
Servant of the 4th Wall

When death comes, regaining the memories of your past lives was an uncommon occurrence. Because of a wish, his fate was doomed. He expected to move again from a new world. Not attracting the attention of meddlesome beings and confining him in this world as a Servant.

megurashimono · Others
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11 Chs

Orleans Singularity: Deviation (4)

Theo was taking a sip on his tea while listening on the conversation that was ongoing on the communicator. From what have he heard. Their conversations was just like the flow in the game– the things that he still remembered.

Currently, Ritsuka, Gudako and their dear Kouhai was currently resting in the middle of Juda Forest. They have been saved by servants that have appeared in the middle of the battle. Currently those servants was talking to the two masters, Mashu and their servants. Theo couldn't help but smile as he Ritsuka and Doctor Romani look at Marie Antoinette with shock and horrified looks.

{ Wassup Homies! }

Gudako started flailing her arms as a way to reply. At that reaction, Ritsuka glared at Gudako and whacked her head.

{ What are you teaching to Marie Antoinette Gudako?! }

{ Ouch, Ritsu.. It hurts. Why are you resorting to domestic violence? }

{ You shouldn't corrupt Marie Antoinette with your tainted ideas. }

{ Corrupting? I'm not corrupting her! I am just teaching her our culture! }

Theo, together with Doctor Romani and Da Vinci watched the two masters started squabbling.

" ...I can't believe it. "

Doctor Romani was also in shock since his image of Marie Antoinette has been destroyed.

Meanwhile Mashu was helping Jeanne on setting up the tents. Robin Hood on the other hand decided to scout the forest and Cu Caster was setting up some wards using his magic. Kojiro was keeping himself alert and watchful in case that there is some kind of enemies that wants to attack them. Mozart look amused at the squabble of the two masters.

{ This suddenly reminds me of something Marie..}

{ Yes, it reminds me of your banters with Sanson. }

{ ..Yes, It was like that.. }

Theo watched the events. Even through things are mostly the same. There was still a point of difference. Things like conversations that he knows that wasn't within or showed in the game. This isn't a fiction anymore. This is a real life. So, things that he knows from the game aren't 100% reliable. He knows a lot of things about this world. But not all of them.

Still... He can't help but feel surprise with the surprises.

{ Puppy is amusing fighting with his sibling. }

{ Anchin-sama.. }

Since when did Elizabeth and Kiyohime joined Marie Antoinette and Mozart? Aren't they supposed in Thiers? And then they would fight with this two squabbling lolis, defeat them, and they would join the Master to defeat Jalter later? Why are they so early? Is it because there was the presence of an unknown enemy servant? Such little complications suddenly turned into this...Theo was confused by the situation but he could also understand that his meddling have caused something to change. Just like that unknown servant. Which horrify and excites him at the same time.

" It seems that you have a lot of things ongoing in your mind Theo-kun. "

Theo nearly spit out and burn his tongue in the warm tea that he was sipping. Thankfully, he didn't. He can't help but glare at Da Vinci. But remembering what happened in the game– or probably, in the near future, his eyes soften a little bit.

" Please, don't startle me Leonardo Da Vinci-san. "

" I thought that you have warm up a bit to us. But you are still polite as always Theo-kun. "

Da Vinci smiled while saying those words. Theo couldn't help but avert his eyes feeling guilty and at the same time wary and cautious. He thought that he have acted out of character before all of this singularity have happened. He was still confused and suspicious why no one in the staff has questioned him with the food poisonings that happened. Maybe it has also have to do that more than half of the staff was dead. By keeping the Original Theodorus personality–he was just trying to reduce the suspicion. Even through that many people didn't know much about the original Theodorus and wasn't close to him. He still doesn't want them knowing that he wasn't the original. Theo also couldn't help but wonder where did the original go. Since he didn't inherited any memories from original... Is Theodorus gone? (It wasn't his fault... If it is. It was Zelretch. He have done this without their consent. )

" It is necessary and a common courtesy to be polite to your superiors. "

He answered carefully and allowing a slight 'smile' to be revealed on his face. Doctor Romani suddenly butted in their conversation looking like a whining child. If there was something that could probably tell that he wasn't who he is posing right now. It was Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the known brightest minds and probably... Theo stared at Doctor Romani who was acting like a child.

