
sex storie

stories from LITEROTICA

Katiored · Others
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109 Chs


This is a gay story.

Coach Ryan fumbled with his keys as he switched off his car's ignition. He cursed as he reached down to pick them up, hands trembling. 'Steady', he thought to himself. 'There's no need to be nervous.' That was a joke. In his 8 years coaching football at the high school he used to attend, there hadn't been anything quite like this. How could he NOT be nervous. 'Try-outs today', he thought, and chuckled to himself. It's not like he was trying out for anything. As he walked toward the building, he tried to steady his breathing. He didn't want anyone to see him shaking.

A few of his co-workers greeted him as he navigated the soon-to-be-crowded hallways. Idle conversations, casual greetings. Mostly just pleasantries. That was good. Ryan was in no mood to have a lengthy dialogue right now. Nearing his office, he passed by his closest friend, Mike the Janitor. He was sure to want to talk about his weekend, or some other bullshit.

"Hey, Mike", he said to Mike. 'Jesus, don't let your voice crack so much.'

Mike responded with a curt "Hey", before turning back to the posters he was rearranging. 'Thank Christ, he's hungover.' Ryan didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. He unlocked his office door ('Steady hands, Coach'), and pulled it shut behind him.


He hadn't been told much. Just that try-outs would start today, and to be ready. That meant showered, clean-shaven, and, well... prepared for the day's activities. Ordinarily the first day of the school year would be spent getting to know the students, preparing for practices, cleaning equipment. But this year, the principal had allotted him two days for these try-outs. He'd only been told that the first "hopeful" would be arriving around 8. After that, it was anyone's guess. He checked his watch. 7:57.

Why was he so nervous. He'd already pissed twice since he got in, but he was drinking so much water, he already needed to go again. Or maybe he just thought that because he needed something to do. Waiting around like this was going to drive him crazy. He checked his watch again. Still 7:57.

''Knock, Knock, Knock'' This was it.

Coach Ryan clenched his fists, and cleared his throat. "Come in." 'Need to be steady. Strong. This was good, necessary work you're about to do. It's for the team.' And the door, slowly opened.

Standing in the doorway, was a boy. He was thin, but tall, at least taller than the other boys his age. He had shoulder-length blonde hair, which was pushed back around his ears. He wore a grey hoodie, and had a backpack with both straps over his shoulders. 'Shit', Ryan swore silently, 'this is what I was afraid of'. He knew this boy.

Derren Harlow stepped into the dark office, lowering the backpack as he did so. "Coach Ryan?", he asked meekly, looking at the desk between them.

Ryan cleared his throat again. "Yes, Derren. Come in." The coach stood, walked around his desk, and pulled back one of the guest chairs. Derren sat, and Ryan returned to his seat as well. He wasn't sure what to say.

"So, how are you?", he tried, then winced internally. 'Not very cool, Coach'

"I'm good, Coach. Excited about the opportunity." The boy muttered, still not meeting Coach's eyes. 'He's as nervous as I am...', Ryan thought, which made him feel a little better.

"Well, I'm excited, too. I've been looking forward to today." That was true. His heart was pounding, not just because he was nervous.

Derren smiled, his eyes raised higher. "You have?"

"Of course. I care about my team. I want to make sure they play at their absolute best. And if this is how that's going to happen, I'm all for it."

"How many guys have you tried out so far?"

Ryan wanted to play it cool. "A few. No one's really stood out yet."

"Oh, okay." After a short pause, Derren stood up. "Well, maybe we should get going, then."

Coach's heart nearly skipped a beat. It had all been theoretical up until this point, and now, with Derren stepping around the desk toward him, it was all become very undeniably real. He was suddenly very aware of every sensation: the soft leather of the chair cushioning his ass, the rumble as it slid backwards, the delicate tugging against his waist as Derren pulled at his belt. Coach Ryan had to remember to breath.

Derren managed to get the belt undone quickly. 'He must have some experience with this', Coach mused. After the belt came the button, and the zipper, and soon, Coach Ryan's pants were pulled loose. He tried to stand, to make things easier for Derren, but the boy reached up and pushed him back into his seat. Well, pushed might be the wrong word. Ryan doubted that Derren had enough muscle mass to push over a stack of books. But, it was enough to get his jeans down below his ankles. And there, Coach sat, in his blue polo, and grey boxer-briefs.

"Whoa," Derren breathed. Coach had been semi-hard all morning, which made for quite the bulge in his underwear. Derren reached up, and put his hand on the package. He began rubbing it, prompting the Coach to force himself not to whimper. This lasted a few more seconds, before Derren decided he wanted a closer look at what he'd be working with. He grabbed the top of the underwear, and tugged it forward.

Coach Ryan's cock sprang forward. The activities had already increased his arousal, and now, he was standing almost completely erect. Derren's eyes were also growing. Coach had always been... gifted, and it was clear that Derren hadn't been encountered anything quite like this before. Ryan felt a little embarrassed, but Derren didn't let that last too long. He grabbed onto the stiffening member, and Ryan couldn't hold back letting out a small gasp.

The boy began stroking the cock, up and down. Slowly at first, and then a little faster. He seemed mesmerized by it's. It's size, or it's hardness (Ryan was now fully hard), it wasn't clear.

Ryan was in disbelief. It was impossible to think that this was how things were going to turn out. When he was first approached with the idea for The Ball Boy Experiment, he thought he was being pranked. He thought that still when the board approved the Experiment, in a secret meeting, so as to keep the results clean. Even after the all the paperwork was sent through, and underground word began to spread among the students, Coach Ryan was the most vocal about denying all the rumors. In public, that is. When a student approached him in private, and asked him if the rumors were true, he was less aggressive in his denial.

"There's never been an experiment like that," he would recite. "And if there were, something like that would have to be approved by the school board. Does this seem like the kind of thing the board would approve?" He would wait for the boy's reaction, and then, if they were not assured away by that, continue with, "But, if it were true, there would have to be a website you would need to go to, to make sure that everything was above board. We could only allow boys of age, and those who would be prepared to take on the challenge."

A sharp tug pulled Ryan back to his current predicament (pun intended). He suddenly remembered that he was supposed to be judging this young man. The paperwork mentioned that he'd be tempted to just enjoy himself, and get lost in the moment. He would have to be more critical. Trying to find things wrong with the boy's technique, the Coach found himself focusing on how tight the grip was. Too tight? Maybe. He would need some more time, and with some of the other candidates to compare him to. But one thing was for sure.

"Derren," the Coach started. His confidence was beginning to return to him, as his arousal grew. "The duties of the ball boy go beyond simple hand jobs, you know."

Derren looked up at the coach, inquisitively. He opened his mouth, and Ryan thought that he was going to argue with him, or say something defensive. Instead, Derren leaned forward, and wrapped his lips around Ryan's cock.

This made Ryan's head fall backward. He hadn't been expecting the sudden sensation, and it was almost more than he could bare. "Shit," he said aloud, and then realized that he'd just sworn in front of a student! "Sorry", he muttered.

Derren popped the dick out of his mouth with a big grin. "It's okay, Coach. Just relax." His mouth returned to the dick, and began working it up and down. He used one hand to stroke the shaft, as he was unable to get the entire length between his lips. His other hand was rubbing Coach's leg.

