
sex storie

stories from LITEROTICA

Katiored · Others
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109 Chs


.Granuk remembered...

... Jim remembered.

There were flashes, almost like a camera taking a snapshot - a camera? Oh, right - brief glimpses even as over two decades of memories crammed themselves into Jim's brain... or was it Granuk's?

The ancient, bent tree in the backyard of his childhood home, nearly perfect for climbing.

I was raised on the plains and badlands! There were no trees that tall! My home was my father's tent!

His first crush, the babysitter who had watched him when he was twelve after he'd gotten in trouble just before his parents had taken a winter vacation; the 18-year-old, blonde, pretty high school senior had been a recurring figure in his fantasies ever since.

The first female I desired was my father's elven slave! Wait, 'slave?' That's not an orcish term...

His first, his highschool sweetheart, after prom. The laughs and mess-ups, but also the soft, tender moments and loving words.

My first was one of the tribe's unclaimed fauns! A magnificent, shapely deer-faun!

The multi-office building he was working in that fateful day. A fire. A younger woman, who he tried vainly to protect from the flames after they had evacuated the children from the daycare she worked at, then got caught by the collapsing structure. The singe of the flames. The choke of the smoke. The weight of a fallen beam. Pain. Screaming.

Then, nothing.

I... I've never... I've never died!

* * * * *

Granuk groaned in pain as his mind seemed to return to his body. Waves of pleasure from his orgasm still washed through him, and the warmth of the rabbit-faun beneath him felt almost like a cradle. He'd collapsed atop the small female, but despite his significantly larger size, she didn't seem bothered by the weight. Blearily, Granuk assumed that was because of his potent pheromones, and the cum he'd deposited in her womb.

Propping himself up, he saw that she did seem blissfully zoned-out, her mouth open with her half-closed eyes glassy, tiny little whines slipping from her mouth with each exhale. But, after a moment, her eyes focused, swiveled to Granuk, and the faun began glaring.

The orc just stared at her, his breath coming in deep, sharp pants as he stared at her. There was a curious, almost suspicious glint to her gaze, but after only a moment, she looked away, scowling. "Fuckin' orc," she growled.

Sighing in disappointment that she hadn't been tamed by the load of cum, Granuk opened his mouth to reprimand her, but paused before he got a word out. She hadn't spoken Elfish. Nor Orcish. But he'd understood her.

He blinked slowly. "English?" he murmured, then frowned at the foreign term. At the same time, the faun looked back at him, gaping in shock.

"How did you... but you didn't... you didn't seem to understand when I was... when..." She blushed, in both anger and humiliation, and Granuk thought back to only a minute ago when she had been screaming protests in a language he hadn't recognized. Jarringly, as he recalled that moment, the words suddenly made sense, a litany of 'no,' 'stop,' and various insults and swears.

And, as he recalled that, a part of him, new, yet old, was repulsed by his own actions. Horrified by his... rape of the girl. But Granuk knew that couldn't be right. Non-orcs existed to be claimed, fucked, and bred by orcs. That was the way of things - why else would orcish pheromones affect nearly every female of every other sentient race?

Granuk shook his head to drive off the troublesome thoughts, then refocused on the rabbit-faun, who was peering up at him speculatively. "Did... did you just... remember?" There was a hint of hope in her voice, and in her gaze.

He frowned at her. "I..." The frown became a scowl. "There are... thoughts, memories. But they are not mine."

The glint of hope evaporated from her eyes. "B-But... you just remembered everything, didn't you? Your past life? The same thing happened to me three years ago!"

Granuk glared at his trophy. "You're just trying to confuse me," he accused. "I've never heard of anything like this! Remembering 'past lives,' learning new languages. This is obviously some kind of magic to try and trick me, make me feel false guilt! An orc would never regret claiming fertile, fuckable females, and these 'memories,'" he spat the word with all the mockery he could muster, "are trying to make me feel just that. I suppose it's just a coincidence that this happened as I was claiming you?"

