
Seven Deadly Sins transported to MHA

With The threat of the Demon King gone and chaos Caith being defeated the 7 deadly sins separate from each other. After a reunion party was stopped when strange men infiltrated the castle and attacked the sins but thanks to Meliodas's incredible strength they were taken down easily when one of them pulls out a purple orb which teleports Meliodas and Ban to a foreign place. Can they make it back home in this strange new world?

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Enter the Fox Sin Of Greed

A large dark mist forms in an alley and as the mist clears up you can see the shape of a man start to take form. As the man walks out of the mists, he reveals himself as Ban. He looks around his surroundings and is surprised by the different location. "Shit, I lost him. Well, I better start looking for the Captain." Ban says to himself before scouting the area, looking for his missing friend. Ban also calls out to Meliodas and searches thoroughly when he notices in the corner of his eye 3 teenagers cornering another teen who is wearing ragged clothes and is on the floor crying.

"Fucking loser come on fight us, you want your stuff back don'tcha?" one boy says before kicking the boy on the ground.

"Please I just want my stuff back, it's all I have."

"forget it Martin, he is just poor and quirkless what a loser"

"Haha yeah, Being poor is bad enough but being quirkless too. Talk about double kill bad luck"

"I-Its not like I wanted to be born this way." the crying boy replies.

"It would've been better if you weren't born at all".

"Now then what should we do with you? I know if you want your stuff back your gonna have to be our punching bag. Now we can practice our quirks so we can be pros.

"Haha yeah let's do it".

"I'm going to land the first blow ok guys".

After Ban saw this disturbing sight, he became very angry and turned to the boys. The boy comes in to punch him and the ragged teen closes his tear-filled eyes as he braces himself but before the boy had a chance to hit the poor kid, Ban stepped in the grabbed the teen's arm. "Hey you Bastards, What do you think you're doing?" Ban says with a bloodthirsty expression which catches the teenagers by surprise and they quickly turn to face this strange man.

"Hey what's an old man doing here? Let me go, Do you know who you're messing with?!" The boy yells but with a nervous expression. Ban smiled seeing the nervous look on the boy's face and his bloodlust increased which made him smile maniacally before responding. "Don't know, Don't Care. As long as I get to pummel you disrespectful assholes to the ground I couldn't be happier." Ban replies before he starts gripping the kid tighter but lets him go and shoves him to his friends. The kid turns around to face Ban with some slight nervous feeling building inside. He wanted to leave but his friend ended up talking back to Ban.

"You really think you can take all three of us on your own?" the friend said. Trying to look cool he holds back his friend to show off his skills. "I got this. Relax. You really ran out of luck mister." the boy confidently says as he steps forward. "Oh..and why is that?" Ban asks, intrigued by the boy's newfound confidence. The boy smiles before replying. "Because I'm gonna turn you into a human barbeque!!"


The boy releases a large explosive fire burst from his mouth that reached the end of the alleyway. The boys cheer in victory while the area was covered with smoke.

"Haha too easy".

"Yeah bro you're the man".

"That guy was an idiot if he thought he could beat you".

Their cheers of victory however were short-lived when Ban arose from the flames completely unscathed except his clothes were burnt off."Hahaha, how can you call that fire if it was so cold?" Ban confidently states as the kids stare at him in shock and fear. Ban walks towards the fire-breather when he started to run but Ban catches up and grabs the back of his head before slamming him into the ground. "Now who's next?" Ban asks

"You asked for it old man".


Rocks and the concrete on the ground break apart and collect on the boys hands, giving him enlarged fists made from stone and concrete. The boy rushes at Ban but he just grabs his hands and crushed them. The boy screams in pain and falls to the ground alerting passersby to where they are. "2 down 1 to go." Ban says before turning to the last boy. Fear began to fill the body of the last teenager as Ban walks over to him with a cold, maniacal smile. "Come on kid, Give me everything you got!" Ban says but the last teen tried to run away but Ban catches him and slams him into a wall before he fell unconscious. "Well, that was a buzzkill. I was hoping they would be a little stronger than that." Ban says to himself when just then Ban hears a scream behind him and he turned around to see two women standing behind him.

"Oh my god, you pervert how could you do that to these poor boys".

"Huh? What do you mean I just had to teach these bastards a lesson."

"You disgusting pervert, Doing such horrific things to these young boys is unforgivable!".


"Hello, police? I have found a pervert that raped three boys in an alleyway. Yes, please hurry."

