
sex storie

stories from LITEROTICA

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109 Chs


Hanina took hold of her very short skirt and provided a little curtsy, still smiling with happiness. Clearly she was relieved that she had not been fired.

"Of course, madam."

Sylvia closed her eyes and became lost in thought as Hanina left the office.

Why hadn't she fired her?

Sylvia wasn't exactly sure why. In the past she would have either manipulated or pressured the girl into continuing the sexual favors as before, and if that hadn't worked, she would have put her out on the street...there was always some other poor but beautiful girl that was willing to partake in her requests. Why not let Hanina go and find a new servant? She was extremely rich and ridiculously beautiful, she certainly would have little trouble finding someone else!

Am I going soft? Sylvia thought.

Sylvia then shook her head as if the action would remove the crazy thought from her head. No, she thought. It was just a moment of weakness! It certainly won't happen again!

Sylvia's thoughts became more hurried, as speeding up her brain would move her further away from the strange thought she had just had. Her brain hurried on...

And I will just have to look for a reason to fire her, she thought...I will kick her out so I can have the kind of maid I want. Not because I can't afford a second maid, but because I only want to employ people who earn their keep here by keeping me sexually satisfied. Yes, she thought. I will find a reason or else fabricate one to let her go. That will work and she will be let go.

But she hadn't let her go.

Two months later, and Hanina was still there working there full-time...and she hadn't replaced her with a new sex maid. And Sylvia had been true to her word - she had made no advances on Hanina.

Yet strangely enough, Hanina still wore the maid lingerie every day. It was such a tease, seeing a barely legal and quite sexy young girl walk around practically naked. What resulted was a constant sexual tension between them that had remained in limbo and unbroken for several weeks.

They were not having sex anymore, but a new (and foreign to Sylvia) intimacy between had replaced the old one...Hanina had started offering to clean Sylvia's sex toys...Sylvia in turn had also started walking naked around Hanina often like she was now. It was quite cute how Hanina would sometimes admire her body when she thought Sylvia wasn't looking, but then would try to pretend she wasn't still turned on by her perfection. Her eyes would flicker up and down her curves, but then would quickly dart away when Sylvia would watch her closely. She would quickly avert her eyes and clear her throat, making Sylvia smile. Sylvia knew exactly how much her body turned Hanina on, and so she also often requested to be dried off after a shower, knowing how much Hanina truly enjoyed it. She also asked her to rub moisturizer her all over with body. Hanina always obliged without complaint. Sometimes it was fun to be a tease.

"Dry me, Hanina."

Hanina selected one of Sylvia's many fuzzy towels from the heated towel rack. She then gently dried off the other woman's voluptuous body, taking care to dry every inch of her. The towel was pleasantly warm. Once dry, Sylvia handed the toy to her maid. Hanina accepted and placed it aside on a nearby bench.

"I will make sure it is properly cleaned and placed in its rightful place later, madam."

Sylvia nodded and replied, "That will do."

Hanina blushed and gave another of her too-adorable curtsy in her all-too-short skirt.

"Would my madam like to be moisturized now?"

Ha! Didn't even have to request it - she asked me, not the other way around!

"That would be nice."

Hanina walked away, the short skirt swishing with the movement of her hips. Still has a great ass, Sylvia thought.

Hanina reached up high to a top shelf to grab the moisturizer, doing interesting things to her long legs. Sylvia licked her lips and enjoyed the view of Hanina reaching high to grab it. Finally Hanina managed to grab the bottle and returned to her employer.

She then proceeded to rub moisturizer over every inch of Sylvia's body that she could reach - her stunning face, her long and beautiful neck, her shoulders, and of course her enormous rack. She then proceeded to rub her soft but muscular abdomen area, her wide hips. She continued to rub in the lotion with tender care, not missing a single inch of her. She had been very thorough with her application of the lotion, especially on Sylvia's creamy breasts and juicy ass.

Sylvia sighed pleasantly and rolled her head back as Hanina's tiny hands kneaded her much larger breasts, her thumbs occasionally stroking her pierced nipples. It felt so good...

However Hanina continued to rub her boobs long after the lotion had been applied. Sylvia looked down to see Hanina's wide eyes were transfixed on her chest, her mouth slightly open. She looked to be in a trance.

Sylvia cleared her throat loudly, making Hanina jerk out of her daze with a start and quickly removing her hands as if they had been burned. She looked flustered. Sylvia hadn't really wanted Hanina to stop touching her, but she was going to be late for her meeting with her attorney and Josh if she did not hurry up. She was keen to get her hands on her new boy toy today...

"I think you are quite finished with rubbing the lotion in, Hanina. It certainly seems to be thoroughly applied."

