
Chapter 2: Harry was an idiot and Fenrir won’t let him forget it, Dark has also been given to much freedom

I didn't think Harry could get any stupider, until I heard he flew a car into the Whomping Willow. I only knew that because Madam Pomfrey had summoned me to help her check them over, which led to me glaring at Harry as Madam Pomfrey handled Ron.

"You are an idiot," I told him bluntly, not even bothering to pretend to be worried. I glared for a second more before pulling out my wand to check him for injuries. Seeing none, I whacked his head. "Think next time," I scolded, crossing my arms. Before I could move onto Ron, Milo came in.

"Madam Pomfrey, the twins-"

Before Milo could finish, she was gone, leaving the four of us alone.

"So, Milo," I began, "I just wanted to apologize for last year"

Silence filled the room, as Ron looked at me as if I did something unusual. It was quiet for a few moments before Milo replied.

"Apology accepted… 2 months ago."

I looked at him, processing what he said before scowling. "You let me suffer through the summer then!" I accused, very much offended.

It was that moment that Ron decided to speak up. "Since when do you apologize?" He asked.

I looked at him in shock. "I've apologized twice last year! It's not that rare!" I protested.

He looked at me in suspicion before scoffing. "You're just like your brother I bet, never apologizing unless it benefits you." Ron glared harshly as he said that.

I couldn't help but be hurt by what he said. I looked at Harry to be greeted with a guilty look. "I hate you guys," I finally whispered before leaving the room.


I decided not to go to the common room that night and settled in for a night in the astronomy tower. It wasn't until around midnight that I realized Felis wasn't with me. Getting up, I grabbed my bag, accidentally tipping it over, spilling everything. I started to pick things up before my eyes landed on the black book. I sat down and grabbed a self-inking quill.

«What's up Tommy?»

§You are… annoying…§

I laughed at its response, fully amused until I remembered what I was supposed to do. Closing the book, I finished picking up my stuff. Making sure this time it was secure, I set off the find my wandering cat.

It didn't take long, as he was with Mrs. Norris.

I sighed then made my way to the common room. "Wattlebird," I told the Fat Lady.

Huffing, she let me in.

I rolled my eyes and climbed in. After I entered the common room, I sat on one of the chairs. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

My peace didn't last long, as I heard chatter fill the room. It was quiet chatter, but it woke me nonetheless.

I remained still though, pretending to be still sleeping. I didn't want to interact with anyone, especially not after hearing my supposed friends' real feelings for me.

The chatter was mundane, all things considered, talking about which classes were going to be the best this year and whatnot.

I was about ready to get up again when I heard my name being softly spoken.

"You probably shouldn't have been so mean to Fenrir," Hermione tutted.

"Who cares?" Ron grumbled in annoyance, "He said he hates us, and we hate him."

Harry remained silent on the subject.

Of course, Hermione also didn't argue Ron's point, and it only confirmed to me that my friends didn't actually like me.

I just wanted to disappear then. I didn't want to deal with those false friends anymore. I thought I had gotten past my friends talking behind my back when I made it into Gryffindor, but I was wrong.

The common room soon cleared out, leaving me alone.

I opened my eyes and stood up, getting changed before heading down to the Great Hall, where I decided that sitting on my lonesome would suit me just fine. I ate quietly, hoping to just disappear into the background.