"What the hell is going on?".

Just then the ragged teen grabbed Ban's arm and started pulling him. "Mister we have to run. They called the police on you." he says which confuses Ban further but he follows but before leaving he stole everything from the bodies of the teenagers from their clothes to the money and followed the Ragged Teen. The ragged teen brought Ban to a room underneath a building in which he had to crawl through a hole to get too. "Where are we?" Ban asks, surprised by the poor condition of the room. "This is my home."

"Wow, A really shitty place you got here".

"Yeah I know but it protects me from the rain and all that so I have to make do with what I have".

The Ragged teen went on the ground and started apologizing.

"I'm really sorry for dragging you into my mess." the boy says. "Don't mention it, I did it because I hate pricks like them." Ban replies and the boy thanks him again before sitting down on a chair next to Ban. "Anyway, Mister, what's your name?" the boy asks.

Ban:"Shouldn't you be the one introducing yourself first?"

Ragged Teen:"Ah yes of course, I'm sorry. My name is Kurosu Tachibana but you can call me Kuro for short

Ban:"The name's Ban. Nice to meetcha Kuro".

then a smile grew upon Kuro's face

Kuro:"Nice to meet you too".

Kuro and Ban chatted for a few hours and then Ban decided it was time to leave

Kuro:"Wait Mr. Ban!.Do you have to leave so soon?".

Ban:"Sorry Kuro but I got a friend that missing and could be in danger. I need to find him as soon as possible".

Kuro's face began to look sadder

Kuro:"O..k..But before you go, you need to put something on. You cant go walking around the city naked

Ban:"Huh?.Oh right I didn't notice. Thanks Kuro".

Kuro:"Jeez, here are some clothes".

Ban:"Thanks Kuro".

Kuro:"You know... you're always welcome here if you want. The house might be small and horrible but it would be nice to have you around.

Ban:"Well then. Ill take you up on your offer".

A glimmer of light came on Kuro's face


Kuro asked with excitement. Ban smiled before responding.

"While I'm looking for my friend I'll need a place to stay and sadly I don't have much money on me so...you mind if I crash here with you Kuro?".

Kuro began to cry while smiling


A few days have passed. Seargent Bolwoof visits UA and visits the principal's office. He knocks on the door and lets himself in.

"Hello there, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you".

Principal Nezu:"Oh not at all, And what do I owe the pleasure of helping you with today?".

Seargent Bolwoof sits down and hands Nezu a file.

"Do you remember the report my colleague's made about a boy that came out of the portal the villains used to escape?"

Principal Nezu:"Of course. I can't forget a case as interesting as this one".

"Over the course of the few days he has stayed at the station, We managed to get some intel about who he is and what his quirk might be."

Principal Nezu:"Oh really and what did you find?".

Seargent Bolwoof opens a file and starts looking through some papers.

"Well, for starters he said his name was "Meliodas" and he has absolutely no clue where he is. While we questioned him about who he was, why he came out of the portal, and rather or not he was from here, He said he didn't know where he was and there was a purple mist that surrounded him before he got teleported here."

Principal Nezu:"I see. So he was just an innocent bystander who was brought into this mess".

"Oh yeah? Well here is where it gets confusing. He says he is over 3000 years old and that he comes from a place called "Liones"."

Principal Nezu:"Liones?.Are you sure you didn't mishear him for lyonesse from Arthurian legend?".

"No, I'm sure I didn't".

"That's the first I've heard of it".

"Yeah, Well you're not alone. Although he is a good kid, I can't shake the feeling he isn't telling us the whole story".

Principal Nezu:"So you think he could be hiding something?".

"Although it pains me to say it as he is a very kind person yes, I do. We have also made some progress as to figuring out what quirk he might have".

Principal Nezu:"And what could it be?".

"During his stay, we can't seem to hold him in one place. He always breaks out of cells with his bare hands and he is extremely fast. He can bend metal like its paper and can throw a full-grown adult across an entire building. The current theory is that he could have some kind of physical enhancing quirk but there is just one problem with this theory".

Principal Nezu:"What the problem? Based on his incredible strength it wouldn't be too far-fetched to believe his quirk is a physical enhancement quirk".

"The problem is about what he said. If we were to believe what he said about being over 3000 years old than a physical enhancement quirk just wouldn't stop someone from aging."

Principal Nezu:"Then what do you think could be the cause?".

