
Seven Sins Academy

R-18 (Mature Content) Grey NewGate, born as a prodigy... In the magic world, he was born to be the strongest. Since birth, he exhibited feats that already established him as "terrifying". Born with the aura of the Azure Emperor. Acquiring over 5 Magic Techniques from birth. Intense good looks that and an ability to relate with women like it was his sixth sense. Having been sent to the Lyronia Magic Academy, located in the Magic Continent by his Grandfather due to the fact that he was supposedly a Demon Lord Contender... Grey now had an entirely new goal... He was destined to be the one to court the reincarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Wrath, Lust, Envy, Greed, Sloth and Gluttony. One of the strongest mages in the modern era was relegated to being a student. Whether or not his pride would allow him to survive in the new school was entirely up to him. Warning; No Yuri, NTR or Rape.

Pendulum_ · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Bathroom Drama.

Grey immersed himself in the warmth of the bathtub.

He enjoyed the feeling of the foamy bubbles enveloping him as he leisurely applied soap to every inch of his skin.

His melodic voice reverberated within the bathroom walls.

He sang his favorite theme song which was from a magic girl anime called - Enchanted Sakura Guardians.

"Enchanted Sakura Guardians, magical and bright! Dancing with the stars, in the velvet night! Through the mystic realms, they'll take a stand! Protectors of wonder, in this enchanted land!"

As he turned the shower's knob, allowing the water to cascade gently over him, he continued his joyous serenade, the steam swirling around him creating a dreamy ambiance.

Suddenly, a faint sound from the door disrupted his singing.

"Hm?" he murmured.

Then, he wiped away the foam from his eyes before resuming his cleansing ritual with a sponge.

On the other side of the glass door, hidden within the veils of steam, Elsinia observed Grey silently, her gaze fixed on the clothes hanging on the rack nearby.

'Let me just take a sniff of my black-haired prince's perspiration!'

She stealthily approached them, seizing a shirt and inhaling deeply, her eyes fluttering closed in a display of unabashed pleasure.

"Ahnnnnnn~~! So good~~" she moaned out.

The intoxicating scent led her to the boxer shorts resting neatly on a stool, and her thoughts momentarily succumbed to temptation.

"It's the one he just wore..." she mused, her intentions wavering. "Maybe just a little... it wouldn't hurt."

Just as her fingers brushed the fabric, Grey's voice rang out, "Elsinia!" he shouted.

Startled, Elsinia recoiled, stammering defensively, "I... I didn't do anything!"

Her pulse raced with the panic of being caught.

Grey smirked, teasingly from the bathtub before retorting, "Yeah, I know. Since you're in here, mind handing me a towel?"

A wave of relief washed over Elsinia's features as she retrieved the towel and handed it to Grey through the small space of the glass door he had slid open.

As she fought the lingering desire to take a peek, Grey bid her farewell with a casual "Thanks," prompting Elsinia to retreat.

She wanted to leave the bathroom, but then she looked at the boxer shorts again.

Her internal struggle evident in the conflicted gaze she cast upon the boxer shorts.

Collecting her resolve, she whispered to herself, "Another time."

In a sense, Elsinia was a little bothered how calm Grey could be.

'He didn't react in anyway... A beautiful and endowed girl like me,' she grabbed and squeezed her breasts to reiterate her thoughts. 'Does this mean my Darling Grey also lets other women come see him in the bathroom? Like Wendy?! Oh... No, he only just met her yesterday...'

She stopped groping her breasts and looked back at the steam covered glass door. "You need anything else?" Elsinia asked.

"Nah, I'm good," he replied, and with a nod, she left the bathroom.


Grey emerged from the steaming bathtub and wrapped a towel around his waist, proceeding into his modest chamber.

His eyes landed on Elsinia, who was busy tidying up the room.

"You really don't have to do all this," Grey began with a relaxed smile. "I can clean up later."

Elsinia's keen elven ears perked up at the sound of his voice, and she turned to greet him with a smile.

