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Hung Like a Horse by Shiine-chan

Fiction, Consensual Sex, First Time, Incest, Teen Male/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Females, Threesome

Every summer, our family took a trip to visit our relatives on their farm. It was a trip that my sister and I looked forward to every year. For two weeks, we basically had the run of the land with little or no supervision. We got to explore all of the barns, watch the animals, and swim in the creek that flowed through the pasture. Usually there were other visiting kids to play with as well.

This year, my cousin Amber was visiting from New York City. It was her first trip out to the farm and it took her a while to get used to the fact that our here on the farm, there was no cell phones, no internet, and no cable TV to occupy her time. Depriving a teenage girl of these "necessities" of live could be devastating. It was actually my sister Sarah who convinced her that it was possible to survive for two weeks in this rural desert.

The next day, it was a very hot and sunny day. All three of us decided to cool off my going down to the creek for a swim. When we were stripping off our clothes to get to the suits underneath, I noticed that Amber was wearing a relatively skimpy pink bikini. Unlike the traditional one-piece suit that Becky was wearing, the bikini clearly looked like something designed more for sunbathing than for swimming. Whenever Amber would jump or splash, her tits would lurch, barely restrained by the thin piece of fabric trying their best to restrain them.

Did I mention that Amber was quite an attractive young thing? Maybe this trip can get even more interesting.

Becky must have noticed my interest in Amber since she murmured so only I could hear, "Aren't you glad you're wearing a loose pair of trunks, eh, Chad?"

After a few minutes, Amber got out of the water and sat down on a blanket on the shore. Maybe she realized her suit wasn't all that safe for bounding about in the water. I saw that as an opportunity and sat down next to her.

"So, have you adjusted to life on the farm yet?" I asked Amber.

"Not really," she sighed. "I mean, I guess the farm is kinda interesting, but I feel so out of touch with the real world."

"We'll keep you so busy showing you things around here that you won't have time to think about the rest of the world," I promised. "We can go see the animals over in the barn later. Then you can really understand the meaning of the phrase, 'hung like a horse,'" I laughed.

At this comment, Amber turned about as pink as her bikini. I hadn't counted on that strong of a reaction and hoped I hadn't pushed things too far. Before I could change the topic to something safer, Amber quietly said, "It's not just an expression?"

I chuckled; hoping to make it sound like it was no big deal. "No, it's pretty literal. Why don't we go down to the barn tonight and take a look?"

Suddenly, I hear Becky say from behind me, "That sounds like a good idea. Let's all go. We can sit up in the hayloft and watch the animals come in without them disturbing us."

I shot Becky an annoyed glance at her comment. So much for getting Amber alone for a while. I tried not to look disappointed as Amber asked, "So the animals won't be able to bite us?"

"Nope, they'll be on the ground floor. We can watch in safety," Becky assured Amber.

That decided it for Amber. "Okay, after dinner?"

"That's when a lot of them come back in from the pasture," I said.


"What was that all about?" I demanded as I burst into Becky's room back at the farm?

"I was just trying to help you out, Chad," Becky calmly answered, almost like she was trying to ignore me.

"How is inviting yourself on our private outing, 'helping?'" I asked angrily.

"I know what you were trying to do and I know you want to fuck her, but in case you hadn't noticed, she's not like most of those easy girls you dated from school", Becky explained patiently.

"Easy?" I asked.

"Yep. I know you're good at getting the girls to spread their legs for you by the second date, but most of those chicks would give it to almost anyone who asked."

"Well, I know you weren't terribly patient with Andrew yourself," I struck back. Practice was cancelled one day after school and I came home early. When I got home, instead of finding an empty house like I expected, I found Becky lying on her back on the living room couch and Andrew on top of her pushing his cock in and out of her pussy.

"I love the double standard you set between my exploits and yours," huffed Becky. "Anyway, I don't disapprove of your conquests – I said I was trying to help."


"I doubt Amber would have agreed to go with you alone, and if she did, it's likely she'd bolt if you tried anything serious. If I'm there, I think she'll be a little more relaxed."

"Maybe…" I slowly said.

"Besides, she's here for two more weeks, just like us. There should be plenty of time for your private rendezvous later."

"I guess you're right," I sighed.


After dinner, the three of us headed out to the barn and climbed up the ladder to the hayloft. Amber and Becky were chatting away as they found a spot near the edge of the loft. After looking around for a little while, Becky knelt down declaring, "Here we go. We can see from the pasture entrance all the way into the pens from here."

Amber sat down next and I sat down so that Amber was between Becky and me. At first, there wasn't much to see. For a while, there wasn't much to see – we just looked at the cows milling about and the cats that live in the barn dodging in and out of cover.