" But Theo-kun you don't need to address me with that very long name! "

" But it would be against the policy to address the superiors with informality. "

And maybe since he was Solomon, he could probably tell that he wasn't really the real Theodorus Solonea.

" I never heard of a policy like that existing in Chaldea. "

" It was my policy. "

Theo ignored the blank looks sent by Doctor Romani and the almost pitying look of Da Vinci. He need to keep up with the appearances, manners and personality of the Real Theodorus. A very distant and polite guy. One who wants to bring honor to his prestigious lineage with his actions and manners. One who would always remain dignified.

But Theo can't ignore when those servants, demi-servant and two masters were talking about him. Even through there are beautiful girls within them– It was still rude of them.

{ Anchin-sama is infinitely more kinder than that man. He was bullying his superior. }

{ Ahhh, the whining puppy got bullied by the defective puppy! }

{ Umm... Please don't be rude to Mister Solonea. Senpai, please stop them before Mister Solonea can hear them. }

Theo were already listening to those rude and hurtful words.

{ Kiyohime, Elizabeth please stop it. }

{ Right, It is bad when Mister Theo is angry! }

Theo decided to have Da Vinci relay his message that he was leaving and returning to his room. It was already night and he needed to sleep. He needed to rest on a comfortable bed than to sleep on a cold chair with an uncomfortable position. Not because he was feeling annoyed or displeased with the servants comments about him. No, not at all.

That night, the two masters were thinking in their minds– Other than worrying about the fate of the world and singularity, if they should apologize to Mister Theo for some of the servants rudeness before they went to sleep.

When the morning came, the presence of the Berserk Rider Saint Martha was expected. As Mister Theo have predicted, the dragon witch would send someone after them. They really should apologize and thank him for his help.

Of course, They have really apologize on their own ways.

{ Mister Theo, sorry for the servants calling you such things when you have been helpful to us. }

" No problem, Ritsuka. "

{ Right! As Ritsu have said you have been a big help even through you are a weirdo! }

{ Senpai you're being rude! }

{ Kyu~ sorry for calling you a defective puppy! From now on your status would be elevated to executive producer! With your foresight, I'm certain that my progress to entertainment industry would be more successful! }

{ Anchin-sama is right. I can't see your face but It was certain that you are a very reliable mage. }

{ Mister Theo, I have heard that you have contributed to the fixing of the previous singularity. I, Jeanne D'arc was grateful for your efforts. }

" Yay~ they have apologize Theo-kun. You should accept their apology. "

" Da Vinci is right Theo-kun. There's no need to sulk for you anymore. Do you want me to ask Magi Mari an advice for you? "

Theo despite acting mature and nonchalant about accepting the apologies and appreciation, was feeling incredibly smug inside his mind.

With his help about some useful information about Saint Martha and her being only a one servant as their current probably suicidal enemy, they have manage to defeat her and the dragon Tarasque easily and none of the two master's servants and their allied servant ended up with fatal injury. Gudako have merely ended up with scratches as a result of tripping into a rock and a her hair smelling like it was smoked– caused by being nearly burned by Tarasque's flames.

Gudako has decided to accused Cu Caster despite not possessing an E rank luck unlike his version of being a Lancer Class.

When Saint Martha was defeated she look serene and glad. Through they can tell that there was also a regretful expression on her face.

{ Such a shame, that I haven't manage to say goodbye to Hughes. }

Hughes.. Theo doesn't know any servants in the game that was named Hughes. He can't remember of any person who was famous that was named Hughes. Still, it was definitely a clue to the unknown servant's identity.