Hanina's cheeks were scarlet and she turned her eyes to the floor.

"Apologies, Madam. I don't know what came over me."

Couldn't have been lust, could it? Sylvia thought with a smirk.

"That's quite alright Hanina. Please clean the toy and my shower for me. I have to get dressed and leave for my meeting."

Hanina nodded, and then provided another cute curtsy, again displaying her stunningly beautiful legs. How can anyone managed to so equally balance being cute and sexy at the same time? Sylvia pondered curiously.

"It will be done, Madam. When should I expect you?"

"Don't," Sylvia replied curtly, but not unkindly. "I will likely be late getting home tonight. Please tell my chef he does not need to stay after noon, that he can go home early as I will handle getting my own dinner tonight. You may leave today as soon as your chores are complete. You both will receive a full days pay."

Another dazzling smile.

"As you wish, Madam."

Sylvia then strode from the room still in her birthday suit, feeling Hanina's eyes glued to her round bottom as she made her exit.


Chapter 4 - Lunch and the Learning Curve

When Josh pulled his Dodge into the lot, there were only two other cars parked. One was Sylvia's BMW, the other was a blue Prius Josh didn't recognize, but he assumed belonged to Sylvia's lawyer.

Getting out, he headed inside, but instead of turning right and walking towards his usual rented room, he turned left and headed in the opposite direction, towards Sylvia's office.

Both women were waiting for him upon his arrival. Both were wearing low cut blouses, tight pencil skirts, leggings, and high heels. These outfits hugged each woman's body in such a sexy manner, displaying their curves yet still looking quite professional. Sylvia's lawyer was far less endowed and curvy than her client, but she wore her outfit well all the same. She had a pretty but stern face, and wore glasses. She looked like a sexy librarian.

However, it was Sylvia who spoke to him first.

"Good morning, Joshua. You are very nearly late."

Josh glanced at the clock on the wall, he had arrived two minutes early. But rather than start an argument by contradicting her, he simply replied in a formal manner.

"Apologies, Sylvia. Good morning to you."

"Please have a seat."

Josh did so, not sure how this meeting was going to go. He had never signed a sex contract before and wasn't sure what it would entail on his part. Would there be any negotiations? Or would he simply sign the papers? Sylvia then gestured to the woman sitting next to her.

"This is Justine. She is my attorney, and she will be the one drawing up our contract."

Josh nodded politely in her direction and said, "It is nice to meet you, Justine. How are you this morning?"

Justine took a moment to take in Josh's appearance, mentally checking his t-shirt and jeans with a disapproving frown, but replied to him curtly, her lips a thin line. "I am well, thank you."

Suddenly Josh felt highly underdressed, indeed. Sylvia however, seems unperturbed by the exchange. Josh turned his attention to her.

"So what happens now?"

Sylvia smiled at him, showing her white and even teeth.

"Now Joshua, we initial and sign everywhere in the document that Justine has painstakingly drawn up for us. As this is the 40th contract she has made for me, drawing up a new one was quite a simple process."

Justine waived a hand lazily, and piggybacked on Sylvia's response.

"This contract was actually pretty straightforward process," Justine said, shrugging half nonchalantly, half proudly. "I simply took the prior contract from her last signee Harold and made some slight adjustments for this agreement."

It took a second for Josh to process who Harold was, before realizing that her previous slave number 39 must have been him. But where is he now? Josh wondered. Did he really leave of his own free will? Or was he fired?

Putting that question in his thoughts aside for the time being, Josh listened as Justine went into details about each page of the contract, having Josh and Sylvia sign and initial multiple times.

Still tired and sore, Josh hardly paid attention to the sound of Justine's voice as she read out the stipulations of the contract, and when he was listening he barely understood any of what she was saying. She speaks so much legal jargon, thought Josh with bewilderment. How is anyone supposed to follow any of this?

A very long and boring half hour later, all of the paperwork had been signed. Justine then stood up, snapping her briefcase shut.

"That should be all that's needed. Let me know Miss O'Neal is there is anything else you can think of that we missed. Best of luck to the two of you." She wasn't even looking at Josh anymore.

Sylvia smiled warmly at her. "Thank you, Justine. I have already sent your check in the mail for payment. Let me know if you need anymore."

Still not looking at Josh, Justine nodded and left the room. Josh couldn't help but notice how nicely her skirt hugged her backside as she walked. She really was quite good looking. He admired her as she strode from the office and closed the door.


Someone had slapped him! Not super hard, but hard enough that it stung. Josh turned in his seat to find Sylvia towering over him, her hand raised for another blow.

"Are you permitted to ogle other women, my slave?"

