
#25 Emerging Shadow B

Around the loudest part of the earth, the densest place around the kingdom, there is a place that almost abandoned and achieving the most silent place around the capital. An unmaintained place filled with filth and garbage lying everywhere around the corner. With its contaminated humidity, nobody dares to come and clean the place, except for a man or woman who stressed out and almost went into despair.

That's what most people think about the place.

In opposite, the abandoned and the quietest place in the capital is much cleaner than most people thought it could be. The place is surprisingly clean and there is no garbage lying around nor a stain tarnished the wall. But still, even the place is clean and the humidity is healthy as well, people are not coming around for unbelievably two reason. The place is white like there is nothing and there is one man still roaming around like he was guarding the place.

Thus when Cade know about it, right before he enter the place, Cade took off his shoes and only walk with his socks on.

A veteran soldier like him should know how to sneak around in an unknown place. But it's not like he was afraid to face the guardian of the place but to gather more information about the guardian himself. Since his hostility is still a question, one must know one's opponent personality and traits before facing them face to face.

But not long after he took a stroll around the abandoned place, Cade then smell an unpleasant smell lingering just right on a corner. He then reflexes to grab his bayonet knife from beneath his uniform and hold it tight.

He then grab the wall before him and sneak stealthy. When he peek the crossroads in front of him, a fat and dirty looking man but with both clean legs passes and walk to the end of an intersection. Just right in the end of the intersection he's heading, there's a shop made of wood labeled as fish store and it looks so moist like a shop in a swamp.

Cade wonder, how could he has surprisingly clean legs but live in a swamp like place that makes it the most dirtiest place inside the most cleanest abandoned place around the globe. Seeing contrast between the shop and the environment, Cade steadying his arms for any sudden incoming ambush.

Thus, after confirming that the other intersection is safe, Cade move forward and approach the suspicious and the only shop around the area. But somehow after he appeared at the shop front, he feels something rather calming lingering around. On his mind, Cade guessing that the aura surrounding is some kind of magic used to lure someone to find this place.

Since that's what is in his mind, Cade blatantly approach the shop and knock the shop's door.

Cade sure what was he saw and the thing he saw is entering the shop in front of him yet no one is answering. The man who's entering before is yet answering his knock thus it makes him feel irritated since the only time he had is fleeting. Cade then knocking rapidly and calling someone from the inside.

Just after he do it, a mess sound could be heard like there's someone has falling over. The man on the inside then answer the call and sounds like he was rushing just to open the door. A loud sound of that man stomping his foot could be heard and approaching the door. That man who live in the shop then opening his door and finally showing his face while falling on his knees.

As he was expected, that man has an ugly face with pox all around his face. The man has a neglected body, full of fats and disease, a very bad smell, and a rough skin surface that looks almost never been cleaned. But in contrast, that man has a pair of blue beautiful eyes, looking smooth long hair, and pretty clean legs.

"I'm so sorry, I am wearing my headphones while doing some..."

For some unknown reason, the man is stopped. He stop his movement, sound, and just staring at Cade's face for a moment. Then suddenly, the man shed his tears and crying sobbingly. He grab Cade's uniform and climb from his kneeling position.

Seeing his pathetic state, Cade Valentine keep his steady and serene.

"Cade Valentine... Captain Cade Valentine... I'm glad to see you alive.... I am very grateful to see you are alive...."

Confused, Cade doesn't even remember who is the one kneeling before him. He tried so hard to remember but his brain not allowing to. Cade out of idea who was he since he never met a guy like him in the past. But didn't want to disappoint him and make him cry for more, Cade lowering his body and hug the man without hesitate.

"I am. Not Cade Valentine." said Cade contrast to his action.

"Liar.... You are liar. As expected from you.... Captain !"

The man telling the truth. He know who is Abraham Huraira today and he doesn't hesitate to address him as his captain. But the opposite, Cade doesn't even remember who is he and still playing dumb.

"What's wrong with you ?! Get a hold of yourself and tell me !"

"I know you very well.... Yet you still playing dumb on me. I know.... I know that you might forgot about me."

Hearing those words coming out from his mouth, Cade has been exposed and felt guilty. "I'm... sorry."

"It's not like that.... It just because of my body you know.... you might not know me."

"Then tell me." said Cade while hit the floor and make it cracks by a single punch.

Thus after the man calmed in a second, the man bring Cade inside.

His shop is filled with rotten fish that make him hesitate to bring Cade in but after convinced by him to just letting him in, the man bring Cade to his living room. An as Cade expected, his living room is none other than a trash field. With the never turned off television, pile of trash, and unhealthy food lying around, Cade suspect the man is almost losing his mind after long depression.

Without invited to sit, Cade sit anywhere he could sit other than the pile of trash. The man wanted to give him more exclusive seat but Cade refuses and ready to hear the truth whenever he ready. Frowned, he couldn't stand how angry he is knowing that Cade himself doesn't even remember one of his dying acquaintance.

"Then, will you please telling me the truth. This feels like a punishment for me for not knowing who you are. It's like I'm abandoning my friend into an abyss of despair." said Cade while putting his palm on his face.

"My sincere apologize, Captain. I was just so grateful seeing you still alive. But first, you won't satisfied by just getting a direct answer do you." said him while preparing some tea.