{ Listen, if you are looking for a way to defeat the evil dragon Fafnir, then I can tell you that someone. }

Theo wasn't surprise when Saint Martha have divulge a useful information to them.

" Was that person are you talking about was that famous dragon Slayer? "

{ ...How,...did you know? }

{ Heheh, Mister Theo knows some things about servants. He was definitely more knowledgeable than me and Ritsu. }

{ I see... Then, I hope that you would successfully recruit him and defeat her. }

{ We will do it. }

{ Yes, we will definitely Jalter and recruit more servants for our cause! I would be happy if it those servants are gold tier.. }

{ Gudako... } { Senpai! }

{ Sorry, sorry. We promise that we would do our best Saint Martha! }

{ Then I shall believe in your words.... One last thing, before I disappear... }

{ What is it Saint Martha? }

{ Please tell him that I'm sorry. I won't be there for him to support anymore. }

They already know who is she talking about.

{ I am such an awful temporary big sister... }

They have seen from the previous battle how Saint Martha and that unknown servant support each other. Not just physically but emotionally.

{ We would definitely see each other again, my temporary little brother. }

All of them watched Saint Martha disappeared completely with a sad smile. Theo can't help but sigh sadly. Saint Martha's message have brought down the mood. He watched as Da Vinci with a somber expression on her face and looks like Doctor Romani was nearly on tears.

" Senpai. "

" ..What is it Mash? "

" We would definitely defeat Jalter! "

" Yes, we will. Certainly. I am making sure of it. "


" Why does you obey the dragon witch when it clearly appears that you hated her existence and her cause? "

A few hours, after I have spent convincing the Phantom of the Opera also known by his name Erik, I would never thought that I would have a decent conversation with him.

I really thought that he was mad when I tried to persuade him with my words from the start. It didn't work when he started spouting about his angel Christine and suddenly attacked me.

I was forced to dodged his attacks, went frustrated from being the receiver of those attacks, trying to fight back and keep cursing my luck for the things that I have summoned. I was thankful that he didn't use his noble phantasm on me. I wouldn't probably be here anymore if he have done that.

With my determination to dodge his attacks and stay alive – Erik has stopped his attacks and manage to have a decent conversation with him and not confirming nor neither denying that he doesn't want to do the task that Jeanne D'arc Alter have ordered for him. And now here I am feeling strangely lightheaded that Erik wasn't insane anymore. It was strange when he was suddenly asking me a question and having a decent conversation with me.

I pondered over his question for a moment before answering.

" What other reason does i have other than being a mere Servant? "

I couldn't stop the bitterness and anger on the tone of my voice when I replied.

" We– the servant must always obey the master's orders wasn't it? I have done anything I can to struggle. From the start, I know that bitch is a bad news. I have tried to escape but I failed. I have my hands sullied with the blood of innocents and child. I,... am disgusting. "

" I see... such thread of bond was really inescapable that you have with such woman. To be disgusted to yourself is natural.. but may I ask, there is still a method to free yourself from her clutches. "

I stared at Erik's face and his bloodied mask.

" If you truly hated her and despise her orders, why haven't you ended your misery? Why must you still remain in this place? "

I was surprised at the question. I thought carefully of those words and my reasons. Eventually, under his depleting effort to remain sane, I answered with a slight smile on my face.

" I still have a reason to remain here. Despite all of the misfortune and unlucky circumstances that I found myself in, I have also unknowingly gained a precious bond and light that supported me for the horrible things that I went through. I am grateful to her, my savior and elder sister. "

"... your angel? "

" Angel? She was definitely not. But she does bear the title of the Saint. "

I can't just leave her alone in this horrible place.


Eventually I bid farewell to Erik before he entirely goes insane and delusional again, I returned to the castle thinking on how to report to that Witch on my successful mission. I also want to berate myself when I remembered that I forgot to see how is Siegfried's condition.