Another slap across the face, this one a little harder.

"No, I....Sylvia, I didn't mean to..."

Smack! A third! His cheek was on fire!

Gasping, he looked up at her, startled at the swift change in her demeanor. There was a devilishly wicked twinkle in her eyes.

She is in her element, her playground, Josh thought. And I am her new toy, oh God!

"You will address me as mistress, my slave! Every single time unless instructed otherwise. The contract has not even been signed for 30 seconds, and yet you have already broken two of the rules. This means punishment!"

Joshua looked at her, feeling a little afraid.

"What are you going to do?"

He hurriedly added the words "my mistress" as she was raising her hand for another blow. She lowered her hand.

"That's better, number 40. The slaps were your punishment for ogling at my very professional attorney. And now you will receive your second punishment. Strip. Now."

Josh hastily obeyed, taking off his jeans and shirt as fast as he could. Sylvia watched him do this without comment, but greedily drinking in his muscular body.

Lastly, Josh stepped out of his underwear.

Instantly she looked down at his flaccid cock, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes. However, her words were a direct contradiction to this.

"I am glad to see that you are not hard, my slave. You are only to become aroused at my command. It will take some time, but eventually even someone as stubborn as you will learn how to properly serve their mistress. Perhaps this proves you are not as hopeless as I thought. Oh, and you are also are not permitted to wear any clothing from now on while under my service, unless instructed otherwise."

Josh had been expecting that. He swallowed, still waiting apprehensively for the punishment he was about to receive, as she had not told him yet what the punishment was going to be.

"What are you doing to do, my mistress?"

Sylvia smiled again.

"Come closer."

Josh wanted to do anything but obey, but he did as she commanded.

Once he was standing directly in front of her, she reached into a desk drawer and drew out a small, wooden paddle. It had dozens of small holes in it for greater speed.

"Bend over my knee."

Joshua gaped at her. Surely she wasn't going to spank him?!? Her voice grew louder, more direct.

"I said, bend over, slave!"

Josh slowly leaned over until his bare ass was upwards in her lap, his head pointed downwards towards the floor.

"That's much better. However, you should not have hesitated. I will have to strike you twice more now because of your lack of obedience. My oh my, this learning curve for you will surely be quite steep!"

Josh tensed up, waiting for the the swing.

And then it came. 5 hard smacks across his ass, with Sylvia waiting in between strikes for added effect. It hurt quite a bit. He gritted his teeth, not letting a sound escape his lips.

"What do you say to your mistress?"

"I'm sorry!"

An extra strike, harder than ever. It stung like hell! He couldn't hold back anymore and howled in pain.

"I'm sorry, my mistress!"

Sylvia finally put the paddle down and ran her hand softly along his ass crack.

"That's much better, my pet. Now, on your feet."

Josh obeyed, his cheeks on his face burning as much as his ass. How much more humiliation and degrading could he take? And this is just the beginning! He scowled at her, but didn't say anything.

She wasn't looking however at his face - again her eyes were fixated on his flaccid cock, again looking disappointed as if hoping that it too would disobey her orders and would have grown erect. But Josh's cock was too worn out from the previous night to do anything but hang limply between his legs - perhaps in another few hours or so it would be recharged, but he needed high quality sleep and time to let it happen on its own.

Suddenly Josh understood that she wanted him to get hard without permission, so she could punish him some more. But he wasn't going to let that ever happen, he decided stubbornly.

Finally, she tore her eyes from his dick to his face.

"Stroke yourself. Get hard for your mistress. I want to see your cock fully erect."

This took Josh aback a little, as he had assumed she wouldn't want him to ever be hard in her presence. Again, he was too slow for her liking

"Now, slave!" She barked.

Tentatively, Josh reached down and began to gently tug along his soft length. Sylvia watched expectantly, waiting for his glorious erection to appear.

However, as time went on, and Josh continued to tug fruitlessly, all he managed to do was get his penis to a semi-erect state. Sylvia was frowning angrily at him, and her eyes flashed.

"Well? What's the problem? Why aren't you hard yet? I want to see your hard cock, 40! What's taking so long?"

Josh shrugged.

"I guess I need a little recharge from last night."

Sylvia's eyes grew wide. And for a moment, her dominant and nasty demeanor simply melted away. When she next spoke, it was not in her usual strict tone, but low and almost in awe.

"Just how much jerking off did you do last night?" She asked softly.

"About 6 or 7 times," replied Josh.

Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates. But then she switched back to her strict demeanor with sudden swiftness.

"You are quite lucky that you were not my slave last night," she replied cooly. "Or else you would be punished for pleasuring yourself so indulgently. If you do this again, you will be punished most severely."