From the fragrance, Cade's burden suddenly washed away. He smell a beautiful fragrance of a tea that overcome the smell of the rotten fish from the front. With a single smell, he suddenly remember one of his female colleagues from works that always bring him some tea while they are still busy working.

"Here, Captain Cade. I want you to enjoy yourself." that man serves the tea while smiling at him.

Seeing his smile, somehow make him unable to decline his offers.

Cade then take a sip from the cup. Suddenly, he does remember those wholesome days at work which he never realize. And that smile from her in the past, he now recognize her after several years ignoring her presence. Thus he may uncertain, but he tried to guess.

"This aroma, taste, everything I do remember from the past is reside in you."

"Yes, thank you very much, Captain. Thus you are right, I am that past you are talking about."

Hearing that he got the right answer, Cade got nothing to say except his happiness after one of his burden being lifted. But after smiling for a second, he immediately shocked that the man who's standing before him now is the same as the one who serve him in the past. Summary, he thought that the man is a man but it's the opposite.

"You what ?! When and how but why.... tell me about it more." Cade's shocked and curious at the same time. But inside him, there's an anger lingering around the heart.

Hearing those words coming from his mouth with serious tone, that man lowering his face and almost shedding his tears once again. Since the thing he wanted to say was his failure from the past which involves Cade's punishment and his life until this day.

"First thing first... All I wanted to say is I am truly apologize. I'm sorry I'm so sorry that I've...."

"Hey, get a hold yourself. You're today is not you're in the past. Everything changes, whether it's going to be better or even going to be worst. But I believe, you are going to be the better one." Cade then grab the man's shoulder and stare his eyes, "Cause you are my companion and I believe you are the one who is on the right path."

The man then wipe his tears from his face. "Thank you for believe in me."

Cade then somehow relaxed and smiled at him. Seeing people who come back from a despair is the most beautiful thing in his eyes. It makes him could smile and make his day a lot better. Even though, he still didn't know about the mistakes of the man had done in the past.

"Then, would you---"

Before he finished his words, Cade then distracted by a clock in the television. He immediately stand up and prepare to leave the shop. Though he still curious about the problem his college is but the time indicating that he need to go to his next destination.

"No good, I need to hurry. About your story, I'm going to hear what you want to say but I'm not sure when."

"The Tiny Devil.... eh ? It's fine. Do what you must. I'm..... going to wait."

Without seeing his face one more time, Cade immediately leaving the shop and scurry to his next destination, the battle arena. While before him, the man hold his palm tight and trying to not cry anymore. Seeing his captain departure for one more time makes him also remembering that incident one more time.

The man, or the woman, who hasn't tell her name, is slowly regained her long lost remnant of hers started from the eye bones. She started to fight for herself from now and seeing herself one more time in the mirror is her starting point. Somehow, she'll regain what is belong to her after knowing that her former captain is alive.


Just a few minutes before three o'clock. I managed to gather some information from the arena and registering myself for two days from today, exact when The Princess Sword take part in the arena. Making people immediately reluctant to join the battle on that day and wishing to refund their money.

The Princess Sword, his existence is a great influential to every people in the kingdom. Born from the poor family then rise until he could live beside the princess. His achievement were as great as The Tiny Devil herself but the only difference between them is that The Tiny Devil lives in a darkness and The Princess Sword lives in the blinding light. That's why he might be become and an obstacle for The Tiny Devil great plans.

What a sick difference.

Suddenly, my phone ringing. There's a call from Herr Man right after I exit the arena's building. I answer his call then immediately greeting him like I always do. But then, Herr Mann cut my words in a hurry. He's like a kid who's being chased by a dog.

"Danjo ! Calm down and tell me what's going on ?"

"Nera.... is..."

Hearing those hesitate words coming from his call, I immediately hang up the call and locate Nera as soon as possible. But with my incredible instinct, I could locate her everywhere she is around the world and be with her side in no time.

I pass every corner of the capital by running as fast as possible ignoring people preference. But when I arrive right before her, I saw something terrible happen.

Gatto Nera's chest pierced by a naginata blade and hanged in the air.

My emotion are overflowing and I scream as hard as possible. Like I've been absorbed by the ground, I couldn't even a single inches of my rational mind and fight back what makes me gone berserk. Seeing her limp body in the air while bathed in her blood makes me goes into a total anger until I couldn't even know who am I anymore.

My body rushed to the man who stab my dear Gatto Nera. In front of him, there's also a girl around her age holding a twin katana. Realizing that he is the same as us, I immediately struggle to reach my consciousness and hold myself.

As a result, I lost my balance and immediately catch Nera which has been thrown at me purposely so they could escape.

I successfully hold myself before my own body cut her in half. I immediately grab Nera's unconscious body while still filled in anger. Her blood feels so warm in my skin which makes me even angrier.

I screamed once again, I throw my bayonet knife randomly at the sky. And after that, I am crying like I've lost my most precious family.

There's a lot of scar on her body, both of her hand split in two, her chest has been pierced, and I wonder if she could eat like she always had again. Her blood, one and only liquid I don't want to ever in my life now wet my clothes. My tears shed, I am so sorry in depth of my heart and angry at the same time.

I promise you.... I promise to you that I would avenge your pain and never leaving your side again.

To be continued.....