
sex storie

stories from LITEROTICA

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In the beginning he did as he was told, first kissing her all over there, then licking gently, and ultimately pressing his mouth hard against her to plunge his tongue inside as far he could make it go. In response, Elizabeth moaned and groaned sounds of pleasure that she had not felt in many months.

After her first orgasm, with Matthew appearing to stop, she grabbed his head, clamped her long muscular legs around the boy's body, and ground his head into her until she came two more times and Matthew was gasping for breath. When she finally let him go, his face was drenched with her juices, so much so she got up to grab him a towel. Matthew for his part felt like he was going to explode, but neither he nor Elizabeth touched his cock.

"Climb on the bed, Matthew, and lie down, hands by your sides." Having been on his knees for about 30 minutes now, he was grateful for the change in position, but hungry to continue.

"I think you need some relief now," she said as she began to stroke his penis with two of her fingers, alternating down his shaft with the bottoms of her fingers and up it with her fingernails. Matthew exploded within seconds, spewing ropes and ropes of cum over his chest, screaming in ecstasy.

"Oh, god, thank you Professor Starr!"

"You're quite welcome, Matthew, but why don't you call me 'Mistress' when we are together like this."

"Okay, thank you, Mistress," Matthew said and waited to see what would happen next.

His Mistress now wiped Matthew clean with the towel and then climbed on his chest, pinning his arms to his side. "We are far from done," she smiled at him. "You'll find that I am multiorgasmic and pretty insatiable."

She then moved herself up and positioned her pussy just an inch above Matthew's mouth. "Continue what you were doing, Matthew." And as Elizabeth closed that one-inch gap, and as he began again to worship Elizabeth, he did so with more enthusiasm, the kind that comes from the knowledge that woman receiving the activity was enjoying it immensely and that he had a better idea of what he was doing.

She had Matthew worship her sex for the better part of an hour, in a bunch of different positions, bringing her off numerous times. It had been so long since she had had a man's mouth between her legs, it seemed that could not get her fill of it today.

Despites some rests and breaks in between, after that hour she could tell Matthew was tiring physically from it. After all, there is only so much the muscle that is the tongue can do before it gives out. But she was quite well aware that Matthew was very much enjoying their time together. Within 10 or 15 minutes after his explosion, Matthew had become hard again as he worshiped his professor and remained so for the rest of the time he spent between Elizabeth's thighs.

Finally, she said, "enough, I think." With that statement, she pulled Matthew up from her groin, gently but firmly, by the hair (at this point she was on her back and Matthew had been locked in place by her long, muscular legs that allowed the boy no movement or retreat from his task. She turned him over, grabbed his wrists, pinning them above his head, and lowered herself on Matthew's cock, which gratefully accepted being sheathed.

"Oh my god," Matthew whispered, though loud enough for her to hear. The warmth, the sensations caused a virtual overload in the pleasure centers of his brain. The couple of times he had had sex before, with escorts, were nothing like this.

Elizabeth, once she had taken Matthew inside of her, tried to stimulate Matthew as little as possible, knowing he would be coming soon enough. At first, she did nothing at all, and as Matthew naturally tried to move to stimulate his penis to orgasm, Elizabeth tightened her grip with her hands, thighs, and weight, pressing down to prevent him from moving.

And then, very slowly, she began moving her vagina at the base of Matthew's penis. With previous lovers, she found it stimulated her, but did little for them until she ratcheted up her movements. For Matthew, he found his Mistress's movements frustrating. He was on the verge of cumming, wanted desperately to do so, but wasn't feeling quite enough friction from Elizabeth's movements to push him over the edge.

Within a couple of minutes, she increased her pace which unavoidably gave Matthew what he needed. As Eli sensed Matthew was on the verge of orgasm, she increased her motions to an almost violent pace, essentially fucking her student's brains out. Matthew came before she did, shouting, "OH GOD, OH GOD a dozen times. He managed to stay hard enough for her to come one more time, with similar expressions of physical delight.