The faun's eyes grew wide with shock, the hope now fully replaced by panic. "W-What?!" she exclaimed. "You think I did this? I have no idea what the hell causes it - the reincarnation, at least! Obviously it happens when we reach the age that we died at - for me, I was about eighteen-and-a-half, and that's when I remembered everything - but I don't know the cause for it! And I certainly didn't do anything to trigger it for you!"

The oni snorted derisively. "I'm sure." He then thought for a moment, then growled when he realized they'd been speaking in 'English' the whole time, the recent 'memories' having subsumed his normal use of Orcish. Continuing in Elfish, the orc glared thoughtfully at his trophy. "It's quite a coincidence as well that not only do you claim to have these memories, which triggered for me while I claimed you, but you also seem to resist my pheromones. No female is that resistant to orcs. Especially not given how you reacted when I first found you."

The faun grit her teeth, snarling up at Granuk in frustration. "One of my attributes gives me resistance to negative status effects. It wasn't until after..." she blushed heavily. "After that first... encounter that your pheromones were identified as a negative effect."

Granuk frowned at her, while the part of him that was Jim clamoured for attention, having been a prolific gamer before being reincarnated. The orc growled, shaking his head. He did not believe in all the 'past-life' nonsense the faun was pushing. "This is too obviously some kind of trick, the timing is too damned convenient," he growled. "I know your kind - all the non-orcs - think we are just dumb brutes. And we may be less gifted than some - we've never built machines like the dwarves, nor magical cities like elves. But we are not stupid. I know that when something is oddly convenient, it probably isn't convenient at all."

The orc's trophy made a disgusted noise of frustration, and glared off to the side. With a growl of annoyance, Granuk adjusted his position, then began to thrust. The rabbit-faun squeaked, her body arcing as a low whine slipped from her mouth. This time, Granuk fucked the girl with fierce, angry thrusts, snarling at the resistant, obstinate female that he had claimed.

When he came just a short minute later, she let out a small, overwhelmed wail as she shuddered in pleasure from his aphrodisiac cum. Going limp beneath him, she continued to stare off to the side, her breath coming in shallow gasps.

When Granuk withdrew from her tiny body and began to re-bind her, he was surprised by her small voice asking, "What was... what name did the memories have?"

The orc didn't reply at first, a war raging within his own mind as he finished tying the rabbit-faun tight, taking extra care to prevent her from getting loose on her own again, then carried his trophy back to camp. His Blood Brothers were still enjoying their own trophies, but the oni barely noticed the exquisite display of fertile females, instead dropping the bunny-girl by his bedroll and laying down himself.

"Jim," he said softly, several minutes later as he stared at the sated, unconscious forms of Mirel and Viey, who were still entwined in a 69 position. The only indication he had that the rabbit-faun had heard him was the soft gasp, and then, a few moments later, the quiet sound of her crying as he closed his eyes and drifted off to a restless, disturbed sleep.

* * * * *

The quartet of orcs woke in pre-dawn glow, gently moving trophies aside as they prepared a quick meal, then roused their captives. Of the thirteen females, only two were forced to eat in the compromising position that they had the night before - the unclaimed elf and Granuk's troublesome rabbit-faun, both of whom were hog-tied and placed on their bellies, a bowl of travel gruel set before their faces. The other eleven trophies were all reasonably broken, at least to the point that they likely wouldn't run. Orcish pheromones were fast-acting, and only a potent will or alchemical or magical countermeasures would stall (and in very few cases, prevent or reverse) the effects.

From the almost blissful, content expressions on the eleven successfully-claimed females, it was clear that none had wills strong enough to put up much resistance to the orcs' potent cum, nor had any prepared other countermeasures. Jim couldn't help but wonder what it was that changed, what was altered - and how - in the womens' brains that caused them to become so docile and submissive.

A frown, then Granuk shook his head violently to rid himself of the troublesome thought - and the mind behind it. He only succeeded in driving it further back into his mind. He growled and glared at the bunnygirl as she morosely ate her breakfast, then set his jaw as he came up with a plan to break her.

