
Dream/Learning 0%

Hello this is my first work but please be gentle and enjoy what I have for you guys... though it'll be amateur hour for you guys. but please either way enjoy it!!! oh and excuse my lack of creativity, I'm new...


"So have you completed your homework Pete?"


"Great, ill be able to-"

I zoned out my childhood friend before she talks about her pets, which usually happens after asking about my homework, and decided to zone on in on one of the class love-birds conversation to pass the time.

"Hey, Lets go out to the Movies after-school. I really wanna see that new movie that's coming out today!"

"Sorry babe, I can't... I still have work at my parent's restaurant today, there's still tons to do before i have a chance to catch a break..."

"Really~, I can help you out if you want, i'm a great helper~!"

"That would really help! After we are done helping my parents, ill be able to take you to the movies tommorow, a maybe even bu...."

I switched my attention to the class geeks after losing interest in the two love bird when they switched topics from the movies to work.

"Hey dude! Have you played the new HAWA game that came out!"

"Yeah! The new *Happiness Awakens; World's Activate* is so fun! Especially with how the way they gave so much freedom to the character skills, It's so fun playing together with my clan mates, it's like the so-called second life that's so awesome in stories!"

"I know, right! Unfortunately I couldn't get it when it first hit the shops, but I'll no doubt be getting one when class ends... But for real, it looks and sounds so good to be true, how did they think of that method to allow neural entrance?"

'It's probably because..."

"Did you hear what I said Pete!?"

"H-Huh wha-?!"

"Why the hell are you zoning out while im talking!"


I felt a book connect with my head leading to me letting out a small groan of pain while i was eavesdropping on the surroundings.

"I'll summarize my main point for now, Will you play HAWA with me to team up?"

"First of all, Oww! Second, HAWA is a dumb na..." I sensed I would be in great danger if I finished saying my second reason to Silvia!

[Doom looms overhead when the senseless toys, with the tiger's cubs. Re-pick your words carefully]

"I-I mean... second, I don't have a VR Diveset cause I can't expect my parents to buy it with how much it costs"

The sense of danger receded

[The enlightened steers to a new road, for the good fate to not discard you yet, Congrats]

"And finally-!'


"It sounds too troublesome to pick a class in the game!"


Silvia looked at me like i was a total dunce.

"You know, you could always just choose the optimize class option and do a small test in order to get the system to find the right class, ya know?"

"Really--? Though why not just use the randomize class option like in other normal RPG's?"

"They do have it, but you have a great chance to get a strong and rare class if you use the optimization test option"

"Is that so?" I tilted my head with no other excuses to make in order to not waste money on a expensive equipment that can only play one game, currently.

"That is so, and about the diveset... I'll get it for you, just make sure to use the optimize. I really wanna see what kind of class you'll get... Most likely a Stealth class though, with how naturally you hide your presence all the time..."

"Hee~ izzatso~ a stealth class, eh?"

"That certain is so... But all in all, just make sure to tell me as soon as you enter the game, I don't want the money i'm spending on you to go waste after all" Sil said while leaning back on her chair looking like she won't take no for a answer.

"'Quiet down kids, homeroom is start--'"

Sil looked at me one last time like a kid which got it's candy it wanted in which case i could only give back a helpless gesture back which satisfied her before she turned around to face the front.

[Thy fate is sealed shut, with a key that leads to disaster if used, Accept your fate]

'haa, I really wonder what main class ill get though... anything's better than math class though, lol'

[Math is the apex of cla--]

'Alright alright, shut it voice'

[The guide shall say no more then, till later the sheepherder says to the lamb]

'ok, ok, just let me pay attention to class in order to not get confused later'


So, the guide is a voice or a system, i'm still deciding. Don't worry though, ill make sure to not screw up too much the story. Please lead me well~!

Shadow_lord689creators' thoughts