Ryan was torn. He wanted to just enjoy this, but knew that he needed to determine if Derren was going to make the cut. Of course, it was too early to make a decision, but Derren was clearly skilled at working a cock. 'This can't be his first time', Coach thought again. He tried again to focus on things he was doing wrong. Every now and then, a tooth would scrape across his dick. Not enough to hurt, but enough to notice. Coach also wanted his other hand to be fondling his balls, something Coach Ryan was crazy about. But, that was a personal thing. He had to remember also that he wasn't the only one to consider. This wasn't for him, it was for his team.

Derren pulled himself off of the cock again. "Do you like that, Coach?", he asked.

"I do, yes. You'd better be careful, though. You're gonna make me cum."

Derren let go of the dick before him. "But, don't you want to see how I can fuck?"

Something about the young man cursing threw him off. He stammered for a second, but Derren didn't waste any more time. He undid his own pants, revealing that he was wearing no underwear. His dick, not tiny, but not large by any means, was only semi-hard. He pulled off the grey hoodie next, standing naked before the Coach. He was smooth, not an inch of body hair anywhere.

'I would never approve him for the football team,' Coach pondered. 'He's far too skinny. Not an ounce of definition on him anywhere.' The thought made him laugh. Derren seemed to take this personally.

"Something wrong?" He suddenly looked very nervous, like he had just realized the situation he was in.

"No! Not at all! You're..." Ryan struggled to find the right words. Cute? Pretty? Ryan had never been attracted to men. He was as straight as they come. What he was doing here today was nothing short of fulfilling his duties as coach. That was all. "Very talented, Derren", he finished. Derren seemed to accept that. He stepped forward, as Ryan removed his underwear the rest of the way, and kicked off both them and his jeans. His shirt, he pulled and off, and when his head was free, he saw the Derren had turned around.

"Do you need anything?", asked Ryan.

"No thanks. I brought, this.", and he pulled out a tube of lube from his clothes pile. Ryan had to commend the boy's forethought. He also had to commend his ass. It was round, and smooth as the rest of him. Coach Ryan thought that it looked a lot like a girl's ass. That made him excited. After applying the lube to himself, Derren backed up, so his ass brushed against the coach's cock. It felt as though a bolt of lightning shot through him. Derren wiggled back and forth. This was nice, but Coach wanted to fuck Derren. He was ready too. He'd been encouraged to let the applicants do all work, and so he waited for Derren to make the next move. After a few seconds too long, he did.

Derren reached behind him, and grabbed Coach's cock once more. He guided it between his cheeks. Coach could feel the warmth of his body surrounding his dick. Slowly, Derren found his entrance, and lowered himself onto Coaches throbbing cock.

He was "ready", though not as much as he might have been. There was some pulling against his cock skin, a sign that there needed to be more lube. And Derren was tight. That should be a good thing, but it meant that it would be difficult to get his cock inside. How would Derren perform duties as ball boy if he had this much trouble with Coach's dick. Not long after, however, his member did make it through the entrance, and Derren slid all the way down Coach's rock hard shaft.

"OOOOOOooooohhh..." Derren let out a long moan. Ryan wanted to join him. He felt he was in heaven. He knew he wasn't going to last long. Derren didn't seem to be making an effort to prolong the experience. He began to bounce up and down. At first, only Coach's foreskin would be pulled along with Derren's movements, but after a few pumps, it broke loose, and his cock slid in and out of the tight hole.

Coach Ryan could feel his orgasm building. "Derren..." he warned. Then, Derren did something Coach never expected. Cock still in ass, Derren lifted one of his legs, and spun around, so he was facing the Coach. He brought his other leg up, and stuck both between the arms of the chair, as if he were trying to hug Coach with his legs. This allowed for him to fall deeper onto Coach's dick, resulting in him filling Derren balls deep.

Derren was clearly enjoying this as much as he was. He reached down and began furiously pounding away at his own cock. He seemed to want to cum at the same time as the Coach. He'd have to hurry, because Ryan was boiling over. He'd crossed the point of no return, and now was clenching as hard as he could, to prolong his eruption.

Both men climaxed together. Coach Ryan emptied his balls deep into Derren's rectum, while Derren's load fell over Ryan's abs. Neither of them moved for a while, except for the trembling force of their combined orgasm. After a minute or two, Derren pulled his legs out, and stood up. The cock popped out as he did so, slick with semen and lube. Derren seemed to hesitate for a second, before leaning down, and lapping up his cum from the Coach's stomach.

"Derren, you don't have to...", but Derren wasn't listening. He seemed on a mission, and wouldn't be stopped until the Coach was clean. After finishing with his stomach, Derren moved down, licking all along Coach's still-semi-hard cock. 'Like it's a lollipop, or something', Coach mused. He spent so long working along the shaft, that Coach began to return to being hard again. He'd never been ready to go again so fast, at least, not since his college days.

Derren stood up, licking his lips. "Thank you, Coach. That was... nice. We should do it again, sometime." He winked, and then turned and bent over to grab his clothes. Derren caught a good view of the boy's asshole, winking at him. A small trickle of cum was running down his leg. 'My cum, filling him up inside', thought Coach, and the idea made him want to grab Derren's ass and plow into him again. He was lost in thought, and a post-ejaculate haze, as Derren pulled on his pants and hoodie.

"Yes, thank you, um, Derren. I'll let you know once I've made my decision. You should here back from me before the week's out."

Derren smiled, and picked up his backpack. "Sounds good, Coach. See you around." He adjusted his dick in his pants, and then pulled open the door. That's when Coach Ryan remembered that he was still fully nude. In a panic, he fell into his chair, hiding his manhood behind the desk. Derren didn't seem to notice, and he closed the door as he walked through. Thankfully, the hallway was empty.


Coach Ryan dressed himself as he thought back on what had just happened. 'Did I really just fuck one of the students?' he asked himself. 'Did I really just have sex with a guy? And I... enjoyed it?' He really did, and he was still hard as a diamond after the appointed half hour passed until his next candidate.

This time, it was a boy Coach Ryan did not recognize. His name, he would learn, was Bennie, and he was not as experienced as Derren was. Bennie used too much teeth, and couldn't take Coach's dick up his ass, even when using more lube. He jerked off the Coach to finish him, though to his credit, he did lick all of the semen off of his hand, and Coach's cock. Between the two, Coach knew who he would choose. But the day was not yet over.

More boys came, and came, and went. Some of them were amazing, and some had a lot more learning to do. The one thing that they all had in common was that they were all sluts. That was good. Whoever he chose would have to have a... more than healthy love of sex. After all, they were going to have to service a whole team of horny high school boys.

The idea came from someone on the team, who remained anonymous. He had written a letter addressed to the school board, and Coach Ryan, and had done significant research into the effects of positive reinforcement against performance on the field. It couldn't have come at a better time. The team had been on a losing streak, taking home more losses than wins the last 3 years. The board was concerned about funding. If they continued to loose games, it wouldn't be seen as beneficial to supply the sports department with the funds they needed to maintain the field, equipment, and staff. Something drastic needed to be done, and there's where The Ball Boy Experiment came in.

