
Seven Star Lord

STAR WORLD In the history of mankind, human are Born with star element, they're classified in group, if. you are Born with one star... One star element: they are not interested in cultivating, they are called the weakest,but few of them do Two star: they are called the beginners, they're able to be a three star even four, five star element which is the maximum stage of star energy for ordinary cultivator And six star element: they called them God, one in centuries And liliang who his parent sacrifice them self to save, because he was not one in centuries, he is one in decades and the first of all during the venture he meets with different people and make a new family (friendship bond)

Dratomzayo · Action
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15 Chs

Sword Element

Quiyi town, early in the morning, at the air ship park, Xiao hou and Uncle ji went to one of the air ship going to the saint city 

Uncle ji : remember if you want to be at the top be ready to fight, a fighter don't wait for the opponent, they get prepared

Xiao hou : okay uncle ji, bye !

Xiao hou step in the air ship, and go to her sit number, sit down and her bag on her leg

Pregnant woman: put it in the closet

Xiao hou : no ma, am comfortable like this 

The air ship accelerate going to it's destination


Haena treasure room, liliang was their searching for an item, he saw a place full of rings

Liliang : this are storage rings right ? 

Treasure guide : yes 

Liliang picked six storage rings, raising his head he saw the second phoenix sword, an ice and water attributes

Liliang : I think have seen something like this before, at the sect, no wonder, but it was a fire element, this looks somehow ice or water element

Liliang picked it and picked a lot of artifacts, he looked at the middle of the room and saw a rock, getting close to it, the guide quickly hold him not to fet to the rock

Treasure guide : no no no .... don't try to get close to it 

Liliang : okay, I won't, only if you tell me what it is

Treasure guide : it called the sword mirror

Liliang : sword mirror, I can only see rock here , nothing like mirror, can anyone have it

Treasure guide : yes, but the energy within the sword mirror is too strong for an ordinary star petition

Liliang : how many master does it have

Treasure guide : If I could count , just two

Liliang : I think I will be the third master

Liliang get closer to sword mirror

Treasure guide : I won't tell you not to, but know, if you fail to wield the sword, you know the consequences 

Liliang : I know, and I can't fail, why do you think am on mask, It is too protect myself

Treasure guide : for what, and why

Liliang : cause am not ordinary star cultivation, although I don't know how many star are within me, just know am a cosmic star petition

Treasure guide : aah! 

Liliang touched the rock and get teleported to a space, looking around everything was full of darkness and stars, looking at his front he saw something shiny and ran towards it 


Outside the treasure room , the head teacher and ad's Jing standing

Chan Chan : it's has been three days now since that mask guy has entered the treasure room, what his he doing ?, could the haena guide 

Ad's Jing : No, that can't happen, with his strength, I know he can face anything In there

Chan Chan : I could see you have confidence in him

Ad's Jing : yes,

Ad's Jing thinking : you been late, I could see you are about to take the mirror text, good luck

Chan Chan disappeared, ad's Jing was about to leave, looking his right hand side, he saw fang xiuyu standing waiting for the mask, he move closer to him.

Ad's Jing : you most be waiting for the mask guy, right ?

Fang xiuyu : yes sir 

Ad's Jing : what about I have a suggestion for you

Fang xiuyu : I will be happy sir

Ad's Jing : you are with the broken spear right

Fang xiuyu : yes sir 

Ad's Jing : what about I help you forge it

Fang xiuyu : this is it sir ( bring the spear peace out )

Ad's Jing : what about you hold it and follow me

Fang xiuyu : sir 

Ad's Jing : he won be coming out for now, he still have three more days to use , so follow me

Fang xiuyu : okay sir

Fang xiuyu followed ad's Jing


Little San : you know what ?, Am going to check my brother in his room

Xin Yan : he said no one should disturb him

Little San : since have been with brother lee, he has never done any private things, he might be referring to you guys but not me

Xin Yi : sist you don't have to hold him let his brother punished him a little

Little San : you!..... It has been three days and tomorrow the class start

Little San went in liLiang's room, looking everywhere , went to his bathroom but find no one, he ran back to the sitting room

Little San : brother lee is not in his room

Dai, Yan , Yi : what !

They all went to check but his not there


Dai shi : eehn! , No one saw him step out of this building right

They all answer: yes

Dai shi : I know where he is

Little San : where 

Dai Shi : little San, remember at the top ten tournament, liliang was not with us, and we went together, and I told you that the mask guy looks familiar right, after we are back, Xin Yan told us that brother lee said we shouldn't disturb him

Little San : yes, how is that related to the situation

Dai Shi : because brother lee is the mask guy, the top one

Little San : that means he should be at the treasure room by now 

Xin Yan : you mean your brother is the guy that fly on the stage at the assembly

Dai Shi : yes, if my calculations are right, brother lee should be back by two days time


Liliang is closer to the light, it was a light portal

Liliang : what is this 

Haena guide : it is a portal that lead you to the mirror sword

Liliang : nnnh! (Shocked ), You are here 

Haena guide : Yes shouldn't I, anyway this is the right time to step back

Liliang : do you think you can torment me, am going to check it out

Liliang step in the portal


He met his self at the haena territory, looking around saw nothing except the sword of element in form of a rock 

Liliang : eeh!.... Are you there.... Eeeh!!

Haena guide : am here

Liliang : there's nothing here 

Haena guide: there is 

Liliang : where 

Haena guide : there ( pointing to the rock )

Liliang : nnnh! 

Haena guide : yes, release the sword from the ground, and you will see it real body, and lastly don't think of going back, the only key to live this place is the sword

Liliang: what!

Haena guide : mmmh!, Bye good luck

The guide vanished

Liliang thinking : now is me and you 


Next day the agent lin brought another student, it was Xiao hou

Agent lin : hi !, I brought a new student to stay with you

Little San and others came out 

Little San : hey! Good day Mr lin

Agent lin : eeeh!, This is Xiao hou, she will be staying here with you all, and where you brother

Dai Shi : he is in his room, cultivating

Xin Yi : hi!, What should I call you, sister Xiao or sister hou

Xiao hou : anyone you wish

Xin Yi : okay sist, let me show you your room

Xiao hou : okay 

Xin Yi helped her carry her bag, and take her to her room

Xin Yan : something is rough, Zhou San!

Little San : yes sist 

Xin Yan : what have you done to my sister

Little San : just telling her to leave my room that all

Xin Yan : ( smile ) what ever you are doing, keep it up

Little San : auh! 

Xin Yan went to her room 

Dai Shi : whaaat....ever... Yo are doing keep it up ( twinkle his eyes ) 

Little San : you!

Dai Shi ran to his room