in a cedar-shaded ranch home on a hillside in Mill Valley, set back from the street.

"Wow," said Corrina, after we pressed the bell. "Nice place."

Celeste came to the door in a pair of black yoga pants and an orange tank top.

"Hey!" she said, stretching out her arms. "Welcome. Come on in."

She gave us each two pecks on the cheek.

"I won't hug you," she said. "I'm a mess. I've just finished my yoga."

She led us through the living room and into the kitchen, which opened onto a patio overlooking a big pool with a diving board. Behind it were trees.

"Oh my gosh," said Corrina. "It's so beautiful."

Celeste led us to an umbrella-covered glass table. We stood in the sun, took it in. The pool terrace was of ochre terracotta tiles, like a Mexican courtyard.

A couple of loungers of dark tropical wood sat at the other end of the pool, next to a hot tub. A yoga mat was stretched out next to the water.

Across the pool, there were cedars and pines climbing a steep hill covered in rust-colored needles. It smelled nice. I couldn't see the speakers, but Stan Getz was playing samba at just the right volume.

"I'm afraid Dave's had to go to work for a bit," Celeste said. "He should be joining us soon. Do you like sangria?"

Yes please. She went into the kitchen. Corrina took my hand and kissed me.

Celeste came out with a tray holding four glasses and a big pitcher. She put it on the table, poured three glasses. Corrina passed one to me. It was delicious.

"I love this," said Corrina, after she took a long drink. "The sangria. The pool. The house. How long have you been here?"

"Thanks," said Celeste, draining her sangria. "Four years. We are lucky. We really like it."

She stepped back away from us, into the sun.

"Where are you from, Corrina?" she asked. "I love your accent. Very light but it's there. French? Spanish?"

"French," said Corrina. "I'm from Lyon. Came here to model and met this guy."

Celeste said she had had some fun nights in Lyon when she was a student. All our glasses were empty. Celeste refilled them.

Corrina asked about the house.

"We really love it," said Celeste. "We like the trees, the pool, and the privacy."

She stepped away from us, turned to the pool and pulled off her top.

"I like feeling the sun on my skin," she said. "And the water."

She turned to us, standing there in her moist black sports bra and yoga pants. Her skin gleamed. Her nipples stood out against the thin material of the bra.

"I need to have a swim, guys," she said. "Do you want a dip?"

"We didn't bring swimsuits," said Corrina. "I didn't know you had a pool."

Celeste smiled.

"I don't have a suit either," she said, and she turned her back to us and peeled off her sports bra and threw it on one of the loungers. She walked to the edge of the pool, stuck one of her toes in the water, and turned back to look at us.

"I hope you don't mind," she said. "I keep it a bit on the cool side."

I really liked that, watching her take off her top and walk around without it, allowing me to ogle her without looking like a creep. Her breasts were amazing. Her toned abs and long black hair, No tan lines, cute little brown nipples, with just a bit more bounce than Corrina's, because they were just a bit bigger.

She walked up to the diving board before we could say anything. She stopped next to the board and bent to peel off her yoga pants. She tossed them toward her bra.

She walked to the end of the board, then stood there with her arms by her side, looking straight ahead, like an Olympic diver. It was like a moment from a Helmut Newton photograph, the reflection of shimming light from the water playing on her naked body. She was shaved and tanned an even golden shade.

She jumped up, bounced off the board, launched herself into the air, did a somersault and sliced through the water, with almost no splash.

She swam underwater toward us, and came up by the side of the pool.

"How did I do?" she said.

Corrina and I both clapped.

"Four point nine from the French judge," she said.

"Four point seven," I said.

"You're tough when you're judging," she said to me. "Let's see how you do on the board.

"I used to dive at school," said Corrina. "I was quite the plongeuse. I haven't tried any of my old tricks in years."

She walked toward the board.

"Let's see what you got," said Celeste.

Corrina looked at me and shocked me with the ease of her mischievous smile.

"I'm going to do it," she said.

She stopped at the foot of the board, closed her eyes for a second, then bent at the waist and yanked her dress off over her head. She quickly dropped her panties and put her hands behind her back to undo her bra.

She walked to the front of the board and stood straight, arms by her side, as Celeste had done. She breathed in and out a few times.

She was a bit curvy but tall too and more delicate than Celeste, with tan lines, which I like. She was graceful and beautiful, standing there, taking her time, as she was trained to do, thinking about her dive, her chest heaving.

She took a breath, bounced on the board and did a jackknife, landing it with just a bit of a splash, and swam underwater to the side of the pool, next to Celeste.

They were both there, then, with their arms over the sides of the pool, their hair slick behind them.

"Five," I said.

"Four point four," said Celeste. "Not an ambitious dive."

Corrina smiled at me.

"Your turn," she said.

"Yes," said Celeste. "Let's see what you got."