Unexpectedly, when I went back Jeanne D'arc Alter look displeased. But those expression disappeared when she look at me.

" Servant Hughes, you are back. "

" Yes, Master. "

My body kneeled and answered on their own. My time is running out.

" I have successfully recruited the stray Assassin servant. "

" Well done.... But it was unexpected that I have an entertaining information for you. "

When I heard those words, dread instantly overcame myself. I know that those words forebear a bad meaning.

" .....Entertaining? "

I mumbled out while realizing the coldness that swept over me.

" It was unfortunate that there's no Berserk Rider to join us from now on. "

Still it was something to those words.

No... Saint Martha.. She was..

[ Berserk Enhancement: E+ ]

[ Resilient Will: A +++ ]

" She was a disobedient servant. "

[ Berserk Enhancement: D ]

[ Mental Corruption: D ]

[ Resilient Will: A – ]

It can't be...

" I would like to punish her for her disobedience.. "

[ Berserk Enhancement: C + ]

[ Mental Corruption: C ]

[ Resilient Will: B– ]

" ... it's a shame. Really, a mere inconvenience her actions have caused us. "

No... stop it. Why are you sounded so amused? Can't you just feel different? Saint Martha was...

[ Berserk Enhancement: B + ]

[ Mental Corruption: B ]

[ Delusional Madman: C + ]

[ Resilient Will: C – ]

" .. To drove herself to end her own life by enemy's hands, how shameful and really 'saintly' of her. "

... I have stayed for her.

[ Berserk Enhancement: A ++ ]

[ Mental Corruption: A ]

[ Delusional Madman: A – ]

[ Resilient Will: E ]

" Don't you think so, Servant Hughes? "

But she was... Saint Martha have left me.

[ @+$++ ERROR?!π√×∆} ]

( Don't worry, you wouldn't die because of Berserker Lancer. )

( Why are you helping me? Is it because you are a Saint? )

( It is because I just wanted it. There's no other reason other than me really wanting to save you. )

( So it wasn't God or the Messiah that was the reason? Or is it because I have the appearance of a 14 year old? )

[ Identifying.... ]

( Well... you remind me of my little brother. )

( As expected.. then leave me be alone and let me die from this fucking blood loss. )

( You shouldn't say such bad words! I wouldn't let you die. Does you really prefer death now? )

( Definitely it is better than staying with the Dragon Witch. Hey, what are you doing?! )

( I am using the miracle bestowed to me by God. )

( Just leave me alone.. )

( I want to ask... Why does your eyes don't have a shine on them? )

( Just leave me be... Surely, an unbeliever like myself doesn't deserve to be treated by this miracle? )

( You believe in the existence of God. )

( I have seen a proof that a higher being exist. )

( I see.. )

( I don't deny their existence but I won't be a believer of them. )

( There is only one God. )

( Sure.. sure.. )

( Finally, all healed! Doesn't it hurt anymore? )

( What?! you have distracted me!! You! You! )

( Don't just lie there on the ground.. come on, let's go. )

( I haven't said anything that I would follow you Meddlesome saint! )

[ Multiple World Interpretation.. ]

( I can see in your eyes that you have lived roughly, Hughes. )

( Roughly? My life is a hell... a fucking endless samsara. )

( Do you like to end obeying to her whims now? )

( No, I still want to stay longer... If we ended up in the modern society, I want you to go into the jail. )

( Jail? )

( Don't you deny it! )

( I don't understand Hughes.... )

( You would go into the jail for animal abuse! Tarasque is such a poor guy... look he was such a pitiful existence! )

[ Considering current luck amount... ]

( Ahh, why does my Summons ended up with trash objects?! What kind of skill is this?! )

( I'm sure that you would end up summoning a useful one. )

( But.. )

( You have said that you have just been a new servant right? I'm sure with enough training you would become successful! )

[ Demerit results activated.. ]

Isn't family always supposed to stay together?

[ Class Identified: (Hughes Everett) changing to unknown class... ]