All told they had spent more than two hours together in bed. It was now 4:30 in the afternoon and it was time for Matthew to head home for the evening. No work had been done, but from everyone's point of view it had been a most productive day. Matthew had kind of hoped he would be allowed to stay the night, but Elizabeth knew from experience that having her lover's stay over was not a reward she allowed them to have until she had completely broken them in. Besides, anticipation was half the fun.

Indeed, the next day Matthew could not wait until he arrived at his professor's home. The day before had been intense and enthralling. In that one day, he had engaged in more sexual activity with another person than he had in the sum total of his life. He anticipated that it would continue today, so was a bit disappointed when after he arrived gave him his work details for the morning.

"Yes, ma'am," was all he said, with a clear lilt of disappointment, after she had finished.

"Oh, you poor thing. You act as if I have abandoned you." Elizabeth walked over to Matthew. She was wearing one of her tight fitting running bras, which provided a picture of very pronounced cleavage and her nipples were clearly hard and firm underneath the stretched material. She whispered down at Matthew all the while rubbing her delightful succulent breasts against his face.

"We'll play after lunch. In fact, I want us to go to another level together, so there is no misunderstanding my expectations. But the fact is, work must still get done around here and you are still to do it."

Matthew's eyes had closed so he could enjoy exclusively the sensation of sensuous breasts against his face, but snapped them open when she finished talking.

"Yes, ma'am. I, I'll get to it." Matthew reluctantly left his professor's presence, obviously very horny, but unwilling---or was it unable?---to do anything that might risk the imagined sweet rewards of the afternoon. He was on one level simply relieved that had not calculated their coupling the day before as a one-time event. She clearly was interested in continuing their activities, but only apparently on her terms.

Unfortunately for Matthew, he was not always capable of keeping his mind on his work. Several times Elizabeth had to order Matthew to redo a chore in the barn or yard because it wasn't up to her standards. By the third time, it was clear she was a tad annoyed by it, although in her own mind she understood why it was happening. On the plus side, it would provide a useful transition into some of the afternoon's activities.

By lunchtime, Matthew was hungry in more ways the one. The meal, however, was almost agony for him as it required even more waiting before he had a chance to indulge in his Mistress's body.

For her part, she spliced idle chit-chat about various mundane matters with sexual flirtation, including frequent touches, bumps, and rubs up against Matthew's slender frame. Finally, when the meal was over, Elizabeth smiled at Matthew, enjoying his obvious lust for her and his discomfort in having been told to wait all morning for it.

"Very well, young man, now we can proceed to what you have not-so-patiently been waiting for. Go to the guest room, shower, and then wait for me---naked." Matthew practically fled from the room and all through the shower his raging erection never wavered once. He couldn't wait to make love to Elizabeth again even if she were clearly the superior partner in the relationship.

As he thought about it, waiting naked on the bed in the guest room, he found he was very turned on by her physical and mental superiority over him. He was quite willing to serve as her boy-toy, realizing that that was what he probably was to her. While she demanded a lot from him physically in that role, there was no responsibility on his part. She determined everything and he liked that.

Elizabeth had heard the shower stop and knew that Matthew would be waiting within seconds of drying himself off. She took her time. Today Matthew would learn what being with her was truly going to be like and he would learn that there were some consequences associated with making mistakes.

She did not plan to start off overly harshly, but she wasn't going to dance around the issue anymore. She wanted Matthew in the mastersuite. She wanted to wear her favorite clothes. But to make sure it would go at least close to the way she wanted it to, she planned to surprise Matthew with it, to overwhelm his senses in one shot.

"Well, aren't you anxious," she to said to Matthew referring to his full-blown hard-on as he rested on the guest room bed.

"Yes, ma'am. What can I say? You have that effect on me. You have from the first day I came her to work for you."

"Oh, not to worry. I'm delighted you feel this way, for I am very fond of you and look forward to many encounters and playing many games. And, actually, I don't want to join you here, Matthew, but we are going to the mastersuite. I feel the most comfortable there and the most liberated."

Matthew grinned a bit like the Cheschire Cat, but simply said, "okay with me," and moved to get up.