Then I saw the event I was waiting for. A large stallion that I knew was visiting the farm slowly sauntered into the barn entrance. As it got closer, the angle to watch it got better and you could see its member hanging long and think from underneath its body. When Becky got a good view of it, she whispered something to Amber and pointed towards the horse. I could hear Amber give a sharp gasp. I glanced over at Amber and saw that her gaze was locked onto that horse. Her breathing was more rapid and I could see her breasts rise and fall under her shirt. "Wow…" she sighed quietly.

"First time seeing a horse's cock?" I asked Amber quietly. Becky gave me a sharp glance at my comment but didn't say anything. Amber's gaze was still fixed on the horse. I'm not sure she even heard me anyway.

"How does it…" Amber asked as she glanced down to her lap.

Becky put her arm around Amber protectively as she reassured her, "It's the right size for the horse. It does look impressive though."

"If there were any mares around in the barn, you might get to see him use it," I said, wondering what effect that sight would have on her.

A few moments passed by. "Are…" Amber started, uncertain if she should continue. Becky motioned her forward and Amber whispered the rest of the question in her ear.

"Yes, all horses have ones that large," smiled Becky.

"No, I meant…" stammered Amber.

"Well, you'd have to ask Chad about that," replied Becky. "Are you 'hung like a horse?'" she asked me.

My cock is slightly above average, at least based on what I've seen in the gym locker room, but I'm not match for a horse of course. Putting on my best face, I say, "Well, I'm no match for a horse…"

At this point, Becky and Amber are sitting next to each other, turned to face across from me. I could see Amber's gaze drop down towards my shorts and if you looked carefully, you could see the slight bulge where my hardening cock was showing.

Becky leaned close to Amber and asked, "Did you want to see his for comparison?"

I could tell by her reaction that her shyness was warring with her curiosity. Another reassuring caress from Becky was apparently all that was needed to make her feel secure enough to timidly say, "Okay."

I undid the snap on my shorts and lowered the zipper. I reached in with one hand and pushed the waistband of my undies down and pulled my cock out over the top. It was quite hard at this point and the handling caused a small drop of liquid to appear at the tip. When I removed my hands, my cock was standing proudly at attention as I sat cross-legged on the floor.

Amber leaned forward slightly to get a better look. She seemed to be studying it carefully, noting the veins running up the side, seeing the large head at the top of the cock and how it twitched in time with my heartbeat. "What do you think," I asked softly.

Amber sat straight back up as the question snapped her out of her reverie. She glanced back down into the barn and then back at my member and said, "Not as large."

"Yes, but the right size for us girls," Becky said. I noticed at this point that Becky seemed to be taking quite an interest in my cock as well. I found myself wondering how mine compared to Andrew's.

Hoping that Amber would be caught up enough in the mood, I asked, "What about my turn?"

"Hmmm…" asked Amber.

"Well, you got to see me. Do I get to see you?" I asked hopefully.

Amber got that uncertain "deer in the headlights" look, but Becky quickly answered, "That only seems fair. We can let you see our tits. Okay, Amber?" Becky started to lift her shirt up towards her neck.

Amber still looked a little uncertain, but watched as Becky got her shirt bunched up under her neck, revealing a plain, white bra. Honestly, I had never really looked at my sister sexually before, not even when I walked in on her and Andrew (although that scene did make me realize that she wasn't my "little sister" anymore) but I found this strip-tease quite exciting. Becky's tits weren't as large as Amber's, but they had a nice shape to them.

As Becky reached behind her towards the clasp of her bra, she glanced over at Amber and repeated, "Okay?"

Amber definitely looked uncertain, but after seeing Becky exposing herself, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and slowly raised it up. As her shirt rose, Amber's larger tits came into view. She was wearing a lacy bra that revealed quite a bit of cleavage on the top of her mounds. I definitely liked the view, although I tried not to stare. It helped that I could look back and forth between the two pairs on display.

At this point, Becky unsnapped the clasp and her bra fell free down her arms. Her perky tits hung free, suspended nicely on their own straight out from her chest. Right in the middle was a small, pointy nipple that hardened from exposure to the air. I found myself whistling appreciatively as Becky reached up, pushed the bottom of her tits up and together then let go so they would bounce back into place. She said, "Like what you see, Chad?"

As I started to say something about how beautiful she looked when Amber suddenly got up, her shirt falling back into place, and said, "I can't do this," as she rushed towards the steps leading down and out of the barn.

I watched her leave then turned back towards Becky. I watched as Becky put her bra back into place and covered up again. "I guess that's a good start," Becky said. "You might want to cover that back up before we head back inside," she said, motioning at my cock that was still hanging out.


