
Serpent of Sin

A giant tree poked at the ceiling of the world they knew and changed their view of the world upside down. With the curse of the dead and dangers hidden in the dark. The world moves to a different era or joins in a pre-existing era of the World Arahat. Earth now faced forces of nature and those of invaders. The world as they knew changed for better or worse. The people must cope and learn the new ways. With scheming and conspiracy brewing behind the scenes, the ordinarily lives serve nothing more than cattle.

Eugene_Black · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


An array of systematic buildings, with lots of open space in between. Yes, they were on college grounds.

"Is this the right place?" Vergil asked unsure.

"I was a student here, so yes, we can find what we are looking for," Nora said, her eyes darting from one building to another.

Vergil still had some doubts. why would a college have blood supplies, it was not a hospital.

It was Nora's idea, that the University had a blood storage facility they could use. 'The University does a regular blood donation campaign, all the blood is donated by the students and stored in case of some mishap' is what she had told them.

The university may have them, but finding them was another matter, Vergil thought glancing at his company. They had been walking aimlessly for half an hour. And every minute was critical for Wayne's sake. He had lost too much blood.

"Just admit that your lost, and that you forgot where the blood bank is" Vergil glanced at the demolished building far to his right " We have no time to tally, Wayne may very well die tonight" The grimness in his voice had left no room for rebuttal.

Nora too looked at the crumbled building with agitated eyes, "Sorry"


Worst time, Mark thought eying the three people who had crashed into their hiding place. They didn't bother to ask his permission and made their self home.

And helped themselves with the food he had scourged from the canteen.

Fellow humans help each other. One of them had said while stomaching in the last of the remaining food.

They were older than him, bigger and meaner. He knew he didn't stand a chance against them. He had an ability, yes. But he knew not of how to use it other than for healing.

Katarina being as she was right now was what actually troubled him. He couldn't leave and go out without worrying about her.

"Hey, Mark you said. The canteen you mentioned, do think there still might be some food" One of the three-spoke.

" Yea, some raw rice and vegetables," He said unsure where this was going.

"We were thinking of going there, wanna tag along" The tallest of them spoke glancing outside the window.

"No" The answer had come too quick for the man's taste as he looked offended.

"What? Why, are you worried about the girl? Gen here will stay here and keep watch. We need you to show the way, we don't want to struggle with those creatures only to find we are on the wrong path."

"Yes, you can trust me. Food is our main priority right now, so please help us. We can share and help each other out" Gen's voice was high. Like he was excited about something, And mark didn't like it one bit.

Mark turned to look at Katarina who was weakly tugging at the corner of his shirt. And now he knew where this was going. They were eying her from the get-go. With him out of the way, they could do whatever they wished on the helpless crippled girl.

"No" This time Mark's voice held a firmness " I can tell you the way, but I will not accompany you"

"Then it can't be helped, you choice, your consequence," The tall man said facing him. Looking at the man's eyes, Mark felt a dire need to do something. But before he could. The third man held Katarina's arm and yanked her away from Mark's side.

Ahhh..nooo. Katarina's desperate plea pulled Mark into action. He punched at the man who held Katarina. But he was brutally pulled off and he hit the ground. The tall man savagely pressed his knees on Mark's Chest.

Mark groaned at the pressure. Air had abandoned him. He heard Katarina's pained scream, he struggled to open his eyes to look.

Gen had taken the third man's place, while turning her to face the wall he broke her arm.

"What!" Gen called in surprise but didn't stop. During the chaos that erupted, Katarina was crushed under the boots of the panicked men. Most of her bones were broken and solely jointed and healing due to Mark's ability.

'Overhaul' was not particularly meant to heal, it was meant to deconstruct and reconstruct. Thus it brought enormous pain to the one he used upon. He healed her slowly, joining her broken bones and letting her body do the rest.

Now her fragile body was being handled carelessly and roughly without consequences. Her silent sob wretched Mark's heart.

Gen's right hand went under Katarina's skirt and yanked her thin garment down.

Katarina wiggled and sobbed, but every action caused pain from her ready-to-break body. Just plain acceptance would make her less hurt but she didn't give up.

Seeing her struggle, Mark blanked out, his body moved on its own. His last uncontrollable attempt, but the knees pushed him harder, breaking his ribs.

Mark screamed in indignation. But a ruthless punch caved his nose in an attempt to silence him, lest his screams attract the roaming undead.

"Hey, pretty thing going on here" in his fading consciousness he heard a voice near the door.

The tall man looked at the newcomer "Get lost before.."

The man's word got cut short as a long blade slid across his neck.

Mark watched the headless man now falling to his side. The man's blood was all over his face, and air found its way back to his groaning chest.

Gen and the third man looked at their direction, bafflement across their faces.

The man who killed the tall guy looked no older than Mark, he strode to the two and swung his blade. They tried to avoid, but unarmed as they were, helpless, they fell cold.

Mark rushed near Katarina, her shirt torn and her panties pulled till her knees. She hugged him tightly for comfort and he reciprocated gently.

The man watched unmoving. After a time Mark and Katarina glanced a weary look at him.

Though he killed three people, he didn't look cold as he expected. Rather he looked at them with a small relieved smile.

They heard hurried footsteps, and from the door a woman entered. She gave a glance at the dissembled bodies and with a look of accuse and helplessness "Why!!!" With her hands on her mouth, that was all she could voice out.

Sorry for the delay, but I had to brainstorm how I wanted to move the story.

Eugene_Blackcreators' thoughts