The idea was this: hire someone to fill the roll of a personal assistant to the entire team. As a part of their duties, they would offer services when needed, provide positive reinforcement after every win, and productive rehearsal, and in general keep the stress of the team away, by whatever means necessary. It was clear to everyone what sort of "services" this "Ball Boy" would provide. But why a boy? The letter writer had answered that, too. A boy can't get pregnant, and it would diminish the effects of the experiment if the team had to wear condoms. A boy, especially a particularly feminine one, would be the perfect fit for everyone's needs.

Coach thought it was crazy, like it would never work. But the idea caught on, no doubt because of the threat of loosing money. And so, the Ball Boy Experiment was approved. That's how Coach Ryan had found himself here, balls deep in teenage boy ass from dawn to dusk. He'd never cum so much in one day, not even when he was a young college stud. Of course, he wouldn't call himself old now. At 33 years, he felt more alive than ever. That was mostly due to his exercises, which he did religiously, but also all the sex he was having. It was like releasing his inner animal, with each new applicant making him hornier than the last.

Even so, he wasn't a machine, and by the end of the day, it was becoming harder and harder to cum. The last two boys had to just finish themselves off, and offer an apology to the Coach that they couldn't get him there. When the last boy left (a dark skinned little thing named Alman), Coach felt a bit relieved. He was tired, and his cock felt like it had been through the ringer. In a way it had. He leaned back in his chair, thinking about what tomorrow could possibly bring...

And then, there was a knock at the door. 'Must be Mike, he'll be about to start his after-school duties.' "Yeah?" Coach yelled to the door. He was half paying attention, as he was focusing on wiping down some excess cum from his desk. Alman had clearly been saving a big load for the day, and had made quite the mess. As he was working, the door creaked open slowly.

The figured that entered the room, was not Mike the Janitor. It was smaller, with short black hair, unkempt and ruffled, and hit a pink hair band across the top. They were wearing a green tank top, underneath a black zip-up sweater, and a short black skirt, atop a pair of tall, pink leggings. Coach Ryan had not seen a lot of hentai, but he imagined that this is what those characters looked liked. The figure was the textbook example of androgyny. Short, and cute, but clearly very muscular. Not big, by any means, but well defined. Not an ounce of body fat anywhere, but was clearly a runner, or a swimmer. Coach Ryan didn't know if the figure standing before him was a boy or a girl. He had to be a he, as that was what was required of the position of Ball Boy.

"Sorry I'm late, Coach," the boy? said, looking him right in the eyes. He would be the first of the hopefuls to do so this early.

"Um, yes, I... that's okay. Come in, please." Coach Ryan stood, hastily. His nervousness was returning to him again. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting you. The try-outs were supposed to end 10 minutes ago. Unless, are you here for something else?"

"No", said the boy, stepping into the room, and closing the door. "I'm here to fuck you."

Ryan was speechless. The other boys had all been timid, and had to warm up to the idea of having sex with a teacher. But this boy was confident. "Sorry, I'm running late. Are you still available to take applicants?"

"Well, I am going to be leaving soon. Tomorrow, we'll be having our second day of try-outs, you could maybe come back then?" Coach Ryan didn't know if he'd even be able to fuck this new-comer right now, although he had to admit, there was something about him that was beginning to cause a stir downstairs.

"Okay, that makes sense." The boy didn't make to leave. Instead, he stepped further into the room. "How has it been going?"

Ryan didn't know how to react. If he was not going to be judging this person, he should be going back into teacher mode, and encouraging the boy to leave. And yet...

"It's been... fun." 'I shouldn't have said that.' "Good, I mean."

"And have you found anyone worthy of the position?"

Actually, Coach Ryan had been keeping track of those he felt performed the best. Right now, there were two standouts. Derren had been one of the most intense orgasms he'd ever had, and was clearly very adept at handling a cock. And Alman, actually, had put up a good showing as well. True, he hadn't made the Coach cum, but it was the end of a very long day, and had Alman been earlier in the lineup, perhaps he would have been able to finish. Regardless, Ryan had had a great time with Alman. None of the candidates had been 'bad', per se, but those were the two that he felt had the most potential.

"A few, but of course, no decisions will be made until everyone gets their proper chance." 'Good, that was very diplomatic. Maybe I am back in teacher mode,' Ryan was happy with himself.

"Okay, well, if you aren't going to be seeing any more applicants today, maybe we could just, hang out, instead." The boy took a few more slow, but confident steps toward him.

"S- Sorry?" Coach stammered, but the boy didn't answer, not with his words. Instead, he made it to where the coach was standing, and wrapped his arms around him, as if to hug him. Coach didn't know how to react, so he stood there, waiting. The boy began to shift back and forth, rubbing the Coach's bulge against his stomach (The coach had over a foot on the boy. True Coach was tall, standing at 6' 3", but this boy would be lucky if he cleared 5 feet).

"My name's Sam, by the way," Sam said, and grabbed Ryan's ass with both hands.

"Oooh. Uh, Ryan."

"Yeah, I know, Coach. You have a really nice body. You must work out a lot." Sam had moved his hands around to Ryan's front, and slid them underneath his shirt. He ran across Coach's abs, delicately, but deliberately, tracing the lining of them. It almost tickled.

"Yes, it's a hobby of mine. You seem in shape your self. Do you work out?"

"I keep myself busy. A lot of... physical activity." At that, Sam reached down into Coach's pants and wrapped his fingers around Coach Ryan's growing cock. An intense feeling of relief washed over the Coach. Despite his having cum dozens of times already today, he still felt an intense feeling of arousal stirring up.

Sam was on a mission. He clearly wanted to get to the 'meat' of the day's events, and so it didn't take long for him to work Coach's khakis and boxer-briefs down below his waist. His eyes grew wide at the sight of Ryan's nearly-fully-erect member, but he still, without hesitation, leaned forward and took the entire thing in his mouth.

Ryan fought against every cell in his body, not to blow his load right there.

"Oh, Sammmmmm..." Coach croaked.

Sam let out the dick with a wet popping sound. "You like that, Coach? You like when I swallow your huge, stiff cock?" Sam didn't wait for an answer. He began fucking Coach's cock with his mouth. Coach knew that he was on the precipice of unleashing his next load of the day. He attempted to pull back, not wanting the blowjob to end.

But Sam had other plans. He grabbed Coach's ass again, holding him in place. Unlike Derren, Sam had a little strength. Not enough to actually keep Coach in place, but enough to stop his half-hearted attempts at escape. With one hand, Sam squeezed one of Coach Ryan's fleshy orbs hard. With the other, he brought it in deeper. He flicked a finger across the Coach's hole.

For Ryan, the sensation was a new one. He had never had any of his previous partner engage in any sort of ass play. Not on his part anyway. But Sam wasn't pushing his finger into his asshole. Merely, running his finger in circle's over it, fingering it, the way one might to a clit. Ryan had to admit, it felt nice. In fact, this, combined with the face fucking he was receiving from Sam, was enough to push Ryan over the edge.

His orgasm hit him like an earthquake: rolling, deep, and seemingly unending. He felt as though he were cumming for hours. His vision blurred, and his knees buckled. He couldn't even feel himself hit the ground, though he didn't pass out. Ryan barely summoned the strength to extend his arms, and catch himself before rolling over onto his back.