That night in bed, I knew I had to give my cock some relief after all of the teasing it got during the day. As I rubbed my hand up and down, I found myself thinking just as much about Becky's body as I did Amber's. I retraced the events in the barn, and imagined how they might have continued if Amber hadn't left, but it was Becky that I was picturing, her tits hanging down in front of her, that was in my mind when I exploded all over the bed. It had been quite a while since I'd come that hard.

As I lay there, enjoying the aftermath, I wondered what would happen after Amber had a chance to think over today. Would she be scared away by us, or would she gather her courage. I also wondered why Becky seemed so interested in helping me seduce Amber.


The next day, Amber showed no sign that anything happened last night at all, although I didn't get to see much of her. She and Becky went into town together to do some shopping. That evening after dinner, Amber came over to me and Becky as we were finishing up the dishes. "I'd like…, I mean…," she started. After taking a breath, she quietly said, "Can we go to the barn again?"

Inside, I was thrilled, but I tried to keep my enthusiasm from showing too much. "That's fine with me."

Amber looked over at Becky. From her look, it was clearly only okay with her if Becky came along too. Becky didn't hesitate though. "Me too. Let's go," she said, giving Amber a pat on the back.

All three of us went back out to the barn and climbed back into the loft. Most of the animals were back in at this point and the horse we saw yesterday was milling around one part of the barn, grazing on some hay. From this angle, his cock was clearly visible hanging down and Amber's gaze was fixated on it again. Every now and then, she would glance back towards me, as if comparing what she saw, and after a few minutes, I could see her start to squirm a little bit as she was crouching.

"Could… can…," started Amber, but then she turned to Becky and whispered something in her ear.

Becky smiled and said, "She'd like to see yours again. Just for comparison, of course."

"Of course," I smiled back. I was hoping she remembered what happened last night and knew what I'd expect in return. "But tonight, I think it's time for you ladies to start first. Seems only fair, right?"

I think Amber had been expecting that. "Okay…" she said hesitantly, looking over at Becky for reassurance. She still sat still, like she was waiting for Becky to make the first move.

Becky didn't disappoint. She quickly raised her shirt up and over her head, her breasts one again bouncing in the cups of her bra. Seeing as Amber still hadn't moved, she reached over and grabbed her blouse and pulled it over her head in one swift motion.

Amber sat there, shocked for a moment, before instinctively crossing her hands over her ample bosom. As I tried to get a better look, Becky interrupted saying, "Okay, stud. It's your turn next."

Thinking it was only fair; I undid the snap at the top of my shorts and pulled them down. The bulge in my underwear that had already formed was clearly visible – something that did not escape the notice of the girls. While they were admiring the view, I also pulled my shirt off and tossed it into the pile with my shorts. I lay back slightly into the hay to give the girls a better view and said, "Your turn now."

Again, Becky was the first one to act, reaching behind her back and undoing the clasp on her bra. Just like yesterday, her breasts held their own as the bra fell free. She then gave an encouraging glance to Amber.

Amber sat for a moment and then slowly reached back. Her bra snapped open, letting her breasts fall freely. Being larger, they sagged a bit as they lost the support of her bra, but they were still a nice round shape. Unlike Becky's tiny, pink nipples, Amber's ample breasts were crowned with a larger nipple, centered in a larger, darker areola. If anything, the sight of these hooters made my cock grow even harder. After letting the bra drop to the ground, Amber still held her hands partially obscuring my view.

Becky now glanced in my direction. I wondered who was really running this show, but I decided that I didn't care. "Okay, ladies, time for the main event," I said as I stood up and slowly lowered my undies down my legs. My cock bounced up sharply as it was finally released from its prison and bobbed several times, coming to rest pointing straight out from my body.

I heard an audible gasp, coming from Amber I think, when my cock came into view and as I looked up, I saw that she had abandoned any attempt at keeping her body hidden. Instead, her full attention was fixed directly on my cock.

Amber reached her hand out towards me a short distance, and then glanced as Becky, as if asking if it was okay. Asking me apparently never entered into their thoughts, not that I would have minded anyway. Getting the encouraging nod from Becky, Amber crawled the two steps towards me and gently touched the head of my cock with her finger. My cock bounced in response to the gentle push and Amber was transfixed by the sight.

"You can put your hand around it," I suggested.

Amber glanced up at me, startled as if she had forgotten I could talk. But curiosity overcame her fear and she again reached out her hand, wrapping it around my shaft. "Wow… it's so warm," she said to Becky. "And it's hard and soft at the same time… weird."

