
Serpent of Sin

A giant tree poked at the ceiling of the world they knew and changed their view of the world upside down. With the curse of the dead and dangers hidden in the dark. The world moves to a different era or joins in a pre-existing era of the World Arahat. Earth now faced forces of nature and those of invaders. The world as they knew changed for better or worse. The people must cope and learn the new ways. With scheming and conspiracy brewing behind the scenes, the ordinarily lives serve nothing more than cattle.

Eugene_Black · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Eclipse (2)

" Heyyy...is there some meat left," Wayne asked.

" No, we ate it all yesterday remember" Hector answered.

"uhh...I want to eat it again" Wayne grumbled.

It was 11 in the morning and the three friends were hungry once again. It was just too hard to live in the outskirts, food was scarce, and just living was just too hard.

Virgil came inside the room where Hector and Wayne were there, with a bag. "Here" He took out

a bread that was the size of a fist and threw them each.

"This for breakfast!!" Wayne asked.

" What?! you have anything better " Virgil asked with a brow raised. He had searched for a long time looking for someone to sell food. And three loaves of bread was all he got.

" No!! it just doesn't seem appetizing...after eating actual meat" Wayne muttered.

Vergil had to agree on that. even he didn't like eating bread right now and not to mention it wouldn't even fill his stomach. But he didn't have a choice did he? It was not like could sneak inside the city and steal food. well, he did it sometimes when they had no other choice. But right now they were not in such a situation hence Vergil didn't think of that option.

People from the outskirts try to steal but most get caught and suffer severe consequences. So earning from hard work was better, at least they get enough money to buy some food.

People in the outskirts of the city were people who couldn't afford the expenses of the city. So they had to move out. But they still had to get some menial job to earn enough money. But not all were lucky enough to get one.

Most people died out of hunger or were stabbed by another for a piece of bread. some joined together to survive, and some stayed separate like Virgil and the rest.

"Hmm...Hey didn't it become dark all of a sudden!!?" Hector pointed out.

And indeed the surroundings became dark, It looked like it was almost about time for sunset. But it was still in the morning. Virgil, Hector, and Wayne got near the window and looked out. When they did it gave them some dark shivers.

" It's an eclipse," Wayne said.

" But why does it feels so sinister" Hector exclaimed. Virgil didn't have any answers but he remembered last night's events which he happily ignored till now. The man's words strangely echoed in his mind. And then the ground trembled a bit and then it grew harder...

" It's an earthquake, quick get out of the house" Virgil warned and all three quickly got out of the house.

When they came out, their mouth hang open seeing the scene.

From somewhere in the main city, a gigantic blue glowing tree?? grew at an unbelievable pace. it soon outgrew the city's tallest skyscrapers and still, it didn't stop!!. It went up and up till it reached the clouds and seemingly ethereal branches of the tree pierced the sky and spread throughout like roots. The tree looked majestic and oppressive, at least that's what it looked to Virgil.

" Woooh!!! what in the world is that" Hector asked, he looked completely bewildered and Wayne was just too stupefied to speak. Virgil himself was in the same condition. What was happening didn't make any sense at all, and no science could explain what was that, he was sure of that.

After the initial shock, Virgil was first to recover.

" Hey, how about we check it out?"

"... Of course we are... probably everyone in the outskirts would do too... after all it's just too..." Hector did not have any words to describe hence he got silent then, just staring at the tree in awe.

All his thoughts were practically stagnated looking at the tree. He wanted to see this thing up close. so, Virgil, Hector, and Wayne ran to the city.

Along the way, they could see other people who were similarly eager to go to the city, and others just dumbly staring at the huge all-encompassing tree.

While running, Virgil heard a familiar sound of something ripping. A sound he had heard five years ago when he lost his family.

Just around the corner of the street at the front... something huge appeared. It was as huge as a three-story building. It had sharp eight legs, its body covered in yellow metal type armor for body.

It somewhat looked like the spider they encountered yesterday but the only difference was that it was much...much bigger.

Virgil suddenly stopped, causing him to skid a little before stopping completely. Without a word to the other. Vergil, Hector, and Wayne ran back as fast as they could. They could hear the steps of the giant.

They quickly took cover in the building and peeked. The huge monster didn't notice them and seemed to head towards the city?. But why? But in the first place, What was that!!!?

No one spoke for some time.

" Are we still going to the city?" Wayne asked doubtfully.

" After seeing that...definitely yes!!" Virgil answered in some excitement. All that was happening was straight out of a fantasy. Who could have thought they would see some creature as big as a dinosaur in real life!.

" And it would be safe for us inside the city, than here. We already encountered those spiders and now this. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow these monsters were crawling everywhere. It would be relatively safe inside the city where the military can protect us." This time Vergil spoke in somber and logically.

" Agreed, it's better to head to city. Even though the monster seems to head there too, we can understand the situation better in the city. the media must be going crazy by now!!" Hector was in agreement with the idea. Wayne didn't had anything to say so he kept quiet and followed them.

Making sure the giant spider left they took an alternate path, just in case to avoid meeting the monster. The route was relatively easy and they jogged all the way till the city gates without any strange encounters.