
Seven Deadly Sins: Rise Of Arcane

At the beginning all there is chaos, chaos the root of all powers and fantasies the maker and sovereign of the whole universe, the one who assumed the throne of God over all. But in his absence left a void of power, any can claim the seat of God... all you need is unparalleled strength.

Arizon_GDub · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

6: Scars That Don't Heal

I freaking hate when Aries knows what I'm thinking, but he is right. If he really does have the necessary abilities to become nearly as strong as Ban then it would be a waste to just leave him there waiting to die.

"Yeah that's about what I was thinking. So is it possible, you have most of my memories about Ban and know how powerful he is."

*It is possible, but he will most likely not be as powerful as ban. The reasons his abilities worked so well was because of his immortal body, so things like an overuse of snatch will leave him no more than tired. But with Rou he has a mortal body, so things like excessive use of snatch will leave him dead.*

That was around what I expected, when you weigh the pros and cons I'd say that saving and recruiting him will eventually out weigh the cons in the future. "I'll save him. But I know that convincing him will not be easy, so I want to borrow your skill of raising my morale. I'll try to convince him."

That's when I saw the pop up notification signaling that I've been lent the morale booster, "Okay Rou should be fully healed now so Aries I want to assimilate with the water." *Oh? You managed to realise.* "Yeah, the water seems to be semi conscious because of the amount of mana in it." That's when the black mist came back and absorbed the water and almost on que Rou suddenly jumper out the pond.

Squirming and gasping for air as he was looking around his surroundings. That's when he suddenly looked up to notice a familiar face.

"It's you again. You saved me for the second time today." "Guilty as charged."

Coming to the realization that it was the same guy that saved him from the spear Rou began thinking of even more questions

"I know that you have quite a lot of questions so I'm ready to answer them. But I will say that we don't have very long till we have to leave."

"We? I thank you again for saving me but I have responsibilities to get back to. You witnessed what me and my comrades caused. I need to go back to pay for my sins." Standing up Rou was about to walk away before a voice called out to him.

"You know you weren't entirely in the wrong. The other clans attacked you for sheltering a demon right? You caused no harm towards them yet your village was attacked and destroyed." Before Rou was about to ask how he knew all this he was stopped.

"I'd say that you where in the right, humans no all beings that have life in them knows how it feels to lose things close to you, especially for an awful reason, you don't really care about what you did to the other clans. You care about what you think you did to Gerheade, and you think you deserve to die for it."

"How the hell do you know about all this." That was the only thought that Rou had.

"Just another useful skill. But we both know that going back to die for Gerheade would do nothing than make her grief. Give her a hope that your still alive."

The more he spoke the more Rou began to think whether he should join a man he doesn't even know the name of.

"So Rou, I extend my hand to you. Will you join me on my travels, I promise adventurous times and emotional rides that will make you sick." Then Azuriah extending his hand towards Rou waiting for him to finish of the shake.

And as Rou was finally about to accept his gesture there was a sudden scream that shook the hearts of all whether animal or human.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! GERHEADE!!!!" Instantly realizing who's voice that was Azuriah could only say one thing "Shiitt!!"

It was Gloxinia!! He spent to long talking that he forgot about the one he was scared of the most!!

Right now I was no where near enough to take on Gloxinia. "We need to go now!" And as Azuriah was urging Rou to leave suddenly a figure you could only describe as a demon with rainbow wings arrived on the case.

"Was it you!!!" Before Azuriah even had time to speak Gloxinia lunged at at him grabbing him and Rou by the face and throwing them through a lot of trees and before their momentum stopped Gloxinia almost teleporting behind them, grabbed the back of their heads throwing them into the ground making them form a crater.

Rou and Azuriah could only be dumbfounded as they barely even had enough time to scream and yell before Gloxinia summoned golden armor around her body.

Then lunging forward again he used his massive grasp to grab Rou's head then using the armor's claws he slashed at Rou's chest causing him to scream loudly.

Gloxinia then throwing Rou's body on the ground like a ragdoll, proceeded his way to Azuriah who was laying on the ground still lamenting on how weak he was in the grand scheme of things suddenly felt claws going through his face and in a split second Gloxinia ripped the bottom part of his faces skin.

"AAAHHHHHHH!!" Screaming even louder than Rou he was cut short by Gloxinia putting his foot in Azuriah's chest.

Azuriah was left screaming holding his chest while blood was seeping through his face.

Gloxinia then flew up into the skies then making a portal which a spear was dangling from.

"Ariiesss! Use assimilate and absorb both me and Rou then take us to the stadium now!!."

Then black mist emitted from Azuriah and absorbed both him and Rou, before the spear came down on them, right before they managed to escape.

As Azuriah and Rou arrived in the stadium there was only one thing on there mind.

They got utterly dominated and only managed to survive by the skin of their teeth.