
Immortal Confrontation

Ender watched as the Sins were wrongly accused and Merlin sealed Meliodas' power as well as taking his sacred treasure when she saw him losing control over his power.

The Sins disbanded and each one of them went in a different direction. Ender wondered what he should do now.

He could wait for the time Elizabeth would leave to find the Sins, but it started to bore Ender wandering uselessly in Britania.

Maybe he would talk with the little girl he saw earlier. (He still doesn't know the little girl is Elizabeth.)

He stills remembered her clearly. Over the years Ender met many people but only a few remained in his memory. This girl, however, didn't let go.

Something about her made him happy and let him forget the nightmares he had. So Ender decided to go back to the little girl to speak to her.

Liones Kingdom

Even if the Holy knights were guarding the kingdom nobody could capture the most badass, beautiful, strongest... I am getting off track... demon from going to see the little girl.

Opening the room where he last seen her, Ender quietly went inside.

"You are back!" the girl screamed as she saw the Enderman before running at the demon and hugged him.

Ender stiffed at the feeling the girl was giving him.

He didn't know what to do.

The last hug he got was 3000 years ago. He forgot how nice it felt.

"I thought you would never come back. I forgot to tell you my name, mister demon."

Ender collected his thoughts and smiled.

"I am sorry, little girl. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ender. I am a demon who has lived a long time."

The girl returned the smile.

"Hi, Ender. Your name is funny but please don't call me a little girl. My name is Elizabeth."

Ender's violet eyes widened hearing her name as he stepped a few steps away before falling on to the ground.

"What is wrong Ender?" asked the young Elizabeth.

Ender shook his head as some tears unintentionally came down his face, remembering a certain Goddess with the same name.

'I am so stupid. Of course, she is here. She even looks the same even if I have never seen her young her face is unmistakable. Meliodas gave her to the king after she was born.'

"I am sorry. A friend of mine had the same name as you."

Elizabeth tilted her head. Confusion written on her face.

"What happened to her?" asked Elizabeth curious.

Ender made a small smile before shaking his head to forget the last time he saw her.

"She died."

Elizabeth looked sad.

"Don't cry Elizabeth. You are a princess. You should not cry," Ender said, trying to calm the girl.

Elizabeth tried her best not to cry but eventually started. The crying alarmed the guards so Ender grabbed her by the shoulders and looked at Elizabeth.

"I will visit again, Elizabeth. Just wait for me and I will come back. Never tell anyone of me, ok?"

Elizabeth nodded and Ender teleported away.

Over the next years, Ender visited Elizabeth and they both became close friends.

Ender felt thrilled for a long time. He liked to listen to the stories Elizabeth told him.

Ender listened to how she awakened her powers by healing her sister and how her general life was.

Then one day Ender heard about something interesting from some maids in the castle.

It seemed that the immortal Ban escaped prison again and the knights were ready to capture him.

Ender knew the reason for Ban's escape.

Ban went to the Fairy King Forest to give the forest seed his blood so the Fairy Forest could grow again.

Ender listened to where Ban was last seen and walked to the forest to have a visit. During the walk, Ender was very nervous. Sometimes he stopped to think about meeting him and if he should just go back.

He didn't know what to tell Ban. Ender didn't really want to meet him, but he still went, knowing he had to face him eventually and now was the best time.

Unfortunatly, Ender couldn't tell him the truth about him.

'Oh sorry, but I had a curse that manipulated my body into watching one of my best friends die and the other watching it without telling them about it. And that through 3000 years.'

He needed a good excuse that would tell part of the truth without giving away too much.

Fairy King Forest

Ban was giving the seed his blood so it would grow as he heard a voice.

"A noble deed you are doing there. Recreating the forest just like Elaine wanted it. If only I had such determination for a loved one. Life truly sucks." The voice echoed through the forest.

Ban recognized the voice, but he did not turn around.

"What do you want here? The last time I saw you I wanted to talk to you but you decided to run away. Merlin and the captain tried to talk to you, to come to us, but you ran, not even trying to talk with us," said Ban as he spoke through his teeth.

Silence was the response.

Then Ban turned around and saw the black figure standing with his head down.

