
Seven Deadly Sins transported to MHA

With The threat of the Demon King gone and chaos Caith being defeated the 7 deadly sins separate from each other. After a reunion party was stopped when strange men infiltrated the castle and attacked the sins but thanks to Meliodas's incredible strength they were taken down easily when one of them pulls out a purple orb which teleports Meliodas and Ban to a foreign place. Can they make it back home in this strange new world?

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

The Second Infiltration

The next morning came and both Sachi and Ai woke up and went down the stairs to the kitchen. There they see both Nao and Tenko sitting at the table and chatting. "Grandma, what's for breakfast?" Sachi asks while rubbing her eyes with a tired voice. "I'm so hungry." Ai says also with a tired voice. "Pancakes. Your father won't be here for long so we might aswell make his time here a good one." Nao says which excites the girls who rush over to the table and sit down while staring excitedly at the food. "You don't have to stare at the food. Dig in girls." Shigaraki says and they immediately start chowing down the food. "Slow down girls or you'll choke!" Nao says and Shigaraki laughs a bit. "Don't worry about it too much, mother." Shigaraki says. "You shouldn't be too soft on these girls Tenko, otherwise they will be too spoiled." Nao says. "Maybe you're right-" Shigaraki says before suddenly his phone rings. He looks at it and sees it's a call from Shuichi. "Excuse me for a moment." Shigaraki says before leaving the room and answers the call. "What's wrong Shuichi?" Shigaraki asks. "Listen, this is serious. Blood and Anarchy is gone." Shuichi says which confuses Shigaraki. "What are you talking about?". "We don't know what happened but the US has managed to control the villain outbreak situation but Blood and Anarchy, the one at the root of the anarchy is missing. No one has been able to locate her so for the time being, all heroes tasked with defeating her have been told to wait and prepare for their next order." Shuichi says which shocks Shigaraki. "What does this mean?" Shigaraki asks. "I don't know but I can't say this is a good thing. Regardless, I'll keep an eye on the situation and update you." Shuichi says. "Thanks Shuichi." Shigaraki says. "Look at the bright side, at least now you have more time to spend with your family." Shuichi says. "You're right." Shigaraki says. "I won't take more time. Enjoy your time with your kids Tomura." Shuichi says. "Thank you Shuichi, you truly are a good friend." Shigaraki says. "Don't be all sentimental on me now Tomura. Take care." Shuichi says. "You too." Shigaraki responds before ending the call and taking a deep breath before heading back to the kitchen.

"What happened Tenko?" Nao asks. "It looks like my mission was canceled for the time being so I can stay here a while longer." Shigaraki says. "So you don't have to go out again!" Sachi asks. "Not for a while, I think." Shigaraki replies and Sachi jumps up in excitement and Ai starts to smile. "Dad, can we go out together?" Ai asks and Shigaraki thinks for a moment. "Sure, but I won't tell you where we are going." Shigaraki says and Sachi was a bit disappointed. "Why can't you tell us?!" Sachi asks while pouting. "I'll make it a surprise for both of you." Shigaraki says after patting Sachi on the head. "Fine, but it better not be somewhere boring!" Sachi says. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll love it." Shigaraki says before kissing her forehead and carries Ai before kissing her on the cheek and handing her to Nao. "I'll make the preparations for our trip." Shigaraki says before going up the stairs to his room. He sits on his bed and opens his laptop before searching up something. He stays in his room for about 10 minutes before coming out with a smile on his face. "Girls!" he calls out while walking down the stairs. Sachi and Ai both walk out of the living room and turns to him. "What is it, Dad?" Ai asks. "I have some good news and bad news." Shigaraki says. "Whats the good news?" Sachi asks. "The good news is I have prepared everything for our trip.". "And the bad news?" Ai asks. "The bad news is I couldn't get a ticket for today because it was booked so we will go tomorrow." Shigaraki finishes. "Aww man." Sachi replies. "Don't worry, I made other arrangements for today." Shigaraki says which brought the sparkle back to the girls eyes. "Where are we going?!" Ai asks. "For today we'll eat at some restaurants, walk, and play around." Shigaraki says which excites the girls. "Let's go!" Sachi yells. "Would you like to come with us, mother?" Shigaraki asks but she shakes her head. "These girls see me almost everyday, I won't interfere with your trips. These are for you and your girls." Nao replies. "Very well. Let's go girls." Shigaraki says and they leave the house. "We'll be off!" Shigaraki says. "Take care." Nao replies and Shigaraki closes the door.

