
sex storie

stories from LITEROTICA

Katiored · Others
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106 Chs


Vakkli grunted, shaking her head at Drundu's question - upon seeing any of the three, all of the orcs would've guessed Drundu would want them; goblins often took trophies to use as mounts, so strong, larger, and well-fit females were quite desirous to the smallest of the orcs. Mare- and cow-fauns fit the description for obvious reasons, taking several cues from the animals which they resembled, and the all-futanari Amazon race were well-know for their superior physical attributes, despite being nearly identical to Humans.

Vakkli glanced at the pile again. "I'd've thought one'y you'd claim the Sun 'n Moon twins I see there - quite a set. If not, I'll claim 'm now."

All four orcs nodded, and then they took several moments to load up Granuk, Vakkli, and Balakrun with the whole selection, taking time to strap females to their fronts and backs, so that Balakrun carried five of the lot, leaving four for Granuk and Vakkli each. Luckily they'd only have to do this once, as the trophies would be awake and able to be lined up in a coffle for the rest of the trip.

With their trophies secured, the four orcs set out for home, eager to get as far away from the outpost as they could that night and in the following day. Elves took a dim view to orc raids, and often sent out parties to try and retrieve the orcs' trophies before the raiders could make it back to the plains and badlands that they called home. For that reason, the four Blood Brothers had slept the prior day, so as to carry out their attack at night and have the rest of the night and the next day to flee.

The raid had taken place around midnight, since they had set up camp the day before at the very edge of the forest before journeying in under the cover of darkness. Burdened as they were, the trip out of the forest and into orc territory would take slightly longer, and Elven retrieval parties didn't always adhere to the agreements of the Accords, sometimes pursuing orc raiding parties nearly a day's journey beyond the forest. As such, the Blood Brothers set as fast a pace as they could, moving swiftly rather than stealthily. Four of Drundu's ravens kept watch from above and a distance to the rear, fore, and sides, on the lookout for Elven patrols or a pursuit party.

It was shortly after dawn, nearly six hours after the four orcs had begun their retreat and only a few minutes after they had left the forest, when their trophies started to wake. Groans and moans of discomfort from their bondage and the jostling they endured from their various positions strapped to the three larger orcs were the first clues. But after only a few minutes, those noises were replaced by whimpers and moans of arousal as their close proximity to the orcs and their pheromones and the women's aphrodisiac-soaked gags began to take effect on their consciousnesses. Their feeble struggling barely phased the orcs' pace.

Dusk arrived, finding four sweaty, winded orcs, and their equally-sweaty, panting trophies finally come to a halt in a shallow canyon in the badlands. After unstrapping the women from the three larger orcs and laying them down - still hogtied - in a clearing, the four orcs all collapsed for a few long moments, taking deep breaths.

"We'll have to hunt and forage tonight," Granuk eventually said, "We don't have the supplies to feed all seventeen of us, and it wouldn't do to not feed our trophies their first night with their new masters."

Groans of agreement came from his three Blood Brothers. "I'll remain and se' up the camp," Balakrun offered, sitting up. "And I'll keep an eye on the females."

Granuk nodded, sitting up along with Vakkli and Drundu. "Then Vakkli and I can hunt while Drundu, you see if you can find any herbs, berries, nuts, or maybe see those ravens of your's can catch some smaller game."

The goblin and troll nodded in agreement, and the three set out, leaving their Ogre Brother behind to get a campfire going and make sure their trophies didn't somehow run off.

Much to their collective surprise when they met up back at the camp an hour later, the badlands had provided well - Granuk and Vakkli's hunt had turned up a lone boar, while Drundu had found a small patch of razornut vines and his ravens had caught one hare each. Meanwhile, Balakrun had found some bloodbarb vines nearby which he'd managed to turn into firewood and had gotten a trio of campfires burning around a larger fire - nearly a bonfire.

Shortly after, their game butchered and prepared, the orcs relaxed back and enjoyed the fruits of their labor, quietly eating in companionable silence. Aside from the occasional glance - either to make sure no trouble was brewing or with eager lust - they ignored the captive females. It was the first lesson for their trophies, after all - they would eat at their masters' whim.