There he lay, trying to catch his breath. Sam leaned over him, still on his knees. Through his foggy state, Ryan could barely see him liking his lips. 'He didn't spill a drop', Coach realized, bemused. 'That'll be one point in his favor.'

"Coach, are you okay?" Sam asked, concerned. Coach could only nod, not enough strength to speak. "I'm sorry," Sam continued. "You must be wore out from all the other guys you've been fucking."

Sam laid down next to Ryan on the floor. He draped one arm and a leg across Coach's body, like they were a pair of lovers who had just slept together.

Sam continued speaking, obviously not needing the Coach to respond. "That was very nice, though. I'm a sucker for thick cocks. And this thing..." He reached down and shook the dick, half-flaccid, but still half-hard. "This is impressive. I'd love to feel this thing spread me open. Probably go all the way through and stick out of my mouth. Hehe, I'd be able to give you a reverse blowjob."

Ryan felt his strength returning, and he chuckled along with Sam. Looking down, he saw that Sam had tugged down his own skirt, and was stroking his own cock. Ryan had to do a double take. The boy was packing. To be sure, he had a tiny twig compared to Coach's dick, but Sam's was frankly, un-proportional. In every other regard, Sam could have been regarded as "petite". But that cock, it should have been a third of the size on Sam. 'Where was even keeping that thing?' Coach had to wonder. 'A skirt that small, if he were hard, it wouldn't cover it at all.'

Sam noticed the Coach staring, and said, "Yeah, you got be pretty hard. I love sucking cock. It's one of my favorite things to do. Sometimes not even in a sexual way. I like to just be on my phone, or have the guy be watching TV, playing video games, talking on the phone. And I'm down here, just enjoying myself." A thick rope of precum was dripping from Sam's rod. Sam ran a finger over his slit and rubbed the stuff over the rest of his shaft. He then returned to stroking it.

Ryan decided he wanted to return the favor to Sam. He had never sucked dick before, but if Sam was going to be pleasing the entire football team, Coach would need to do something nice for him. 'Hang on,' Coach stopped himself. 'I haven't made a decision yet. Sam hasn't even had a proper audition!'

"Do you need to finish?" He asked the boy. "Do you want me to--"

He was cut off. "Yeah, if you don't mind!" Sam was clearly eager. Ryan attempted to lean forward, but to his surprise, Sam did the same thing. It seemed that there was a kind of communication error. Sam stuffed the coach's cock back in his mouth, still only semi-flaccid. This time, he didn't fuck his mouth with it, but instead, just held it there. One hand reached up to fondle Coach's balls (Coach Ryan's biggest weakness), while his other worked his own cock. Up and down, faster and faster. Ryan's dick was, somehow, against all reasoning, thickening in Sam's mouth, but the boy took this in stride.

Sam adjusted his position, rolling over Ryan's leg, to be firmly between them. On his hands and knees, Sam had to hold himself up with one elbow, still playing with Ryan's testicles, while continuing to masturbate himself with his other hand. Ryan knew that he wouldn't be able to cum again today, but he could still enjoy the sensation.

Clearly, Sam was enjoying it, too, since he began moaning on Coach's swollen dick. He was using his tongue to roll the dick around in his mouth, while his lips, he would pull back and forth. He seemed to just be enjoying the feeling of Ryan's cock. Ryan had never seen this before. His previous girlfriends had given him blowjobs, sure. Some of them had even enjoyed it, but in every case, it seemed to be something they were doing for him. This, this was for Sam. He had this thick, hard cock in his mouth, not to make it's owner orgasm, but because Sam wanted to orgasm. And he was using Ryan's cock to help him do it. 'Like I'm just a sex toy. A dildo he's using to get off.'

The thought was exciting to Ryan. Something about the objectification turned him on. It was naughty, kinky. And it was beginning a boiling deep in his loins. Ryan was almost afraid of what might happen if he came again. Surely, Sam had to be close to finishing. Ryan looked down. That was a mistake.

He saw three things that drove him over the edge. The first was that Sam was looking up directly into the Coach's eyes. The second was that Sam had just begun to cum. A thick stream of semen was pouring from his cock tip onto the floor underneath him. And the third was that Sam had removed his skirt and panties completely. He ass stuck up into the air, as if waiting to be fucked. It was round, like two bubbles mashed together, and firm. Smooth as silk, but hairless as a newborn baby, Sam's ass would put Derren's to shame. Coach had the briefest vision of standing behind Sam, slamming his cock deep into Sam's tight asshole...

And Coach Ryan came again. This time, he did pass out.


When he awoke, Sam had re-clothed himself.

Ryan sat up, his dick completely limp (though still a respectable size). "What time is it?"

"Don't worry," Sam giggled, a cute, feminine giggle. "You were only out for a few seconds." Coach stood, pulled his pants up, and adjusted himself.

"That was... Sam, that was incredible."

"I'm glad you thought so. I can't wait to show you what I can really do at my try-out tomorrow!" Sam gave the coach a smile. Ryan was struck with the thought that Sam really did look like a girl. In fact, if he didn't know about the large cock hiding between his legs, he would be completely fooled. And yet, he also totally bought that he was boy. He was like a walking illusion. Ryan could see whatever he wanted to see in Sam. But he was still very soft, cute even. 'If I were his age, I would definitely have fallen in love her.' Coach thought. He could only imaging what his team would think.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then." Coach held the door open for Sam. He quickly peeked around the corner to make sure no one was around.

"See you then, Coach." Sam said with a smile, and then stood up on his tiptoes to plant a short kiss on Coach Ryan's cheek. Ryan was speechless. He watched in stunned silence as Sam turned and walked away. He tried to take his eyes off the boy's perky butt, but was unable to, until Sam turned a corner and was out of sight. It was only then that Coach realized he'd been holding his breath.

He looked at the time. 'Shit, time to leave.'

Ryan made short work of packing up his things. He ran to his car, and sped home quickly. He hadn't intended to stay so long. 'Perfect, no car in the driveway.' He pulled in, ran inside, tore off his clothes, and jumped in the shower. He wanted to make himself clean before--

"Hey, Ry. Mind if I join you?"

The shower door slid open to reveal a naked woman, stacked and sexy as the day they first started dating.

"Hey, hun. Be my guest." Lacey stepped into the shower with her husband.

"The kids are at Amie's place tonight, so we have the whole place to ourselves", she purred, rubbing her hands over Ryan's hard body. Ryan purred.

They made love like newly-weds. Later, Lacey would tell him that it was like an animal had awakened inside him.

Coach Ryan dreamt of ass all night.


The next morning, Ryan sat as his desk, anxiously awaiting what might happen. Would anyone be able to beat Sam? Or worse, what if Sam didn't come back. Surprisingly, the thought made him a little sad.

Eight o'clock came, and went. No visitors, no knock at the door. Nine o'clock, then ten. At 11, Coach left his office to take a walk and stretch his legs. He also grabbed a soda and a snack from the vending machines. This he carried back to his office. And when he threw open the door...

Sam laid across the desk, spread out like a cat. He rolled onto his side to greet him.

Coach's heart skipped a beat. "Sam!" He said, and forced himself not to beam.

"Sorry I'm late, Coach." Sam sat up on the desk, as Ryan pulled the door shut and entered the room.