Becky smiled back knowingly. "Try moving your hand up and down the length of it. Guys really like that," Becky suggested.

Amber nodded and turned her attention back to me. She slid her hand all of the way down towards the base and then slowly back up. Her touch was electrifying, sending a wave of pleasure that followed behind her touch.

While her attention was distracted, I reached out with my hands and slowly cupped Amber's large breasts in my hand. At first, I gently supported the weight on the bottom. Her tits felt like soft pillows – almost a fluffy feeling that contradicted their size. While I felt a flinch when I first made contact, as my hands enveloped more of the flesh, I could feel Amber lean in slightly, pushing her tits into my hands. I'm not even sure she was aware that I was doing it.

I slowly knelt down next to Amber as my fingers continued their exploration of her chest. I held each breast in my hand, running my thumbs up and across the curve of her tits. I noticed the Amber was breathing in time to my strokes. Her rhythm on my cock also slowed down a little as she seemed to lose focus. After a minute of this, I finally allowed my thumb to graze over her nipples. The reaction was instantaneous – Amber arched her back towards me and gave a loud groan of pleasure. Her hand clamped down on my cock.

At this point, I noticed that Becky was still sitting to the side of us watching. She had her hand inside the waistband of her shorts and it looked like she was rubbing herself off. I gave a small chuckle, glad that she was enjoying the show, while I turned my attention back to Amber. "Do you like how that feels?" I asked her. As she nodded back, I replied, "I can do something that will feel even nicer."

Without waiting for her response, I lowered my face towards her breasts. My tongue traced a path across the tops of her mounds, then around the bottom curves. Only after making a full circle around the outside did I start liking towards the center. As my lips approached her nipples, I could hear mewing sounds coming from her throat.

Finally, my lips approached their destination as I took the nipple deep into my mouth. Amber let out a shout as my tongue circled around the nipple. I flicked my tongue back and forth across the hard tip and each time, her cry got louder and sharper. After only a few moments of this, Amber's entire body lurched up towards me and she let out a loud, rhythmic moaning sound. This girl was so hot that she came from only a little sucking on her tits!

After her orgasm subsided, Amber collapsed back into the hay. I started to move over her, reaching for the waistband of her shorts. I had to fuck her now.

Unfortunately, she had other plans. She blocked my hands, gasping, "I think… that's enough… for now…"

With a clearly disappointed look on my face, Becky said, "That's not very fair to him." Becky's face has a flushed look on it. I'm sure that she got herself off as well. Wondering when the last time she had wondered about "fair" Becky continued, "At least let him come as well."

"How?" asked Amber.

"Remember how I said that guys really like their cock being stroked? Just keep doing that and he'll come the same way you did."

"Like this," Amber asked as she wrapped her hand around my cock again. Her motion up and down the shaft felt exquisite, but it was irregular.

"You want more of a pumping motion," Becky said as she moved behind me. I could feel her breasts push into my back as she reached around me to replace Amber's hands with her own. Becky collected the precum that was leaking liberally from the tip and expertly coated my shaft with it. From the motion of her hand and the way she twisted and used her thumbs, I could tell she'd done this before.

As Becky continued to pump away at me, Amber lay underneath me, watching closely. I knew I wasn't going to last long under this assault and I could feel myself pass that threshold where there's no holding back. I warned Amber, "I'm going to come soon…"

Almost as soon as I said that, I felt the familiar release wash through me and the first jolt of sperm came shooting hard out of my cock, splattering on the middle of Amber's belly. As her eyes widened in shock, a second burst flew out, and a weaker third burst. As the remaining waves of my orgasm swept through me, the last of my cum dribbled out, making a small pile on the ground just in front of her crotch.

Amber stared at amazement – clearly this was the first time she'd actually seen anyone cum before. She put her finger into the glop of cum on her belly, swirling it around to feel the texture and consistency. "This is what makes babies?" she asked.

"Yep. It feels great when it spurts inside of you."

"You've done it before?" Amber asked.

"A few times." Becky's gaze seemed lost in reminiscence. "The feeling is indescribable."

"Want to know what it feels like," I asked hopefully.

Amber gave a 'nice try' smile back and said, "Not tonight. I think we've already done enough." She started to get that self-conscious look back in her face. As she grabbed her bra and blouse, she said, "I'd better get back inside and clean up."

"I guess we all should," Becky continued.


The next day, I saw that Amber kept making furtive glances in my direction all day long. I looked for a chance to get alone with her, but never found a chance. With friends visiting the farm this day, there was never a time when I could get some time alone with her.

