
Settling the Debate

What happens if you put 2 or more fictional characters against each other in a battle to the death? You get a bunch of arguments. So let's settle the debate!

Supermonye · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Danger Lab

Ray: OK Henry, Keep the cave safe! And remember, no intruders!

Henry: Why do I have to watch the cave? Why can't Schwoz or Jasper do it?

Ray: Well Mr Whiney Man, since I just GOTTA remind you, Schwoz is on vacation in Australia.

He points at a TV showing a video of Schwoz running away from Emus with coconuts attached to sticks.

Ray: And Jasper is still in the hospital after getting his butt stuck in a bucket!

He then flips to a picture of Jasper with his thumbs up, sitting on a bed as the dismayed nurses look on, face in one hand.

Ray: And I'm meant to attend an important wedding as you can see.

He gestures to his bow tie, which was slapped over his superhero suit 

(Audience Laughter)

Henry: Do I at least get extra pay?

Ray: HAH! Extra. (Audience Laughter) Buh bye and call if you get invaded or something.

He runs up to the tubes.

Ray: Up the tubes!

As Ray leaves, Henry goes to a chair and sits, changing the TV channel to Spongebob, while grabbing some popcorn. Then suddenly, a Thud is heard on the elevator door. Then it's punched open, sending the doors falling flat. (Audience Worry)

Leo: Dang! What a beauty (Audience applause)

Henry: OK, who when and why? (Audience Laughter)

Leo: Well I can't tell you who... nice try tho (Audience Laughter) and I'm here to... take a look. And find out Captain Man's secret identity! 

(Audience Worry) Also... Henry Hart right?

Henry: Um... No? (Audience Laughter)

Leo: Come on…

Henry: Not true. You can't prove it!

Leo then pulls out a picture of his exact house address.

Leo: Can I? (Audience Worry)

Henry: That's so messed up man. (Audience Laughter)

Leo: Henry, there's no problem here. Trust me. Just tell me who Captain Man is and this never happened.

He looks back at the steel door he broke.

Leo: Kind of never happened.

Henry: How did you get my address? You do that yourself?

Leo: Psh... Yeah, sure.

Henry: You didn't did you?

Leo: It was Chase ok! (Audience Worry) (He covers his mouth)

Henry: Doesn't sound as smart as our guy.

Leo: Oh yeah? Well, Chase is Bionic! He's Faster, Stronger AND Smarter than everyone... (He turns away) god, I should probably stop talking.

He turns back to Henry who blasts him with the Laser Remote multiple times, making him collapse. (Audience Laughter)

But as soon as Henry looks to check closer on him, he gets up in a Mr Beast-like pose.

Leo: Suprise! (Audience Laughter)

Henry continues shooting at Leo but he uses his Bionic arm to block everything.

Leo: Hey! (He inches closer, while still blocking) Cut that out!


Henry: What?!?!?!?

Leo punches him across the man cave into the couches.

Henry: Wait, could you at least let me transform?

Leo: Sure, I'll wait.

Henry chews some gum and performs his iconic transformation sequence.

Henry: OK, now we go!


Leo charges in for a punch or two as Henry crosses his arms. Leo punches the air twice as Henry's hypermobility kicks in seemingly appearing inches in front of Leo's fists, before he punches him in the face, sending Leo stumbling back.

Kid Danger: Too slow!

Henry then rapidly fires punches into Leo's chest and delivers a resounding one to push him back. He then rushes in for another punch, which Leo catches. Leo crushes his hand (Audience Worry) and kicks him with his bionic leg, which makes him roll back. As he recovers, he jerks around two laser spheres which cause damage to the floor)

Kid Danger: Dude! not cool!

Leo then shoots another laser spear at Henry, who again dodges, but is hit in the stomach by Leo, and then thrown into the control panel.

Leo: Henry, just give his identity!

Kid Danger: (Brings out a normal-looking hot dog) Could I at least have one more snack?

Leo: Why are you talking as if I'm gonna kill ya? (Audience Laughter)

Henry bites the dog, causing a laser to be fired at Leo, who intercepts it at first, before blocking it and slowly walking up, squashing the laser dog.

Kid Danger: Say Ah!

He blasts the whipped cream laser as well, causing a laser to be fired at Leo, who jumps back and dodges multiple blasts before punching Henry through a wall. He slams into another wall, with his green glow protecting him. When he stands, he finds himself in a different place. It's a spacious, sleekly designed facility. One with 3 pods instead of two. 

Kid Danger: When was even here? (He rubs the back of his head) Dang, what's your arm made of?

Leo: It is pretty strong.

Henry punches at the metal arm, before reeling back in pain, (Audience Laughter). And is kicked in the groin. Luckily, he puts on his forcefield just in time, only experiencing the knockback. Leo finds his fire staff on a hook in the wall.

Leo: This... will work!

Henry looks to his side and somehow finds his electro bat.

Kid Danger: OK, that's just lazy.

His rest was interrupted by Leo, who swung the staff into the ground, creating a small crater. Henry rolls away from that and then stands up, stancing himself. Leo swings at him twice, which Henry avoids, he then punches him a few times and dodges another swing. Leo attempts a stab which Henry evades and uses his bat to snap it in half. He then swings the bat at Leo, who catches it and gets shocked by the electricity (Audience Laughter.) before being smacked in the stomach, sending him back to the man cave. Leo stands up and growls, before attempting to punch his head, but Henry dodges, causing Leo's arm to get stuck in the magnet.

Kid Danger: Metal! I should have known. Now, (He brings out his memory wiper) let's forget this happened. (Audience Worry)

Leo: It's not metal, It's Bionic!

Leo unleashes the entirety of his amassed energy, unleashing a colossal shockwave that throws everything around them into peril. Henry, shielded by his forcefield, maintains his position, almost casually walking through the upheaval with a green aura enveloping him. Yet Leo persists; without pause, he charges towards Henry, landing a forceful blow to his face, sending him skidding in on the floor. Undeterred, he transitions to a ranged assault, launching energy spheres at Henry. In response, Henry uses his handy dandy laser blocker. Despite everything, he advances steadily, firing lasers as he closes the distance, ultimately piercing through Henry's laser blocker with a decisive strike. He hoists Henry up.

Leo: I know you have a forcefield. Take it off and tell me who Captain Man is!

Kid Danger: Fine.

Leo: Huh? 

A green glow forms around him, almost like an outline.

Kid Danger: Or, I could give it to you.

Leo screams in agony as the green glow crushes him to death, shattering every bone in his body before he finally collapses.

Then Captain Man comes down from the tube.

Ray: Well the wedding got cut short cause…

He observes the broken walls, fire and the dead body beneath Kid Danger's feet. 

(Audience Laughter) 

Ray: AGAIN? (Audience Laughter) Get the body bags. (AUDIENCE Biggest LAUGHTER)


Oh, the joy of live-action sitcoms. I wonder how both franchises are doing now?

Hmm, let's see... One has a lousy sequel show, run by a director who is allegedly a horrific person, and the other is dormant, never to be touched again. That sucks.

At least, next week, We'll be looking forward to an Awesome Cage Match.

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