
Series of One-Shots That Might Become Their Own Series.

Just some shit to write when I'm being a lazy bastard and not writing chapters for my current stories out right now.

CaptainBoyHole · Action
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108 Chs

Proficiency System: Hyuga Hinata!

"Hinata-sama, where do you think you're going?" Ko, her caretaker, questioned her, just on her way out of the Hyuga Compound.

"I finished my training this morning." Hinata pressed her fingers together.

"You are the heiress to the esteemed Hyuga Clan. A heiress cannot just be out and about like any sort of hooligan on the street. If you have finished your training, that must mean you have more time to spend with members of the main family." Ko lectured.

"..." Hinata averted her gaze before dashing out of the entrance of the gate, turning to the left and out of sight.

"Hinata-sama!?" Ko exclaimed in surprise at her brazenness to act like this.

Ko rushed to chase after the heiress of the Hyuga Clan, turning in the same direction she turned to. Only to receive a surprise Gentle Fist palm blow to the chest. Unprepared, Ko could only take this unexpected attack. As he dropped to his knees with his heart erratically thumping with severe pain, he looked at Lady Hinata's sorrow-filled eyes with confusion. When did she get so strong…?

"I'm sorry. I've done my duties as heiress. Please don't overburden me." She softly and politely told him as he started to blackout.

[Achievement unlocked: Defeat a Jonin as an Academy Student! Reward obtained: Tenseigan]

Hinata rubbed her eyes with the back of her forearm as she went looking for Naruto-kun. They were itchy for some reason. However, she didn't let that stop her as she activated her clan's infamous ocular jutsu to search for Naruto-kun. It took several minutes until she found the lonely but bright boy.

"You can't play with us!" A boy yelled at Naruto.

"Why not?! It's just playing ninja. What's the big deal?" Naruto responded back.

"Our parents told us not to play with you, or we'll get in trouble!" They replied.

"Your parent are big jerks! I didn't do anything wrong!" Naruto shouted.

"Don't talk about our parents that way!" Tensions were rising.

Naruto stuck his tongue out at the group of boys, which angered them. They rushed him and started beating him up. Naruto didn't take it lying down, though. He gave it as good as he could. Even though he was outnumbered, he didn't give up. There was even a smile on his face while he was fighting for some reason.

Hinata's cheeks turned red as she admired Naruto's heroic image. The bravery, courage, and determination to keep going no matter what. Even when the odds were stacked against him, he didn't let it get to him for long. He was amazing…

The Hyuga heiress fiercely rubbed her eyes while continuing to idolize Naruto. She groaned in irritation while rubbing her eyes before deactivating her Byakugan. However, that didn't stop the itching. Hinata softly cried out as even closing her eyes wasn't enough. Clutching her eyes with her palms, she continued to rub, rub, and rub some more until the itching went away.

Tears began to flow as she realized something was wrong with her eyes, and she didn't know how to get back home. So, she sat crying while rubbing her eyes in the snow. It was only when she heard the sound of someone's footsteps in the snow that she turned to them.

"You again? Why are you always crying?" Naruto-kun's voice flowed in her ears.

Hinata's cheeks fiercely blushed as he grabbed her hands and looked directly into her eyes. "Wow, your eyes are pretty for a crybaby." He softly blew into them to try and help. Hinata felt blood rushing to her head as she saw the wounds lining Naruto-kun's body.

"Hey! What's wrong?! Why are you getting sleepy?! Weren't you crying?! What the heck!?" Naruto-kun frantically called out to her as everything went black.

Hinata thought, maybe this wasn't so bad… Naruto-kun thought her eyes were pretty instead of creepy…

"Hinata. Your behavior the other day was inexcusable." Hiashi lectured her with his regularly stern voice.

"Yes, Father." Hinata didn't disagree with him because she didn't want to.

"As punishment, you will not be allowed to leave the Clan Compound until I say so."

"Yes, Father." Hinata continued to bow.

"Now, let's begin today's training. You've rested long enough if you had to be brought back by that child of all people. Do not let me see you near that boy again. Do you hear me, Hinata?" Hiashi looked down at her.

"Yes, Father." Hinata played the dutiful heiress.

Hinata channeled her inner emotions as she sparred with her father. Naruto-kun didn't do anything wrong, but everyone treats him so badly. She didn't understand it. He looked no different from everyone else except for those squiggly lines on his stomach.

[Gentle Fist Proficiency +46 points!]

[Gentle Fist Body Blow Proficiency +25 points!]

[Chakra Control Proficiency +75 points!]

[Byakugan Proficiency +5 points!]

"Enough. Come here." Hiashi ordered after knocking her down.

He crouched down and looked into her Byakugan. It felt different somehow… "Hinata, what happened to your eyes?" He commanded her to tell him.

"They were itchy, and then after N-Naruto-kun helped me, they weren't itchy anymore…" Hinata answered.

Hiashi frowned at hearing this. "Can you see fine? Is there anything different about them?" He questioned. Hinata shook her head. "Everything is normal, Father." She could see even better than she could before while her control over her chakra had become better too.

"Hmm…" Hiashi activated his Byakugan and stared at Hinata's eyes and body.

He found nothing wrong with her. "Very well, you're excused."