She ducked her head under the water, came up with a mouthful of water and squirted it at me. It hit my foot.

I was self-conscious. I took a step back.

"I don't know," I said. "I'm not much of a diver."

"Feeling shy?" said Celeste.

I was. I hadn't expected to feel this way, but I suddenly was feeling nervous about dropping my shorts and showing myself.

I bit my lip and thought about it. Two beautiful women naked in the pool. Time for me to join them. No decision to make. But I was suddenly afraid of having Celeste see my penis. I am aware that I am smaller than a lot of guys, and it was all I could think about. I felt like I was standing at the edge of a stage, and they were the audience. My stomach lurched. I felt frozen.

"I thought you wanted to go to Taboo," said Celeste, laughing. "You'll have to show off your junk there."

"Come on, Simon," said Corrina.

I took off my shirt and paused again, feeling quite silly.

"Let's see what you got, big guy," said Celeste.

I forced myself to drop my shorts and underwear, tossing them aside, and walked quickly to the board. I could feel my penis jiggling as I walked. I blushed.

Celeste clapped and whistled.

I ran down the board, took one leap off the end and did a cannon ball, landing with a huge splash. I turned and swam underwater to the women, and stayed under for a moment longer so I could dive down and grab at their feet. They both pushed me away with their feet and I surfaced with a mouthful of water, which I squirted at Celeste.

I pulled Corrina to me and gave her a kiss, and grabbed hold of the wall of the pool, so I was in between the two women. I had my arm around Corrina, her naked body rubbing against me.

"Aw," said Celeste. "You guys are so cute. Kiss again."

I kissed Corrina again, slower, for Celeste's benefit. Corrina tilted her head back as if she was swooning.

"Nice," said Celeste.

She pulled herself half out of pool, and bent over the side, so her ass was sticking out in the air, all wet and golden, next to my head.

"After this dive," she said, as she pulled herself up, "I want you both to give me a kiss."

She walked up to the board, climbed up, pulled her wet hair back neatly behind her ears and ran up the board, taking one big springy leap, and went up into the air, her beautiful golden body flying far out, then cutting into water like a knife.

As we watched her, I had my hand on Corrina's sex under the water, just resting there. I sucked her neck. My penis was hard against her thigh and I rubbed back and forth a bit.

Celeste surfaced in front of us.

"That was amazing," said Corrina.

"Yeah?" said Celeste, treading water. "Will you give me a kiss as a reward?"

Corrina nodded and Celeste took one stroke so that her right arm was suddenly around Corrina's other shoulder. She held my bicep in her hand.

She turned to Corrina and waited, and Corrina leaned forward, turned her head and they kissed tenderly. Celeste pulled in closer, pressing her breast against Corrina's as the kiss intensified. She gripped my bicep harder.

When she pulled back, ending the kiss, Corrina was still leaning forward, yearning for more, eyes closed, mouth open. She nipped at Celeste's lip as she withdrew.

"God," I said.

I felt like my penis was going to explode. It throbbed and twitched and I pressed it against Corrina's thigh.

"Mm-hmm," said Celeste.

"Did you like that?" I asked Corrina.

In reply, she turned her head to me and kissed me and I could feel that she was aroused by the way she moved her hips as I rubbed her clitoris.

"Now it's your turn," said Celeste.

She put her left hand on my hip and leaned in and pressed her chest against mine. She moved her thigh between my legs, rubbing it against my testicles. Her right hand dropped to Corrina's breast.

"Very gentle," she said, and leaned forward and kissed me. I opened my mouth and let her wrap her tongue around mine.

Under the water, I felt her hand close around my penis and I held myself totally still. Corrina wriggled against me.

The kiss ended too soon. She pushed away from both of us.

"Now you two kiss," she said.

Corrina turned to me and we necked like teenagers.

"Yeah!" said Celeste, and I could feel one hand on my ass. With her other hand, she stroked Corrina's breast. Then she slid it down, nudging mine aside, and rubbed Corrina's clitoris. Corrina took deep breaths. I ended the kiss and nuzzled her ear, moving back to make room for Celeste.


Suddenly we were all aware that Dave was home, and swearing loudly. Corrina and I jerked our heads up.

I was startled. Was he angry with me for making out with Celeste?

We stuck our heads up over the edge of the pool.

Dave was in the kitchen doorway, talking into a cell phone.

"Sheldon, I just got back from there. She wasn't there. You sort it out. You fix it with her."

I was relieved he hadn't been calling me motherfucker.

He was wearing jeans, a light black sweater and a tan blazer, which he pulled off as he stepped onto the terrace. He had a shoulder holster with a pistol in it.

He took that off next and dropped it on the table where the sangria pitcher stood sweating in the sun.

He poured himself a glass, waved and smiled at us in the pool, drank the sangria and talked on the phone.

