
Serpent of Sin

A giant tree poked at the ceiling of the world they knew and changed their view of the world upside down. With the curse of the dead and dangers hidden in the dark. The world moves to a different era or joins in a pre-existing era of the World Arahat. Earth now faced forces of nature and those of invaders. The world as they knew changed for better or worse. The people must cope and learn the new ways. With scheming and conspiracy brewing behind the scenes, the ordinarily lives serve nothing more than cattle.

Eugene_Black · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Hacking his way through, Vergil felt his sword grow heavier in his hands. The blood on his hands started to weigh his mind down.

Still, he kept plowing through the fields of flesh. with each body down the closer he got. till he reached the shadow once again.

But then he saw his vision slowing, slowed till time halted and reality churned like a ruined oil painting.


The sun towered over a hill on its way down. Where a man kneeled listlessly. His face told untold tragedies, of both grief and sorrow.

Broken bones and a broken heart. His eyes dully looked at what seemed a mockery of death.

still, the man couldn't fully grasp the form of the one in front of him.

" So you accept?" The chilling mocking tone spoke.


"hehehehehheheheheh" The being cackled wildly.

The scene changed,

A wide-scale war spread as far as one's eyes could see. The song of steel and fire engulfed the battlefield, threatening anyone to carry them with their rhythm of chaos.

Men bled and died, some in screams, joy, and some like squished ducks. And in between them, a man moved in resonance with the song. Bringing his already bloody soaked twin sword down to his enemies.

His defense laid bare, soaked in the blood of his enemies and himself. Torn, the man moved in tandem with the song. Through him, the melody of carnage found its way to spread thick and dark till only he remained on the battlefield.

Resting on his swords, hunched and worn. Blood glimmered on his pale face. His injuries closed rapidly till no sign to indicate his wounds remained.

A brief look at the carnage, The crows feasting on the sea of delicacies. brothers carrying their fallen, for what remained of them.

Vergil saw it all, experienced it all. For he saw through the man, felt, touched, breathed the same air of fire and rotting blood.

And despaired as he would have to rise again, for he must adhere to his contract. He looked up to the grey sky, closed his heavy eyes, and let his dead emotions take a demonic growl that announced the beginning of another battle...

The beastly growl froze up the surroundings, Vergil brought his sword down against the shadow. And a voice echoed inside his blank mind.

[You are worthy to be a Champion.

You have Gained the ability- ...]

But his attention diverted to the same cackle he heard in his dream.

"No...not a dream...but a memory of the slayer" he mumbled dryly. The memory affected him on various levels, as he lived through it.


Vergil took his time to get up. looking around he saw both Hector and Nora unconscious. He stood there, thinking about what had happened.

Hector and Nora had been killing the people embedded on the dark wall.

"Their effort paid off" he concluded " Will they live the same knowing that their survival was earned through the innocent lives they took"

He didn't know the answer. But he knew he would be the same. For he was numb to slaughter, a numbness that would take long to heal but would leave a ghastly scar.

The laughter echoed loudly now, he heard it, the sickening laughter of that being and he didn't like it one bit. For whatever it was, it was watching him with a mocking grin.

The dark pillars began to crumble, but the bodies didn't pile up as he thought they would. The flesh disintegrated and the bones attracted each other like magnets.

Slowly shaping itself into various skeletal figures. But every one of them looked comical in their way.

One with warrior armor wearing a witch's hat another a scrawny build figure stretching his hand high in the air.

But one thing was common among them, their gazes were on Vergil. Scrutinizing him up and down.

A chill shiver went through him. He hastily dragged Hector and Nora who wouldn't wake no matter his efforts. With Hector on his shoulders and Nora in his arms, he climbed up and left without looking back.


Carrying both of them, Vergil came out of the dark underground. The morning sunlight finally hit him, washing over his weary emotions. He laid Hector and Nora down against a wall. And finally allowed himself to slump down.

What happened down there was chaotic, and left him confused and left him with questions. Who was the slayer? Why he was given the slayer's shard? Why was he the only one able to deal damage to the shadow? Who was the being that appeared in the slayer's memory?

"I'm changing" He confirmed to himself. The slayer's shard and his memory he just suffered. It was drastically changing him into something unknown to himself and it scared him.

"I am Vergil...just Vergil" He affirmed, trying to take control of his aching mind.

With a sigh, Vergil looked down at the mysterious screen.

Name - Vergil

Race - Human

Stage - Kindled

Ability - Snatch

Attributes - [Slayer] [Limit Breaker] [Formless] [Perception]

Skills - None.

A bit short chapter cause I'm sleepy...lol

Eugene_Blackcreators' thoughts