"And another thing. Why did you let me and Elaine alone?!" shouted Ban.

It was silent for a moment. The fairies looked curious at the newcomer. They recognized the demon as he lived a long time with them.

"Would you believe me if I said that I had no control over my body?"

Ban frowned, looking confused at the sentence.

"Heeh, what kind of shitty excuse is that? You are immune to anything. I don't think someone could control you."

'Well, a certain Demon King whom I got the commandment from can,' though the Enderman.

"The kind of excuse that is true," answered Ender sadly.

"I am a demon, Ban. I lived for a very, very long time. Longer then most of the fairies here. I watched the Holy War with my own eyes, from beginning to the end.

So, do you remember what I also am, Ban?" asked Ender the important question.

Ban thought for a second and remembered that Ender was a pacifist.

"You are a pacifist and lived to see the war?"

Ender laughed at the simplicity of the words form Ban.

"Oh, I saw not only the war. As one of the highest in command, I fought in the war. No, I did not fight. They forced me to fight; to kill hundreds if not thousands of the other races.

Me, a pacifist, in a brutal clan seeing others dying around you.

That goes on everyone's psyche. Most of the demons just enjoyed the feeling of carnage as the blood from the enemies ran on their skin but I was different.

What kind of demon am I?

Unlike others, I could not kill my enemy directly as I can't attack, but demons are smart and they will find a way to make you useful.

'Damm you, Chandler,' cursed Ender.

"Imagine you were thrown into hundreds of enemies who all deeply hated you for just being their enemy and then attacked you in a blind rage only to be blown apart from their own ability."

Ender's face began to change.

"I saw blood, so much blood, Ban, but that is not the reason I left.

I committed a hideous crime during the war. One that could not be forgiven easily. For that, I was cursed to do something for the last 3000 years.

A quick reminder, demons don't live so long so I am also cursed with a special kind of immortality.

The curse triggered at random times and I didn't know when it would happen but at those times my body was forced to move on its own and go to the place it needed for me to be punished.

It was a poor coincidence that it happened during the time a demon invaded the forest," explained Ender.

Telling his story, the Enderman hyperventilated as memories of the war came to the surface of his mind.

He remembered all kinds of angles, giants, fairies, and even humans attacking him in a blind rage only to die.

Thrown at him by the higher ups as cannon folder.

Men, women, elderly. Even children were not spared by the others to attack.

Everything was right in love and war.

Ender cried for them to stop attacking. To stop wasting their lives for nothing, but they didn't listen.

Their hatred for the demon race blinded them and like lemmings they ran into Ender.

Fearing that Ender would die, if he suddenly attacked, the commandment locked Enders movement rendering him immobile to move.

As he started to remember, his episodes came up and Ender started randomly teleporting throughout the forest.

"Ender calm down! You could hurt yourself," shouted Ban, but his voice was not heard by the Enderman.

"Let him be, thief. He will calm down by himself. He had a lot of those episodes during his stay in the forest and no matter what we did we couldn't calm him down," a voice spoke.

Ban looked up to see Gerheade standing on the three branch as she observed Ender.

"So we should just let him be?" asked Ban, furiously.

Gerheade nodded not giving anything away.

Both looked at Ender as he teleported through the forest and then dropped under Gerheade.

"Man, that was a trip. I somehow got in under control," groaned Ender.

Seeing someone standing before him, Ender looked up and smiled, seeing an old friend.

"Oh, it is you. Hey Gerheade, how have you been?"

Gerheade showed a small smile: "I have been good. It is good to see you, Ender."

Ender stood up. "Please let us forget about the last few minutes."

Ban wanted to say something, but Gerheade glared at him, shutting the thief up.

"So, how have you been Ender?" asked Gerheade trying to change the alward moment.

Ender shrugged: "I have been everywhere, but I found a person with whom I could talk. It helped me a lot with my... episodes."

Both said nothing.

"Come, Ender, we can talk in a better place," said Ban finally, and the three walked towards the big tree.

So, Ender meets Ban again and also the old fairy Gerheade. I hope you remember that I said there will be a flashback about their encounter but only next chapter.

Have fun.

Broxhitman1998creators' thoughts