The second lesson came immediately after, when the orcs took the remains of the meal - of which there was enough to prepare dried rations for the next day - and laid out a portion for each of the thirteen females on the nearby rocks, removed their gags... and then stood back and watched. The women's bonds were such that they could squirm around and even move a short distance away, but they wouldn't be able to make use of their hands, tied behind their backs as they were. After a few moments of glaring, the first of the women - Granuk's claimed rabbit-faun - meekly shuffled into position and bent down to eat her meal without the use of her hands.

The oni grinned at his Blood Brothers, then stooped down and gently pet the girl's head like he would one of the tribe's warg mounts, rewarding her good behavior. The faun tensed, but submissively accepted the condescending praise, and shortly after, the rest of the trophies followed suit, the claimed ones being rewarded with pets by their to-be master. A few teared up, quietly crying at the humiliation, and more than a couple glared hatefully, before, during, and after their meal. When one of the claimed females behaved, they were rewarded with a gentle pet from the orc who claimed them, usually on the head, though occasionally it would be a pat on the rump or a stroke of their back instead.

Once each trophy had eaten her fill, the orcs rounded up the unclaimed ones and tied them in a picket near the campfires, then took their claimed ones and stood by, looking at the rest of the trophies. "With thirteen, there are three for each and one for the tribe," Granuk said, and was answered by murmurs and grunts of agreement from his Blood Brothers. "Drundu, you have claimed your three, unless you plan to change any?" The goblin shook his head, and the oni nodded in response. "Balakrun and I have each claimed one, so Vakkli, you should claim the next from those that remain."

The futanari troll eyed the eight unclaimed females with a predatory look, then slowly walked over and yanked out the picket of the wolf-faun, who growled and struggled as the tall orc led the female back to the group of orcs. "I'll claim this'n, I like a challenge."

The other orcs nodded, then Balakrun and Granuk looked at each other. "You first, Brother," the oni said.

Balakrun nodded slowly, looking at the remaining females. After a long moment of consideration, he pointed with his chin towards the petite, flat-chested elf that Vakkkli had taken. "The other small one," he murmured, slowly walking over and picking up the tiny elf, easily cradling her on his forearm while she tried to shrink into herself.

Granuk nodded thoughtfully, looking at the various females, but felt conflicted - none immediately jumped out at him. He looked down at the rabbit-faun hogtied at his feet, then crouched down beside her and, using her hair as a handle, pulled her head up, drawing a startled squeak from her. "You speak elfish, yes?" The faun looked at him with wide, surprised eyes, then meekly looked away and nodded. "We are claiming our individual trophies now," the oni explained. "I have claimed you, and must now claim another, but I find myself unable to choose from among the various beauties here." He gave the faun a wide grin. "Help me choose, Little Rabbit."

She looked at him again, her eyes wild. "Wh-What?!" she blurted.

Granuk took her by the chin and forced her to look at the six remaining trophies. "Help me pick my next trophy."

The rabbit-faun started to breath faster and faster, nearly hyperventilating. "I... there's no way... I can't...!"

Granuk ignored her words and watched her eyes... which darted around at the various females, but always returned to - and paused on - the harpy. The oni stared at the plumaged female for a long moment, then nodded, went over, and pulled her picket up before hefting the tiny, lightweight bird-girl up and over his shoulder. After lightly tossing her onto the ground beside the rabbit-faun, he watched with a grin as the two looked at each other with conflicted expressions, then blushed and looked away. They probably know each other quite well, he mused, turning to Vakkli.

The troll thought for a long moment, gazing at the lineup of females. Then, "May I pick two together?" she asked.

Granuk grinned, but Balakrun, with unusual speed, replied first. "You wan' the Sun and Moon, yes?" Vakkli nodded at the Ogre, who glanced at Granuk, and the two nodded at each other. "Have them," he said.

The troll grinned her thanks, then sauntered over and pulled the matched pair of elves up from the group and over to the wolf-faun. She then looked expectantly at Balakrun, who was unusually quick in answering, "One of mine," before picking up the narrow-waisted elf with the huge tits and ass.

Which left two for Granuk to choose from. One was the fertile-bodied elf with large tits, while the other was the generally-beautiful elf that seemed almost the picture of "elven beauty." And while the oni was certainly attracted to and aroused by the beautiful elf, he had an instinctual, immediate understanding of what, exactly, to do with the fertile elf.