"Hold on, young man. My room is very special to me, so we are not going to just walk in there. Here, put this on." She handed Matthew a blindfold. "Don't worry, I'll guide you. But once inside you will not take it off until I tell you. I must get dressed in there before you do, so you will have to be patient for a few minutes. Once there, there will be no turning back for the day."

Matthew wasn't quite sure what that meant, but he really didn't care. He just wanted to fuck his professor---or more accurately, he wanted her to fuck him.

"Okay, sure," he said and put on the blindfold and stood-up. She grabbed his cock. Matthew gasped, not expecting the "guiding" to be like that. Elizabeth chuckled and pulled him down the hallway. He heard a door open and they went in. She closed the door behind him, turned the deadbolt, which Matthew heard, and removed the key, which Matthew did not hear.

"Now, just wait a few minutes. I am right here. I'll know if you peak or even try to peak," stated. Matthew listened intently, his curiousity now quite high. All he could hear, though, was changing clothes, which clearly included a few items that zipped. "Now, Matthew, you may remove the blindfold."

When he did so, the wave of images nearly overwhelmed him and made his knees feel quite shaky.

Standing before him, was Elizabeth, who was now decked out in black leather boots that rose as high as her thighs and had four inch heels. She wore a zipped black corset that left her breasts and groin very exposed, and she wore a black, policeman-like hat.

In her hand, she held a leather collar and leash, as well well as a black implement with many leather strips that clearly was used to beat people. Matthew next took in the walls, which he found covered with various other bondage implements, ropes, whips, and larger bondage devices.

And the pictures interspersed on the walls showed artistic images of naked women or women in black outfits similar to Elizabeth's tying up, whipping, or otherwise dominating naked men in various ways. Matthew's mouth went completely dry.

"Well, what do you think? Do you like it?" inquired.

Matthew's eyes were wide, and he hesitated, but finally said, "I, uh, I don't know."

"An honest answer," replied. "Matthew," she said a little sharply, "focus on me. Do you like what you see? Do you like my outfit?" As she saw Matthew step back from the hazy look on his face and focus on her, she saw her answer. Matthew's cock, which had limped a bit from the shock, resumed a very powerful erection as he stared at 's body bedecked in black leather, exuding high power and sensuality at the same time.

"Yes...ma'am," Matthew finally answered. It was a true statement. Matthew had seen pictures of dominatrixes in magazines before and had always been titilated by them, but they were nothing like having the real thing right in front him. Moreover, in her boots Elizabeth now towered over the barefoot Matthew by 10 inches. He was completely in lust with her, but not a little scared of the implications.

"Very good. I knew you would be. Let us be clear now as to how things will proceed. This is who I am. What you see on the walls is what I do. I take my lovers as my slaves, my sex slaves. I will dominate you sexually, completely, in every way imaginable. I will do many pleasurable things to you and many painful things. You must be willing to suffer for me, for my pleasure if you want to go on spending time with me." She paused before continuing.

"In this room, you have absolutely no say as to what will happen to you, but do feel free to beg and plead, for I find such sounds coming from you to be particularly enjoyable. I should add that my control and dominance of you will extend beyond this room to the rest of the house and grounds and even beyond, although I will be much more discreet and subtle if and when we go out together. This is the way it is going to be, today, Matthew, the door is locked and I have hidden the key where you would never find it."

As she said the last, she walked closer to him, where the contrast between her tall, powerful body and his much smaller, lighter, and more slender one was incredibly acute.

"If you find in the morning, that this isn't for you, that I am not as appealing as I was an hour ago, we can go our separate ways, but I do hope you won't, because what I said was true, I am very fond of you. But this can only work if you are my complete, totally obedient slave, and I am your dominant mistress."

As she said this, she stroked Matthew's head and face with one hand (having put down the leash and collar at his feet), and stroked his back and buttocks with the flogger.

After that long soliquy of hers, Matthew found he was afraid, but had no desire to run, even if he could somehow run somewhere. He was also as sexually excited as he could ever remember, which included the day's previous activities. In answer, Matthew said in a whisper, "I am afraid."

"What are you afraid of, Matthew?"

