
Seven Sins to Win

Mourn_Shard · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The next few weeks passed like clockwork. I tried to make it easy on my mother and sleep normally and be pretty straightforward with my cries for wants. Obviously I didn't get very far with the language, and not even close to making legible sounds with my voice. A lot of factors physiologically didn't want to cooperate well enough let alone was it possible for me to know what to say. Communication skills were pretty much impossible.

I did learn a lot though in those days, like my family. My mother's name was Annalise. She was an unwed young woman who was raped and impregnated by an invader of her village. She was rescued but shunned as unclean due to the events. I saw this as a bit unfair, but it wasn't unlike things I recalled happening in my past life. She was the daughter of a wealthy-ish patriarch of the Darensen family. I was a bastardized grandson and therefore was already sentenced to a life of struggle to live up to an expectation I would never meet. My mother's housing was an auxiliary home that was usually set aside for maidservants of the guard. She was sentenced to a life of servitude and I was likely to be a guard.

The world here was definitely a major set back in modernization from my first life. It heavily resembled a world like medieval fantasy which leads me to directly state that there was some form of magic present though I can't say how it all worked. It seemed as if the tales from my previous life had come to life. Dungeons, dragons, wizards, powerful warriors and beasts... nothing was left out I assume, even though I hadn't seen all of these things. Murals and paintings suggested it. I wasn't certain of anything, except that the status of powerful wasn't all about wealth and that was enough to intrigue me.

I knew I wasn't going to allow my predestined status to set the laws for my life, but it was going to require a struggle that I had never experienced in my previous life. I was going to have to start at the bottom and work my way up. I will live a life without envy, for what I want I will gain by my own merit and others will envy me.

Anyways, that's enough of the revelations of a reincarnated infant. Yes, being an infant with my current intellectual ability is terribly trying and exhausting. In fact, at the moment, I'm lazily lying in my mother's arms as she is carrying me to the guard house. Apparently, she is taking me to go see someone, or she is going to see someone and bringing me with her.

As she is walking she has to pass through the training yard, which ordinarily just has a few guards armed and sparring with training guards, but today, I noticed she seemed to pick up her pace. That's when I heard the yelling from someone, seemingly chastising them for something.

My mother apparently got to a safe distance and turned to view the situation which in turn allowed me to see what was transpiring as well. There was a guard with his left pauldron sheared off panting and on his hands and knees at the foot of another guard, but by his attire, the one standing seemed to be of lesser ranking. My interest was peaked instantly.

"Ya ast avaihn diz memoti sifo lent, Sirius! Deyr tiley i vital tis YAIN!!!" (I have awaited this moment for so long, Sirius! Your title and life is MINE!!!) the standing guard yelled down at the kneeling man before slinging his sword down splitting his skull in half. The kneeling guard's body fell limp, dead instantly.

I was instantly in shock, so much so, that I started crying. My mother instantly clasped me tighter before quickly bolting into the main hall. My eyes had been opened to exactly what this world was like. No one had gone rushing to help that higher level guard. No one went to arrest or detain or stop the lesser guard for murdering the higher level guard. It was as if everything about it was customary, ordinary.

One more fact to add to the truths I know now. If you want something from someone badly enough, you can have it as long as you are willing to kill them for it.

As my thoughts swam with the possibilities. and the ever increasing thought of taking that guard's life and authority for myself in an ironic manner, I heard a man speak to my mother.

"Annalise, dey rey eer. Ghed!" (Annalise, you are here. Good!) a high ranking guard greeted. He seemed to be higher ranking than even the one who was killed earlier.

"Tyr Gerard, cohow ast dey commet fo yay?" (Lord Gerard, why have you summoned for me?) my mother replied respectfully with a curtsey.

"Cayo yai foathrs. Disi y sivrete sutyr." (Come to my quarters. This is a private matter.) He stated sternly before turning to head to a set of doors down a hallway.

This language was appalling in its seemingly increasing difficulty to understand.

My mother followed Gerard into the room and closed the door behind us. She turned and looked around before meeting Gerard's eyes with her own.

The room was elegant for a guard's quarters, at least I assumed that from the bed, table, and wardrobe. There was a fire place with a fire crackling within. It was cold outside at this time. I haven't been alive long enough to determine if this was merely seasonal or a regular temperature. The wood burning had a unique smell that I don't recall from my previous life which led me to believe it was a species that existed here but not there. The general layout was simple but still far nicer in its makeup compared to what I'd seen so far.

The man gifted my mother with a genuine, yet softly lined with worry, smile. It was obvious that what ever he had to tell her wasn't an easy task.

"Vy ast foukn idegin o pilaksr. Fawtsi usyrbni. Les, ast y sair." (We have discovered the origin of the invaders. The news is disturbing. Please, have a seat.) He said, his voice laden heavily, grave in fact.

"Les, Saust undow." (Please, I must know.) she replied taking a seat obviously now concerned herself.

"Enole klamyl syr Lyabyst..." (The Entire clan are Lyabyst..."

My mother gasped, "Va tey syr nepod vet goxin!Diz arent te!" (But they are supposed to be extinct! This cannot be!)

"Velma. Adey undow Lyabyst rey Lya maln. Tey ketoy tan becagn iyo abyst pon culmp unool." (Be calm. As you know Lyabyst are lion men. They kill then change on full moons.) He said before looking down at me.

"Faiz nyr ketoyn, izil nyr becagne y Lyabyst. Venys y armard, izil ast vey stoanof ketoyne unqual." (If he never kills, he'll never become a Lyabyst. Even as a guard, he'll have to refrain from killing anyone.) He stated comfortingly.

"Sidat ven allossi?" (Is that even possible?) she replied obviously still in shock, and holding me tight, tears fell from her cheeks and two landed on one of my hands.

"Yae, vyil trech in nyr vey ketoy, va dewst nyr tay in cohow." (Yes. we will train him never to kill, but you must never tell him why.) He stated sternly.

My mother looked down at me with more tears slowly leaking out, before breathing in deep, "Ayk..."

I must never forget this conversation. When I can understand, I will know what this conversation was...