He walked over to the full-bodied woman and pulled up her picket, then picked up the elf herself and carried her back to the two petite trophies he had claimed.

"Thirteenth for clan, yes?" Drundu asked the group, and the other three orcs all nodded in agreement. With a single, jerky nod, the goblin went over to the last female and rebound her tightly, pressing a freshly-soaked gag between her pretty lips and taking a moment to cop a feel of her firm, generous boobs.

Once their Blood-Brother was finished, the four orcs all returned to the campfires, taking their claimed trophies with them. Each orc set up their own little area around the bonfire; Drundu was a little ways away from the camp, using copious amounts of rope and the short trees they had set up camp near to bind his trophies into standing positions, their arms and legs stretched out for his inspection; Vakkli kept her trophies hogtied, though she unbound and manually restrained the wolf-faun she'd first claimed, easily wrestling the spitting, growling woman into submission; as for Balakrun, the ogre unbound all three of his trophies and used his long reach and large body to keep them corralled within his reach, herding the mouse-faun and smaller elf between his legs while he kept the curvier elf in his massive lap.

Granuk, meanwhile, picketed his claims around the blanket he had laid out, keeping them hogtied and taking time to gently touch and stroke their soft, smooth bodies. He paid special attention to the ears and tail of the rabbit girl, the feathers and talon of the harpy, and the chest and rear of the elf.

His trophies squirmed under his touch, whimpers and soft squeals answering his inspection. As he explored the bodies of his claims, the oni watched his Blood Brothers begin their own inspections.

Across the campfire, Drundu had strung up his three trophies and had begun the most basic training that goblins did for their mounts; stimulating them to the edge of their sanity, then giving them a command, and only sending them over the edge when they obeyed. Because they were so tightly bound - and quite new to their training - most of the commands were instructions for the trophies to verbally degrade themselves, or beg to cum, and so on.

To the oni's right, Vakkli had wrestled the wolf-faun onto the ground and pinned her down. The troll was in the midst of stripping off her clothing, her raging hardon pointed directly between the wolf-faun's struggling legs. Once she was completely naked, she wasted little time smearing the head of her cock all over the trophy's cunt - which spread a small puddle of her precum around - before forcing her way into the faun, who bucked and squealed in a mixture of surprise, pain, and ecstasy.

To the left, Granuk saw Balakrun holding his three claims close, pressing the heads of the mouse-faun and the small elf against his massive cock, which was standing up straight and leaking his precum down the shaft like a fountain, where the two females were licking and slurping up the fluid with lidded, mindless expressions of pleasure. Meanwhile, the far curvier elf the ogre had claimed was pulled into a sloppy kiss, which Balakrun interrupted regularly to lick and suck at her body.

Granuk turned his attention back to his own trophies, who were still squirming and whimpering under his touch, their traitorous bodies hypersensitive after being exposed to orc pheromones all day. The oni considered the order in which he wanted to enjoy his claims, his temptation to start with the rabbit-faun almost winning out. But then he remembered that saving the best for last was usually a good call. With a relaxed grin, he yanked out the picket of his elf and easily hauled her into his lap, her belly pressed over his half-hard cock.

The elf moaned, her voice a mixture of anxiety and arousal, as Granuk untied her bonds before situating her to sit in his lap, his cock slowly rising between her legs as it hardened. The oni held his claim close, breathing deep the scent of her while his hands explored her voluptuous curves, his fingers plucking at her hard nipples and dipping between the soaked lips of her cunt.

Within moments, the elf was panting, her body squirming sensuously against the orc's. Granuk chuckled softly, then leaned down and spoke into her ear in elfish, "What is your name?"

The woman gasped, startled by the sudden question. "M-Mirel," she replied.

"Mirel," the oni echoed as he slid two large fingers into the elf's cunt, drawing a whine from her. "I'm going to enjoy breaking you, Mirel."

The elf started to respond, a question on her lips, but her words were lost in a squeal as, with swift ease, Granuk rolled forward, pinning the smaller elf underneath himself and shucking his clothes within moments, his hard dick poised to spear her cunt. Mirroring Vakkli, the oni rubbed the head of his cock against his claim's pussy, smearing his precum all over - like all their fluids, the ejactulate of orcs contained a myriad of special properties, not the least of which was the ability to allow females to accommodate their new master's great size. . Orc cocks were proportionately larger than most other races' members, and with three of the four orcish races being noticeably larger than many of the women they took as trophies, it would be quite problematic if they didn't have some method of 'making it fit.'