It wasn't until late in the afternoon that Becky came over to me and said, "There's something you'll find interesting in the barn." After delivering that message, she trotted off across the yard. It didn't take me long to follow.

As we got to the base of the ladder to the loft, Becky motioned for quiet as she started climbing up. In the silence, I could hear noises coming from the barn. Just as I got to the top of the ladder, I realized what those sounds were and the view I saw in the loft confirmed my thought.

In the loft, Amber lay on her back. Her blouse was unbuttoned in the front and her bra pulled off her tits. One hand was rubbing and grasping at the exposed breast. The other hand had pulled her skirt completely up to her waist, pulled her panties aside and was rubbing her pussy lips rapidly. Her gaze was focused down into the main barn area where I could hear the sounds of two horses mating.

As I stood on the ladder with just my head poking up wondering how to take advantage of this situation, Becky boldly strode across the loft towards Amber. She was practically next to Amber when she was finally noticed. Becky lay down next to Amber, running her hands over Amber's tits, softly saying "Watching the horse get a piece of the action."

I expected Amber to freak out at this point, but instead she looked at Becky with a glazed look in her eye. "What does it feel like, Becky?"

"It's the best sensation in the world. You feel so full. Getting off is way better than when you do it yourself." She looked over towards me and said, "Chad knows you're here too. He can help."

I could see that Becky was still rubbing Amber's tits and that Amber hand was still busy in her pussy. The glazed look hadn't disappeared from her face either, so I slowly climbed into the loft and walked over towards the girls. As I came into view, Amber gave a hungry look at me.

I quickly removed my clothes. While there wasn't a lot of foreplay for me here, my cock got fully hard at the sight of Amber playing with herself. As I lowered my shorts, Amber's gaze quickly went from my face to my cock. Her hand was still buzzing in her pussy. "Do you want this inside you?" I asked her.

"Go on," Becky said to her. Becky's hands moved lower, joining Amber's hands on her pussy. Becky grabbed the band of Amber's panties and pulled them off her legs, exposing her pussy completely to me.

I lay over her, carefully positioning my cock at her entrance, hoping that I could finally get inside of her before she changed her mind. Amazingly, Becky helped line my cock up to her entrance, while saying to Amber in a soft voice, "It will probably hurt a little bit at first, but then it will feel wonderful."

Amber's pussy was already completely soaked from her earlier activities. As I gently pushed into her opening, I slipped in easily. Even though she was very wet, it was a tight fit. As my cock inched its way inside her, it met some resistance. I pushed hard and it suddenly gave way, my cock sliding all of the way inside her. Amber stiffened up and let out a loud groan at the penetration that sounded like a mixture of pleasure and pain.

I held my cock in position to let her get used to the size. When I felt her body relax a little, I slowly pulled out of her. Despite how slick she was, I could feel her pussy grabbing onto my cock as it withdrew. When it was almost all of the way out, I reversed course and slowly slid it in. This time, the penetration was rewarded with a low moan of passion from Amber. She had her eyes closed and her face was twisted in an expression of rapture.

I could see Becky still had one hand working over Amber's tits while I was slowly pushing in and out of her. Becky's other hand was underneath her dress, presumably simulating what Amber was experiencing. It was very erotic to hear Amber's gasping at each thrust in time with my sister's gasps from her finger-fucking.

Amber was very close to the edge even before we came up and it didn't take much at all for her to explode into a massive orgasm. When I felt it begin, I held my cock deep within her. I could feel the walls of her vagina ripple as the waves of her orgasm coursed through her body.

When she came down from the orgasmic high, she said to Becky, "Oh my God, that was amazing!"

Through her gasping, Becky said, "Wait until you feel him spurt inside you."

That statement snapped reality back into Amber. "Oh, no! Don't come in me! I don't want to get pregnant."

I thought all girls over the age of 12 were on the pill these days, but apparently not Amber. I realized I really did have to stop. I didn't want to become a father any more than she wanted to become a mother.

My disappointment must have been clear on my face. "Poor Chad," said Becky. "Why don't you shoot it in me instead?" Becky lay back in the hay and peeled her panties down her legs.

I'm sure part of me was thinking that this was my sister asking me to fuck her, but those parts of me weren't in control at the moment. I pulled out of Amber and moved over to where Becky was lying down. She reached down between us and positioned my cock at her opening. As soon as it was lined up, Becky grabbed my ass and pulled me hard into her. She was just as wet as Amber was and I slid smoothly into her; my cock penetrating all the way inside her.

I started moving in and out of her. With each inward stroke she would push her pelvis up towards me and pull my ass down, squeezing me deep inside her. It didn't take much of this physical thrusting before I was on the verge. "Here it comes," I warned her.

