
Serpent of Sin

A giant tree poked at the ceiling of the world they knew and changed their view of the world upside down. With the curse of the dead and dangers hidden in the dark. The world moves to a different era or joins in a pre-existing era of the World Arahat. Earth now faced forces of nature and those of invaders. The world as they knew changed for better or worse. The people must cope and learn the new ways. With scheming and conspiracy brewing behind the scenes, the ordinarily lives serve nothing more than cattle.

Eugene_Black · Fantasy
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19 Chs


Thick Black threads attached themselves from the floor to the underground ceiling like pillars of dark Granite, And in it faces of the people submerged in its making hung like a grand decorative ornament.

Some only faces, some hands, and legs stretch out of the dark woven pillar. It was a pillar of profanity, pillars of degenerate flesh.

There were thousands of them, thousands embedded in the black tower woven out of threads.

Vergil's heart was gripped by unseen hands, lungs forgot their purpose. eyes wide he stared at the unending fleshy sprouts.

"by the gods!!" he murmured.

What ever intentions he had coming here and whatever his expectations got eviscerated out of him.

The human sprouts made no sound, eyes closed, breathing and alive but yet not.

He heard a thump behind him. Nora had fallen on her butt, her eyes wide with a face pale as snow she froze unable to look anywhere else.

Hector probably unable to even freeze. All three with various expressions soon found their eyes going dark and shut.


"For god's sake why are you doing this!" The woman sounded desperate on the phone. Her eyes teary and her voice breaking which probably was going to be a wail of loss.

After a few moments, the woman who looked barely past her twenties fell on the floor sobbing, her tears ran down unending.

All this was playing in the crystal innocent eyes of a twelve-year girl. She fretted not knowing how to comfort her mom. chocolate? ice cream in the fridge? Not knowing what to do, she came near the woman and tugged her long skirt to grab her attention.

" It's okay mommy, don't worry I'm here," she said in a soft angelic voice but it was ruthlessly changed as he got pushed hard on the floor.

"Don't touch me you little gobbler" she screamed.

The girl felt her head spinning, she cried like she ought to, but all she got was a tight slap on her right cheek that made her hit the floor again.

"Shut up" Her mother ordered fiercely " don't ever come near me like that, your face is an exact copy of your damn father"

Without giving another glance at the girl the woman walked out of the room. leaving Nora with red swollen cheeks and tears streaming down.

"Mommy!!!" And all could she could do was cry with a mixture of pained sadness and yearning for attention. But no one answered her call.

Years passed by and the little girl grew up, from a weak crying girl, she toughened up, went to college and worked hard, and got a job.

Eventually, on the way, her mother had forgotten about her husband and tries to mend her mistakes. Make up for her unjust harshness on her daughter.

Whatever life threw at the little girl faced head on and life bloomed as it went on...


The room was dark and reeked of rotten air. Dim red lights illuminated the room, showing half of the crooked face that the small boy watched curiously.

"So, 50 coins and that's all I can offer" the man with a crooked face spoke.

"Uh...fine!! pay me now and he's yours" the man beside the small boy said

The boy suddenly shifted his face towards his father. He was old enough to understand and know what was happening.

But he stayed silent and said nothing in fear that his father might beat him again. The fear was etched deeply into him now, fathers words were order's from the gods and his beatings just, even though he didn't know what he did wrong.

And just like that, the boy got sold to some shady man. He was made to travel squeezed in a small box, like many others.

He was in a factory far away from the heated crowds could ever see. Without proper food, he grew thinner and weaker than he already was.

He was made to work, like other children that had been sold just like him. Dull eyes cast on life, they worked hard for one meal a day.

The people there would beat him for silly reasons, and by God's grace, they beat not as hard as father, so that he may work tomorrow.

But in this close darkness, there was light, a friend.

He showered light once again on the damp and dark well he called eyes.

Over time they became closer as brothers, time had passed. old enough to put up a fight against an adult if they joined together.

And after a lot of struggle, they escaped from their cage and fled to the wild. The wilderness called the outskirts where no sense of law stood.

But it mattered not as he had someone to bear his burdens.

For him, his desolate plain life was shaken up and transformed by a storm. The storm named Vergil.

And so life went on.


Black threads began to envelop the three youths. who had their eyes closed and had wandered into their dreams. Dreams with the promise of a better future.

And behind them, a mass of shadow rose. The figure covered in a black curtain. it had no shape, no eyes, and no noticeable feature. Just a mass of darkness hovered above Vergil, Hector and Nora.