Matthew gave his honest answer: "I am afraid of what you will do to me, I am afraid that I won't be able to take it. I am afraid then I won't be with you anymore."

"Those are all good things to be afraid of, but Matthew in your heart you know you want to be with me, to be dominated by me. I dominated you yesterday as we made love and you took to it like a fish to water. The only difference today is that from now on my domination will be more direct, more controlling, and, yes, you will have to endure some pain to please me. I will not inflict a lot, to start, but you must also learn that with disobedience or carelessness, there are also consequences."

As she was speaking, had picked up the collar and leash and had slipped it, slowly around Matthew's neck. When she had finished speaking, she grabbed Matthew's wrists, which were at his sides, and twisted them behind his back, reaching her mouth down to deeply and passionately kiss the young man who stood 10 inches below the top of her head. As she did so, she pushed Matthew back slowly to wall, with him giving way as she pushed.

At the wall, Elizabeth grabbed a pair of black leather cuffs and put them on Matthew's wrists. When that was done, she hooked the two cuffs together behind his back. Stroking his cheek as she pulled away from him, slipping the leash between her fingers until she had pulled it taught.

"Get on your knees, Matthew." The boy did so and glanced at the part of the wall that had a large mirror. It was one of her favorite sights, a younger, smaller, weaker male now kneeled before her strong, magnificient body, adorned with a black leather outfit of power, holding her slave by a collar and leash. It was an image that never failed to make her pussy wet and it did so this time as well, glistening in the low, soft lighting of the mastersuite dungeon.

"Now, then, young man, the first order of business is that I found your work this morning to be less than acceptable. Low quality work, you will find, will be punished directly. I'll go easy on you since this will be your first time since you were a child, no doubt."

"Yes, Mistress," Matthew stated, now remembering how she had wanted him to use that title when they were together, which now seemed perfectly clear as to why.

"Put your head to the floor but remain on your knees."

Matthew immediately complied and quickly found the stiletto heel of Elizabeth's boot firmly at the base of his neck, pushing his head firmly into the carpet, when he felt the first strike from the flogger hit his lower back and buttocks. Matthew involuntarily yelped at the sting.

"Ten of these, I think, is an appropriate start." By the fifth strike Matthew had let out a number of sounds of pain. By the 10th blow he was grimacing and yelping his discomfort and his ass was a nice shade to deep pink. Elizabeth was very satisfied with the look, as she found whip marks on a male body to be quite attractive.

"There now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Elizabth asked. Matthew of course replied it wasn't, which was really the only answer either of them expected him to give.

"Well, let's move on to more fun activities. We will begin by using your tongue to lick and polish every square inch of my boots. Leave no section undone. Poor performance will be met with correction," Elizabeth's smiling face stated as she twirled her flogger in one hand and pulled on the leash with the other.

Hesitant at first, Matthew started licking Elizabeth's boots. It was an awkward position as his arms were still bound behind him, yet he really started to get into it. He didn't know if it was the smell of the leather or the glances up at her face, showing a beautiful, powerful women in total command of him. But despite---or because of?---he was eager to please his mistress. His cock throbbed intensely, almost painfully for release, but he knew that wouldn't happen just yet.

Once he had the boots all done, Elizabeth drew his eager tongue to her glistening pussy for the same attention. Elizabeth controlled Matthew's every movement here, grabbing his head, locking her boot-clad legs around his back as she sat on the edge of the bed, and brought on several orgasms.

After that was done, Elizabeth let Matthew rest a few minutes, lying on the floor. She was far from done, however. She got up from the edge of the bed and gathered a large number of bondage implements from her walls, and then ordered Matthew up onto the bed.

As he complied, she unhooked his wrists and proceeded to truss him quite differently. When she was through, Matthew had all four of his limbs stretched to the four corners of the bed, with many more additional straps attached to and binding other parts of this body such that he was nearly immobile.

For his part, Matthew was frightened and excited at the same time. His raging hard-on betrayed what was going on in one part of his head, yet he couldn't move and was completely at the mercy of his mistress, a woman much taller and stronger than himself. Her power over him seemed quite unlimited