
Seven Years of Difference

"If they tell you that you can't do it, do it twice and take pictures." __________________________________________________ "Livius...get me some water." "Okay." "Get me some red bottoms." "Okay." "Marry me." "Okay." "... Are you listening to me?!" His eyes met mine and a smirk fell on his lips, "Of course I am. Now what was that about marriage?"

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she saw around her was a beautiful room which she had not seen in a long time. In seven years to be exact.

Was...was everything she had just experienced just a very bad dream?

But as she looked up at the ceiling, she knew what she had experienced was not, in fact a nightmare.

So why was she here again?

Was this the universe's cruel way of playing with her?

She walked into her restroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Sure enough, vibrant blue eyes and silky auburn hair looked back at her through the mirror.

She walked over to the calendar and saw the date... November the 13th...

That's exactly seven years ago... Doesn't that mean?...

"Ella darling, you better be up now! If you miss school today I will personally make sure you make up for everything today..."

A beautiful woman with bright blonde hair and the same blue eyes Annabella had walked in as her daughter spun around, shock covering her face.

Soon after, the tears came and the beautiful woman looked at her daughter with uncertainty.

Despite having this daughter for 21 years already, she was still unused to her daughters tears for the simple reason that Annabella was a very bright and happy person, so she rarely cried.

Yesterday, the two had gotten in a fight and the mother had punished the daughter, but even then, Annabella had never cried.

Layla approached her daughter and did the most logical thing in such a situation. She hugged her and shushed her until she calmed down.

Annabella looked up at her mother in a daze.

If this is a dream...I don't ever want to wake up.

Layla patted her daughter's head before saying, "Now, don't think you're not going to school Missy, you better get up and ready ASAP."

Annabella smiled at her mother and said, "Okay Momma... when I come back...can we donate some of my clothes and get something new?"

Layla was surprised by her daughter's words. In all the time she had been raising her, even when she got new clothing she refused to donate the one she had no need for...but now.

In truth, Annabella did want to donate clothes, but also, she really wanted to spend time with her mother.

She only had four classes today for college and the rest of the day she was free to spend with her mother.

It was a miracle which she would not question, that she had come back and she intended to take full advantage of it.

Layla smiled fondly at her daughter who was slowly starting to turn into a wonderful woman before saying, "Of course. I'll be there to pick you up as soon as you are done."

As soon as the woman left, Annabella went towards her closet, checking for today's outfit only to epically cringe at the clothing inside the closet.

Freya had tried to convince her that if she wore clothing that was revealing but wore it in pastel colors, she would look innocent yet alluring.

From that, she started wearing dark 'alluring' clothes.

'I was way too gullible... T-T'

She decided that layering would be a good idea with these clothes.

She picked out a grey sweater-like top and paired it with a black mini skirt. She added black knee boots and was going to leave it like that when she remembered one thing that Freya use to hate.

Freya would hate it when Annabella wore brand clothes or accessories because then she would look 'poor' in comparison. At least that was the excuse.

Throughout the years Annabella had spent locked in that small room before, she had realized that everything Freya had done, she had done out of jealousy which was really quite sad.

Taking that into consideration, Annabella grabbed her YSL purse and added it to her outfit. Perfecto.

When Annabella walked downstairs, Layla and the countless housekeepers were shocked by the completely new look she had taken.

Layla was already mentally prepared for something...trashy, but she was so glad Annabella had worn this instead.

Maybe that meant that Freya and her were no longer friends? A mother could only hope.

Annabella sat in front of her mother who couldn't help but ask, "So...you and Freya..."

"Done. Not ever happening again."

Layla let out a relieved sigh and said, "Thank goodness. You finally listened to your mother. No wonder you were suddenly okay with donating."

Annabella smiled at her mother who had never event tried to conceal her hatred for Freya and her mother.

Freya's mother was a blond woman always caked in makeup and filled up with plastic and silicone who was named Queenie.

Queenie Vermillion also coincidentally Layla Vermillion's sister.

It was no secret that Queenie and Layla never got along. It was also no secret that Queenie had always wanted to take the company from Layla ever since Grandpa Vermillion had given the company to Layla, not even a drop to Queenie.

'I was so blind not to have seen the signs. Of course she only wanted the company. What else would such a greedy woman want from a child?'

As soon as breakfast was done, Annabella stepped in the car as the driver took her to school.

She took her time in the car to collect her thoughts.

In seven years exactly, everything would go to hell and she would fall in love with Lucas, completely shutting out her family and ultimately causing their deaths.

She lived for ten more years after that, just watching all that her family had worked hard for get destroyed.

All the time she was in college Annabella had previously taken as a joke since she would never actually have to work a day in her life.

Now that she thought about it, however, since her brother was so invested in the army, would it not be better if she did take over the company?

All she would need is to graduate and pass the year successfully.

Since she was a 38 year old woman in the body of a 21 year old young woman, it should be easy enough since once she learned something, she never forgot it, no matter what.

"Young Miss, we have arrived."

Annabella looked up at the driver and thanked him with a polite smile on her lips before stepping out the door and closing it behind her.

All eyes were immediately on her, ready to ridicule her for her outfit choice when they saw how she looked completely different from before.

She was no longer trashy and now seemed to carry a splendor and grace as she walked. Not to mention all the confidence exuding from her made her seem truly worthy of the title, 'Young Mistress of the Vermillion Family.'

They couldn't believe their eyes.

They couldn't believe how a change of clothing and a bit of confidence could completely change a person.

They were all even more surprised when she sent a smirk toward the people and said, "Take a picture... it'll last longer."

Everyone immediately looked away as she opened the door and walked inside, well, at least they pretended to do so.