"Bitch is just keyed up," he said. "I went down there to see her, she wasn't there. I left. I'm not going back. What's she need to see me for? I'm not a member of her entourage. You are. You deal with her. We got four people looking after her, got hotel security on speed dial, anything happens, God forbid. It's just nerves. Calm her down. What she pays you to do. Not what she pays me to do."

He poured another glass of sangria, drank a bit of it, jammed the phone into his shoulder, kicked off his shoes and undid his belt.

"No," he said. "No. No. Fuck you very much. Love you, brother. Hasta mañana."

He dropped the phone on the table and turned to the pool.

"How y'all doing?" he said. "Playing around in the pool. Looks nice. Mind if I join you?"

"We were waiting for you," said Celeste.

"I'm thrilled to see you here, Corrina and Simon," he said. "Sorry I was delayed by some bullshit. I expect Celeste kept you entertained in my absence."

"She did," I said. "Very much."

"Is Bitchface giving you trouble?" said Celeste.

"Yes and no," he said, and pulled off his sweater, so that he was standing in front of us with no shirt and his pants undone. He still had an athlete's powerful shoulders and trim waist. All three of us were against the pool looking up at him.

"She just needs attention," he said, and unzipped his jeans and dropped them around his ankles, kicked them behind him.

He was wearing tight white briefs with a big bulge in the front. I glanced at Corrina, who was staring up at him.

"Who are you talking about?" she asked him.

"We call her Bitchface," he said. "Can't really talk about clients by name. A diva. A pain in the ass. Anyway, I'm done for the day and ready for a swim."

He dropped his briefs as he spoke, and stood there in front of us with his big penis dangling between his legs, just above our heads. It was long and black, swinging like a thick rope. The three of us were looking up at him.

"You guys ready for me to join you?" he said.

I glanced at Corrina. I had my hand on her ass under the water.

I was excited and anxious. Corrina didn't look at me. She stared up at Dave, who was standing there waiting for an answer, his big penis pointing down at us. Corrina nodded. Under the water, her hand closed around my penis, which was hard as a rock.


"We're waiting for you," said Celeste.

Dave stepped back, took another drink from his sangria and strolled to the board. We watched him as he strode to the end, pushed off and sliced the water next to us.

He surfaced in front of Celeste, who wrapped her arms and legs around him and kissed him.

Corrina and I watched. She kept her hand wrapped tightly around my penis, absently, as if she had forgotten where it was.

When Celeste finally finished her kiss, she laughed and pulled herself around him, so that she was hanging off his back. The two of them smiled at us.

"I think I should tell you what we did while we waited for you," she said.

"Do," said Dave.

"Well," she said, "When Corrina and Simon arrived I was a bit of a mess from yoga, so I stripped off and dove into the pool. Then, Corrina joined me. She did a pretty nice jackknife dive, in fact. Simon was a bit shier, had to be coaxed. I don't think he wanted to drop his shorts, but he did eventually, and did a cannonball."

She stopped to kiss him and nibble on his ear.

"After I did a second dive, I decided I wanted a kiss as a reward. So Corrina gave me one. It was nice. Mm. Really nice. And then Simon was being kind of left out, so I gave him a kiss. Then there was more kissing. It's a good thing you showed up when you did. I was getting all hot and bothered. God knows what we might have got up to if you hadn't come back when you did."

"Hmm," said Dave. "Seems like I missed out on the fun."

He stared at Corrina, who was standing in front of him. She was breathing deeply, standing in chest-deep water, her lips parted. Her little pink nipples were just below the surface.

Celeste reached out from behind Dave and took a strand of Corrina's wet hair in her hand.

"It all seems kind of unfair," Celeste said. "Don't you think it's unfair to Dave, Corrina?"

She tugged gently on Corrina's hair, pulling her toward the two of them.

"Maybe," said Corrina. She took a step forward, licked her lips. She released my penis from her hand and lifted both hands to her hair, to smooth it, arching her back and sticking out her breasts. Dave was staring at her, smiling. I could see he desired her.

She then took a deep breath and began to close the distance with a hesitant face.

She could feel his gaze on her lips and his hot breath caressing her face, sending shivers down her spine.

Her hands unconsciously clutched waist as she slowly closed her eyes, her heart becoming heavier.

"MmmN!~" Her eyes suddenly widened when Dave's warm lips suddenly enveloped hers and felt her lips getting sucked into his mouth as if her lips were being devoured.

"Smmch...Mnhhh...." Her heart began to race as his lips started sucking in her stiffened lips while his hands kept caressing the back of her waist.

A wave of panic and guilt suddenly washed over her as Corry stumbled backwards with a gasp while pushing dave away.

"Jesus, corrina, are you alright?" Dave asked with a concerned look as Corry touched her lips with a flushed face and said with a slightly shaken smile, "dave...I wasn't expecting you to be tha rough..."

