
Severus Prince

Severus Prince has never felt the warmth of a family nor has he ever felt in control of his life when he was under his father’s rule.

Raizel2524677 · Others
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Day Five

March 8th,2007

11:20 AM

GeorgeTown,North Carolina

The minute the team touched down, they were off and running on the case. Prentiss and Morgan headed to the dump site of the last victim, while JJ,Rossi,Hotch and Reid headed Northeast Area command unit, Liam Stevenson's district and the are were two of the kids had gone missing from.

They were greeted by a young officer, who was understandably frantic, he directed them to Captain Jake. It seemed that all the officers were doing what they could to gather evidence and keep Liam Stevenson away from the interrogation room because the young officer did not point his commander out.

Stevenson's friend and fellow captain from the downtown district, Jake Lloyd was co-leading the case ,though Victor Martinez had gone missing from the Northeast district and lived there, he had been found within Jake's limits, so like the other Captains and detectives in the city, he felt connected to it and was determined to bring the bastard in at all costs, even if that meant asking the FBI for help.

So when the BAU team walked in, he was on his feet in a second and at the door to greet them, the stress was visible on his face, after nearly six months of chasing their tails and getting nowhere, Jake was very happy to see the FBI. He appeared to be in his late 30s or 40s, though the stress of his job had obviously added a few years to his appearance, so his real age was probably mid 30s, his hair was primarily black with a few premature grey hairs, he appeared to be not stuck in his age, and JJ could tell that when he wasn't chasing down criminals he was probably a fun guy to be around.

"You must be Agent Jareau," Jake said picking JJ out, he had a strong southern accent and had no problems with showing it,"I'm Captain Jake Lloyd, I wish it was under better circumstances, but y'all have no idea how glad we are to see you people. " He shook JJ's hand gently but with a firm grip and turned to Hotch.

"This Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner," JJ introduced.

" Captain Lloyd, I'm.... well at the moment in charge of the investigation." He nodded over his shoulder to a tall, grey-haired man staring at a map of the city, he was rubbing his chin and had a look of frustration on his face and Hotch could only guess that this was Stevenson, the man formerly in charge of the investigation and the latest victim's uncle. " Liam...FBI's here," Stevenson turned around and faced the agents, he slowly walked over to them, reaching Hotch first, he stuck out his hand.

"Captain Liam Stevenson, thank you for coming."

"I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner,this is SA Jennifer Jareau, media liaison." He turned toward Reid and Rossi as they entered and introduced each of the team.

"Has the media been notified about the latest abduction?", JJ asked, Liam exchanged a look with Jake, "an Amber Alert?"

"We've been trying to keep the media's attention down with this case, for the sake of the families and to keep people from panicking; we were waiting for your lead," Jake finally said " The press has been having a field day with this, and we're having trouble reining it in. This was the headline after they found Tim Degalto" he held up a newspaper, the headlines read ' Another Child Found Dead, the Incompetency of the Police Brought our into the open, How many more of our children must die before something is done'.

We've got officers working day in and out on this case, most of them have kids of their own,so they are putting all their strength into finding the person did this, but we're fresh out of ideas and running out of hope."

" But what about your nephew?" JJ asked.

"London took off from school this morning after getting into a fight, we've got officers canvassing the area, he hasn't been abducted, he simply took off. I'm hoping that he'll turn up soon, he always does, this isn't a new occurrence." Stevenson said softly, again thank you for coming, now if you'll excuse me, I've got a real case, Jake here can show you around and let you get settled, anything you need, our station is yours." And with that, the Captain turned back to the map that was filled with locations of the dump sites and abductions.

" Liam's usually a lot more pleasant, he's just stressed." Jake paused and rubbed his face " and he's right about London, he is a good kid, but he's going through a tough time, this isn't the first time he's taken off, though this is the first time he left school, but unfortunately, is becoming a weekly occurrence."

" Any idea why?" Rossi asked.

" A million of 'em, and all of 'em work," Jake looked over at Stevenson, looking back at the team " Come on, I'll show y'all where you can set up."

I’m a college senior and I am in my last semester, so I will try to update this fanfic when I’m free, but try not to expect any updates for now.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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