"That's okay, I was just thinking that you never said when you'd be here today." Coach sat his stuff on a nearby shelf, and then stopped. He wasn't sure how to proceed. A part of him wanted to drop his pants and bend Sam over the table. But a good night's rest had cleared his head a little. He knew that he should be acting the adult here. So instead, he stood in place, waiting for Sam to make the next move.

"Yeah, I hope I'm not too late. Were you in the middle of someone?" Sam said, with a glint in his eye.

Ryan wouldn't catch on to Sam's pun until later that night. "Hmm? No, I was just getting something to eat. How long were you waiting?"

Sam leaned forward. 'God, she's cute.' Ryan remarked silently. 'Or, he, actually. He's sitting just like a girl would.' It was true. Sam was leaning forward, hands clenching the desk between his legs. His feet were together. He was sitting like a model posing as a school girl. Sam was doing things to Ryan's head. He had to think clearly.

Sam was either oblivious to his effects on the Coach, or used to it. "Not long. Just got in. Actually, I was snooping around." Sam reached behind himself and produced a stack of papers. It was Ryan's notes from the day before.

"Excuse me!" Ryan started toward Sam, but the boy jumped from the desk, and stepped behind it, with remarkable speed. "That's mine."

"Derren tried out for this? Wow, I'd always wondered about him. I mean, I knew he liked men, but Ball Boy? I didn't think he'd be the type."

"Sam, I'm serious. Those are private." Ryan noticed he was trying to make his voice sound deeper. More adult, maybe? He tried to step around the desk, but Sam would zip the opposite direction when he tried.

"And Alfie Green?" Sam continued, giddily. "That, I should have guessed. I don't think little Alfie's gone a week without a good pounding." Sam was practically dancing around the table.

Coach Ryan stopped. He put his foot down, literally. "Enough!" Sam jerked to a halt, obviously taken aback by the Coach's sudden authority. "Sam, those are private papers, and if you're going to be trying out for the job of Ball Boy, a stunt like this could get you disqualified." 'That's good, remember he wants something from you. You have the power here.'

"Sorry, Coach." For the first time, Sam wasn't meeting his gaze.

"Now in addition to being the judge of this... experiment, I'm also a teacher. And you're a student that's been misbehaving." Coach took a forceful step toward Sam, who began to raise his head. The twinkle was coming back into his eyes. "Now, I'm not much for capital punishment, but I do have two kids of my own, and I know a thing or two about discipline. Understand?"

Coach Ryan was now standing directly over-top of Sam. 'He really is a tiny little thing, isn't he?' "Yes, Coach." Sam said, mischievously.

"Yes, 'Sir'."

"Yes, Sir, Coach." Ryan didn't really care what Sam called him, but he thought it sounded sexy. Sometimes Lacey wanted him to make her call him "sir".

"I think it only fitting for you to drop and give me 20 push ups." Ryan crossed his arms. Sam stared up at him, with a look of confusion.


"You heard me. On the floor."

To his credit, Sam obeyed. He laid prone on the ground, and then pushed himself back up. As Coach expected, the exercise wasn't hard for Sam. Ryan silently removed his belt.

"Maybe this ought to teach you some manners. Just because you're not on the team yet doesn't mean you can go snooping into thing that don't belong to you. " He pulled his pants down and kicked them aside.

"Yes, Sir Coach." Ryan hooked his finger under his underwear, and pulled them down below his dick, which was hardening quickly. Sam had chosen a different skirt this time, a pink one, and black panties. It was as revealing as yesterday, and Ryan had to stop to admire the view.

"After all, you wouldn't someone to go poking around your stuff, burrowing into places they don't belong." He sank to his knees, rolled forward, and let his body fall on top of the boy.

"No, not at all, Sir CooooOOOF!" Sam's breath was pushed out of him as the full weight of the man hit him. The way Coach had fallen, his crotch was right over the boy's ass, and Coach's chest over Sam's head. After shifting around a little, Coach had worked his dick between Sam's cheeks, hotdog style.

"See? Not so nice is it?" Ryan offered.

"I don't know, Sir Coach. Doesn't seem so bad from down here." Sam thrust backwards, sticking his butt into the air, and began to wiggle it side to side. They were full on grinding, now. After sliding back and forth between his but, Ryan's dick managed to slip underneath the lacy blank panties. 'God, if my wife saw me now.' He didn't want to imagine it. Coach Ryan loved his wife. He couldn't picture his life without her. And yet...

"Mmmm, that feels great, Sir Coach." Ryan had to agree. After taking his much needed night's rest, he had regained his sexual appetite, and it was showing in his body's movements. He was forcing himself lower, pushing the boy down. Soon, Sam couldn't push back anymore. He was sandwiched between the floor and the Coach. Ryan needed release. He was inches from Sam's hole, and he knew that all he had to do was shift slightly forward, and he'd be in. He'd been fantasizing about Sam's butt all morning.

"Oh, Sir Coach, are you going to fuck me?" Ryan had forgotten that he was pretending to be punishing Sam. Precum had begun to leak out of Ryan's tip, and was coating Sam's great divide.

"Is that what you want?", Coach Ryan asked.

Sam turned away and stopped moving. "What?" asked Ryan. He pushed himself off of Sam, and sat up. Sam rolled over, and sat up as well.

"Are you in charge, or aren't you?" Sam said, with a sudden hostility.

Coach was taken aback. "I--"

"Listen, I don't mind taking the lead. But if a man wants to fuck me, he needs to fuck me. He needs to take control."

"I'm sorry, I--"

"No, don't apologize." Sam jumped to his knees. Coach couldn't help but notice that a sizable bulge was rising from beneath the skirt. "Stand up." Coach stood up, and Sam pointed to the desk chair. "Now sit." This, too, Coach did. "I'm going to give you a lesson in taking control. Remove your underwear."

He did so, but didn't want to risk standing up. So, he had to lift his legs up to get his underwear around his ankles. As he did, though, Sam came around and knelt down in front of him. And Ryan suddenly felt a sensation he had never experienced before: a warm, wet feeling running over his ass hole.

"UUuuhhh..." He let out a sudden gasp, that turned into a moan. Looking down, he could see that Sam was down between his legs, giving him what he knew to be called a rimjob. This was new to Ryan. He had played around his girlfriend's butts before, but only lightly, and he had never focused solely on the hole like this, not with his mouth anyway. And never in a million years would he have allowed someone else to do this to him. But something about Sam was stirring something deep in Ryan, and he felt himself tingle with the intimacy of this act.

Sam didn't stop. He drew circles around Coach's entrance with his tongue, and then brushed it up and down across it. After a few seconds of this, Sam began to press forward, entering Coach's ass with his tongue. Coach stiffened, but didn't stop him. He wasn't going in deep enough to hurt him, but enough to cause Coach's cock to throb in pleasure. Coach looked down again. It was as if Sam was making out with his asshole. He was glad that Sam wasn't grabbing his cock at the same time, or he would have unloaded right then and there.

Sam pulled back, and left one full, sensual kiss on Ryan's bud. Then, he stuck his tongue out, and ran it up his ass crack, and to his balls. He spent a while just licking Ryan's balls, tracing the crevices and wrinkles of his sack.