What she said wasn't far from the truth as she was expecting just a soft and subtle kiss and not a passionate one.

Dave gave a apologetic smile as he scratched his hair, "Oh corry, I am so sorry. I thought it was the best way to make the pic look convincing."

Corry gave a brief smile as she shook her head, "It's fine. I was just startled," Corry tried to keep her cool but her heart was still pounding and then she turned to Simon's face who was breathing hardly.

"What do you think, Simon?" said Celeste. "Don't you think it would be nice for Corrina to give Dave a deep french kiss?"

My voice was hoarse when I answered.

"Yes," I said. "Do it."

Corrina turned to me and smiled shyly. I nodded and then she stepped forward to Dave. Celeste put her hand in Corrina's wet, tangled hair and slowly pulled her toward Dave.

"Gently," she said.

Dave put his hands on Corrina's hips and pulled her against his body. His penis was hard now and I could see through the shimmering water that the tip pressed against Corrina's belly. She put her hands around his neck and he bent and kissed her slowly.

She stood close to dave, put her arms around his neck as her eyes glowed with determination.

She emptied her mind as she pressed her lips against dave's and softly started to kiss him while tightening her embrace.


She felt dave's hand caressing her bare back as he gently sucked on her lower lip while she kept up with him.

She felt her nerves tingling as her body temperature kept rising like crazy for some reason.

His kiss was soft and gentle yet it made her heart race without control and her cheeks felt hot.

"Smooch~" Dave sucked her lower lip into his warm mouth and corry felt as if he was tasting her lip and savouring it like a dish.

She closed her eyes and seemed to melt in his arms. When he pulled away, she sucked on his lower lip as he slowly pulled back. Her right hand dropped from his shoulder, down his powerful chest to his waist, where it rested just above his penis. Dave was holding her left breast in his right hand, his big fingers rolling her little nipple.

"Yeah," whispered Celeste. "Yeah. That's nice, isn't it?"

"Oh my," said Corrina, as she took a half step back. I stood behind her, and put my hands on her shoulders. I rubbed my penis against her ass. I was so excited that I was afraid I might orgasm on the spot. I could imagine my semen spurting out in the water.

Dave was staring at Corrina. He lifted his hand from her breast and stuck his thumb in her mouth. She sucked on it with her eyes closed. I squeezed her breasts in my hands from behind and rubbed my penis against her.

Celeste broke the spell.

"Well," she said. "That only seemed fair. Now, let's sit in the hot tub. Time for us to have a chat. And I don't know about you, but I want some more sangria."

I felt oddly anxious to climb out of the pool again, knowing that Corrina and Celeste would inevitably compare Dave and me. His penis looked like another category of thing compared to my much smaller white penis. It felt odd to stand around, the four of us naked, as Celeste filled our glasses with sangria.

Celeste and Dave both seemed completely relaxed and unselfconscious, but Corrina was nervous. I awkwardly put my arm around her and gave her a kiss.

"Are you having fun?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded and cuddled up against me.

"How about you?" she said quietly. "Is it fun?"

I smiled and kissed her.

"Oh gosh," I said. "Really fun. It's amazing."

She glanced down at my erect penis.

"I can tell," she said.

We followed Celeste and Dave to the hot tub and settled into the hot, bubbling water, which felt great. We sat boy-girl-boy-girl. Corrina snuggled under my right arm.

"So," said Celeste. "Is this the first time you two have done anything like this?"

We both nodded.

"We've been talking about it for a while though," said Corrina. "We've been curious."

"And how do you like it so far?" asked Dave.

Corrina laughed. She had now had quite a bit of sangria, drinking nervously, and her voice had the quality it got when she was just a little tipsy. Her accent started to come out a bit, which I found adorable.

"So far, so good," she said.

"How long have you two been, um, doing this kind of thing?" I asked.

"Three years," said Dave. "Not long after we got married we got invited to a party, hosted by some friends, the same ones who organize the trips to Taboo. We had fun. Went to the next party."

"We haven't really stopped since then," said Celeste. "It's kind of part of our lives now."

"But not really an important part of our lives," said Dave. "When we first talked about it, we decided that we would make sure that we always kept it light."

"It's fun," said Celeste. "We have made some really good friends, people who would do anything for us, and vice versa. But it's recreational and, I don't know, shallow, the experience. Games. Fun games."

"We've seen some couples take it too seriously, invest too much in it," said Dave. "Not good for the relationship. It's the kind of thing you shouldn't fool around with unless your relationship is solid. You have to trust each other, communicate, stick to your limits, take it slow at first."

"What are your limits?" said Corrina.

Celeste laughed.

"They're different for both of us," she said.

"Basically, Celeste and I seduce other women," said Dave.