Josh simply looked at her, his eyes not blinking. A stretch of silence grew between them.

Sylvia gave an unexpected sigh and said, "Well, what's done is done. I legally cannot punish you for what you did before you signed the contract. But from now on, you are to be able to maintain an erection whenever I command it. I will let it slide this one time, however this better not occur again. Or else there will be severe consequences."

Josh was taken aback from this sudden impulse of understanding. Gosh this woman is so unpredictable! But rather than say anything about this, he thought it best to show gratitude. So he replied,

"Thank you, my mistress. You are most kind."

She smiled, then stepped out of her shoes. She then began to pull down her stockings, followed by the tiniest of thongs. She spread her legs slightly in a power stance. Josh noted that her pussy was glistening with moisture.

"I appreciate you showing gratitude, my slave. For that, I will feed you your lunch now. Please enjoy."

Hoping that she was only joking about her pussy being his actual meal, he got on his knees and approached her crotch. He had to admit though that she looked absolutely delicious, her outer pussy lips puffy and inviting, with not a pubic hair in sight. He stuck out his tongue and then tasted her.

His eyes had not deceived him - she was delicious! One of the best tasting pussies he had ever eaten, with a perfect balance between sweet and tangy in flavor. She was quite wet, and he eagerly lapped up her juices.

He explored her entire labia with his tongue, prodding and poking and licking. In a few minutes she had become soaked, soaking his face in return. He pulled out all the stops and his bag of tricks from his time as a face sitting whore, and found a handful of techniques she seems to particularly like. He played with her clit, using the piercing over her clit hood to his advantage. And after a handful of minutes, she squirmed over him and had her first orgasm. However, rather than push him away, she grabbed him by the hair and pushed his mouth deeper inside her. Within a minute or so she was coming a second time.

On and on the cycle continued. Josh licked, she came, and then he licked some more, making her come again. After about 30 minutes and 9 or 10 orgasms, Josh was tired. His neck was sore from eating her out at this angle, and his tongue was in need of a break.

But when he tried to pull away, Sylvia pulled his hair hard, making him yelp in pain.

"Did I say to stop, slave?"

"N..nno, my mistress."

"Then keep eating!"

Josh did as he was told, trying to ignore the pain growing in his neck.

It was another 20 minutes and 5 or 6 more orgasms before she was satisfied.

Jesus Christ, she is insatiable! He thought. And I thought Tanya had a sexual appetite! She makes her appear to be a prude by comparison!

Sylvia pulled his face away, panting slightly. Her thighs were soaked with her juices, as was Josh's face. Her eyes were closed, but when Josh tried to stand up again, she yanked on his hair a second time, making him cry out in pain.

"What was that for?"

Another smack across the cheek.

"That is a warning, slave. Watch your tone. You may have a talented tongue, but that does not mean you may run it as you like. Your tongue, like the rest of you, belongs to me - and I control not only where and when it licks, but what it says."

Josh stared up at her, wishing she would let go of his hair. His neck was really starting to hurt.

"Now what do you say?"

Josh gritted his teeth, but in a reluctant tone replied, "Thank you for my meal, mistress." He had put sarcasm into his voice when addressing her, but she seemed satisfied. She let him stand then, at any rate

"Time for nourishment, I think." She said, clasping her hands together.

"Nourishment", as it turned out, was her term for eating actual food. While Sylvia chomped down a grilled-chicken salad she had delivered from her phone, she had also supplied a variety of different fruits and vegetables on the floor for Josh. He raised an eyebrow.

She shrugged, then stated, "I desire for your semen to taste sweet for me, therefore I want you to begin eating fruits to make you taste sweeter. Some day I may want to eat your cum, when you have been a good slave, and I will only eat cum that tastes sweet."

Joshua didn't know what to say to this, so he sat down on the floor, looking at his mistress. She was still naked from the waist down, but that didn't seem to bother her. He enjoyed the view from the floor of her thick thighs, which were crossed and were quite sexy and smooth. He wondered if she would ever let him eat with her at the table, but decided that would likely never happen. He figured she would take any opportunity to display her dominance over him, and making him eat at her feet was too good for her to pass up. He picked up a bowl of pineapples and began to eat.

When Sylvia had finished, she clapped her hands again and ordered,

"Rise, number 40."

Josh was not finished eating, but he obeyed all the same, throwing his half eaten slice of watermelon back on the plate. With a grunt he heaved himself from the floor. He had been slapped, spanked, had his hair pulled, and had been degraded to something less than human. But depsite all of this - he obeyed.

"Now follow me."

She strode from the room, her booty swinging sexily with every step. Josh followed, transfixed on her beauty, wondering what she had in store for him next