Ryan was in ecstasy. "Oh, Sam. That feels wonderful." Sam knew he was doing a good job, and began to work faster and faster. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, and used his hands to stuff the entirety of Ryan's ball sack into his mouth. "MMMMMmmmm", he said, unable to form real words. The buzzing sensation set off a chain reaction in the Coach. He knew he was going to cum soon now, and he wanted more than anything to fuck Sam before he did. "Sam, if you don't stop, I'm about to--"

But Sam was still in control. With a wet 'plop', Coach's balls fell out of Sam's mouth, freeing him up to say. "You don't get to decide when or how you come. Not when I'm around." And Sam slammed his mouth down around Coach Ryan's cock. Right to the base. Coach was a hairy man, and the bush above his dick was now burying Sam's nose. If the Coach wasn't blinded by his rising orgasm, he would have wondered how Sam could breath.

His eruption was intense. He instinctively gripped onto the arms of the chair as he entire body shook with the force of it. His cock was deep down Sam's through that it was likely he didn't taste any of it. Only after the last roaring echo faded did Sam begin to pull back.

Sam let the dick slide casually across his lips, snaking his tongue up the shaft as he did. When he reaches the head, he sucked the last drips of Ryan's orgasm from his tip, and then...

He began swirling his tongue around Ryan's cock head. Ryan, now extra sensitive tensed up. "Sam, please."

Sam did open his mouth, and let the dick fall back onto Ryan's stomach. It was still rock hard. But at the same time, he grabbed onto Ryan's balls, with force. Not enough to hurt him, just enough to remind the Coach who was really in charge here.

"Uh uh." Sam said after licking his lips. "You don't get to decide when you cum, and you don't get to decide when you get your dick sucked. You're in my world now."

He thrust his face against Ryan's taint and once again began liking every inch of his nether regions. Ryan (glad Sam was avoiding his sensitive tip) was feeling light-headed. Had he bit off more than he could chew, here? He knew he ought to exert his authority again, Sam had initially seemed to go along with it. But on the other hand, if Sam didn't want to play along, how might he react? Would he go and tell someone about this? The board had made it clear that if the experiment were to be found out, they would deny knowing anything about the Experiment. He would be fired. And his wife...

'God, if Lacey were to walk in right now, she'd die.' He thought of how he must look: wearing nothing but a tan polo, his underwear around his ankles, feet up in the air, and an androgynous think buried neck deep in his asshole. Luckily, Lacey wasn't here at the school, but...

Ryan's blood suddenly turned to ice. He shot a glance over to the door. 'I didn't lock the door.' All it would take was one person to come marching in, and the game would be up. Could he stop Sam for a moment, so he could go and lock it? He had to try. "Sam, the door's not locked."

For a moment, he didn't know if Sam had heard him. He made no indication that he had. But after a second, he stopped, pulled back from Ryan's ass, and stood up. Ryan was finally able to lower his legs. Ryan was relieved; they were starting to ache.

"I guess we'll have to--" Sam started.

And then, the door opened.

In a flash, Sam threw himself to the ground, underneath the desk. Ryan launched his chair forward, and leaned over some paperwork. He tried to look as nonchalant as possible.

Mike the janitor sauntered into the room.

"These kids, man. I'm telling you." He made his way into the room and seated himself opposite Ryan. "If it's not one thing it's another."

Ryan needed to act casual. "Yours, or the students?" Mike had two children of his own.

"My oldest boy, just last night, we caught him sneaking a girl into his room."

"No!" Mike was the closest thing Ryan had to a friend at the school. He did care about what he was saying, but he was a little distracted by the boy hiding between his legs. He was very aware of the fact that his cock was out, dangling in front of Sam's face. Sam must have been a mind reader, because at that exact moment, a warm, slobbery sensation began to envelope Ryan's member.

'Act natural.' Sam reminded himself. He collected the papers and put them away in a desk drawer, only then noticing that they were his notes on the boys he'd fucked yesterday.

"Well, Stace nearly had a fit. Made me go in and have a talk with him. I don't know what to say at a time like that, you know?"

Ryan struggled to string 3 words together. "Yeah, I know."

Mike seemed oblivious. "I told him, I said 'Son, when you meet the right girl, you'll know, and that's when you give yourself to her. But not just to anyone.'"

Sam had taken the length of Coach's stiff dick all the way down his throat, and it felt like he was licking Coach's balls. "That's good advice." He felt one of Sam's hands begin to massage his balls again. Ryan was thankful he was sitting down, or his legs might have given out.

"I don't know, he seems to really like this girl. Still, doesn't feel right to me." Mike was looking around the room. Behind him, Ryan's pants lie in a crumpled mess on the floor. Mike needed to leave, now.

"Well, that's being young, isn't it?" Ryan said, attempting to sound dismissive. He had pulled out some more paperwork, less salacious than the last, and attempted to look pre-occupied.

Mike wasn't taking the hint. "That's true. I mean, when I was his age, you couldn't keep me away from the ladies, you know what I mean?" He grinned.

Sam released Ryan's dick, and seemed to be shifting around. Ryan cleared his throat to cover up the noise. "Yeah, well, we were all young and wild once."

Mike said, "Well, how about your kids, do they ever do anything inappropriate?"

At that exact second, Coach's cock was suddenly squeezed very tight. Something warm, and slippery engulfed him, and he knew without looking down what had happened. Sam had impaled himself on Ryan's dick.

They were having sex.

"Mike, I don't mean to be rude, but now's really not a good time." Sam slowly slid back off of the man's thick penis, and then rammed back down onto it.

"Why, what's going on?" Mike asked concerned. And then, there was a knock at the door.

'Oh god, now what?' Ryan thought. He had a sudden vision of Lacey walking through the door, and the thought nearly made him laugh.

"Come in!" Mike said, standing. Ryan was glad, because he was worried if he opened his mouth again, he would moan.

The door opened, and in stepped another student, a small pale boy that Ryan knew was named Freddie. He froze when he saw Mike.

"Oh, don't mind me, I was just leaving." Mike offered his seat the boy. Freddie took it. "Well, you seem to have your hands full. We'll talk later." Mike waved and left the room. Thankfully, he shut the door behind him.

"Coach Ryan?" Freddie was looking straight down at the floor. Ryan thought, 'If I do that, I'll see Sam's ass swallowing my cock.'

"Yes, um, Freddie, right? I suppose you're here for the try-outs?" The boy only nodded. Ryan had hoped that Sam would have stopped fucking himself against Ryan's dick, but he did not. "Okay, Freddie. Let's see. Do you have any experience?" That was a dumb question. Of course he didn't have any experience. There were no other football teams that he was going to have fucked.

"Um, do you mean if I've ever... well, no, not really..." he said, still not looking up from the ground.

That really threw Ryan off. "Wait, you're a virgin?"

"Well... yeah?" He was blushing.

"Freddie, you do understand the job that you're trying out for, right? The duties that'd be required of you?" Sam had also been given pause by Freddie's admission, and had stopped moving.

"Yeah, I... I do."

"And what makes you think that someone with no experience, of any kind, could leap headfirst into... this kind of thing?"

"I don't... I mean, I've seen a lot of videos."

Coach Ryan laughed. "Oh, well then! Sorry, I don't mean to laugh. It's just that... Well, frankly, I don't know. Those videos aren't exactly instructional."