"The craziest theory is made by a colleague of mine. After I told her what happened at work and what we are trying to figure out about him, She said that he could have multiple quirks. Back then I thought it was crazy but after seeing everything he can do. It might be crazy but it is the closest answer we have to understand Meliodas's current situation."

Principal Nezu:"I see but there is something I don't understand".

"What is it?."

Principal Nezu:"Why don't you just ask him about what his quirk is?".

"That was the first thing we tried but he didn't know what a quirk was so we tried explaining it to him and he said that he might be quirkless. I'm not sure rather he truly doesn't know or if he is making a fool out of everyone."

Principal Nezu felt uneasy. He worries about what this could mean for UA and who Meliodas was.

Principal Nezu:"I see. Thank you for informing me about this, we might be having a bigger problem on our hands than I thought".

"Actually..that isn't the only reason I came here today".

Principal Nezu:"Oh really?.Then why else did you come here?".

"I also came here to make a request".

Principal Nezu:"A request?".


Seargent Bolwoof got on the floor


Principal Nezu:"huh?..".


Principal Nezu:"Hmm...sure but if it's possible give us a few more days so we can get him someplace to stay".

"H-How long exactly?".

Principal Nezu:"I think it'll take about 2 to 3 days to prepare".

"NOO!!! MY MONEY!!!".

Principal Nezu:("I'm sorry Seargent. Please bear with him a little longer.")

Another three days have passed since then. Seargent Bolwoof is walking when out of the corner of his eye he sees Meliodas eating 10 different meals. He frantically looked around for his wallet and found that it was almost empty. All he had left was 15,925.35 yen.

"(crying)M-My money".

While Meliodas was eating he notices a photo on the desk and takes it

Meliodas:"Hey Bolwoof, Who are these people in the photo?".

"Who is wh-."

Bolwoof suddenly stops talking but replies in a lighter tone.

"Oh them...that is my mother, my wife, and my daughter".

Meliodas:"I've never seen them. Do you not live with them or..."

Seargent Bolwoof was silent but sighed and replied.

"My Mother is currently in a coma at the hospital after a car accident. My wife and daughter...They were killed by a villain attack 3 years ago.

Meliodas:"I'm sorry for your loss."

Seargent Bolwoof places back the photo and smiles before sitting down on a couch.

"It's alright. This was 3 years ago and I have to move on however I would be lying if I said I didn't miss them."

Meliodas stops eating and gets a cup of water and hands it to Bolwoof.

"Oh, thanks."

Meliodas sits down next to him and Bolwoof asks Meliodas.

"Say, Meliodas what happened to your family? You came out of that portal alone and I'm sure your family must be worried sick about you."

Meliodas stops for a moment before replying.

"I don't know. I know that they must be worried about me but I don't know how to get back. I want to try to go home but in order to do that, I need to focus on what's in front of me right now. I might be able to find a way home but I need to keep an eye out."

Bolwoof takes a sip of the water and stares at the photo again.

"It's funny. That old saying "You never know what you have until it's gone" is painfully true. I thought I was living the dream; I had a gorgeous wife and a beautiful daughter. I loved them both so much. We were fine financially and most important of all is that we were happy. My mother moved in with us 4 years ago because of health problems. She stayed and watched my daughter alongside my wife but over time her health slowly deteriorated until now where she's in a coma and still shows no signs of waking up."

Meliodas was silent. He felt sorry for Bolwoof and looks at the photo. He can't get his eyes off of his wife and daughter. Meliodas ask Bolwoof.

"What happened that caused your wife and daughter to die by the villain?"

Bolwoof stopped talking. Meliodas looks at his face and can see that he's holding back tears.

"They died...because of my selfishness."

Bolwoof starts to finally shed tears and continues.

"They were on their way home from visiting my mother in the hospital and I was talking to my wife on the phone. She was complaining about how I'm never visiting my mother or spending time with my daughter and because she wasn't focusing on the road they were caught by a villain. As soon as I found out I rushed to the scene with my fellow officers and we were trying our best to hold the villain until the heroes showed up but I wanted to save them. It was my family. I couldn't lose them like this so I rushed in without thinking. My body just moved on its own and I was firing my gun and I managed to hold the villain long enough for the heroes to arrive but when they did it was too late. The villain ultimately crushed them both with our car...and I held...them both...as they died in my arms."