"Yes! Yes! Cum inside me! Spurt deep inside your little sister!" Becky yelled as she pulled me down even harder. Her dirty talk pushed me over the edge as I thrust has hard and as deep inside her as I could and the first burst of semen jetted out of my cock and filled the inside of her pussy. "Oh!" Becky gasped as she felt it inside her. A second wave followed the first, along with another "Oh!" from Becky. Each spurt from me was matched with another gasp from Becky as she felt each twitch from my cock. Around the fourth or fifth spurt, Becky tensed up as her orgasm came to her. She wrapped her legs tightly around me, pinning me deep inside me, and wriggled her pussy all over my groin. Her gasps changed to a long, continuous groan as the release washed over her as well.

We both just lay together, letting the feeling of our orgasms pass over us. As we came to our senses, we noticed that Amber was still watching us, absently fingering her pussy.

"Wow," Amber said.

"Yeah," smiled Becky. "You've got to get your problem fixed so you can experience this too."

I got up, withdrawing from Becky. I could see a flood of sperm flow out of her pussy as I pulled out. "We'd all better get cleaned up before we're missed."


When I woke up the next morning, I was still thinking about what had happened last evening. At the time, I didn't give much thought to the fact that it was my little sister Becky that I was fucking. Now, I was worried about how she would react. I seriously doubted that she would tell anyone about it, but I was worried about what she would think of what happened.

I went down the hall to her bedroom and gave a soft knock on the door. I heard her voice say, "Come in," so I opened the door and slipped into her room.

Becky was standing on the far side of the bed, with her back to me. She was still wearing the long nightgown that she wore to bed and was going through something in her dresser.

"About yesterday," I began, unsure of exactly what to say. "I mean… we got a little carried away. You're my sister and… When we had sex…" Becky was just standing straight up, her back still to me. I couldn't read her expression and that was making me feel more worried. "It was really good, but I shouldn't have… I won't let it happen again."

"That's where your wrong, big brother," Becky said in a level voice. Then she turned around to face me. Her nightgown was completely unbuttoned in front and as she took her first steps towards me, she flung it off her shoulders leaving herself clad in only a pair of white, cotton panties. "I want it to happen again," she said as she closed the distance between us.

Becky moved next to me, wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled my face down to hers to give me a kiss. This definitely wasn't a sister-like kiss – her tongue licked around the outside of my lips and then pushed inside to mingle with mine. As she did this, she pushed her body into mine, pushing her breasts against my chest and grinding her groin against my slowly hardening member. This was enough to shock me out of my reverie. I wrapped my hands around her waist, letting them rest of the cups of her ass. Each cheek filled my palm nicely and had just the right amount of firmness and softness.

After a moment, Becky took a half-step back and reached down between us with her hands. She grabbed my shorts and undies together and pushed them down to my feet. As she stood back up, she then grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up over my head. Now that I was standing naked before her, she gave an appraising look over my body, definitely liking what she saw, and pulled me over to her bed.

We toppled onto the bed together. Since I didn't really get a chance to explore her body last night during our frenzied coupling, I took the opportunity now. I leaned down over Becky and resumed our kiss. As my tongue explored her mouth, I took one tit in each hand, slowly running my fingers around the edges. While not as large as Amber's, they were more firm, holding their shape better and providing a smooth surface to touch. My fingers slowly spiraled from the outside to the center, eventually reaching the small, pink nipple that was poking out of the tips.

While my hands were exploring the curves of Becky's breasts, I could feel her breath quicken. She would make light mewing noises as I found each tender spot. My kisses moved from her mouth, down her neck and towards the center of her cleavage. As my tongue approached Becky's nipples, I could feel her arch her back up towards me as she chanted, "Yes, yes…" I suddenly closed my lips completely around her right tit, hungrily devouring the breast in my mouth. I heard an incoherent yelp coming from Becky's lips as the squirmed beneath me.

As my lips help her tits busy, my hands continued their voyage down her body. I ran them over her flat tummy, briefly tickling her "inny" belly-button, and glided them over her panty-covered mound. I could feel both the heat and wetness emanating from her pussy. I hooked my hands over the edge of her panties and slowly pulled them down. As my hands lowered, my tongue also lowered, tracing a path from her breasts towards her now exposed pussy.

Becky could sense what was coming. "Yes, lick me down there. Lick my pussy," she directed as my tongue approached its destination. As my hands pulled her panties off her feet, they made their way back up her legs, reaching underneath her to hold her ass. I lifted her rear slightly off the bed, pushing her slit into my waiting tongue. As I made my first lick from the base of her slit, up to her clit, Becky pushed her pussy deeper into my face, yelling, "Yes, lick me there. Lick it harder! Yes!"