"Yes, Father." Hinata bowed as she made her way out of the room.

Host: Hyuga Hinata

Age: 5

Rank: Academy Student

Skills: Gentle Fist D (0/1000), Ninjutsu F (0/10), Chakra Control D (0/1000), Shurikenjutsu F (0/10), Gentle Fist Body Blow E (25/100),

Unique Skills: Byakugan E (5/100), Tenseigan F (0/10)

Equipment: None

Hinata promptly ignored her father as she went to their clan's medical storage. She kindly requested some medicine to heal with injuries after training. As the heiress, none of the clan members doubted her and handed her a small jar of ointment. Hinata thanked them with a small smile on her face and bowed before leaving.

The Hyuga Heiress wasted no time in immediately leaving the clan grounds, activating her Byakugan, and searching for Naruto. Ko was still healing from her blow the other day, so she had no one watching over her as she left. In only a matter of minutes, Hinata found that familiar figure of orange inside an apartment building. So, this was where Naruto-kun lived… It seemed so lonely…

Hinata snuck her way up the steps, left the medicine in front of the door, knocked on the door, and then rapidly ran away to a proper hiding spot. She made sure to knock loudly so that her efforts wouldn't be wasted. When she made it to a good hiding spot, she saw Naruto-kun opening the door, excitedly wondering who was knocking on his door.

'Sorry, Naruto-kun… I'm not brave enough just yet…' She apologized in her heart.

Naruto looked around to see who knocked on his door before nearly stumbling over her jar of medicine. Hinata covered her mouth to stifle the sound of her giggling as Naruto shouted while almost falling. He picked up the medicine and was about to throw it out of anger, to Hinata's shock, before reading the words on the jar. She let out a relieved breath of air when he decided not to throw it. He walked back inside and began applying the ointment to his bruises from yesterday.

Hinata covered her eyes when he started taking off his clothes to reach hard-to-reach spots, and she ran away while blushing. She accomplished her mission for today. Any more would be doing too much… When she returned to the clan grounds, she was met with her father's furious expression.

"You deliberately disobeyed me?" He questioned, confused that she had the gall.

"Yes, Father." Hinata twiddled her fingers.

"Explain yourself." He demanded.

"I-I couldn't be rude to the person who helped me. I had to pay him back." Hinata explained herself.

"Did you pay him back?" Hiashi asked.

"Yes, Father," Hinata told a half-truth. She paid Naruto-kun back for bringing her home again but not for everything else.

"I suppose I was too lenient on you earlier during training if you had enough energy left to deceive me and sneak out. Your training shall be increased as punishment. I want to see how you'll sneak out then." Hiashi decided. "Follow me." He ordered.

"Y-Yes, Father…" Hinata softly responded.

After giving Naruto-kun medicine that day, she rarely, if ever, had the opportunity to follow him around again. The only times she could watch over Naruto-kun was at the Academy. This wasn't so bad, in Hinata's opinion. It couldn't compare to watching him for several hours until dark. It was still a good amount to watch him act his usual self.

However, Hinata's father stayed true to his word. Hiashi personally escorted her to the Academy and from the Academy. Leaving her no time to see what Naruto-kun was doing outside of school. Hinata would be trained from evening to late at night. She would be put up against multiple Hyuga Clan members in succession. Regardless if she won or lost, she would need to prepare to face off against the next opponent until it was her bedtime or she was too injured to continue.

Hinata learned all that she could under the fierce teachings of her father while she attended the Academy. It bothered her. It bothered her a lot. It severely cut into the time that she could spend with Naruto-kun. So, she began to act out in her own way.

She started to ruthlessly injure everyone who was sent to spar against her. All this time, she was holding back to be kind to them. But has anyone been kind to her? Well, her little sister, Hanabi, was, but she didn't count. Hinata didn't hold back and left those that regularly sparred with her in horrible conditions. While this initially lowered the number of spars she had to do, her father didn't hesitate to ruin her plan immediately by including older and stronger people to face against. As an Academy Student, Hinata faced genin, chunin, and even jonin as she neared graduation.

By the time graduation came, Hyuga Hinata became the pride of the entire Hyuga Clan because of her prodigious talent.

[Achievement unlocked: Defeat a Genin as an Academy Student! Reward obtained: Fire Release Mastery]

[Achievement unlocked: Defeat a Chunin as an Academy Student! Reward obtained: Juinjutsu Mastery]

[Achievement unlocked: Become a member of the Anbu! Reward obtained: Medical Ninjutsu Mastery]

Host: Hyuga Hinata

Age: 12

Rank: Anbu

Skills: Gentle Fist A (25,000/1,000,000), Ninjutsu B (82/100,000), Chakra Control A (0/1,000,000), Shurikenjutsu C (37/10,000), Gentle Fist Body Blow A (11/1,000,000), Fire Release B (243/100,000), Juinjutsu D (911/1,000), Healing Jutsu B (10,000/100,000), Chakra Scalpel C (12/10,000), Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms B (32/100,000), Rotation C (786/10,000), Eight Trigrams Air Palm C (361/10,000), Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists F (1/10)

Unique Skills: Byakugan A (2/1,000,000), Tenseigan F (0/10)

Equipment: None

This is part of The Proficiency System Across the Animeverse!

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