"Or let them seduce us," said Celeste. "I don't fuck other guys. I've got all the cock I can handle right here." She wrapped her hand around Dave's penis. He inhaled sharply and smiled as she started to rub him.

She looked up at us and smiled.

"I don't want to be greedy," she said. "This really is all the cock I could ever want. I'm kind of a tease with other guys. I'll kiss them, grope them, push their buttons, but I'm not going to fuck any of them."

"And is that OK with the couples you play with?" said Corrina.

"It has to be," said Dave. "If it's not, they can play with somebody else."

Under the water, I slipped my hand between Corrina's legs. She spread them to allow me to rub her clitoris.

"We're up front about it," said Celeste. "And a lot of the husbands find it a huge turn-on to see their wife with Dave. It's a huge fantasy for a lot of guys, to see their wife with someone like him. It's usually their idea at first and the women have to be talked into it."

"After the ladies have a taste, usually the husbands don't have to do much more convincing," said Dave, laughing.

Celeste looked at me.

"I kind of think that's what's going on with you two," she said. "Am I right, Simon? Do you fantasize about seeing Corrina with another guy?"

All three of them were looking at me and I was flustered. I blushed and cleared my throat.

Corrina answered for me.

"He mentioned it for the first time on our honeymoon," she said. "When we were in Venice."

She kissed me.

"I'm no prude," she said. "I love him. If I can make his fantasy come true, why shouldn't I?"

"Good question," said Dave.

"It's an incredibly common fantasy, Simon," said Celeste. "You shouldn't be shy about admitting it. In fact, you can't be. If you want Corrina to play with Dave, you have to say so."

My face was bright red and my voice was hoarse when I answered.

"It's a really strong fantasy," I said. "It really, um…"

Under the water, Corrina had wrapped her hand around my penis.


"He gets so hard," she said. "It's like a magic button."

"What can I say?" I said. "I'm just perverted."

"I think we should take it slow," said Celeste. "I really like you two. I could see us having fun, hanging out, playing from time to time. We have some friends I'd like to introduce you to."

She turned to look at Dave.

"What do you think?"

Dave smiled.

"Yeah," he said. "Take it slow, make sure we can all be friends, whatever happens."

Celeste looked at me.

"Simon," she said. "I'm going to give Corrina a little taste of this."

She glanced down at Dave's cock, which was visible through the bubbles, with her white hand on it.

"That's going to really turn you on," she said to me. "And you're going to take her over there to one of those loungers and fuck her. After it sinks in, a few days later, you two will decide if you want a little more. And we'll decide if we do, too. How's that sound?"

I nodded. Here it was at last. I suddenly had a feeling of dread. Did I really want to go through with this? Did I want to see Corrina take Dave into her mouth?

I guess I did.

"That sounds good," I said. "Thank you."

I turned to kiss Corrina. I could feel how aroused she was because of the way she rubbed against my hand.

Celeste turned from me to Corrina.

"Come over here," she said, and stretched out her hand.

Corrina took her hand, and Celeste pulled her over, so they were sitting on either side of Dave. Dave put his arms around them both, and took a breast in both of his hands. He wore a huge smile.

"Um hum," he said. "Yeah. That's right."

Celeste took Corrina's hand in hers. She guided it to Dave's penis, and they both stroked him.

"You like that?" Celeste asked Corrina.

Corrina nodded. Her cheeks were flushed.

Celeste leaned forward and kissed Corrina. Their tongues intertwined. Under the water, their fingers were wrapped together around Dave's penis. After they kissed for a while, Celeste withdrew, and then Dave kissed Corrina while Celeste whispered in her ear. I couldn't hear what she was saying.

Celeste pulled back and looked at me.

"Are you OK?" she asked me. "Do you like this? Are you turned on?"

I nodded.

She smiled.

"I thought you were," she said. "I can read you."

Under the water, she reached over and took my penis in her hand and squeezed it once, firmly.

"Tell her," she whispered. "Tell her that she's turning you on."

Then her hand was gone and she turned back to Dave and Corrina.

I cleared my throat.

"God, Corrina," I said. "Wow. You're really turning me on. Oh my God."

Corrina looked at me and gave me a lovely smile.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you, too," I said.

Then Celeste was at Dave's side. She nudged him to sit up on the edge of the tub. His penis came out of the water like a submarine's periscope and he sat back with his legs spread.

Celeste sat with it rubbing against her cheek.

"AHHH!! UMNNNNNN!!~She pulled Corrina to her and they kissed. Then she took Dave's penis in her hand and kissed the tip of it.


"Do you want to kiss this?" she asked Corrina.

Corrina, breathing deeply, nodded.

Celeste looked over at me.

"Tell her," she said.

"Do it," I said. "Corrina. Go ahead."

She smiled at me.

"This feels so naughty," she said. "You OK?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Good," she said. "Because I want to …"

She interrupted herself by taking Dave's penis in her mouth.