I continued, giving a slow lick from the bottom to the top, driving my tongue as deep into her slit as I could, and giving her clit a sharp flick with my tongue at the end of each stroke. Becky enthusiastically cheered on my efforts with her cries. As her motions got more frantic, at the end of a stroke, I took her clit into my mouth and sucked deep inside, flicking my tongue over it repeatedly. "Yes, right there! Oh, yes! Oh! Oh! I'm coming! Don't stop! Don't stop! Yes!!!" she screamed as her thighs clamped around my face. I could feel a sudden surge of wetness envelop my face as Becky came hard underneath me.

As the waves of orgasm passed, Becky grabbed me under my arms and pulled me up towards her. She had a hungry look in her face. "Now, put that dick of yours deep inside me," she ordered. I wasn't going to disagree.

I lined my member up with her steaming hole and as I gazed into her eyes, slowly pushed my way inside. We each gave a contented sigh at the feeling of becoming one. As I lay with my cock fully inside my sister's pussy, she wrapped her arms and legs around my body, holding me deep inside her.

I moved my cock in and out of her pussy in long, slow, rhythmic strokes. Becky, still wrapped around me, flexed her pelvis with each stroke, heightening the sensation of each withdrawal and penetration. Unlike the frantic fuck the previous day, this was a slow, sensual joining. With each stroke, Becky would give a light, "Yes," as my cock penetrated into her depths.

After longer than I thought possible, given my state, I could feel my release building and found myself speeding the pace of my strokes up. Becky could sense this as well, as she matched my strokes, encouraging me to go faster. "Yes, yes, yes…" she would chant.

"I'm going to cum soon," I warned her as I could feel my cock approaching that point of no return.

"Yes, come inside me…" she ordered. "Deep inside me… Fill me up, Chad! Fill your sister up!" As her chanting continued, I gave a final push as deep in her as I could as my sperm jetted out the end of my cock. Becky could sense immediately when it happened and continued grinding against my cock. "Oh, yes! There! Yes!" she yelled as she milked every last drop out of me. Finally, I collapsed on top of her, completely spent.

I'm not sure if I drifted off for a moment, or just lay there in a daze, but in a few minutes I came to my senses to see Becky still lying next to me, staring adoringly into my face. "What got into you, Becky?" I asked her.

"You did, Brother," she replied with a smirk. "Actually, I've been hoping something like this would happen since I lost my cherry a few months ago."

"Um… really?" I asked in a confused way.

"Yep," she explained. "First, you're always around when I'd need you. Second, you won't blab about it to anyone else. And, most importantly…" she paused as she glanced down at my now shrinking cock. "Yours feels much nicer inside me."

That last comment filled me with pride. I gave Becky a big hug, telling her, "It will always be ready for you."


Now, we didn't start fucking like rabbits every chance we got, but over the next week and a half, Becky and I found a few other times to have sex again. The sexual games with Amber and Becky also continued. I didn't get to fuck Amber again, although there was a close encounter when we were out at the creek.

We were all swimming naked in the creek. It seemed silly after our sexual escapades to bother with bringing our suits down to the creek to change into. The three of us were horsing around in the water and Becky gave me an unexpected push on my back. I fell forward, landing in Amber's arms, and the two of us crashed to the ground, landing in the shallows at the edge of the water. After we each caught our breath from the fall, we both realized that I was lying fully on top of her and my cock, which was always slightly hard around the two naked girls, was nestled directly on top of her pussy and was expanding to its full size.

Amber gazed into my eyes and slowly gyrated her hips, rubbing her pussy along the length of my shaft. When I felt this, I slowly started moving against her as well. We only got a couple strokes in when Becky asked, "Are you two okay?" This simple question snapped us out of our trance, and we both disengaged and stood up to show her that we were fine.


Two weeks after our first encounter, Amber came up to me as I was cleaning up after dinner. "Come with me to the barn," she whispered in my ear, and sauntered off.

I finished putting things away as far as I could and then headed out to the barn, wondering what Amber had in mind. I climbed the latter up to the loft. As I looked around, Amber grabbed me from the side. She pulled her towards her, wrapped her hands around her and planted a kiss on my lips.

As we kissed, I reflected at how much more assertive Amber had become over the last two weeks, at least around me and Becky. As my tongue sparred with hers in our mouths, my hands moved up and down her back, then went lower to massage her ass cheeks. We stood together, kissing passionately, and grinding our pelvises together.

