
Sex Sells

"We're standing uncomfortably close and he makes no sign that he intends on moving from the position in which he has me pinned against the door, unable to flee. His eyes run down my face, my neck, over my cleavage, and he makes a sound of appreciation from his throat. He dips down to kiss me and I open to him on contact. Bringing his hands up to either side of my jaw he cradles my face, giving me a far sweeter kiss than last time. Unhurried, less desperate, but somehow it holds more intensity than last time. When he moves to deepen the kiss I give no objection, tilting my head, and lifting my arms to throw them around his neck." There's nothing quite like the freedom of college. For many young adults, it's their first experience with life on their own, but for Vale Clarke, it's about more than that. It's her one and only chance to carve a new path for herself away from her dysfunctional family. When she loses her scholarship she's faced with two options: come up with the dough, or kiss her future goodbye. Inspiration strikes her when she meets Kaden West. A hot rock prodigy born with a silver spoon in his mouth and a sense of entitlement to match. How far is Vale willing to go to lock down the future she wants? TW: Depictions of drug and alcohol use/absue, mentions of past trauma. May contain scenes of dubious consent.

TayeSteele · Urban
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52 Chs

Fight for your Right

The next morning when I woke, there is another warm body in my bed beside me that wasn't there when I passed out. Rolling to my side, I take in the relaxed lines of Kaden's face while he drools on my body pillow still dressed in his clothes from the show last night. 

The warm air in my room is tinged with the smell of sweat and whiskey, and it only takes me a single whiff to realize that both are coming from him. 

Throwing the blankets back on my bed, I kick my legs to the side before letting my toes sink into the plush carpet. As I circle around the other side of my bed I see that he at least had enough sense to take off his shoes, so there's that. 

I stumble into my kitchen filled with the half-light of mid-morning and hear the telling voice of Tyra Banks as America's Next Top Model booms from the television in the living room.