"I just thought... I might learn..."

Ryan was starting to feel bad for the boy. Then, he got an idea. A way to solve two problems at once. "Freddie, I think you're right. You need to learn. But what you really need is a good teacher. Sam?"

By the grace of all the gods, Sam understood, and complied. He slowly, and dramatically, rose from behind the desk. Freddie's eyes grew wide.

"You were...? But...?"

"No time for buts, Freddie," Sam said. "Well, so to speak." He stepped around the desk, and Coach noticed that Sam had removed his panties, but was still wearing the skirt. He was hard as a rock. "First thing's first, you're going to need to know how to work a cock. Come here, Freddie."

Freddie stood up, but Sam suddenly realized something. "But first, lock the door." Freddie complied, and then walked over to wear the Coach was sitting, still naked from the waist down. "On your knees."

Freddie sank down in front of Ryan. "Now, open up." He looked up at the Coach, timidly. Ryan merely nodded. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. Freddie's mouth opened slightly.

Sam grabbed Freddie by the back of the neck, and began to push him down. Ryan shuddered at the sudden sensation of Freddie's lips against his sensitive cock. As Freddie slid further and further down his shaft, he rolled his head back.

"He likes that. Good boy." Sam said, with a mischievous grin. "Is this the first cock you've eaten?"

Freddie couldn't speak, but he moaned "mm-hmm" in confirmation.

"It's a good one to start out with. I've been thinking about it ever since I got my hands on it. Play with it, Freddie. Feel the veins, the curves. Run your tongue around the tip, yeah like that."

Ryan felt like he was swimming. Sam continued to instruct the newcomer on proper blowjob technique. He was a quick learner, Coach had to admit. If he hadn't just blew his load down Sam's throat a few minutes ago, he would probably be ready to cum right now.

"Of course, you perform better without clothes on." Sam pointed out, as he pulled Freddie's shirt over his head. His pants came next, and soon, Freddie was completely naked. Coach decided to follow suit, by removing his polo shirt, and Sam also pulled off his tank top, and stepped out of his mini skirt. The three men were now nude as the day they were born. And then Freddie continued with the blowjob.

Occasionally, Ryan had to interject with some tips for Freddie. "Try not to let your teeth touch", and "a little less force". He caught on quick, and it wasn't long before Ryan felt his orgasm building again. He began to moan.

Then Sam decided to kick things into next gear. He knelt down beside Freddie, and began to lick Ryan's balls.

The sensation was exquisite. Ryan's orgasm began to boil over; he was about to cum.

Sam had experienced enough of Ryan's climaxes to be able to read his signs. He grabbed the man's cock and pulled it out of Freddie's mouth. At first, Ryan thought that Sam didn't want him to cum. But to his relief, Sam continued to jack off Ryan's dick, allowing him to be fully consumed by his orgasm. He pulled the cock down, aiming right at Freddie's face.

"Open wide", Sam instructed.

Freddie did so, and the first burst of cum landed deep in the back of his throat. Freddie gagged and recoiled, but Sam yanked the dick toward his own face, and allowed the next few spurts to land on his face. Freddie returned to his position before Ryan was done, and so Sam returned the spout back to him, but not quite in time. A large splash of cum landed across Freddie's face, followed by another.

As Ryan's orgasm began to wind down, Sam leaned forward and sucked the last dribbles of cum from his cock. Ryan had the brief thought that this cock had just been in Sam's ass a second ago, and now here he was licking it. Sam then turned his attention to Freddie.

"You did good, but it looks like we made a mess." And then, he kissed Freddie.

Ryan had never seen two men kiss before. Not in real life. Although he still had a hard time seeing Sam as a "boy". When he was wearing the skirt, and the hair band, he could very easily pass as a girl, if a bit of a tom-boy-ish one. It was an exciting visual, however. Ryan began to imagine how it might feel to kiss Sam...

Sam and Freddie began groping as other, stroking each other's cocks in their hands. Soon, the two rolled over onto the floor. Sam ended up on top of Freddie.

"The next challenge is to take a cock with your ass." Sam was still instructing Freddie. "Why don't I lead by example?" And with that, he reached behind himself, grabbed Freddie's stiffened dick, and positioned it against his hole. He leaned back, and swallowed it.

Freddie let out a long, deep groan, as Sam's head rolled back. He seemed to be enjoying the dick in his ass almost as much as Freddie was enjoying the ass on his dick. Sam began to bounce up and down, letting out a series of short, sharp sounds that might have been laughter.

He suddenly turned his attention to Ryan. "I'm not done with you, you know?" He beckoned to the Coach with a finger.

'Oh boy,' Ryan was thinking. 'Sam's too much. I'm gonna get into serious trouble.' But he stood, and took a step toward the two lovers. As soon as he stepped within reach of Sam, the boy reached for his dick, and pulled it into his mouth. He was now full of two cocks, Freddie's in his ass, and Coach Ryan's in his mouth. Clearly, Sam enjoyed this, as he began to moan, louder and louder. Ryan thought about the noise that they might be making, but was too lost in pleasure to be concerned about it.

Sam was looking up at him, and rubbing Ryan's balls with one hand. With the other, he reached behind him, and grabbed onto Freddie's balls. 'Maybe he really is Ball Boy material after all,' Coach thought, bemused.

Soon, Sam's face began to contort. Ryan thought something was wrong, but then, cum began to spray out of his dick, and coated Freddie's chest. It was a lot of cum. Ryan was taken aback, and he let out a soft, "Holy shit..." Sam wasn't done, however. Letting go of Ryan's dick, he leaned forward (with surprising flexibilty), and licked Freddie's chest, one long, slow lick. He learned back up, his tongue dripping with his own cum, and looked Ryan straight in the eyes. The boy rolled his tongue into his mouth, and swallowed.

Ryan knew that Sam was trying to get him going again, and he had to admit, it was working. He knew it would be some time before he came again, but he was still beginning to feel those stirrings. Sam's showing off was doing things to him, things he hadn't felt since his early sexual days. And Sam knew it. He winked up at the Coach, and then returned to the sizable pool of cum on Freddie's bare chest. 'Jesus, he came a lot. That's more cum than I've ever shot.'

Freddie began to moan, a sign of his approaching orgasm. "Oh no, don't cum yet", Sam demanded, stepping off of Freddie's dick.

Freddie seemed dejected. "But..."

"It's a part of your try-out. Coach, where do you want him?" Sam was letting Ryan take control again.

"Lay on the desk, Freddie." Freddie did so, looking a little nervous.

Sam asked if he had any lube. He did, which he'd been using on the various applicants over the last two days. He removed some from his desk drawer, and let Sam smear it over his cock. When he was finally ready, Ryan positioned himself against Freddie's asshole.

Sam instructed Ryan, "Now, go slowly. Some people can take a dick like yours no problem," he pointed to himself when he said that, "but others, it might be a little much."

Ryan nodded. Some of yesterdays contenders had needed some extra time to adjust to his girth. "Ready, Freddie?" he asked. Freddie nodded, hesitantly. And Coach began to push in. He did have to go slow, stopping every now and then to let Freddie's ass get acquainted with the sizable intruder. He wasn't able to make it all the way in, but he did start to pull back, and then push in. Slow, gentle thrusting was what was needed now, as Sam looked on, offering words of support.