As his Blood Brothers broke camp, Granuk made a harness of rope which would restrain the rabbit-faun to his chest, at the perfect height to slip his cock into her cunt. He'd force her to ride him all day while he carried his other two prizes - Balakrun and Vakkli would also be carrying their prizes, but Drundu would likely ride on the shoulders of one of his prizes - as goblins were wont to do, and amazons, cow-, and horse-fauns were usually physically capable of keeping up with the steady lope that orcs adopted for long runs.

Once he'd figured out the harness, Granuk prepared the rest of the rabbit-faun's bodage: he borrowed a hollow, perforated buttplug from Drundu, in which he placed a heavily-soaked rag - the fluids would seep out from the plug and into her ass; he soaked several other rags, then fashioned a multi-layered gag that would fill her mouth and cover her nose, forcing the bunnygirl to taste and smell his pheromones; finally, a blindfold and earplugs would force her mind to focus on the sensation of his cock inside her, of the potent aphrodisiacs soaking into her ass, and the pheromones overwhelming her senses.

The girl watched him work warily, then struggled violently when he approached with the setup. Bound as she was, Granuk easily applied all of it, then hoisted her up effortlessly, tied her into the harness, and forced his cock into her tight cunt. She came almost instantly, her body filled to the brim with his pheromones.

Sighing in satisfaction at how well his plan was working, Granuk pawed at one of the girl's modest tits, pinched her nipple, and enjoyed the muffled squeal he got in response. He then set about helping his Blood Brothers break camp, hardly hindered by the trophy hanging on his chest. At the other three orcs' curious glances, he briefly explained, "This one seems resistant to my pheromones - I plan to have her ride me all day, soak her brain in them."

They were surprised by news of her resistance - especially since he had said the night before that she had been particularly susceptible to them during the raid - but otherwise, Granuk's Blood Brothers nodded at the sensible plan.

Once the camp was broken, the orcs rigged up another harness for Balakrun to carry the thirteenth female, then the ogre, troll, and oni picked up their trophies with ease, while Drundu mounted atop his amazon claim's shoulders, two tethers around the cow- and horse-fauns necks keeping them in tow. With nods to each other, the four orcs set out, the rising sun breaking above the far end of the canyon just as the quartet exited.

As they ran, Granuk wrestled with his own mind. Though he hated to admit it, the rabbit-faun's claims of past lives and reincarnation were becoming more and more believable. As the oni recalled twenty-some years of memories, he found it harder and harder to convince himself that they were fabrications, some sort of magical implant - the memories, the feelings were too detailed, too specific, and far too bizarre to wave off as simple constructs. As the hours of running passed, Granuk was forced to admit that 'Jim' had been and was real, not some trick.

The problem, then, was what to do about it. Granuk knew, with certainty, that he and his kind weren't wrong - the females of other races were too perfectly designed for orcs to claim and use for millennia of tradition to be incorrect. They were attractive, fertile, easily dominated, and nearly without fail, quite susceptible to orcish pheromones.

At the same time, Jim knew that the orcs were terribly wrong. His concepts of slavery, conscent, and love weren't unknown to Granuk, but they were far more firmly-held by the reincarnated memories than they were by the living orc. Even now, that part of his mind rebelled at what he was doing to the rabbit-faun, no matter how much Granuk insisted that it was not only a fine plan, but his right as an orc who'd claimed a female trophy!

Granuk grunted in annoyance as he came inside the rabbit-faun, his orgasm not even causing him to falter in his stride. The most damning thing about the entire 'reincarnation' situation - which made the orc more and more sure that his recalcitrant trophy was telling the truth - was that the 'Jim' part of his brain wasn't some secondary, separate entity, mentally speaking to him and sharing memories. It was his own mind, merged and in conflict with itself, the two contrarian personalities clashing constantly over every thought.

Weren't reincarnations like this supposed to put the reincarnated person into a new situation with their old memories from the get-go? Or at least allow for a minimum of conflict between the 'new' and 'old' personalities? Granuk frowned at the foreign thoughts in a foreign language about a foreign subject, but allowed the Jim part of his brain to continue without interrupting. Of course, that's based on popular media - nobody on Earth was actually certain about reincarnations, and certainly not like this! At least, I assume so.