He groaned with pleasure and ran his fingers through her wet hair. Celeste encouraged her.

"Yeah," she said. "That's nice. Go ahead. Suck that thing. You like that big cock?"

Corrina took it into her mouth more deeply, turned so that she could take more of it.



And started to move her mouth rhythmically up and down. It stretched out her lips. It occurred to me that it must feel very different in her mouth than my penis.

Celeste turned to me and winked and then she joined Corrina, licking Dave's heavy balls as Corrina sucked him.




The two of them worked together, moving their tongues and lips up and down, taking turns.

"Oh God," said Dave. "Oh yeah."


Celeste pulled away and stroked Corrina's hair and whispered in her ear. Then she moved over to sit beside me. She put her hand on my penis, which was hard as a rock, and whispered in my ear.

"Do you like watching her?" she said.

"Yes," I said. "Oh my God."


She linked her forefinger and thumb together and gripped my penis by the base, with her other fingers wrapped around my testicles, squeezing rhythmically.

"Do you like watching her suck that big cock?" she said.

"I do," I said.

"Look at her," she said. "She loves it."

It was true. Corrina was totally focused on Dave's penis. She was struggling to take as much of it in her mouth as she could and had wrapped her hand around it. Her eyes were closed.



Dave was grimacing with pleasure. He reached down and held one of Corrina's breasts in his hand. Corrina opened her eyes and looked up at him, her big, beautiful eyes seeming to express desire and submission.

"You think she'd like to feel that big cock inside her?" Celeste whispered.

I nodded.

She squeezed my penis harder.

"It would feel a lot bigger than this little guy," said Celeste.

I groaned and bit my lip. I was afraid that I was going to cum from excitement.

I reached down and gripped Celeste's wrist in my hand, to stop her from moving it on my penis.

She giggled in my ear.

"You like that kind of talk, don't you?" she said.

Rather than answer, I turned to her and opened my mouth to kiss her. She kissed me with her tongue and I closed my eyes and it felt like the world was spinning around us.

She pulled away after the kiss.

"I'm going to take over from Corrina now," she said. "You take her out of the tub and make her feel good. She needs to know that you love her."

She took me by the hand and pulled me to the other side of the tub. I moved behind Corrina, and wrapped my arm around her waist.


Up close, I could see her lips moving back and forth on Dave's penis, which was glistening with her saliva. Celeste moved beside her and put her hand on Dave's penis. Corrina turned to her and they kissed.

She turned to me then and I whispered in her ear.

"Oh my sweet girl," I said. "Wow that was sexy."

She smiled and kissed me.

"Did you like that?" she said. "Did you like watching me?"

"Oh my God," I said. "It turned me on so much."

She reached down and took me in her hand and giggled.

"I really want to fuck you now," I said.

"I want you to," she said.

We left Celeste and Dave in the tub and walked over to one of the loungers nearby. I took her in my arms and kissed her. I sat her on the lounger and dropped to my knees in front of her.

"AHHH!! UMNNNNNN!!~ moaned Corry "just like that....ahhhhmmmmmm"

I kissed her breasts, sucking her nipples, and rubbed her sex, then moved my mouth to her clitoris.

I wanted desperately to fuck her but I knew that I would orgasm very quickly, and I wanted her to cum. She rarely has an orgasm from intercourse.

So I put my fingers inside her and tongued her clitoris.



She came, powerfully, almost immediately, with a long gasp of pleasure. Her fingers tightened in my hair.

We kissed then and she moved to take my penis into her mouth. I stopped her because I knew I would explode and wanted to be inside her.

I leaned her back on the lounger and pulled her legs apart.

I paused for a moment and looked down at her. She reached up and took my penis in her hand.


"You liked that, didn't you?" she said. "You liked watching me?"

"I loved it," I said.

She pulled my penis inside her.


"I loved it, too," she said as I entered her. "His cock is huge. Do you think I did a good job?"

She had a playful glint in her eye.



I groaned and started to move inside her. I stopped immediately because I was going to cum.

Corrina laughed.

"Go ahead," she said. "Don't hold back. Fuck me. Cum in me."

She reached her arms up to me and pulled me close. We kissed, our tongues intertwined.



I started to move in and out. It was heaven. She grunted rhythmically.





In two minutes I could feel the pressure building and then it released and I was groaning and writhing in her arms.

Afterwards, we laid together in the fading early evening sun, our arms and legs tangled, and said nothing, expressing our feelings through little kisses and caresses. I felt marvelously close to Corrina and I could tell she felt the same way. We were in the aftermath of an erotic fever.


As both Simon nd Corrina left the two.

The two, now naked lovers, were covering every inch of their partner and to the woman's surprise, the dave was bit more excited and his dick was also more bigger nd the girth was also more wider.

Infact Celeste was known to dav's dick as it was around 8.5 inches and it was enough to pound and she thoroughly enjoyed it.

