
Serving The Vampire Duchess With A Butler System

In a medieval world filled with war and magic, a man is reincarnated as a butler for the Duchess of the Aetherius Empire after selling his memories to god. He quickly discovers he has a knack for it and enjoys his role. He also grows in strength the more he does things like cleaning, serving and disposing of people. As he travels through this magical and dangerous world of magical races and empires. He must use his skills and strength to navigate the political and dangerous intrigues and serve his master well.

Valancy · Fantasy
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17 Chs


{Author Note} Huge thanks to DatPerson for becoming a patron! He is now given the noble rank of Duke!

You will get a double upload now, but I have some slightly bad news.

The upload schedule will probably go to 1 chapter a week for some time, as it is hectic as fuck with the job…

But those chapters will be on the longer side. Anyways, I am sorry but will try to get out two chapters a week if possible ;(


I take my eyes off the glorious mansion and look back at the knight escorting me somewhere. So he is the head knight of the strongest duchy in the empire. He has to be very strong.

But why is he so nice and humble? This is not the attitude someone with power should have. "Stuck in your thoughts?" Sir Berwin asks as he smiles at me.

"Yeah, sorry. My name is Arken. Do you mind if I ask you a question?" I ask, hoping he will stay nice. "Sure, go ahead."

"Why are you so humble and nice? Are you like this towards everyone or is it something else?"

"I am nice to the people who deserve it. And I don't think you have anything against the duchy, so why should I not be nice?" His answer left me speechless. I didn't think anyone would think like that.

I use insight on him, and his aura is completely green. Meaning he is happy and content. So there shouldn't be anything malicious going on. "So why are you looking to become a butler?" He asks as we keep walking towards the mansion.

There isn't any reason to lie to him about something this simple, and it might help me to actually get the job. "Well, I love cleaning and serving for some weird reason. I find it calming and enjoyable."

He looks back at me and smiles. "But there is something else, right? I can see it in your eyes." I don't know how he sees that, but either way. "Yeah, and the usual. The world is dangerous, so it would also give me protection."

"Hahaha!" He laughed at my answer, then wiped a small tear at the corner of his eye. "Great answer! That is truly one of the best reasons, to be honest." Looks like he likes it when I'm completely blunt.

His eyes scan me for a second, then gain a curious look. "So, I'm kind of curious about your race. Anything you feel like sharing?" I might not want to answer this question. As the things May said still stuck in my head.

Seeing my conflicted look, he gives me a bright smile. "There is no reason to be ashamed of your race. I myself am a mix of human and Ghost. Something that would have made either race spit on me if I remained at home."

Wow, so he is almost like me. I think I can share it with him. As he is still completely happy as well. "Can you keep it a secret?" I ask, hoping he will agree. "Sure, but if my master wants to know, I will have to share it."

I can understand that. That is the duchess, it's not like I can hide anything from her either way. "Well… My mother was a High Elf Royalty, and my dad is from something called the Arch Demon Clan."

His eyes widened at that and his mouth goes agape. Maybe my heritage is a big thing after all. He stops in his tracks and looks at me. After a few seconds, his surprised gaze changes to something akin to pity.

"I am sorry that I asked." He says and bows to me. "No, No, It's fine. No reason to apologize!" I quickly try to stop him. I don't want to have a bad first impression on him or the other workers here.

What I didn't know was that someone with pitch black hair and blood-red eyes was staring at this conversation happening. A small, almost unnoticeable smile appeared on her lips.

As Sir Berwin stops bowing and looks at me, he speaks again. "You must have had a hard life getting here." He says with pity in his tone. "Not really. I have been stuck in a hut for almost nine years. Then my caretaker tried to sell me."

His eyes look at me, almost with sadness in them. "So what happened? How did you get here?" Well, it won't hurt to tell him. "I killed them." His eyes take on a surprised look again before nodding.

Sir Berwin doesn't bring it up again on the walk before we arrive at the huge doors of the mansion. "Here we are. You will meet with the head maid called Lydia in a few minutes. She will help you get started with your work." He says as he turns around and leaves before I can ask him something more.

I make my way through the door confused. Did I get the job? What happened? Let's just meet the head maid and see what happens.

As I enter the door, what first captures my eyes is the interior of the mansion. It is completely different from the outside. The outside being grand and majestic, but the inside is a complete turnaround. The theme is something akin to red, black and silver. It is pretty dark as it's mostly dark color for the walls, but it has a homely vibe to it.

"Ahem!" My eyes are drawn to the woman in maid's clothes standing in the middle of the open floor, staring at me. She has brown hair and pink skin, but more noticeable are the two dog ears peeking out of her hair.

She must be a Dogkin. But I need to talk to her now! It is probably Lydia, so I need to make a good impression. I Walk over to her quickly and stand still, waiting for her to speak.

"You must be the new butler. Come with me so I can show you your living quarters and your daily tasks." She says in a stern voice and starts walking away from me without giving me time to answer.