Bolwoof started crying. His emotions he could no longer hold back from his grief. Meliodas consoles him and Bolwoof forces his tears back again. Meliodas looks again at the picture before saying:

"The reason why you're not in that photo is because-"

Meliodas was about to finish when Bolwoof finished for him.

"Yes, it's because I was out working instead of spending time with my family."

Meliodas was silent once again. He didn't want to pry any deeper into Bolwoofs life but decided to ask one final question.

"What were their names?"

Bolwoof takes a deep breath and replies.

"My mother's name was Utsukushi Kako(美しい過去). My wife's name is Utsukushi Hikari(美しい光) and...my daughter's name is Utsukushi Hana(美しい花)."

Meliodas was surprised. Their names are so different compared to Bolwoof.

"Why are their names different compared to yours?" Meliodas asks. Bolwoof calms himself further before responding. "After I lost everyone I didn't think I deserved the name. That name has more value to me than anything else in the world and I felt like I lost the right to have that name so I changed it.". "What was your real name?" Meliodas asks again. Bolwoof was quiet for a few seconds before responding. "My real name is Utsukushi-".

Suddenly Bolwoofs phone began to ring. He picked it up and heard a man at the other end of the call. "It's ready." the man says. After hearing this Bolwoof felt a large sense of Joy fill his body. "FINALLY!!! MELIODAS PACK YOUR BAGS YOU'RE HEADING OUT!!!". Bolwoof excitedly screams. "I don't have any bags" Meliodas replies. Bolwoof grabs his keys and turns to Meliodas again. "I DONT CARE!!.GET OUT!!!" Bolwoof replies. He then hears the man on the phone respond. "Umm..." the man says.

Seargent Bolwoof:"What is it?".

Phone:"I-'m the pizza guy. I got an order for Mr. Bolwoof".

Seargent Bolwoof:"Huh? I never ordered any pizza...wait a minute. (looks at melodies)".


Seargent Bolwoof:"YOU-!!!.(sigh)ok sir I'm coming".


(End call)

Seargent Bolwoof headed to the door and saw the pizza guy standing outside.

"How much is it?".

Pizza guy:"I got an order for 10 extra cheesy mozzarella jumbo supreme so it'll cost ya 15,925.35 yen.

Seargent Bolwoof:"A-AARE YOU SERIOUS!!!".

(10 minutes later)

Meliodas:"This is so good. Bolwoof you gotta have some".

Seargent Bolwoof:"Forget it....if this keeps up I'm not gonna survive another day...I'm screwed".


Seargent Bolwoof:"Another pizza delivery guy?....(crying) I'm ruined....(picks up)..Hello?".

Principal Nezu:"Hello Seargent the living space for Meliodas is complete. You can send him over now".

Seargent Bolwoof:"huh?...REALLY!?!!".

Principal Nezu:"Yes, you can send him over now".

Seargent Bolwoof:(crying)"YES!!! FINALLY!!! MELIODAS WE GOTTA GO!!!".

Meliodas:"hmm? Go where?".

Seargent Bolwoof:"YOUR NEW HOME!!.WOOOO!!. LET'S GO!!".

(Bolwoof started the car and they were on their way.)

Meliodas:"Where is this place?".

Seargent Bolwoof:"It's up that mountain. We will arrive there soon".

Meliodas:"Ok. By the way I wanna tell you something Bolwoof".

Seargent Bolwoof:"what is it?".

Meliodas:"I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me this whole time. It was so much fun hanging out with you and eating with your money".

Seargent Bolwoof:"THE LAST PART WASNT FUN AT ALL!!!".

Meliodas:"thanks to you I learned a lot about your people".

Seargent Bolwoof:"Don't mention it. It's my job to take care of the people of this country so it isn't such a big deal and besides even though you wasted a lot of my money and annoyed me a lot, I'm embarrassed to say but I'm gonna miss your annoying ass in my house".

Meliodas:"Hehe. I'll visit whenever I can".

Bolwoof:"Try not to run into anything on your way back ok?".

Meliodas:"Hehe, No promises".

Bolwoof:"we're here".

Meliodas:(gets out of the car)"Bye Bolwoof!!!".

Bolwoof:"Don't kill anyone while your here ok".


Bolwoof:(later kid. I'm sorry for not telling you my real name but I don't deserve it either way. It's a name that should fade away from my life. (美しいヒーロー) It's a name I'm not worthy of.)

(Bolwoof drives away)

Meliodas:"I guess this is the start of something interesting".