They get in the car and drive off. "So, what do you girls want to eat?" Shigaraki asks. "Pizza!" Sachi and Ai says. "Alright, lets go get some pizza." Shigaraki replies before speeding up. After a few minutes, they arrive at a local pizza restaurant. Shigaraki parks the car before getting out and holds his daughters hand before they all walk into the restaurant. The restaurant was very lively but immediately went quiet when they walked in. Everyone stares at them and whispers among one another. "It's the number one hero." "I can't believe he's actually here in the flesh!" "I can't believe my luck today!" they people say among themselves but Shigaraki ignores them and they all take a seat at one of the tables. The waiter nervously walks up to the table and hands them the menu and Shigaraki thanks him before he quickly walks away. "Dad, why is everyone acting strange?" Ai asks. "One of the downsides to being a hero I suppose, people see you as some kind of being above them that they need to bend over and listen too. They very often forget that we heroes are people too." Shigaraki replies. "That's stupid." Sachi says. "That's just our reality. If you look up to someone, you'll often put them on a pedestal and sometimes it can help one or both of you however often it doesn't benefit anyone, and many times it harms those who are put on the pedestal." Shigaraki replies before a woman walks up to their table. "Um, excuse me. Can I take a photo with you Mister Shigaraki?" the woman asks. "Sorry but I'm here to be with my kids so I won't be taking photo's today." Shigaraki replies. "Aww, but you can't even take one photo?" the woman pushes further. "The moment I take a photo with you, others will follow aswell. I'm not here to be the celebrity. I'm here to have fun with my kids, so no pictures please." Shigaraki replies and the woman walks away and he turns back to his kids. "Do you know what you want to order?" Shigaraki asks. "Yes." both Sachi and Ai replies. Shigaraki turns to the waiter and raises his hand and the waiter nervously walks up to his table. He takes their order and rushes over to the kitchen and hands the order to the chef but the chef notices his hand is shaking. "What's the problem Satou?" the chef asks. "I-its nothing. I'm just nervous seeing the number one hero in the restaurant." the waiter replies. "Oh, so Tomura is here?" the chef asks which confuses the waiter. the chef asks the other chefs to continue and he wipes his hands before walking out of the kitchen. He looks around and sees Shigaraki sitting at the table with his daughters.

"Tomura!" the chef yells and Shigaraki turns to him before standing up. "It's good to see you again, Akio!" Shigaraki replies and they both shake hands. "It's good to see you're well." Akio says. "Same with you too." Shigaraki replies. "Dad, who is this?" Ai asks and Shigaraki and Akio turn to the girls. "This is the owner and head chef of this restaurant, Akio Takahashi." Shigaraki introduces. "Nice to finally meet you, girls." Akio says. "My name is Sachi." she says. "My name is Ai." she says. "I've heard wonderful things about you from your father. He must be a very proud father to have you two." Akio says before turning to Shigaraki. "What are you doing here Tomura, you don't come often with your busy schedule." Akio asks. "I made some time to spend with my kids." Shigaraki says. "I see, then I'll get out of your hair. Take your time with your family." Akio replies and they say their goodbyes before Akio returns to the kitchen and Shigaraki sits down. The food arrives after a few minutes and they all ate and chatted before leaving but Shigaraki goes to the kitchen to say goodbye to Akio. "I'll be heading out now Akio." Shigaraki says. "I see, take care, Tomura." Akio replies. "Also, are you opening your stall at the Musutafu Amusement Park again?" Shigaraki asks. "Yes, I'll be there tomorrow actually. Why do you ask?" Akio replies. "I'm bringing my kids there tomorrow so I was wondering if you would open your stall on that day. I love your cheese sticks." Shigaraki says and Akio laughs. "I'll give you a free basket if you want." Akio says. "Yes, please." Shigaraki replies. "Very well. You better be there early or else I'll eat the cheese sticks." Akio says. "Alright. Take care." Shigaraki says before waving goodbye and leaving.

They drive and continue with their trip together and play for hours and hours until nightfall. They drive back and by the time they arrive home, the girls are very tired. They walk into the house and Nao prepares them for bed and Shigaraki tucks them in before they sleep immediately. He kisses their foreheads before leaving the room and heading to his own and changing into his hero outfit. He grabs his car keys and went down the stairs before running into Nao. "Where are you going Tenko?" Nao asks. "I'm sorry mother, there is something I must finish tonight." Shigaraki replies. "I'm not going to stop you but be careful. You owe your daughters that trip." Nao says and Shigaraki nods. "I won't die yet. I plan to give them the trip they deserve." Shigaraki replies before opening the door. "I'm off." he says. "Take care." she replies and he closes the door. He drives off towards Toshinori's home and parks his car in a nearby forest and waits till near midnight. After a half-hour he sees a car park next to him and Himiko walks out. "You're here early." Himiko says. "I couldn't wait. I can't take too long as I have plans for tomorrow so I want to finish this as quickly as possible." Shigaraki replies. "How about we start our plan a little early." Himiko says and Shigaraki nods before they begin their infiltration.