The oni glanced down at the top of his trophy's head, paid attention to how she tensed and writhed as she came repeatedly on his massive cock, listened for the muffled squeaks she made. The two parts of his mind once again began fighting over what to do about her, though after several hours of being conjoined as they now were, the self-argument that Granuk was experiencing was much less disorienting as his brain wasn't running from one extreme to the other. The Jim aspect of his mind had figured out that the 'moral' thing to do wasn't exactly realistic, given the reality of the situation: releasing the rabbit-faun would probably cause him significant trouble among the orcs as they wouldn't understand the action, and there was basically no chance of convincing them to just let her go.

On the other hand, Granuk's half of the argument was starting to become dulled as he recalled years of Jim's memories - of his own memories. If a society so different from his own, one he actually knew and lived in - unlike the elven and human and dwarven and other societies on his current world - functioned just fine without acting like the orcs did, and theoretically, those same societies existed here, then what was different about the orcs? Were they actually right? Why and how did orcish pheromones affect the females of other races the way that they did?

Unfortunately, for all the benefit of a mind being less out-of-synch as his was now, the constant double-guessing and devil's advocating that he now engaged in was still confusing. By noon, even the Jim part of him begrudgingly agreed to carry on as he was, with the plan to claim the rabbit-faun. However, Granuk would talk with and listen to her about all the reincarnation stuff - she had mentioned skills earlier, which put the echo of Jim in mind of all those 'reincarnated-in- an-RPG' anime he'd used to watch. Being able to interact with some sort of 'game system' might give the reincarnated man some clues about what was going on.

When the orcs paused their trek for a brief meal around midday, Granuk took the time to undo the rabbit-faun's gag and gently watered her, being careful to not move within her while he kept her hydrated. Afterwards, he reapplied the gag, roughly rubbed her clit until she came, then set about enjoying his own meal of dry jerky. Meanwhile, Viey and Mirel, who he'd set down when the group came to a halt, crawled over and between his legs and eagerly, slavishly began to lap and suck and peck at his cum-coated cock, little moans of pleasure and arousal making the females' enjoyment of their own 'meal' known.

Granuk bolted his food, then sat quietly and simply watched his two trophies. He shot a few surreptitious glances towards his Blood Brothers, watching their interaction - or really, lack of - with their trophies. He saw nothing off, weird, or wrong. Jim, on the other hand...

The orcs treated their female captives almost like animals, mostly ignoring them, but occasionally giving them a pet or a pat on the head. The few words that were directed towards the females were condescending and mocking, or alternatively rather 'small-worded,' as though talking to a dog, cat, or some other kind of pet.

What was most strange were the womens' responses. To varying degrees, they seemed to accept the praise, some nearly swooning when they received positive attention, others preening in pride. A few still seemed recalcitrant, but none as resistant as Granuk's rabbit-faun.

She has a name, Jim growled, before going silent. He - Granuk - had never had a chance to ask, as he had for Viey and Mirel.

The group set off once again, and Granuk turned his attention back to his new memories. He focused on the smaller, incongruous ones without thinking, as though to reassure himself that Jim was real, and not some magical construct. Overlaying more than two decades' worth of Jim's human memories on Earth atop just as many of Granuk's orc memories had created so many dissonances, points where one's memories would suddenly shift in recall to another's. He needed time to sort them out, reorient himself on what happened to who.

He was so deep in thought that it came as a surprise when Balakrun rumbled a suggestion to halt; looking up, the oni realized that dusk was fast approaching. Once the four orcs had found a good spot to camp - a small hollow in a hill along their path - Granuk deposited his three females, taking time to make sure his recalcitrant rabbit-faun was tethered, then aided his Blood Brothers in setting up camp.

Roughly two hours later, camp prepared and meals eaten, the oni sat down with the rabbit-faun, who had been fed by the motherly Mirel, and was looking much more aware - but no less indignant, especially with the gag removed. Gently, he gathered her into his arms, then slowly lowered her onto his cock, enjoying the whimpering and whining, as well as the tight warmth of her pussy.

"I'm going to take this troublesome little rabbit for a walk," he announced to his Blood Brothers, who nodded and waved, distracted by their own trophies as the oni left the campsite.