
Serum-The Pandemic

This novel tells of an epic journey that must be undertaken by several survivors of humanity in avoiding a dangerous pandemic that has a high chance of becoming a major scale catastrophe in the world. These people have to fight it out in a narrow space whose exit is controlled by a big conspiracy that is not willing to have its interests disturbed. They are trying, with their limitless resources, to thwart every attempt by these survivors to prevent a dangerous pandemic from the Ice Virus and Tropical Bacteria previously trapped in the Arctic ice sheet and primeval forests of the Congo Basin. The story that the protagonists experience here is very gripping. They must avoid infection, escape from the pursuit of ammunition, and deal with various kinds of political intrigue, pharmaceutical intervention, and the pursuit of the world's number one assassin. Will they be able to prevent this deadly pandemic or will they wallow deeper in thriller situations where the stakes are life or death? Or even meet unexpected surprises that make their journey even more filled with thistles and thorns?

mim_yudiarto · Sci-fi
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63 Chs

Chapter 60 Grozny, 43° 18′ 45″ N, 45° 41′ 55″ E Russian Airspace

After waiting for a while and the door had not opened, Andalas knew that the pilot in the cockpit had learned that his two comrades had been caught in the passenger cabin.

They had to prepare for the plan B. The pilots would definitely land the plane at Grozny Airport. The Russian government would not allow OWC to take passengers hostage. There would be an international incident if that happened.

The pilot must have contacted his group on the ground. This was what they must have anticipated. Those hijackers shouldn't be allowed to get on the plane.

"They must have prepared a contingency plan. We have the advantage that none of the hijackers are in the passenger cabin. Their only member is in the cockpit, and he has nowhere to go. We need to keep it that way after landing. Russian troops will definitely not stand still." Andalas tried to analyze the situation in front of his friends and several passengers who had expertise as pilots and technicians.

Akiko frowned. One thing that had been bothering her for some times.

"But what if the pilot was desperate to fly this plane when his group's raid failed in controlling the plane? He could have been reckless by dropping this plane into the sea or crashing it into the hills." Akiko's train of thought made everyone shudder in horror.

"Tell you what. This is our plan A. As soon as the plane lands, our priority is to prevent the hijackers from taking control of the plane. At the same time, passengers who have expertise as aircraft technicians, immediately disable the plane so that it can't fly anymore. I don't know how." Cecilia expressed her opinion.

They didn't have much time left, and instead, were caught in an unexpected situation like this. Far away from Geneva where Doctor Aslan must testify this afternoon before the WHO members who issued the motion of no confidence.

Everyone looked at each other. Then all eyes turned to two middle-aged men who said that they were retired aircraft technicians. One was named Phil and the other Hasan.

The two nodded almost simultaneously.

"We can sabotage this plane, so it can't be flown again once we land in Grozny. But we will need at least 30 minutes. Can you guys defend the plane from the gunmen later to buy some time?"

Andalas replied quickly, "Good! We'll give you as much time as you need."

Akiko looked at Andalas. He knew what Akiko's gaze meant. How are we going to do it? Fully armed troops will rush in. We only have 1 Kaiken and a few cutleries.

Andalas smiled faintly. He had no clue what he would do. But they should not let anyone to lose faith in them and started panicking.

They had their plans drawn up and ready to be executed. Phil and Hasan would be on standby in the lower cabin which had access to the electronic panels in the lower fuselage of the plane.

Andalas whispered to Akiko.

"There are two entrances to this plane. You guard the front. I will guard the rear door." Andalas turned to Cecilia.

"Your part is to calm the passengers. Have them take cover under the seats. Shinji san and Yoshido san, I'm sure you guys can help out?" Andalas also turned to Captain Shinji Akira and First Mate Yoshido.

"All this time we've spent decades living in the rough seas on a ship that almost everyone hates. Don't worry. We'll help you our way." Captain Shinji replied excitedly, followed by a firm nod by First mate Yoshido.

"I'll help you too! I think many of the passengers will help too. Their lives are at risk too. I will invite volunteers who are willing to defend this plane!" A veteran pilot who was previously assigned to take over the plane if Plan A worked, spoke up.

Andalas clenched his fists.

"Alright! You can start recruiting now. We must get ready. Cecilia, can you contact Doctor Aslan? Maybe there's something he can do to help us here?"

Cecilia do not agreed. Doctor Aslan must be busy preparing the agenda for the defense of the motion of no confidence this afternoon. Cecilia wasn't sure if the WHO Director-General could be of much help.

"One more thing. The hijackers must be waiting at the end of the runway. This plane isn't going to the tarmac. So once the wheels touch down, that's when the most defining moments of our lives begin."

Andalas reminded everyone.