
Severed Fate

A heroic villainess, Corlissa Veronique is an anomaly herself, such a paradox is the best description of her existence. A pitiful soul forever chained to the bindings of the Villainess, she was a bug in the system, a glitch in society, a defect in the world. Memories of past lives, her own life played on repeat, that was the curse of the Villainess. Emotions never left her, she felt the suffocation of betrayal time and time again, the burning of hate, the drowning of despair, the delightful yet excruciating taste of love. Each time they turned their backs to her she felt the same emotions each and every time. It was as if she was just a marionette, obeying commands against her will as if her free-flowing string of fate that connected to her 'happily ever after' was trapped tightly in the grip of other people's hands, stretching and fraying it however they wished. She vowed to, without fail, fulfil the wishes of the previous villainess who had left the world with unmistakable anguish...and sympathy. Such empathy... "You are a person, no matter what you look like or what you do, unless you prove me otherwise I will continue to view you as who you are." Such compassion... "I wish you didn't have to suffer, I wish you could've been born into a better world." Such understanding... "Let me handle the rest, take a comfortable rest." Such selflessness... "I won't let you suffer anymore..." She truly was such an exemplary hero. --- The cover art is not mine, I found it on Google. ^^

taikutsu_XD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


“Corlissa Veronique, Class 3-S. Congratulations,” announced the exam adjudicator, the Miss’ results caused mutters to proceed immediately after, as expected.

“Hey, isn’t that the third year’s class?”

“Yeah, she didn’t even get put into our year group’s classes.”

“Oi oi, isn’t that too much favouritism?”

“It’s probably because the Duke bribed the academy or something.”

“What?! Didn’t you see how she completely beat the girl with light magic?”

“I guess light magic isn’t all that great.”

“You know, she has 4 different attributes.”

“That’s probably why she got into the third year’s classes...Wait, but she got into Class S?!”

“If it’s third year...Class S...isn’t that the top of our division?!”

“Holy c***!”

“Evie Luxiere, Class 1-S. Congratulations.”

“Is she the only one in our year’s Class S?”

“I think the daughter of Count Vontaine, Amy Vontaine got in as well.”

“Oh well, I wonder how our classes are going to work and I hope I get good dorm mates as well.”

“That is all! If you did not make it into the academy, it is unfortunate but thank you for having the courage to try, I hope you will carry and use this as a stepping stone to grow even beyond the walls of this institution. Now then you are all dismissed, uniforms and other information regarding the beginning of the semester will be given via the mail to your household, if you have any issues regarding this, please inform me later. Last but not least, congratulations to all of you who have taken a step towards the development into a mage.”

All the students then filed out of the academy gates and met with their parents or caregivers who were waiting or had to be waited for outside the gates.

Corlissa caught sight of her father and brightened from her previous blank expression, she also dragged along the Grand Mage Eliot Demetrius from inside the test centre. To be frank, Corlissa felt like collapsing into sleep throughout the entire exam but she had willed herself with determination and did not fall asleep, quite a feat.

“Papa! That test was so boring, I really wanted to go to sleep but since I had great willpower, I prevented myself from falling asleep,” Corlissa expressed with much pride laced in her tone.

‘What the f- Ahem, I understand that this child is a genius but to indirectly state so boldly that the entrance exams of the kingdom’s most renowned and prestigious academy were easy enough for her to fall asleep in...even I was not at her level at her age,’ the Grand Mage ranted with his eyes popping out of their sockets and his jaw comically ajar.

“Wow! My daughter is so responsible!” the supposedly ice-hearted Duke Veronique exclaimed while rubbing his cheek against his daughter’s.

‘Sir, I believe that is what’s making her standards broken. Honestly, this family is too extreme, though the child has intriguing magic and is adorable,’ the Grand Mage deadpanned, he certainly was expressing a lot of emotions on his face with this family.

“The Grand Mage, right?” asked the Duke.

“Yes, pleased to make your acquaintance, Duke Veronique.”

“Do you have free time?” questioned the young Veronique.

“Yes, I do. May I ask why?”

“Come with us to our estate, I want to do some stuff with magic and mana.”

“Ohoh, I would certainly enjoy that, but that’s only if your father allows it.”

Corlissa turned to her father eagerly, despite not showing much emotion in her facial features, her eyes shone with odd enthusiasm. Being the Duke, he was absolutely vulnerable to the charms of his daughter and agreed without a second thought. She then turned back to the Grand Mage with the same facial expression causing the man in question to sigh and then relent.

“Very well, let’s get going,” stated the Duke and led them to a carriage with the Veronique symbol on it.

After they entered, they became a bit more relaxed as there were no longer prying eyes forcing them to act prim and proper in order for them to not have to deal with any more inconveniences.

With a serious face, legs crossed, elbows resting on his legs and fingers clasped together, the Duke interrogated, “My daughter...is quite cute right?” At this, Corlissa stared unamused and wondered if her father would ask this every time they met someone.

“...Certainly, I cannot disagree,” came the genuine reply from the Grand Mage and the 2 males continued to stare at each other intensely.

Corlissa’s only reaction was a comical sweatdrop at their antics.

“Papa? We have arrived.”

“Oh yes, apologies for the lack of a proper welcoming.”

“No no, there is no need for that,” replied the Grand Mage with a smile.

After they entered the Veronique estate, Corlissa immediately entered the library where she occasionally took lessons with Sir Edmond Von Francaise.

“What did you need to ask me about, young Veronique?” questioned the Grand Mage.

“Despite humans having the ability to manipulate mana, are carriages still operated by animals? Or rather, have there been any advancements into using a carriage that is not operated by manual labour?”

“No, there have been absolutely none, but I am getting curious as to what you wish to achieve by this,” replied Eliot.

“I think it would be possible to create an engine strong enough to power a carriage, steering would also be possible by making the front wheels be able to be moved.”

“If what you are saying can truly be put into action, then I think I’ll need you to come with me to the next council meeting,” responded the Duke.

They continued to talk about an engine and Corlissa created some sketches to give a visual representation of what she was thinking of. Though they were interrupted by a rather...unwanted...presence otherwise known as the Duchess of the Veronique duchy.

She was one of the few people who had gained the absolute hatred of the young miss, Corlissa did try to keep an open mind in this life however that was a second chance that she did not deserve. Despite her being Corlissa’s mother, Corlissa held absolute scorn towards the Duchess as she was fake, conniving and did not pull her own weight. She viewed Corlissa as a tool, a stepping stone for her own benefit, thus she became deserving of the young lady’s animosity.

Most, or rather all female heads of a household would manage the finances, housework, estate and household workers but Duchess Veronique was a stark outlier. All she did was spend money frivolously, despite being the Duchess of the Veronique duchy the Duke gave no affection towards her. All he needed was for her to give birth to his child, in order to make sure that he would not need to deal with her insignificant complaints the Duke gave her ample money every week.

Corlissa, a person who keeps their morals close to heart, concluded that the Duchess was a character that she did not need to give respect to and rather grew hate towards her in response to the suffering the Duchess had caused in every life she remembered.

“Oh my! What brings you here Grand Mage?” questioned the Duchess in a rather, annoying...tone.

“I am simply here to discuss matters with the Duke and Miss Veronique,” replied Eliot Demetrius, taking note of how Corlissa’s expression darkened and how the Duke began patting his daughter’s head after the Duchess made her appearance.

“Oh, I see. Is Corlissa being a hassle, I know she oversteps her boundaries frequently and is quite the bother when men are speaking about important matters,” despite the caring tone masked in the Duchess’ voice, there was malicious intent woven through those words.