After some time, Sam got up on the desk and straddled Freddie's face. He stuck his cock into the boy's mouth, and now it was Freddie's turn to be full of two cocks. 'Goddam, he's something else.'

As if sensing Coach's attention, Sam craned his neck back to look at Ryan. "Eat my ass, Coach", he demanded, as he spread his cheeks in invitation. Ryan didn't need to be told twice. He leaned forward and buried his face between Sam's supple cheeks. It tasted divine, like what they must eat in heaven. All three of them were moaning now, as Ryan explored Sam's ass with his tongue, Sam fucked Freddie's inexperienced mouth, and Freddie's ass swallowed Coach's throbbing cock. This lasted for a few minutes, before Coach's back began to ache, and he had to stand up straight.

When he did, Sam decided to move on to his next idea. He pulled away from Freddie's face, and fell back down onto his cock again. Now, they were all fucking. Ryan fucked Freddie, as Freddie fucked Sam. Ryan was incapable of civilized thought. All he knew now was hunger. He reached in front of him, grabbing Sam's smooth, bare chest, and then traveled downward, past his belly, and grabbed onto his cock. It was stiff as a board.

"Oh, Coach. You're going to make me-- oooOOOhhh!" Sam was unable to finish his sentence as his orgasm overtook him. Ryan felt the boy's cock pulse and twitch in his hand, and felt Freddie's anal cavity contract even more around his own cock, and knew they were both cumming. This was enough to send him over into his own climax, and he unloaded a fierce load into Freddie's virgin ass.

After a few minutes, the three of them rolled off each other. Freddie was the first to speak up. "Wow", was all he could muster. Coach had to agree.

"You did good, Freddie" Sam said. And the two kissed again. It was really a sight to see, Sam kissing. He made a show of it, like he was porn star. 'Hell, with his body, he could be.'

Soon, Freddie gathered his things and left. "He was something else, wasn't he?" Ryan asked Sam, who was helping himself to Coach's long forgotten snacks.

Sam swallowed. "He's a fast learner, I'll give him that."

"I can't believe he was able to last so long before he came." Ryan had been thinking someone as inexperienced as Freddie would have been quick to finish.

Sam laughed. "Dude, he came inside me 3 times. Once on the desk, and twice on the floor before that!" Sam and Ryan laughed.

Sam stayed for a while longer, and the two tried to find as many ways to fuck as they could. Standing up, Sam leaning face first against the wall, Ryan holding Sam up in the air, both facing each other, and pile-driver style. Ryan's favorite position was laying on the floor, with Sam sitting on his cock, facing him. He enjoyed seeing the look of ecstasy on Sam's face. He enjoyed the feeling of his weight bouncing up and down against him. He even enjoyed the sensation of Sam dick slapping against his stomach.

Ryan dumped several more loads into Sam before the boy had to leave. Coach was sorry to see him go, but asked him to return sometime soon for a visit.

As Sam pulled his skirt and panties back up, he said, "I'll be around. When will I hear back about the try-outs?"

Ryan had forgotten about the damn try-outs. "By the end of the week, I'll have announced it." He tried to convince himself that he was still judging the boys.

Sam left, and Coach slumped back into his chair. Through the rest of the day, two or three other boys came by to audition, and Ryan fulfilled his judging duties. But he imagined each one of them with short black hair, a pink hair band, and a miniskirt that revealed everything.

Even at home, making love to his wife, he fought hard not to imagine Sam's tight, bubbly ass instead of Lacey's, or his short black hair instead of Lacy's blond curls. But when his orgasm came to him, it was the green eyes of Sam he was seeing, even though he was looking into Lacy's deep, rich browns.


The following week was the first team meeting. Before the team arrived, Ryan was waiting in the locker rooms, anxiously checking his watch. He'd instructed the new Ball Boy to meet him here before hand, hoping for some one-on-one time with him. If he didn't get there soon, they would have hardly any time to fool around before the others got there.

After a few minutes, Sam walked around the corner.

Of course it was Sam. How could it not be? He'd been unable to get Sam, and his smooth ass out of his mind all week. He had chosen Derren and Freddie as alternates, in case Sam couldn't make it sometime. He'd not made his announcement public, but rather, had told the board. They took this information, and, (Ryan wasn't sure how) spread word around the applicant's. The entire operation had remained a secret, and the larger student body were none the wiser.

"Sorry I'm late, Coach." Sam said as he entered.

"That's something we'll need to work on, Sam: your punctuality." Ryan was firm. He knew that he needed to exert his dominance over Sam. Sam liked that, if he didn't let the cracks show through. And Ryan was the Coach. He needed to be in control. No, he was in control.

"Oh really?" Sam took a few slow, sultry steps closer to the Coach. "You never had a problem with when I've cum before." Sam looked even more girly than usual. His skirt was a light purple, and his tank top was green. The hair band, (that Ryan had never seen Sam remove), was white, and Coach couldn't help but notice that he was wearing a little bit of makeup. His lips were fuller, and darker. His eyes looked deeper and darker as well. 'Mascara, perhaps? Eyeliner?' Coach was unfamiliar with this area.

"Well, I was expecting you to stop by sometime in the last week. I was hoping we could... go over the plan." Ryan grabbed his cock through his khakis as he said this, already sporting a semi.

Sam understood, and sank to his knees. "Sorry, Coach. Time got away from me. Let me make it up to you." And he pulled down Ryan's pants and underwear in one motion. His dick sprang forward, slapping Sam in the face, and making him giggle. "What is the plan?"

Ryan glanced at his watch again. They only had a few minutes before the rest of them would arrive. 'Need to be quick,' he thought, undoing his pants. Not that that would be an issue. He was so horny, he felt like he could cum after a few short strokes.

"Okay, the team will be here shortly. They don't know about the nature of this experiment, so I think it would be best if--"

Sam had almost put Ryan's cock in his mouth, but froze and pulled back. "Wait, they don't know?"

"Yes, well, the board thought it would be best to ease into things. These are young men, after all, and they're not always the best at keeping things under the radar."

Sam hesitated, but then seemed to accept that answer. He leaned forward, and began to suck Ryan's cock. It was an intense feeling of relief.

"Ooooooohh, yes. I've missed this mouth." Ryan moaned. He had to stay focused, though. "Okay, so. When they arrive, you'll introduce yourself as the Ball Boy, and you're here to help out the team in any way they need. That means getting equipment ready, getting drinks if they need it, helping to clean up around the locker rooms, anything."

Sam couldn't speak, but let out a muffled "Mmm hmm," in agreement. The buzzing sensation felt good.

"As we start rehearsals, you'll begin some of your more, intimate services. They probably will have a hard time believing it, so we may need to move slowly."

Sam agreed again, and rubbed Ryan's balls. Ryan loved that, and was getting close to finishing. He felt ravenous. He'd been fucking Lacey every night this week, and while it was great, it hadn't managed to satisfy him. This, this was what he'd needed.

And that was when a pattering of footsteps announced the arrival of the football team. A large group of muscular, athletic young men filed into the locker room, all chatting about whatever nonsense high school boys talk about. But they all stopped and fell silent at the sight before them:

Coach Ryan, balls deep down the throat of Sam, the new Ball Boy.

To be continued