But today it was around 12 inch with much more girth and she did noticed it happened after dave kissed Corrina.

And she was getting very jealous of Corrina to as dave became harder because of her.

And she really going to dave make her pay by thoroughly grinding him and make him moan in pain.

Dave watched as Celeste was smiling in her won world and slowly took her by the waist and with a quick movement, put her under him in the tub to be able to observe her better.

He no longer cared what happened, he no longer cared that corry was grinding in front of him.

The woman was completely tense and she just wanted to release all the stress that she had accumulated she saw about dave gettin more aroused because of corrina.

"Please… let's do it…" celeste whispered as she felt her arousal level increase with each beat of her heart. She was expectant, she was eager, she was excited, she just wanted to feel him inside her so that the pleasure would erase everything she had felt before.

"Here I go..." Dave said as he slowly invaded celeste's insides.




He kept his slow thrusts as his mouth and celeste kept connected through the whole ordeal, the pleasure slowly became more prominent and he lifted her ass more and more until he was piledriving her and water from the tub was also getting to surface.


The woman just arched her back in ecstasy as she felt her lover's 12 inch penis going deeper and deeper.

She was biting her lip to hold back the moan that she was trying her best to get out of her as she was still getting used to his new size.

celeste had to admit that she was in heaven, not only because dave was finally releasing all that pent up tension, but because she hadn't had sex in weeks, as her husband had been busy.



"Ah-!" - She couldn't resist it anymore, the dave's slow movements were starting to have an effect. celeste was beginning to enjoy her sinful act- "Hyaaaaaaaan~!"

"I have to be thankful that Simon is far away or maybe I might've to fuck Corry too"-Dave said as he began to move faster and faster. He had taken the woman from her waist and was penetrating her as precisely as possible.



"Ah-!" -celeste was feeling heavenly as she saw how the blonde was getting more and more 'animated'- "Faster-!"

Dave quickly picked her up from under and put her legs on his shoulder and sat on the edge of the tub.

"What was that for?" celeste asked with a frown.

"Because I want to feel that nice ass of yours" Dave said as he withdrew his masculinity from the latina woman and smooches all over her neck, only to enter her once more.

"Hmm~!" - celeste bit her lips to keep from moaning when the dave penetrated her in one go. She could feel how she had come much farther now than before- "Ah~!"




"Moan, celeste… .. let both of them hear how you moan"-Dave whispered as he took her by the waist again and penetrated her forcefully.

celeste had one hand on his chest and the other on her mouth to resist her moans but the dave was making it difficult for her.

He was doing what he wanted with her body, he was grabbing her big breasts, pinching her big buttocks, licking her neck and biting her earlobe, kissing her breasts lips, running his hands down her back but what made it worse was that she was enjoying it to the point that she really wondered if this guy was the only one for her.

"Hyan~!" -celeste could only moan despite how much she tried not to while Dave continued to enjoy her inside her like there was no tomorrow.

"I can't take it anymore-!" - moaned the beautiful Celeste as her vouloupous breasts were bouncing on his face - "Please, faster-!"

"As you order, my lady"-Dave said as he grabbed her by the waist and began to move her hips at great speed.




"Yes-so-!" celeste moaned as she arched her back and in the process, giving dave a perfect opportunity to cup her huge tits and pinch her nipples- "Hyaaaaaaaaaan-!"

She was experiencing some of the wildest sex she had ever had.

"Hmm~!" celeste continued to moan as she squeezed the walls of her vagina even tighter. She wanted to continue experiencing the pleasure of being penetrated over and over again by her new mind as she let lust fill her thoughts- "Hmm-!"

"Anything to say, celeste?" - Dave asked as they separated their mouths of her "Keep moving-!" - moaned the Woman - "That's an order~!

"As you order"-smiled the dave as he kissed the woman again.

celeste just let the two tongues continue to dance as she focused her gaze on the eyes of her lover.

She was feeling how she was slowly getting closer to her climax and from what she felt with the dave's penis, he was about to cum too.

"How long do you think you can take-?" The woman purred as she gazed at him with passion and in the process, she tightened her vaginal walls even more.

She could feel with greater precision all the dave's movements as he seemed to clench his teeth in order to continue resisting - "10 more thrusts"

"Enough to fill you completely"-Dave said seriously as he stepped back slightly and penetrated her hard.

"AAAAAAAH~!" -celeste could only moan as she felt how that last thrust seemed to have reached the depths of her womb-"Shit, that almost made me cum~!"

"But the question here is... how long can you last?" -

Dave asked as he looked at her lustfully.

"Enough to leave you with nothing inside your balls"-celeste replied as a gleam full of fighting spirit appeared in her eyes.

"We'll see about that"-Dave said seriously as he changed her position. He masterfully raised one of her legs and began to penetrate her from the side.

