
Seven Swords Of Sin

In the ancient kingdom Britannia, not so long ago, there reigned an unyielding king who came close to conquering the entire planet. However, it’s said that he was defeated by an unnamed warrior. According to the legend, he was regarded as the strongest due to his powerful but sinful blade, known as "EXCALIBUR". Before drawing his final breath, the king divided his sword into “THE SEVEN SWORDS OF SIN”. Seven swords are cursed weapons that choose their wielders on their own and instantly murder anyone else who is either unworthy of them or tries to wield them by force unless the wielder gives it up themself. Ace, a charismatic young man, starts his dangerous yet mystic adventure to find the SWORD OF GREED, making new friends and overcoming many obstacles along the way...

Elitrefy · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Quirky Map (Bonus Chapter)

Don't tell me, that now… WE ARE LOST BECAUSE OF YOU!", Amon gets pissed off at Luxman. "Woah! Chill dude… I couldn't keep track of directions because of all the talking and discussion. Only if I knew where we are right now, then I would lead us all to the place where we can make ourselves a lot of money in no time.", Luxman assures.

"If that's the case then I have just what we need.", Amon closes his eyes, chants a spell, and starts shouting Map! Map! Map! Map! In a funny voice. "Why do I get a feeling that he is going to summon a full-of-life, happy-go-lucky, and weird map using this spell?", Luxman gets weirded out. (Reference to an American animated series- Dora the Explorer)

Suddenly a map appears from Amon's backpa- I mean Amon's hand. "Why did you wake me up, you pieces of shi-" "Hey! Mind your language bro, this is a family-friendly story y'know!", Amon interrupts the recently awakened, trash-talking map. "Fine… Pieces of trash then. Tell me, what do you want? And yeah, keep the explanation 20 words or shorter, I am a busy map y'know."

"Busy taking naps?", Luxman comments. "Hey! Mind your tone goofball. Do you want me to help you or not? Don't forget to pay your respects to the almighty, Lord Map!" "Huh? You want me to cut you in half, you torn-up sheet of paper?" "What is this, Amon? I can't tolerate this disrespect towards me… I am going back to sleep."

"No wait! Great Lord Map, you are the only one who can aid poor creatures like ourselves, so please stay put. We need your assistance. Please, disregard this disrespectful moron and offer your services to us!" "Well, that sounds more like it! I will now assist you, my humble friend. Ask me anything you want to know! Amon says, "Thank you," breathing a sigh of relief as he asks, "Would you kindly tell us the name and location of the place we are currently at?" "Hmm… Let me analyse…"

After a few seconds, the map says, "The place we are at right now is a small hill about 18 kilometers south of the castle of CAMELOT! Now I shall take my leave… So long, you pieces of sh-" "Shhhhh..." "Oh yeah, sorry, my mistake, you pieces of trash."

The map floats upward, yawns, and disappears into thin air. "So? What now?", Amon asks Luxman in the hope that he will lead the way. "Um… Let me think if the castle of Camelot is in the south then the place where we are going should be in… that direction.", Luxman points his finger towards the west and they all start moving again. However, they get lost many times on the way because of Luxman and Amon getting in many scuffles and Ace getting separated from the group (He was too focused on cool animals and fruits, you must know the reason by now…)

Ace remarks, "Hey Amon, why didn't you just ask the map to show us the exact route to take to get to that place?" Luxman and Amon come to a sudden halt and remain still, wondering what has astonished them more. Their incompetence or Ace making an observation wiser than their own for the first time…