"It's fine, really. I don't mind helping," she insisted, her eyes bright with sincerity.

Grey nodded appreciatively. "Oh, cool then," he replied, stretching his arms leisurely.

As Elsinia subtly observed him, her eyes widened at the sight of his muscular frame, more pronounced without his clothes. His well-defined six-pack and broad shoulders captivated her gaze.

"Wow, I really was on point about the sleeper build thingy.."

A trail of saliva rolled down one side of Elsinia's rosy lips.

She stared at him, hypnotized by the beauty of his body.

Grey performed a cross-body arm stretch, and as he finished, he caught a peculiar expression from Elsinia. "Huh," he mused, observing her attentively. "Is something wrong?" he asked, a touch of concern in his tone.

Elsinia let out a dismissive laugh, frantically waving her hand in front of her. "Oh, no, nothing... nothing at all," she assured him, her voice betraying her flustered state.

She gestured towards the neatly folded clothes on the bed, which she had arranged.

"I already selected your clothes for our date," she announced with a pleased smile.

"Great, thanks," Grey acknowledged with a nod as he moved to don the clothes.

Unperturbed by Elsinia's presence, he casually let his towel slip away, paying her no mind as he dressed.

It was then Elsinia realized the major thing about Grey - "This guy doesn't give a fuck, about anything".

Elsinia, taken aback, reflexively shielded her eyes with her hand, her cheeks flushing a vivid shade of crimson.

'Is he really going to strip in front of me? Jeez, my Darling Grey is so scandalous! I don't even know what to think anymore... I know everything about my Darling Grey's body, but just the basic things like where a few of his birthmarks are or the small scar he has on his left heel that looks like Canada. But that's just it... I've never really looked at his... 'thing' before, anytime I try to, I either get a nosebleed or pass out just thinking about it!'

Her thoughts had turned completely chaotic.

Despite her best efforts, she couldn't resist casting a furtive glance as Grey's rod was exposed; left to hang out like a pendulum.

'Maybe I'll just... Take a little peek...'

With her fingers parted so that one of her eyes could see, she gasped.

The sight of his size caused her to freeze, her thoughts scattered as she struggled to process the unexpected view.


Several minutes passed, and Grey was finally ready. He had donned an oversized white long-sleeved t-shirt with black pants and sneakers. Kneeling beside his bed, he carefully dabbed at Elsinia's bleeding nose as she sat nearby. Elsinia closed her eyes, visibly relieved but still a little flustered as Grey continued to tend to her nostrils.

Finally, Grey let out a sigh, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I can't believe you got a nosebleed from seeing me naked," he remarked with a chuckle. "I mean, I know my body is pretty fantastic and all, but you've got to work on that self-control, Elsinia."

Elsinia twiddled her two index fingers, blushing slightly. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "It won't happen again, I promise."

'I just didn't think it'd be that big... How does he manage to keep that in his pants, I don't even think I can handle it...' she thought to herself.

Having finished cleaning her nose, Grey stood up and gave her an understanding smile.

"It's all right," he said.

He reached out, patting her on the head.

Elsinia's eyes widened in surprise, her cheeks flushing once again, and her ears twitching several times. Taking back her hands, she placed them on her lap, feeling a little flustered about the unexpected gesture.

"Now that that's taken care of," Grey announced, crumpling the used tissues into a ball the size of a tennis ball and tossing it into the trash can with pinpoint accuracy. "What are you waiting for? Let's go on that date."

Elsinia lifted her head to meet Grey's smiling gaze and flashed him a big smile in return. "Okay," she agreed eagerly.

"Alright, my lady," Grey said, extending his hand.

Elsinia took it and let out a surprised yelp as he swiftly pulled her out of bed and close to him.

"Whoa!" she exclaimed, caught off guard.

With his arm around her waist, Grey gently guided her. "Watch your step," he cautioned.

Elsinia gazed up at him, her elven ears turning a deep shade of red.

They both stood there, sharing an intimate moment before finally stepping out together.y