"Hmm~!" celeste bit her lip again as she gave him an annoyed look. She was enjoying the feel of how her smooth and huge ass was bumping against the hip of her lover, so a change of pose not only made her lose focus for a few moments, but now she would have to get used to it again. .

"It's time for the second part"-Dave said as he penetrated her again at high speed.

"Ah-!" - celeste only answered him with a groan.


30 minutes had passed and the two lovers were still doing their act of sinful passion.

"D-Dave, please b-be gent- AHNNN!!-"

"You're so tight, celeste~" Dave' released a hot sigh and saw how her cum coated their crotches.





The two of them were at their limits and celeste could barely contain her release- "Come~!"

"Ok" - nodded the dave while biting his inner cheek to be able to resist a little more.

He, too, is barely resisting the urge to fill the woman's interior with his essence, but in a last moment of lucidity, he decided to withdraw from her interior.

"Here I come, celeste!" The dave exclaimed.

"Do it! Paint me your color~!" celeste moaned as she felt the boy leave inside her. that he

"I cum!" The dave yelled as he released his essence into the whole body of the woman.





With a sharp thrust that resounded like a slap, their crotches joined in primal union, he settled himself inside her womb and released whatever his balls had within them at the moment.

"Ah-!" - celeste responded with a groan when she felt how it was covered by a thin layer of still warm liquid. Dave continued to release his ejaculation, even as he watched as the woman fell wearily onto him.

"T-This is new…" celeste mumbled as she bit her lip. She had never been covered in cum so this was a new experience.

"Same here" - Dave said seriously.

"..." - the two passionate lovers looked at each other again while a deep silence invaded the place.

Slowly the two approached and when they were few centimeters, they kissed again.

Dave had not ejaculated on her face, so there were no problems with this action, nor did he mind the smell or feeling sticky, after all, it was the very essence of him, not to mention that after this, the two would clean .

"What do we do now?" Dave asked as he looked at the woman seriously.

"I see you're not tired yet so a second round wouldn't be bad"-celeste replied as she let the lust continue to dominate her actions-"What do you say?"

"Sounds like a plan" - Dave replied as he passionately kissed the woman again - "A plan that I will gladly follow, my lady..."

celeste gave him a seductive smile as she once again led him to the table that was now a complete mess.

The empty beer cans were now on the ground while a deep smell of sex spread through the tent, only for a few seconds later the melody of pleasure was heard again in the place.




"D-Dave, please b-be gent- AHNNN!!-"






We could hear the sound of Celeste and Dave having sex, and I realized soon enough that Corrina was lying on her back, watching. I turned with her and watched them, too.



Dave was lying on his back, with his feet in the tub. Celeste was straddling him, bouncing up and down, occasionally bending to kiss him, grinding herself up and down on his penis, twisting her hips, her back to us. She was grunting and moaning.

Corrina and I watched quietly as they had sex. Eventually, Dave turned Celeste over onto her knees and took her from behind, slowly fucking her while she yelped in rhythm with his long thrusts. Celeste arched her back and loudly came, keening with pleasure.

Then she turned and took him in her mouth, on her knees below him, both hands wrapped around his penis.



Before long he was grunting as he came.

Both Corrina and I became newly aroused by the display, and after they finished, she climbed on top of me and we made love slowly and tenderly, caressing one another, until I shivered and orgasmed again.

By the time we were done, Dave and Celeste were by the pool, seated at the table, drinking red wine. Dave was in black workout shorts. Celeste had a sarong wrapped around her waist. They applauded and whistled as we strode toward them, nude, holding hands.

"Well, how you two doing?" said Dave. He poured us both wine and we joined them at the table. Celeste gave us towels.

"Wow," I said.

After dinner, in the car on the way home, Corrina and I held hands and we listened to Latin guitar music on the stereo. I felt close to her.

Once we were home, we curled up on the couch with a nightcap.

"So," she said. "Was it like you had fantasized about?"

"It was," I said. "I found it really exciting."

"I could tell," she said, and rubbed at my groin. "You were so hard. You really liked watching me … suck him."

"I did," I said. "It was … intense."

"Did you feel jealous?" she asked me.

"Not really," I said. "Or, that's part of what makes it intense."

She kissed me and squeezed my half-erect penis.

"What was it like for you?" I asked. "You seemed to really enjoy Dave."

She blushed and looked away.

"What?" I said.

"Well, yeah," she said. "I guess I did. I think part of it, a big part of it, is knowing that you're watching, and that it's turning you on. It's like a safe space for me to … indulge myself."

She kissed my cheek.

"But that's not all of it, though," I said. "You got into it. I could see. "

"I did," she said, and squeezed my stiffening penis.

"So," I said, and nuzzled her neck. "Next time, do you want to feel him inside you?"

She moaned quietly and stroked my penis.