Once he'd covered Mirel's cunt in his pre, Granuk lined himself up with the mindlessly-panting elf and plunged all the way into her with one forceful thrust, drawing a scream of ecstatic pain from her as her body stretched for the first time to accommodate an oni's massive dick. Even as he paused, fully sheathed inside his claim, Granuk felt the elf cum hard on his cock, her already-soaked cunt flooding with her cream as she moaned whorishly.

The oni grunted a laugh as she weakly spasmed, shifting his position to stop pinning the limp elf and instead cup her tit in on hand, his other arm wrapping around her neck possessively, just tight enough to hold her still. Then he waited, patiently enjoying the way she shivered and twitched as his pre-oozing cock filled her completely, the elf still cumming.

Finally, she let out a long, mindless moan as her body finally began to relax, her cunt pausing in its milking of the oni's cock. Granuk took that as the signal to begin pounding in and out of her, the moan instantly changing to a scream. Within seconds she was cumming again, her voice slurring as she begged, but whether it was for mercy or for him to keep going, nobody could tell.

Regardless, Granuk continued to piston in and out, his cock scraping against every nook and cranny of Mirel's twitching, pleasure-raw cunt. Each thrust in ejected a small spray of mixed cunt grool and orcish precum, and each withdrawal scraped out nearly as much. After a particularly powerful orgasm from Mirel, the oni paused, flipped her onto her back, and then slammed back in even as he leaned down and smothered her in a kiss, his tongue invading her mouth. The elf trembled, her arms and legs unconsciously straining to wrap around the orc, but he had her legs over his shoulders, and her arms were pinned to her sides as he embraced her.

Trapped, and drowning in ecstasy, the elf thrashed, her eyes rolling back into her head as her tongue lolled out for Granuk to lick and suck on, his pheromones saturating into her body. But somehow, even with her mind as blank as it was, she comprehended what Granuk's rhythmic grunting, which grew louder with each of his thrusts, meant. And she craved it.

The elf began to shake her hips, bucking into each of Granuk's thrusts, begging him wordlessly for his climax, for his cum. And after another half-dozen thrusts, the oni roared, slamming his hips against Mirel's as his cock exploded, spraying load after heavy load of his cum into her. And with each blast, the elf came, again and again in quick succession - all told, a dozen times within barely twenty seconds.

With a growled sigh, Granuk relaxed a little, his weight resting a little heavier on the blissed-out elf, who had been fuck nearly as much in her mind by orcish pheromones as she had physically by the oni. After several long seconds, Granuk grunted in appreciation of his claim's spectacular body, and withdrew from her trembling, leaking cunt - which was enough to set her off on another few orgasms.

The oni sat back, smiling down at the elf while gently petting her head. Mirel gazed back up at him with a dumb, almost animal expression of bliss, her tongue still lolled out of her mouth as she drooled from both ends. After a few moments, the oni looked over at his other two trophies.

The rabbit-faun and harpy were watching him and Mirel with horrified, fascinated awe. When they realized his attention had turned to them, the both quailled away, causing the oni to chuckle. He took a brief moment to re-picket Mirel, though he only bound the picket to her leg as a precaution, as after their first fuck, most females became thoroughly enthralled by their new orcish master.

Granuk then leaned over and un-picketed the harpy before dragging her over to himself, the tiny female whimpering in that familiar mix of fear and desire. Her rabbit-faun friend - or so Granuk assumed - made a noise of protest, but a firm look in her direction made her flinch away, her face betraying her guilty fear. The oni then focused on the tiny harpy, her flat, nearly curveless body just as enjoyable as Mirel's. In fact, she seemed even more sensitive than the elf had been, jumping and moaning and shivering with each and every touch.

Chuckling at her reactions, Granuk leaned down, nuzzling her feathery hair, and asked in a low, aroused growl of elfish, "And what should I call you, little bird?"

The harpy moaned. "Viey!" she gasped out.

"Mmm, Viey. You will make such a good toy