
Seventh Reincarnation (SR)

Name: Seventh Reincarnation Author: Andi Candra Genre: Action, Romance, Immortal, Male Protagonis, Overpowerd Synopsis: Brandon is just an ordinary young man who can be found anywhere among the 8 billion people on earth. However, the Third World War broke out, and he was killed along with other civilians. After his death, he found himself in a dark place without light. Just when he thought he would spend his time in the boundless shadows, he finds himself reincarnated into an anime world. Brandon thought he would reach the pinnacle of life, have great wealth, and be surrounded by beautiful women. But that was just a mere delusion, he died at the age of one month after his reincarnation. Then, he kept reincarnating again and again, but always ended up dying young. Brandon's behavior changed his destiny?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Farewell Gift

That day, the people of Treasure Island held a farewell party for Ars.

When Ruby found out he was leaving and they would likely never see each other again, she ran off crying.

"Ars, chase her!"

Seeing her daughter running away, Lillian was worried that she would take extreme measures.

Ars shook his head and refused.

"No need, no matter what Ruby thinks, it doesn't change my decision."


Lillian sighed helplessly. She knew there was no way her daughter's feelings of love would be reciprocated.

"I'm going after Ruby."

Shamil's son, Aqua chased Ruby's direction.

Lifting the cup, Byakuya put his right foot on the table and shouted loudly.

"Ahem, since this is the last time we see Ars, let's drain his food supply."


Yakov and the other men lifted their cups and drank.

All the food and drink on the table were provided by Ars, it was rare for them to have such a sumptuous meal today, so they couldn't pass up an opportunity that would never come a second time.

"Eat as much as you can, I can't believe you guys were able to deplete even 1% of my food supply." Ars underestimated.

Even though there were already 20 people on Treasure Island after 15 years of breeding. Don't forget, Ars has as many food resources as one world, too many to count.

Even if everyone eats from morning until night, the amount isn't that significant.

"Oh, right. There's something I want to give you."

Taking a sip of champagne, Ars remembered something important.

"Hic... Don't act mysterious. What do you want to give? You've given us too much."

The alcohol's effect on the drink starts to work, Byakuya begins to get drunk, and hiccups when he speaks.

"This might be of great help in the future."

Using his [Weapon Manifest] ability, Ars created two Glock 17-type pistols.

As if not seeing the shocked expressions of Byakuya, Yakov, Shamil, Darya, Connie, and Lillian. He put the gun on the table, and explained the specifications of the firearm.

"This is a 9x19 mm Glock 17. Equipped with a 28N trigger pull, has a barrel length of 114 mm and a total weight of 915 gram bullets."

He is like a salesman who explains to customers the advantages of the product he offers.


Byakuya pounded the table angrily, and glared at Ars.

"Why are you showing a gun? You know that thing is very dangerous. Especially in this era, if it falls into the hands of the wrong people, there will only be tyranny and dictatorship."

In an age where humanity is petrified and few people survive, the gun is without a doubt the most dangerous object in the world.

The reason Byakuya is angry is because he is worried that the gun will be misused by their descendants, who may have a twisted mind. After all, no matter how good their teachings were, there was no way all future generations would become good people.

"Keep the gun back, we don't need it... Cough Cough..." Shamil said with a cough.

"Byakuya, Shamil, calm down. You two scared the kids." Yakov commemorates both.

Their descendants don't understand why that black object has angered Byakuya, and Shamil.

Ars ignored Byakuya, and Shamil, and continued his explanation.

"By the way, the average Glock 17 is fifteen rounds. However, these two pistols are different, each magazine has 3700 bullets. It was all thanks to the spatial magic I applied to the gun."


A vein protrudes from Byakuya's forehead.

"Calm down, Byakuya. There must be a reason why Ars gave that to us."

Lillian came over to him and restrained him from starting a fight.

"Is that true?" Shamil's eyebrows rose, and he asked.

"En, Lillian's guess was correct. The gun wasn't meant to be used in the present, but rather in the distant future. By the way, these two guns won't wear out or rust with time, so you guys can keep them in the treasure box."

The two pistols were prepared by Ars for Senku and his entourage to use against Dr. Xeno in the final stages of the plot. Plus as insurance if the Main God Room participants come when he is not in this world.

"So you know about treasure boxes?" asked Byakuya.

The treasure box is a soyuz capsule that holds various precious metals such as gold, diamonds, sapphires, platinum, etc. All these resources were prepared by him and other astronauts for his son, Ishigami Senku. He believed his son would save humanity from being petrified.

"You think I'm blind? I'm lazy, but that doesn't mean I don't know the situation on the island, okay?"

Ars rolled his eyes and felt slighted.

"So you plan to give the gun to Senku and co..."

Byakuya is not as opposed as before and ponders.

"What do you think?"

He looked at Yakov and the others.

"I don't know what your son will face in the future, we should keep the gun in the capsule just in case."

Shamil weighed the pros and cons, he considered it worth keeping the gun for Senku.

"I agree with Shamil, maybe Senku will fight the mastermind behind the petrification of mankind. Having a firearm is better than none."

Connie agreed with her husband.

"The existence of firearms in the Stone Age is a bit risky, but I think it's worth taking the risk. With firearms, they have the tools to fight back if something bad happens."

Yakov stroked his long beard and gave his opinion.

"That gun has 3700 bullets, that's a lot. In addition to self-defense, it can also be used to hunt animals. It will be of great use to your son, Byakuya."

Darya also expressed her approval.

"What do you think, Lillian? Should we keep the gun?"

Hearing everyone agree, Byakuya asks the woman who has given birth to his five children.

"I trust whatever decision you make, Byakuya," Lillian said with a beautiful smile.

Ars didn't interrupt their discussion, he watched quietly while eating the chicken satay.

"Sorry for snapping at you, Ars. I'm a little emotional, it's really embarrassing for an old man like me to act like that."

Scratching the back of his head, Byakuya apologizes to him.

"No problem, I'm not angry at all."

Ars was silently mocking Byakuya in his heart.

Old man?

That's bullshit!

No old man could be so excited about having sex every night!

It can be seen that Byakuya has the most children compared to Shamil and Yakov.

"Then I'll keep it, thank you very much."

Byakuya carefully holds the gun, worried he might pull the trigger.

"Well, the discussion is over. When it comes to parties, of course there has to be music, right? Let me sing some songs."

After the tense atmosphere died down, Lillian clapped her hands, and everyone paid attention.

"Let me set up a tape recorder."

Connie took the initiative to get a tape recorder, which recorded music for songs Lillian had sung.

Of course Ars found the tape recorder years ago.

Then, Lillian started singing, and everyone listened solemnly.

In today's stone age, entertainment is scarce. So whenever Lillian sang, it was priceless entertainment in the eyes of all the remaining humans.

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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