After a few minutes, Amber stepped away and moved one of her hands over my crotch. She started rubbing the bulge of my cock up and down through the material of my shorts. "Your sister gave me a pack of her pills," Amber said quietly. "The directions said to wait two weeks to make sure they had taken effect." She stopped and looked up into my face longingly. I guess she was still too shy to directly come out and say it, but I knew she was telling me that she wanted to feel my cock come inside her and that she was safe now.

Her hand continued moving up and down my bulge while I moved my hands back up towards her neck. The yellow sun dress that Amber was wearing was one of those where the bowtie at the top of the neck held the entire thing in place. My hands pulled on the ends of the bow and the strings gently separated. As I let go, the dress gently fell away, landing in a pile at her feet, revealing a bra and a pair of matching panties that were both the same shade of bright yellow that the dress had been. Even though I'd seen her naked several times, somehow the sight of her in this lingerie that exactly matched her dress was more erotic.

Amber stepped out of the dress and back against me. She pressed her body back against mine, her hand still between us on my bulge. My hands found their way onto her large tits, cupping each one through the thin material of her bra. I bent my head down and placed it into the cleft of her cleavage, causing her to gasp. As I licked in her valley, my hands found the clasp around back, releasing her tits from their captivity. As the bra fell free, it allowed my tongue to roam freely from one mound to the other. As my tongue made circles around her tits, and flicked her large, dark nipples, Amber was starting to squirm against me. Even after that first day, she had always aroused easily and many a time I could make her come just by licking her tits.

I didn't want her to have her release yet though, so I disengaged and moved her hands to the top of my shorts. Amber got the hint and pulled my shorts down, releasing my straining cock. As her hand returned to my member, I pulled my shirt over my head.

I sat down on the ground, lowing Amber down next to me. Her hand was still moving over my cock, spreading the lubrication leaking from the tip all up and down my shaft. My hand spread apart her legs and traced circles over her soaking wet panties. My fingers could feel the contours of her opening and they traced the edges of her pussy lips with each circle.

I slipped a finger underneath the material and touched her slit directly. This first contact elicited a loud gasp from Amber. Her hand on my cock stopped momentarily as she was lost in the sensations coming from her pussy. I took hold of the panty itself and Amber lay back and lifted her hips off the ground so I could remove the interfering piece of clothing from her body.

My fingers returned to their massage, running circles around her opening, and flicking her clit on each pass by it. Occasionally, I would dip one of my fingers into her opening. Her opening was definitely tighter, but she was plenty wet enough for what was going to happen next.

As I moved over her, I asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes," she gasped, her gaze slowly focusing on my face. "Just let me know when you're going to…, okay?"

I positioned myself at the mouth of her pussy, held her hips with my hands, and slowly pushed my way into her. She was definitely tighter than Becky, after all this was only the second time she'd been fucked, and I could feel the texture and warmth of her pussy more clearly on my cock. Despite her wetness, I didn't want to force my way in all at once, so I slowly pushed in and out. Each stroke worked its way a little deeper than the previous. Each time my cock penetrated to a new depth, another gasp came from Amber's mouth.

When I had gotten my full length inside her, I looked at Amber's face to see how she was doing. She met my gaze and smiled. As I started moving inside her again, her expression returned to that of a distant concentration. She was totally lost in the sensations that my cock was creating in her.

As my cock pumped in and out of her, I let my hands explore the rest of her body. She was definitely a little chunkier all around than Becky – not fat by any means though – but that padding made her body feel softer against him.

Amber was already close to the edge, so it wasn't long before I could feel her twitching and bucking underneath me. She was definitely quieter than Becky, only letting a series of, "Oh… oh… oh…" escape her mouth as she came. When it passed, I could see her gaze focus back on me and I started to increase the speed of my thrusts.

"Okay," I said between breaths, "get ready. I'm going to come…" I gave a few more long thrusts into her and as I felt the familiar sensation of my orgasm beginning, I thrust deep inside Amber. She sensed that this was the start and she held herself very still underneath me. Both of us were locked in a tight embrace as my cock twitched over and over delivering load after load of my cream inside her. Even though Amber was still, I could feel her body flinch in time to my pulses.

When the twitches subsided, Amber gave me a big hug and whispered into my ear, "That was the most incredible thing I've ever felt. Thank you." I returned the hug and we just stayed in each other's' arms for a few more moments.


In the week that we had before Amber had to return with her family to New York, we fucked nearly every day. She wanted to get as much of me as she could before she had to leave. Becky and I also continued fucking, although not as frequently, even after we returned to our homes. When school started back up, we both dated other people like normal, but the fact that we had each other to satisfy our urges allowed us to be more sexually selective in our dating.

But looking back, that summer was one of the most memorable summer vacations I had.