
Seven Devils and a Rose (A Reverse Harem Realm-Travel Fantasy Romance)

One girl. Transported to a realm full of magic and paranormal creatures. A rare pure power. Seven hunky men. A fairy tale with a twist. My name is Alfie. A university student. I’m nothing special. Just your average nineteen-year-old girl doing her best at life. Then that happens. The unexpected. The impossible. The magic. When I first set foot on St. James Manor, a charming old house my parents bought and turned into a retreat for writers, I feel a sense of connection with the magical place. One night, I’m inadvertently transported to another realm. Disorientated and afraid of my new, mysterious surroundings, I’m found by two dark warrior lords, who mistake me for a boy. They even suspect that I am a member of a loose, violent bandit that is raiding their kingdom and kidnapping civilians. Despite having a fun and adventurous soul, I find nothing exciting, as these two gorgeous warriors, tsundere Caleb and gregarious Felix, take me back to their camp and proceed to grill me about my background. When a group of bandits pursues me and I am lost in the wild, dangerous woods, an alluring vision-in-white of a lord appears. His name is Geoffrey, and his enthralling charm fascinates me. Of course, all that I want is to return home. But little do I know that finding a way home is the least of my worries because there are those with dark power who are hunting me down. * * * Seven Devils and a Rose is a reverse harem fantasy romance where the heroine doesn't have to choose, because why would she when she could have all seven hunky heroes as her men? The heroine starts out weak but grows into an OP as the story progresses. The realm has both western and eastern cultures, with a mixture of magic and technology. WARNING: This book contains hunky men vying for the heroine's attention and love, and of course, lots of steamy, sexy time. It's a reverse harem, after all. You have been warned.

Alexia X. · Fantasy
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49 Chs

An Unwelcome Transformation – Chapter 42

I cocked my head to one side, realizing that it must have been the golden pill that had tasted like candy. But Lord Noah had said that it was supposed to be like a multivitamin of sorts, to enhance body health and strength. So how could it have increased my breast size?

Then I decided to scan myself from head to toe to check for any other changes. My height, which was sitting at five feet four inches, didn’t appear to have changed. My body size still looked the same, too. I hadn’t grown fat, thank God! Though my waist seemed to be slightly smaller and my stomach flatter and more toned, as well as my butt firmer, as if I had been working out at the gym or something. My skin, too, was paler than before and glowing, as if the qi within me had increased.

So this was this realm’s multivitamin, eh? Drastically changing a person’s body so much just within a couple of days.

Gosh, I thought that the firmness of my body made me look like one of those Victoria’s Secret lingerie models, except for my height. I needed to be taller, obviously. And, of course, this short Victoria’s Secret model had Snow White’s classic traits of hair as black as ebony, lips as red as a rose, and skin as pale as snow. No, I decided then that, according to modern context back on Earth, I looked more like a vampire, with such pale skin and red lips. To complete the look, all I needed was a pair of fangs.

Again, I flicked my gaze to my flat stomach and then back to my very plump breasts with those bright-pink nipples. God, I would never get used to it. They felt heavy and just big. I touched them again and said, “And very soft and squishy.”

Well, they were real, after all, so of course they’d be soft and squishy.

I took a few slow, calming breaths, trying to decide what my next action would be. Then I got it.

First, I needed to get dressed and do my best in concealing my new breasts. Next, I’d raid the kitchen for a pair of scissors and use them to cut my hair. Then I’d hunt down Lord Noah and ask him the possible side effects of the golden pill and how I could possibly fix it, if there were solutions. Unless, of course, like the side effects of some medications back at home, they’d just go away once the dose wore off.

After patting my body dry with a towel, I looked at myself through the mirror again and thought, God, I look quite hot, don’t I? I mean, with such long dark hair and fair skin. Then I wondered if the lords would find me attractive. Would either Felix or Caleb want to make love to me?

Shit! What the hell was I even thinking about?

I shook my head, telling myself to stop thinking such naughty thoughts, especially ones that involved Felix and Caleb.

Don’t get yourself involved with the lords, I kept reminding myself. You’ll be leaving this place sooner or later. Apart from the fact that this realm was a world away from my home, once I got back, there’d be no way I could return. After all, it wasn’t like I could simply hop on a plane and fly here for a visit, could I?

I grabbed for the white material and wrapped the fabric around my chest, tightening the binding as firmly as I could. Once done, I realized that it was no use. There were still slight protrusions on my chest, indicating that I had breasts.

I sighed. If I were to tighten it around me any more, I wouldn’t be able to breathe. Seriously.

In the end, I left the binding as it was and then covered myself with a loose white blouse, followed by a blazer to conceal the bumps. Once I was done, I thought I didn’t look too bad, just like a cute boy dressed in a fantasy-themed cosplay, and the bumps weren’t noticeable at all.

I stroked my fingers through my long hair, liking the feel of the silky, soft strands.

Maybe having long hair would be fine in this kingdom. After all, Lord Geoffrey had long hair, and it suited him handsomely, so it was probably a fashionable thing. Perhaps people wouldn’t look at me weirdly if they happened to see me like this? But, of course, just to be on the safe side, I’d cut it off, anyway.

After wrapping my head with a towel and securely covering and hiding my long hair, I headed out the door.

I was halfway along the corridor of the ground floor when a feminine voice called out, “Alfie.”

I jolted and consciously touched the towel on my head as I turned to Aria.

Bright, beautiful, and elegant as always, Aria asked, “Did you sleep all right last night?”

I nodded my head, hoping that Aria didn’t pay any attention to the very prominent towel that was wrapped on my head.

“Yes, I had a good sleep. Thanks, Aria,” I said with a bright grin.

“That’s good to hear,” she said. “But you’re up earlier than I expected. I thought you’d be dead tired after last night’s session. Sending a message via dreams does use up a lot of qi. Yours is weak, so I was worried. I even thought about requesting Lord Noah’s help.” She cocked her head to one side. “Perhaps with a pill or something to help boost your energy.”

Lord Noah’s help, eh? No, thank you!

I chuckled nervously and quickly declined the suggestion. “I’m really fine. Very energized today, in fact. No need for Lord Noah’s pill or anything.”

Nope. Absolutely no more multivitamin-like pills from Lord Noah Wakefield.

Aria nodded her head, her eyes now straying up to my big head of a towel, which made me nervous. She looked curious, which increased my defensive mode from nervousness to freaking me out, and I said quickly, to draw her attention away from the towel, “I’ll be down for brunch in a moment.” Then I literally bolted up the stairs.

Aria said, “Okay, but take your time. No need to rush. It’s a Saturday, after all.”

“Okay,” I replied loudly over my shoulder and then rushed into my room, shutting the door behind me and even locking it, too, in case of a surprise intrusion.

“Shit!” I leaned back against the doorframe, wondering how I was supposed to retrieve a pair of scissors from the kitchen now, when Aria was already up and about. I was sure that she’d be in the kitchen again, preparing brunch, which she apparently loved to do every weekend.

What must I do now?

I unraveled the towel and pulled it away from my head, allowing my hair to tumble down over my shoulders. As I caressed the soft, silky strands between my fingers, loving the feel against my skin, I said, “There’s no other choice. I need a cap.”

Nodding my head at that sound idea, I rushed over to my small wardrobe and hunted around for one. A moment later, I sighed in relief and brought out the flat cap that I had worn yesterday on the outing with Felix. Grinning from ear to ear, I started braiding my hair and, afterward, formed it into a bun. Once secured, I placed the hat on top, pulling it down until it completely covered my hair. Done, I marched out the door, feeling pleased with myself and my ability to think on the spot.